Famous or InFamous (KDA x Mal...

By PrimeJ13

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The story of a young introverted college student who meets new people, comes out of his shell and kicks ass... More

Meet the main characters
Chapter 1: Back to school
Chapter 2: Opening up and a reunion
Chapter 3: Shopping and a chase
Chapter 4: Tension
Chapter 5: Investigation, Confrontation, Revelation
Chapter 6: Collaboration
Chapter 7: All I want for Christmas is you
Chapter 8: Identity revealed
Chapter 10: Stalker alert
Chapter 11: Loss
Chapter 12: Games
Chapter 13: All good things come to an end
Chapter 14: Prison life
Chapter 15: Freedom
Chapter 16: Lovers quarrel
Chapter 17: Flight
Chapter 18: Relaxation
Chapter 19 Concert and Complications
Chapter 20: Marriage and going public

Chapter 9: Dark side

1.7K 43 16
By PrimeJ13

Friday, january 1st 2020 9am

I woke up and saw that the only one still in my bed was Ahri. She was laying fully on my chest with her head in the crook of my neck. Her tails were still wrapped around us and she was just in her underwear. She was breathing softly. I tried shaking her only to find out that she was already awake.

Ahri: Morning.

Joe: Morning. Where are the others?

She cuddled deeper into my neck, letting out a soft yawn, before asking in a sarcastic tone.

Ahri: Why don't you just focus on me babe?

Joe: Just curious to know where they are.

Ahri: Well, Kai'sa is helping your mom make breakfast and Eve is probably drinking coffee downstairs. They're trying to calm your mom down for when you get down there. And Akali is-

Before she could finish the sentence she was interrupted by Akali vomiting in the bathroom.

Ahri: -having a date with the toilet.

Akali: I heard that! BLERGH!

I stood up and walked over to the bathroom to see Akali hunched over the toilet.

Joe: You okay?

Akali: Do I look like I'm okay?

Joe: Shouldn't have had so many drinks then.

Akali: I know. Go downstairs, I'll meet you there when I'm done here.

I got out of the bathroom to see Ahri had left, so I got dressed and headed out. On the way down Ahri joined me and we went to the kitchen. Mom and Kai'sa were eating breakfast and Eve just enjoyed a cup of coffee.

Joe/Ahri: Morning.

Kai'sa waved.

Evelynn: Morning darling~, Ahri.

Lilith: Good morning you two. Where's Akali?

Joe: Having a date with the toilet.

Lilith: This is exactly why I didn't want you to drink.

Joe: I didn't have any troubles getting up, nor did I rush to the bathroom.

Lilith: Not the point. What if you get into an accident next time?

Joe: I'd probably be fine except for a few bruises. I heal fast, remember?

Lilith: Yes, you might walk away from the crash, but someone else probably won't. Take these girls for example. They don't heal at your rate. One injury is all it takes to end their careers or worse, lives. If you had picked up your phone when I called you and just told me that you had a couple of drinks, I would've come pick you up. Or just let Evelynn drive you all home and get your car the next day.

I looked down and let out a sigh.

Joe: You're right, I'm sorry.

Lilith: At least you know you did something wrong. At what time are you leaving?

I looked at the girls.

Evelynn: How about we wait until Akali can suppress the urge to vomit. Then we'll head out.

So we all started packing again....with me packing Akali's bag. After packing the girls and I were in the living room waiting for Akali. After 20 minutes she came downstairs.

Akali: Morning, sorry I'm late.

Evelynn: Took you long enough.

Akali: I know...next time I won't drink so much.

Ahri: You say that every time.

Akali: I know, I know.

Joe: Come on let's just go.

We said our goodbyes and headed to the garage.

Akali: Babe? I don't think I can drive.

I sigh knowing this was gonna be a long ride.

Joe: I know. I'll drive.

Akali: Thanks.

She kissed my cheek and got in the car. I got on the motorcycle and we rode off.

Timeskip 8 hours

After an eventful drive we were back at college. We parked the car and bike and headed into the lounge where we saw Ekko chilling. He came over and we high fived each other.

Ekko: Hey guys, what's up?

Joe: Not much, how've you been?

Ekko: All good here bro, working on some new lyrics for a solo song.

Joe: Nice.

So we all just talked about music and ordered food, before we all went to bed.

Saturday, 9th of january 2020

It's been a week since we came back from my parents home. The girls and I were sitting in the lounge when Ekko and Yasuo came through the door.

