Thinking Out Loud ➵zauren

By zaurenhoe

115K 2.6K 1K

Lauren is an average girl struggling through a rough break up, about to finish high school, and enjoying the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (part 1)
Chapter 5 (part 2)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (part 1)
Chapter 9 (part 2)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 18

3.7K 56 17
By zaurenhoe

Lauren stirred in her sleep as a bit of sunlight lit up her room. She turned over in attempt to lessen the effect of the sunlight from the window she was facing. Still with her eyes closed, Lauren outstretched her arm, reaching for Zayn to pull him closer but her arm landed on an empty mattress. Lauren opened her eyes and looked at the pillows that were lined up where Zayn's body once laid. There was a piece of paper folded on one of the pillows and Lauren propped her body up on one elbow as she opened it up.

'Good morning beautiful,
I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up; you know how much I love for your voice to be the first thing I hear in the morning and those stunning little eyes to be the first thing I see..but I guess I got the next best thing...your dad.'

Lauren laughed as she laid on her back again, holding the note above her face to keep reading.

'I'm glad we weren't all intertwined when he came in for two reasons: one, I actually value my life..despite your dad 'trusting us' he still had kind of a funny look on his face when he woke me up and two, I didn't want to wake you up, especially since he woke me up at 6:30. You looked so precious sleeping I couldn't bring myself to wake you up to tell you we were going down to start on the shed so I wrote this instead. Hopefully by the time you read this we'll be close to being done cause you slept in, but knowing you, a little sun hits your face and you're up. Anyways, I love you, see you soon, xx -Z'

Lauren smiled as she sat up and folded the letter the same way it had been. She slowly stood up from her bed and walked to her window, fully opening the curtains. Looking out the window, she saw her father and Zayn working in the corner of the backyard. Lauren giggled as she saw Zayn describe something animatedly and her dad tilt his head back in laughter. It made her happy to see how well the two got along, Lauren had always been a daddy's girl so it was important to her from the start for her dad to like Zayn. Lauren flipped her long dark hair as she made her way over to her night stand where her phone was vibrating excessively; the cause, her group message with the girls, no doubt.

She picked up her phone and noticed it was almost 10 o'clock and she had several messages from the girls who were talking about going to Ally's house for something she wanted to show the girls yesterday but never got the chance to. Lauren agreed to go since it seemed like Zayn and Mike still had a bit of work left to do. She locked her phone and put it down again, before moving over to her drawers and grabbing shorts and a t-shirt and walking over to the bathroom to get ready. A few moments later, Lauren made her way downstairs and saw no one else was up yet so she went out to her backyard to check on her two favorite guys.

"Morning!" Lauren spoke loudly to be heard over the banging of the hammer. She made her way to her fathers side who had turned his head over his shoulder to look at her.

"Morning, we didn't wake you did we?" Mike asked, standing up from the crouched position he was in.

"No, the sun came in through my window," Lauren stated with a small smile as she saw Zayn chuckle to himself. "Did you guys have any breakfast?"

"No it was too early," Mike responded.

"Well you need to eat something, you guys have been out here for hours and it's starting to get hot, I'll make you guys some toast and bring you some fruits. Any preferences on the fruit?" Lauren questioned and Mike shook his head.

"Babe?" Lauren addressed Zayn.

"An orange would be nice," Zayn smiled.

"You got it, I'll be right back," Lauren replied before making her way back inside. A few moments later she walked back outside with two plates, each with a couple pieces of toast and some orange slices on them.

"Thanks Laur," Mike said placing a kiss on her cheek as she handed him one of the plates.

Lauren moved over to where Zayn stood and handed him the second plate, "Thanks love," Zayn said as he went to place a kiss on Lauren's cheek. Lauren caught his face in between her hands and turned it to place a kiss on his lips.

"I think we can move past that whole not showing each other affection in front of my parents thing, we've been together five months, I'm pretty sure they know we kiss, right Dad?" Lauren chuckled addressing her father as she pulled back from Zayn's lips.

"Right, but I hope that's all," Mike mumbled with a bit of food in his mouth.

"You bet it is," Lauren lied with a smile. "So listen, how much longer do you think you guys have to work on this?"

"Maybe another hour or two, why?" Mike wondered.

"Ally wanted to show us something yesterday but she never got the chance to so she asked us to come over for a bit, I'll probably be gone like forty five minutes to an hour. I just wanted to let you guys know, well primarily you babe, if you guys finish early or if I'm not back by the time you're done you can come to Ally's," Lauren mentioned looking over at Zayn. "I'll have my phone with me if anything."

Zayn nodded as he ate and Lauren placed a kiss on his cheek, "I'll be back, see you guys later."


"How am I the first one here when I was the last one to wake up??" Lauren questioned as she sat down next to Ally on her couch.

"Well I'm not sure what's taking Mila so long but you know Normani and Dinah have to get dressed up even if it's to take the trash out," Ally replied making Lauren chuckle.

"Are Jerry and Pat home?" Lauren asked Ally about her parents whereabouts.

"No, they're at the doctors," Ally answered.

"How's her back, any better at all?" Lauren wondered, placing a hand on Ally's.

"Eh, she has her good days but she has her bad too," Ally said sadly.

Lauren gave Ally a sympathetic look before changing the topic off of her mother's severe scoliosis, "How's Brandon?" Lauren wondered about Ally's older brother who had moved to Texas.

"He's doing really good, he found Troy and I a really nice apartment for when we go to school in the fall, we're gonna go see it in July," Ally smiled.

"I still can't believe you're leaving," Lauren frowned, "it's going to be so weird without you, Miami will definitely be a little less sunny when you're gone."

"Aw Lo," Ally sighed hugging Lauren, "I'm really going to miss you guys, but I'll always be there for y'all, even while I'm at UT, all you have to do is call. And I'll be visiting when we have breaks of course, my parents are staying here so I'll be back often," Ally smiled.

"I know, I know," Lauren squeezed Ally's hand that she still held and they heard a knock at her door. Lauren stayed waiting on the couch as Ally went to open the door, returning with Normani, Dinah and Camila a few moments later.

"Laurenzaaaaa," Normani ran over to where Lauren sat and gave her a hug.

"Hey Mani," Lauren smiled as Normani pulled away from her and plopped down on the couch next to her, "hi Camz, hi dj," Lauren addressed the other two girls as Ally set something up on the tv.

"Move over Dinah," Camila pushed Dinah who had sat on the other side of Lauren.

"Stop being annoying, just sit over here," Dinah patted the empty spot to her right.

"No, I want to sit next to Lauren," Camila pouted and crossed her arms like a child before throwing a tantrum.

"You guys are something else, why can't you just sit right here. You know she has a boyfriend right, and you do too??" Dinah stated.

"Haha very funny, I thought we left those jokes behind in 2013," Camila rolled her eyes, "I wanna sit next to her to talk about my boyfriend and I having sex for the first time moron."

"What?? And you don't wanna talk to is about it?!" Normani exclaimed in shock.

"THE NERVE!" Dinah said smacking Camila's arm.

"OW DINAH!" Camila smacked Dinah back, "I owe Lauren this talk, she's the one who took me to his house."

"You knew about this and didn't tell us??" Normani nudged Lauren.

"THE NERVE!" Dinah repeated.

"I figured Camz would've," Lauren answered as Camila squeezed herself between Lauren and Dinah, most of her body remaining on Lauren.

"Well, spill girl," Normani urged Camila.

Camila began talking about the experience and how easy it had been, making Lauren wish once more that her first time would've been with Zayn.

Lauren was snapped out of her thoughts when Ally started speaking.

"Okay guys so I wasn't able to show this to you yesterday but that's kind of a good thing I guess cause I got to add a bit more to it. I made a copy of this for each of you for graduation, I hope you like it," Ally said pressing play on her computer that was hooked up to her TV before coming over to the couch and squeezing in next to Normani.

A slideshow began and Stop This Train by John Mayer began to play as several pictures of the girls when they were about three years old in their daycare appeared on screen; each of them holding hands in their class picture with the widest grins, playing together, sitting at the same table for arts and crafts.

'No I'm not color blind
I know the world is black and white
I try to keep an open mind
But I just can't sleep on this tonight

Stop this train
I want to get off and go home again
I can't take the speed it's moving in
I know I can't
But honestly, won't someone stop this train'

A photo shifted across the screen and the music paused as a video of their daycare teacher, Miss Yami, began to play.