Ekko: Ey Joe my brother!! What's crackin?

Joe: Not much, just chillin. How's it goin? Hey Yas!

Yasuo nodded in greeting and Ekko came over for our secret handshake.

Ekko: Ladies how you doin?

Akali: Sup Ekko?

Ekko looked to me.

Ekko: Yo bro, got any plans tonight?

Joe: Not really.

Ekko: Ey I know that new bar in the city, wanna come with us?

Joe: Sure. Let's go.

I got up and we went to the door.

Ahri: What about us?

Akali: Yeah, can we come too?

Yasuo: Uhm...sorry, but we kinda...

Ekko: We kinda just wanted it to be a guys night y'know?

The girls did not look happy about that statement.

Evelynn: Joe....

Joe: Relax. We're just gonna get a few drinks. I'll be back before you know it.

Ekko: Aight, let's go.

So we left the dorm and headed to the bar.

Joe: So is it just us three or is someone else coming?

Ekko: Well, we got Qiyana, Senna and Lucian waiting for us. Oh and a friend of Lucian is there too.

Joe: Senna and Qiyana? You said this was a guys night!

Ekko: I lied, but there was no other way to get the girls of your tail. We got to get you some new friends bro, get you some freedom.

Let's just hope nothing goes wrong.

Joe: Fine.

After 10 minutes of walking we arrived at a pirate themed building. We headed inside and it was a pirate bar. Anchors and swords and rope and pirate flags all around.

Qiyana: Hey guys! Over here!

We looked over and saw Qiyana, Senna and Lucian along with another guy with black hair, must be Lucians friend. Yas and Ekko sat next to the new guy, while I just sat down next to Qiyana.

Qiyana: Hey JJ, how's it going?

Joe: Pretty good. How about you QiQi?

We then did our own handshake, before I greeted Senna and Lucian.

Joe: Senna, Luce, how are you two?

Senna: Good, thanks for asking.

Lucian: All's good here kid. Oh! This is my friend Sean.

The new guy...I mean Sean and I looked at each other, before nodding and shaking hands.

Sean: Nice to meet you kid.

Joe: Pleasure is mine.

A waiter then came up to us and we ordered our drinks. It was an awesome time with most of true damage and Sean. Just wish the girls were here too. Qiyana was really affectionate today, must be the alcohol. New thing I found out is that Yasuo is quite talkative when he drinks. I then noticed that my drink was empty so I headed to the bar.

Bartender: What can I get ya?

Joe: Gin and tonic with extra gin.

Qiyana then hugged me out of nowhere.

Qiyana: Hey JJ, what's taking you so long? Come on join us!

Bartender: Here you go kid.

I grabbed my drink and then Ekko ran up to us with his phone in hand.

Ekko: Smile!

He took a selfie of the three of us. While I was sipping my drink then Qiyana stole my drink and took a sip right as Ekko took another picture. She then let's go of me.

Qiyana: Bleh! Too much gin.

I tried to grab Ekko's phone, but he was already off.

Joe: Ekko, delete that picture!

Ekko: Relax man, there's no harm in a little picture.

He's right. What could go wrong? It's just a picture right?......right?

We get back to the table and I looked at my phone to see.....wow.....

Yasuo: So, how many messages did you get? 20?

Joe: Uhmm...48 texts. 78 calls

Qiyana: Holy shit...they're nuts!

Senna: Joe honey. You gotta tell them that you need some alone time every now and then.

Joe: You might be right.

I took another sip of my drink and was just vibing to the music.

Meanwhile with the girls Akali POV

The girls and I were just chilling on the couch and I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw two pictures that Ekko uploaded. It was Ekko and behind him stood Joe...who was being HUGGED BY QIYANA?! And why does he look like he doesn't care? Then I looked at the second picture and saw Qiyana now drinking Joe's drink.

Akali: Boys night my ass. Hey girls! Wanna go on a girls night? I know just the perfect bar.

Evelynn: Why do you want to go out all of a sudden Rogue?

I showed them the picture.

Evelynn: So that's how it is....

Ahri: I didn't know girls were invited to a boys night....

So we got dressed and headed to the bar.

Back with Joe

So the seven of us just sat there and talked when all of a sudden Sean spoke up.

Sean: Hey Senna? How about a joke Lucian told me?