' "So tell us Miss Yami, how do these girls get along," Jerry, Ally's father could be heard behind the camera.

"They're inseparable, they do it all together; you name it, they're doing it in a group. These five are something else let me tell you, you're gonna have your hands full as they grow up," Miss Yami spoke, looking over at the girls and Jerry panned the camera over to them.

"Daddy, daddy!" a young Ally waved at the camera.

"Yes honey," Jerry responded to his excited daughter.

"L-look dis is Karla and dis is Lauren and dis, dis is Normani and dis is Dinah Jane daddy! Dey m-my best friends ever!" Ally excitedly explained as she pointed to each girl before jumping up and down.

"Very nice sweetheart, why don't you girls all get together so mommy can take a picture," Jerry suggested.

"Okay!!" Ally responded moving to the girls sides as they all squished together.

"Say cheese..1,2,3..." Pat counted.

"Cheese!!" The five girls said grinning as they had their arms around each other's shoulders. '

The photo of the girls from that day slid into the frame as the music began again.

'Don't know how else to say it
I don't want to see my parents go
One generation's length away
From fighting life out on my own

Stop this train
I want to get off and go home again
I can't take the speed it's moving in
I know I can't
But honestly, won't someone stop this train'

Many more pictures of the girls continued to come onto the screen and throughout them, the girls gradually got older and older. A few pictures of the girls in middle school had passed before a picture of them at a slumber party at Lauren's house came up and slid away, pausing the music as another video came on screen and the girls started to laugh as they instantly recognized what the video was.

' "Hello beautiful people, it's your girl Lauren Jauregui," a thirteen year old Lauren appeared on a web cam. "And your girl Normani Kordei!" Normani appeared in the frame. "Don't forget us!!" Dinah shouted from a distance.

"And of course, Dinah Jane, Camila Cabello and Ally Brooke. The five best friends anyone could ask for, and here's why." Lauren spoke as she looked at the camera before walking back to the area behind her along with Normani.

A few seconds later, we're all in this together from high school musical began to play and all the girls came onto the screen doing the dance routine from the movie. All of them laughing as they did.

"Stop, stop the camera I'm gonna pee myself!" Thirteen year old Camila laughed as she ran out of the room making the rest of the girls roll onto the floor with laughter, Lauren slowly making her way to the camera and stopping it as she lauged. '

"Oh my god," Lauren cracked up as well as the rest of the girls when the words 'You actually did end up peeing yourself Mila.....' came across the screen.

More pictures of the girls throughout middle school began along with the music. The beginning of high school started to slide onto the screen as well.

'So scared of getting older
I'm only good at being young
So I play the numbers game
To find a way to say that life has just begun

Had a talk with my old man
Said "help me understand"
He said turn sixty-eight
You'll renegotiate

Don't stop this train
Don't for a minute change the place you're in
And don't think I couldn't ever understand
I tried my hand
John, honestly we'll never stop this train'

Pictures of the girls at Lauren's softball games and Normani's dance and gymnastics competitions were shown. Pictures of the girls at football games, with their boyfriends; old and new. Pictures of the girls senior year began to show and a few slides later Lauren saw that first picture of her and Zayn that Ally had taken at Nela's party. More pictures of all of them, some now with Harry; prom pictures began to show, and then graduation as the music began to slow.

'Once in a while, when it's good
It'll feel like it should
When you're all still around
And you're still safe and sound
And you don't miss a thing
Until you cry when you're driving away in the dark

Singing, Stop this train
I want to get off and go home again
I can't take the speed it's moving in
I know I can't
Cause now I see, I'll never stop this train'

All of the girls had started crying and were holding hands as the most recent pictures of them from the day before came across the screen until the final picture of them came up and the screen went black and more words came up.

'I love you all endlessly, thank you for so many years filled with wonderful memories, I will never let them go and I will never let you guys go, always in my heart, love Ally'

The girls released each other's hands and wiped their tears before getting up and pulling Ally up, huddling around her in a group hug.

"That was so amazingly beautiful Ally, thank you so much. We love you, we're going to miss you terribly," Lauren mentioned wiping at her tears as they pulled back from their group hug.


*1 week later*

'Lauren: zaynnnn, what are you doing'

'Baby 🙊💙: finishing up this résumé, I still can't believe your dad offered me a job at his office after last weekend, kind of perfect timing'

'Lauren: can you come over and finish it, or finish it later, I'm home alone and I'm really bored and I kind of want to talk to you about something'

'Baby🙊💙: about what....'

'Lauren: come over and I'll tell you'

'Baby🙊💙: 😒 okay I'll be there soon. Is it something serious? Where is everyone anyways'

'Lauren: no no, don't stress about it & my parents are out getting things to take to Cuba they won't be back till tonight, Chris is out with this girl he's talking to and his friends and you know Taylor is with Wals and Doni at the beach'

'Baby🙊💙: okay okay, I'll see you in a bit'

'Lauren: ❤️ thanks babyy'


Lauren heard a knock at her door and made her way downstairs, opening it and seeing her gorgeous boyfriend standing there with a grin on his face.

"Hi love," Zayn said walking past the threshold.

Lauren closed the door and locked it before turning to Zayn and wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing him down for a kiss. Lauren moved her tongue into Zayn's mouth and backed him up against the wall, running her hands through his hair. As their tongues wrestled each other Lauren let one hand make its way down Zayn's body before remaining over the center of his soccer shorts.

"Woah, what's up with you," Zayn chuckled as he pulled back from the kiss.

"That's kind of what I want to talk to you you know how I'm gonna be gone for a month.." Lauren stated running her hand back up to Zayn's arm and gently scratching it.

"How could I forget," Zayn replied.

"Well..ever since you pointed out we wouldn't be able to touch each other for a month, it's all I can think about. So I was thinking...and I might sound like a psycho sex crazed teenager here but bare with me..maybe whenever we got the chance, like today for example, we take advantage and really touch each other as much as possible," Lauren explained.

"So you're saying...whenever we can be alone for a couple hours to have as much sex as possible?" Zayn questioned.

"You've got the doesn't really need to be sex every single hour or anything though," Lauren chuckled, "that sounds kind of tiring. We can kinda of just appreciate the luxury of being able to just lay together and feel each other the most we can for the rest of the month, get me?"

"Absolutely," Zayn smiled before placing a kiss on Lauren's lips.

"Right now though," Lauren mumbled against Zayn's lips before pecking them again, "I want to go upstairs and have really hot sex with my really hot boyfriend who I haven't had sex with in over a month," Lauren stated placing more pecks in between her words and her arms around his neck.

Zayn smirked as he slid his hands down Lauren's body to her butt, "Good, cause your ass looks incredible in these shorts, yet, I've kind of been thinking about taking them off for a couple minutes now, I think it'll look much better without them," Lauren laughed as Zayn picked up her legs and wrapped them around his waist before starting up the stairs. Lauren attached her lips to Zayn's neck as he carried her up into her room. Lauren nibbled on Zayn's pulse point as he closed the door to her room with his foot. Zayn placed Lauren down on the edge of her bed and grabbed her face with his hands, connecting their lips and deepening the kiss. As their mouths moved in synchronization Zayn brought his hands down from Lauren's face to her neck, shoulders, and arms before moving to her stomach and back up to her breasts. Zayn left behind a trail of fire on every inch of skin he touched, Lauren moaning into the kiss now as he squeezed her breasts gently.

"You're not wearing a bra," Zayn smirked out of breath as he pulled back from the kiss and Lauren shook her head.

"Do they still hurt," Zayn asked as he placed his hands under the hem of her shirt, referring to the pain she had been experiencing at the start of the pill.

"No," Lauren bit her bottom lip as Zayn slowly moved his hands up the skin of her abdomen, lifting her shirt along with it.

"Good," Zayn answered, also biting his bottom lip as he brought Lauren's shirt completely over her head and tossed it aside. Zayn brought is hands back to Lauren's breasts and she felt her skin tingle beneath his touch.