Lucian: Sean, don't. It's guy funny not girl funny.

Sean: Lucian, that's sexist. Funny is funny. Senna, what's the difference between peanut butter and jam?

Us guys let out a small laugh, because we know the joke. Senna and Qiyana had a questioning look on their faces.

Sean: See? Funny.

Ekko: Guy funny. Not girl funny bro.

Senna: So tell me. What's the difference between peanut butter and jam?

Sean: I can't peanut butter my dick in your ass.

The table got quiet as the girls looked at him with disappointment.

Senna: I can't hang out with you anymore. Lucian let's go.

Lucian: But-

Senna: Let's. Go.

Lucian got up and they left.

Sean: Pft. She got that guy whipped. I bet she pegs him too. Anyway Imma get a new drink.

He left, then the door opened and I heard a few whispers.

Random guy1: Is that KDA?

Random guy2: Holy shit it is them!

Uh oh....I looked to the door and true enough...the girls stood there all dressed up and as their eyes landed on me, they did not look happy. I unconsciously shrank down in my seat.

Ekko: You okay bro?

Joe: Ye-

Akali: Hey Qiyana! How are you?

Qiyana: Kali it's been a while.

Noticing how close we were, I moved a bit away. Then without looking at me, KDA moved toward the back of the bar.

Joe: I am so screwed.

Ekko: Shit...Sorry bro.

Joe: How did they find out anyway?

Ekko rubbed the back of his head.

Ekko: I may have posted a picture or two on Instagram.

Joe: Ekko.....if I die....I'll haunt you for the rest of your life.

Ekko: Please don't.

I looked back to the girls and saw that they were now swarmed by guys and making conversation....which did not sit well with me. I growled a bit.

Ekko: Yo bro, calm down. You know they do this on purpose to make you jealous. They ain't gonna kiss nobody. They just trying to pay you back.

Joe: I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

Ekko: Yo tell you what. How about some karaoke?

Joe: What?

Ekko: Hey I heard you play guitar. Can you sing?

Joe: I guess.

Ekko: Then how about you do some karaoke? Can even freestyle if you want, Yas can help you pick a beat.

Joe: You know what? Fuck it, why not?

Yasuo and I got up and walked over to the karaoke stage. Yas went to the computer and I went to the mic.

Joe: Yo Yas give me a sick beat brother!

By now all eyes were on me. Qiyana, Ekko, Yas, KDA and everyone else in the bar was waiting intently. Then Yasuo started the beat. So I thought up some Lyrics.

(AN:If you wanna skip the song go ahead. It was longer than I thought it was. My bad)

Joe: Look, I was gonna go easy on you
Not to hurt your feelings
But I'm only going to get this one chance
Something's wrong, I can feel it
(Six minutes)

Just a feeling I've got
Like something's about to happen
But I don't know what
If that means what I think it means

We're in trouble, big trouble
And if he is as bananas as you say
I'm not taking any chances
You are just what the doc ordered

I'm beginnin' to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
Now, who thinks their arms are long enough
To slap box, slap box?
They said I rap like a robot, so call me Rap-bot

But for me to rap like a computer
It must be in my genes
I got a laptop in my back pocket
My pen'll go off when I half-cock it
Got a fat knot from that rap profit

Made a livin' and a killin' off it
Ever since Bill Clinton was still in office
With Monica Lewinsky feelin' on his nutsack
I'm an MC still as honest
But as rude and as indecent as all hell
Syllables, skill-a-holic (Kill 'em all with)

This flippity dippity-hippity hip-hop
You don't really wanna get into a pissin' match
With this rappity brat, packin' a MAC
In the back of the Ac'
Backpack rap crap, yap-yap, yackety-yack

And at the exact same time
I attempt these lyrical acrobat stunts
While I'm practicin' that
I'll still be able to break a motherfuckin' table
Over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in half

Only realized it was ironic
I was signed to Aftermath after the fact
How could I not blow?
All I do is drop F-bombs
Feel my wrath of attack
Rappers are havin' a rough time period
Here's a maxi pad
It's actually disastrously bad for the wack
While I'm masterfully constructing this masterpiece as

'Cause I'm beginnin' to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
Now, who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box?
Let me show you maintainin' this shit ain't that hard, that hard

Everybody wants the key and the secret
To rap immortality like Ι have got
Well, to be truthful the blueprint's
Simply rage and youthful exuberance
Everybody loves to root for a nuisance
Hit the Earth like an asteroid