"So gorgeous," Zayn whispered as his eyes wandered over Lauren's upper body. He gently rolled Lauren's erect nipples between his fingers before bringing his lips down to one of her breasts. Lauren bit her bottom lip and moved one of her hands to Zayn's hair as his tongue moved on her. Zayn bit down on Lauren's nipple softly and pulled back on it as he released that breast from his mouth, effecting Lauren all the way to the pit of her stomach. Lauren groaned and gripped onto the bed sheets next to her as Zayn moved his mouth to her other breast and began the same treatment he had just given. As Zayn worked, Lauren felt his free hand move down her body till he reached her shorts, slipping his hands inside and cupping her center. Zayn slipped Lauren's panties to the side and gently rubbed her straining nub before running his fingers through her folds. Lauren moaned a bit, as she felt Zayn's fingers tease her entrance.

"You're so wet baby," Zayn husked as he released Lauren's breast from his mouth and made his way down her body with open mouth kisses.

"Fuck," Lauren moaned at Zayn's words.

Zayn moved his hand out of Lauren's shorts as his mouth reached her hips. He slowly slid them off, along with her panties, before spreading Lauren's legs a bit, placing his arms under each of her thighs. Lauren felt Zayn place his mouth on her center and he began to suck on her sensitive bundle of nerves as he moved one of his hands to the same place and slipped a finger into her. Lauren released another moan as he moved his finger at a steady pace with his tongue. Lauren arched her back in pleasure and gripped at the sheets as Zayn added another finger inside her. Lauren felt the familiar white hot heat building inside her as Zayn moved his fingers a little faster and sucked a little harder. Zayn moved his free hand back up to one of Lauren's breasts and squeezed it as he maintained his pace on her center.

"I'm so close baby," Lauren groaned as Zayn curled his fingers inside her a bit, looking for that certain spot. Lauren bucked her hips up a bit, keeping close contact with Zayn as she came undone, feeling the sensation vibrate throughout her body. Lauren brought one of her hands to Zayn's hair as she panted, riding out her climax with Zayn still attached to her. He brought his hand down from her breast and grabbed her hand from his hair. Lauren felt Zayn detach himself and place small kisses on the inside of her thighs as she caught her breath.

"Holy shit Z," Lauren breathed.

Zayn chuckled as he lifted himself back up to meet Lauren's eyes. He placed kisses along her neck and jawline before meeting her lips. Lauren slowly sat up, keeping their lips together. She stood, making Zayn back up from the bed a bit. Lauren placed her hands under Zayn's shirt and slowly lifted it up. She pulled back from the kiss to fully take it off and toss it to the side, Zayn looking up and down her body as she did.

"You're so stunning," Zayn smiled as he ran his hands around Lauren's waist and to her bare backside. He placed a kiss on her cheek before leaning over her shoulder and looking at her butt, "yeah, much better without the shorts," Zayn said caressing Lauren's skin, making her laugh. Lauren ran one of her hand's fingers under the band of Zayn's shorts as she felt his bulge from outside of the shorts with the other. Lauren brought both hands to the waist band of his shorts and slid them down, getting on her knees as she brought them to the floor. She looked up at Zayn from her position and placed a kiss on his bulge through his underwear before pulling them down as well. Lauren moved her hands on Zayn a bit before taking him into her mouth. Zayn groaned and Lauren looked up at him again; she always found a sense of pleasure when she pleased Zayn. He ran his hand into Lauren's hair, holding it back as she worked. A few minutes later Lauren released Zayn from her mouth and stood up, gently pushing Zayn back so he would lay against her pillows. Lauren moved her comforter over as Zayn laid back. Lauren grabbed a condom off of her nightstand to use since they still weren't completely safe till she'd been taking the pill for at least a month. She placed it on Zayn before climbing onto her bed, keeping her butt towards Zayn as she slowly slid him inside of her. Lauren started moving and grinding against Zayn slowly. After a bit she started moving up and down on him a little faster and she felt him grab her but and squeeze a bit. Lauren moaned as Zayn started moving his hips up to meet her in perfect time. Zayn placed his hands on Lauren's butt again as they both moved.