Did nothing but shoot for the Moon since (Pew!)
MCs get taken to school with this music
'Cause I use it as a vehicle to "bus the rhyme"
Now I lead a new school full of students
Me? I'm a product of Rakim

Lakim Shabazz, 2Pac, N.W.A, Cube, hey Doc, Ren
Yella, Eazy, thank you, they got Slim
Inspired enough to one day grow up
Blow up and be in a position
To meet Run-D.M.C., induct them

Into the motherfuckin' Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Even though I'll walk in the church
And burst in a ball of flames
Only Hall of Fame I'll be inducted in
Is the alcohol of fame
On the wall of shame

You fags think it's all a game
'Til I walk a flock of flames
Off a plank and, tell me what in the fuck are you thinkin'?
Little gay-lookin' boy
So gay I can barely say it with a straight face
Lookin' boy (Ha-ha!)

You're witnessin' a massacre
Like you're watching a church gathering take place, lookin' boy
"Oy vey, that boy's gay!"-that's all they say, lookin' boy
You get a thumbs up, pat on the back
And a "way to go" from your label every day, lookin' boy

Hey, lookin' boy! What you say, lookin' boy?
I get a "hell yeah" from Dre, lookin' boy
I'ma work for everything I have
Never asked nobody for shit
Get outta my face, lookin' boy!
Basically, boy, you're never gonna be capable
Of keepin' up with the same pace, lookin' boy, 'cause-

I'm beginnin' to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
The way I'm racin' around the track
Dale Earnhardt of the trailer park, the White Trash God
Kneel before General Zod
This planet's Krypton-no, Asgard, Asgard

So you'll be Thor, I'll be Odin
You rodent, I'm omnipotent
Let off, then I'm reloadin'
Immediately with these bombs, I'm totin'
And I should not be woken

I'm the walkin' dead, but I'm just a talkin' head
A zombie floatin'
But I got your mom deep-throatin'
I'm out my Ramen Noodle
We have nothin' in common, poodle

I'm a Doberman, pinch yourself in the arm
And pay homage, pupil
It's me, my honesty's brutal
But it's honestly futile if I don't
Utilize what I do though
For good at least once in a while

So I wanna make sure somewhere in this
Chicken scratch I scribble and doodle enough rhymes
To maybe try to help get some people through tough times
But I gotta keep a few punchlines
Just in case, 'cause even you unsigned

Rappers are hungry lookin' at me like it's lunchtime
I know there was a time where once I
Was king of the underground
But I still rap like I'm on my Pharoah Monch grind
So I crunch rhymes, but sometimes when you combine

Appeal with the skin color of mine
You get too big and here they come tryin'
To censor you like that one line
I said on "I'm Back" from The Mathers LP 1 when I
Tried to say I'll take seven kids from Columbine

Put 'em all in a line, add an AK-47, a revolver and a 9
See if I get away with it now
That I ain't as big as I was, but I'm
Morphin' into an immortal, comin' through the portal
You're stuck in a time warp from 2004 though

And I don't know what the fuck that you rhyme for
You're pointless as Rapunzel with fuckin' cornrows
You write normal? Fuck being normal!
And I just bought a new raygun from the future
Just to come and shoot ya, like when Fabolous made Ray J mad
'Cause Fab said he looked like a fag at Mayweather's pad

Singin' to a man while he played piano
Man, oh man, that was a 24-7 special on the cable channel
So Ray J went straight to the radio station
The very next day, "Hey Fab, I'ma kill you!"

Lyrics comin' at you at supersonic speed (J.J. Fad)
Uh, summa-lumma, dooma-lumma, you assumin' I'm a human
What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman?
Innovative and I'm made of rubber
So that anything you say is ricochetin' off of me
And it'll glue to you and

I'm devastating, more than ever demonstrating
How to give a motherfuckin' audience
A feeling like it's levitating
Never fading, and I know the haters are forever waiting
For the day that they can say I fell off, they'll be celebrating

'Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated
I make elevating music, you make elevator music
"Oh, he's too mainstream."
Well, that's what they do when they get jealous
They confuse it
"It's not hip-hop, it's pop, "-'cause I found a hella way to fuse it

With rock, shock rap with Doc
Throw on "Lose Yourself" and make 'em lose it
"I don't know how to make songs like that
I don't know what words to use."
Let me know when it occurs to you

While I'm rippin' any one of these
S that versus you
It's curtains, I'm inadvertently hurtin' you
How many verses I gotta murder to
Prove that if you were half as nice
Your songs you could sacrifice virgins too?

Ugh, school flunky, pill junkie
But look at the accolades these skills brung me
Full of myself, but still hungry
I bully myself 'cause I make me do
What I put my mind to

And I'm a million leagues above you
Ill when I speak in tongues
But it's still tongue-in-cheek fuck you
I'm drunk, so, Satan, take the fucking wheel
I'ma sleep in the front seat
Bumpin' Heavy D and the Boyz
Still "Chunky but Funky"

But in my head there's something
I can feel tugging and struggling
Angels fight with devils
And here's what they want from me
They're askin' me to eliminate some of the women hate
But if you take into consideration the bitter hatred
I have, then you may be a little patient
And more sympathetic to the situation
And understand the discrimination

But fuck it, life's handin' you lemons?
Make lemonade then!
But if I can't batter the women
How the fuck am I supposed to bake them a cake then?
Don't mistake him for Satan; it's a fatal mistake
If you think I need to be overseas and take a vacation
To trip a broad, and make her fall on her face and
Don't be a retard - Be a king? Think not
Why be a king when you can be a god?

(AN: If you skipped the song then please take a minute to wait for the two people that bothered to read the lyrics. If you read the lyrics then I'm sorry for making you go through this. And If you're the one person who didn't know, the song is Rap God by Eminem. Anyway on with the story)

I took a breath of fresh air and walked back to Ekko, Yas and Qiyana, before downing the rest of my drink. I then looked at them to see them staring at me with wide eyes and open mouths.

Joe: What?

Qiyana couldn't form words, Yas was still coming to terms with what he just witnessed.

Ekko: Yo. Ey yo. What the hell was that?! You said you could sing. Not rap at the speed of sound.

I guess I did go a little overboard.

Joe: Sorry, I tend to go overboard. I just wanted to let out some frustration.

Ekko: It's cool, but take it easy alright? You're gonna make me look bad.

Joe: Sure thing.

I looked back to the girls and saw them chatting amongst each other when Ahri was grabbed by Sean and he kissed her right on the lips. At first Ahri froze in shock, but quickly pushed him away. Then she looked at me and as our eyes locked, a tear escaped her eye as she started shaking her head as if to say 'I didn't want this, please don't leave me' I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in and let it out before heading to the bar.

Joe: Give me a pepsi with a shot of vodka.

Bartender: Here you go.

I grabbed my drink and went outside to clear my head. Not because I was angry at Ahri.....because I wasn't, but in order not to commit murder in front of so many people.

Then the douche bag supreme himself walked out. He grabbed a cigarette and lit it before offering the pack to me.

Sean: Want one?

Joe: Sure.

I grabbed one lit it and in one pull I absorbed it, replacing the neon with smoke. As the familiar feeling of my smoke abilities returned, the idiot started talking.

Sean: What a bunch of arrogant sluts they are. I expected more from KDA.


Joe: What do you mean?

Sean: Well for starters, Evelynn dresses like a complete slut and then when you talk to her she straight up ignores you.
Kai'sa is a dancer, but when you ask her for a private dance, she acts like a shy little girl. Akali....I don't really see what people see in her. She should be more girly I mean come on, with that attitude and style she'll never find a man. Then there is Ahri. A few nice words and she trusts you completely. What a gullible little bitch she is, but when you kiss her she throws a hissy fit. There is one thing they all have in common though...

Joe: Oh yeah? What's that?

Sean: Give them a good fucking and they'll come crawling back like starving puppies. True whores in the making. They all claim to have a boyfriend, but come here dressed like this.

Joe: Oh really?

Sean: Hmm? You okay man? You like a die hard fan of them or some shit? Can't handle me talking like that about your 'queens'? Jesus christ dude, get a life.

I punched him in the nose.

Sean: What the fuck dude?

I grabbed him by the collar and threw him through the door back into the bar. Then I followed him in and all eyes were on me.

Ekko: Yo bro you okay? You look a little.....agitated.

Joe: I'm perfectly fine. Just gotta stomp a nasty little cockroach.

I grabbed one of the bar stools and smacked it on Sean's back, breaking the chair in the process.

Joe: So....Evelynn has to act like a slut just because her clothes show a lot of skin? She's my diva, she can act however she damn wants!

Sean got up and tried to punch me, but I just dashed through him before kicking his legs out making him fall.

Joe: Kai'sa has to give every guy a private show, because she's a dancer? As if any guy was worthy of witnessing that!

I lifted him up and kicked him in the crown jewels.

Joe: Akali has to dress more girly to find a guy? She can make heads turn no matter what she wears!

Then I grabbed a rope from one of the walls and tied Sean face first to one of the pillars in the bar.

Joe: And yes, Ahri is a bit too trusting, but that doesn't make her gullible. Mentally she is one of the strongest people I know. So don't you dare call her a gullible bitch!

Then I unwrapped my chain and smacked it across his back.

Sean: ARGH!

Joe: Now count!


Sean: One.

Smack! Smack!

Sean: T-t-two, three.

This felt good. Really good. Serves the bastard right for talking about my girls like that......MY girls.....has a nice ring to it. I was about to swing again, when a hand caught my wrist. I glared at whoever interrupted my fun, when my eyes landed on Ahri I saw the fear in her eyes. She wasn't scared of me was she? Then I looked around the room to see everyone look at me with one singular emotion....fear...even Eve was affected by it. I looked at Ahri, then to Sean who was sobbing, then to the chain in my hand, then back to Ahri.

Joe: I'm sorry.

Then I freed my arm from her grip and ran out of the bar, before dashing into a vent and emerging on the roof.

Ahri POV

I just watched Joe run out of the bar after whipping Sean with his chain. The look in his eyes when he glared at me was awful. His eyes changed to red, he looked feral almost like an entirely different person with no regard for human life, like a monster was finally uncaged. I was scared for my life, but hopeful that Joe would never hurt me or any of his friends on purpose.

Kai'sa: W-W-W-What j-just h-h-happened?

Evelynn: I don't know, but whatever it is...I hope it's over.

Ekko: I didn't think he had it in him.

Back with Joe

I was sitting on the rooftop shaking. I remember the looks of fear in their eyes as they looked at me. Why did this happen again?

Because you needed me.

Shut up. You were gone for over a year, why did you come back?

Because I feed of your negative emotions. We're two sides of the same coin. Yin and Yang.

Just go disappear again...I don't need you.

As you wish.

With that he was gone again. My phone rang.

Joe: Hello?

Ahri: Hey Joe, it's Ahri.....where are you?

Joe: Why do you ask?

Ahri: We're worried about you. Ekko, Qiyana and Yasuo are heading back to school, but the girls and I are still at the bar. Come back to us and we'll go back to school together.

Joe: I can't, I scared you all.

Ahri: Yes, you did, but when I looked you in the eye I saw the regret. You didn't want to scare us. You just wanted to protect us right?

Joe: Yeah.

Ahri: Then come back to us. We won't be angry.

Joe: Promise?

Ahri: I promise.

I hung up, jumped off the roof and landed in front of the bar. I went in and saw the girls sitting at a table. Sean was gone and I just went to the bartender and gave him my number.

Joe: Give this to your boss and I'll pay for the damage I caused.

He nodded with fear in his eyes. Then I headed to the girls and we all looked at each other in silence.

Joe: H-Hey guys.

Akali: I thought we were done with the stutter babe.

I looked at her and gave her a hug.

Joe: I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen.

Evelynn: We know. You were trying to defend us and lost control in the process.

Akali: So, I make heads turn no matter what I wear?

Joe: Uhmm...

Ahri: I'm mentally one of the strongest people you know?

Joe: I mean...

Kai'sa: No guy is worthy of a private dance from me?

Joe: You know...

Evelynn: I'm 'your' diva?

Joe: You know what? Yes, yes, yes and yes. I love you girls.

KDA: We love you too Babe.

So we went back to school and all fell asleep together in my room.

Chapter 9 done. I probably didn't need to use the lyrics for rap god to make the chapter bigger, but I'm too tired to change that. Anyway there's only like 3 or 4 chapters until Arc 1 is done.I hope you all enjoyed. Feedback is always appreciated and I'll see you in the next one. Prime out.

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You: "Hi, I'm you. And you must be wondering how I got into this situation..." After moving town to start at a new college. You start the school year...
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High school, the bane of any and all teenager's lives. Most of them want to be in relationships, build friendships, have fun, drink, do drugs, have s...