"Shit babe," Zayn groaned sitting up a bit, making Lauren slow down. Zayn lightly tapped Lauren's butt, "Get up a second," he breathed. Zayn slid out from underneath Lauren and bent her forward a bit before sliding himself inside her doggy style. Lauren panted as Zayn moved deep inside her with every stroke. Zayn held onto Lauren's waist and moved his hands over her backside occasionally as he steadily slid in and out. Zayn groaned and Lauren felt the same white hot heat she'd felt earlier building again. She had never reached her climax more than once but she knew this one was most likely going to be more intense than the first. A few moments later Lauren moaned as she shook beneath Zayn.

"Oh Lauren," Zayn groaned as he met his climax a bit after, riding out his high as he held Lauren up. Lauren felt like jelly as Zayn slowly pulled out of her, pulling her up by the waist and placing a kiss on her shoulder. Zayn lined kisses all along her shoulder and up to her neck as he cupped one of her breast. Lauren brought one of her hands up to the one he had on her breast as she looked over her shoulder at him; Zayn looked at Lauren and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"I love you," Lauren whispered as Zayn pulled back from the kiss.

"I love you too baby," Zayn caressed Lauren's cheek as she turned around and laid on her stomach, curling a pillow up underneath her. Zayn slipped off the condom and grabbed Lauren's comforter, placing it over her before laying next to her and slipping under it as well; laying on his side and propping his head up with one arm. Lauren looked into the warm brown eyes that she loved so much and felt the genuine adoration he had for her, making her wonder if he could feel the same thing from her. Lauren felt Zayn run his free hand up and down her spine lightly, giving her chills. Zayn smiled at Lauren when she shivered, bringing his lips down to her forehead.

"I think that was worth the month wait," Zayn smiled.

"It was, but let's not ever go that long, voluntarily, again," Lauren chuckled.

Zayn laughed, "You got it my pretty little queen," he smiled placing a kiss on Lauren's lips.


*13 days later; Lauren's birthday*

Lauren felt a pair of lips place a kiss on her cheek, causing her eyes to flutter open and see Zayn leaning over her as she laid on her bed.

"Good morning birthday girl," Zayn smiled as Lauren rubbed her eyes and stretched out a bit.

"What time is it," Lauren wondered in a raspy tone before clearing her throat.

"7:30" Zayn quickly responded.

"What are you doing here so early, you're nuts," Lauren groaned pulling her comforter up so only her head was seen.

Zayn chuckled as Lauren closed her eyes again, "I just wanted to spend as much of the day with you as possible," Zayn said brushing some of Lauren's loose strands of hair behind her ear.

Lauren reopened her eyes and looked at Zayn before a small smile creeped on her lips. "You're so cute, come here," Lauren lifted the comforter up and patted the spot on her bed next to her so Zayn would slide in with her. Lauren heard Zayn kick his shoes off before moving into the spot next to Lauren. She instantly wrapped her arms around his torso and intertwined their legs, bringing him close to her. Lauren tilted her chin up and Zayn moved down a bit to connect their lips. Lauren felt Zayn's hands wander over her shoulders and back lightly before moving down to her butt making her laugh against Zayn's lips.

"Always," Lauren chuckled as she pulled back from the kiss.

"Why don't you have any pants on?" Zayn questioned as he caressed the skin that was exposed on Lauren's backside by her cheeksters.

"Cause I like to sleep without them," Lauren easily replied.

"You slept with them on the day I slept over," Zayn recalled.

"That's cause I had my period," Lauren responded.

"Right, right," Zayn nodded before placing a kiss on Lauren's forehead.

"How did you get in here by the way, I'm sure everyone is still asleep," Lauren wondered.

"Well your Dad knew I was coming, I told him yesterday at work but I told Taylor I was coming over early when I got home yesterday and she was still there with Waliyha. I asked her if she could open the door for me when I got here and she did, and she went back to her room to sleep, I'm sure," Zayn explained.

"Quite the pair of best friends they've become," Lauren acknowledged their sisters friendship that had blossomed over the past couple months.

"Yeah, our parents too," Zayn smiled a bit.

"By the way, I should just tell you where we have our spare key outside so you can use it instead of bugging my little sister," Lauren teased Zayn, "you know that pot that has the little bush with pink flowers?"

Zayn nodded and Lauren continued, "If you walk five steps to the right of it there's a brick that's kind of loose and its underneath that."

"Got it," Zayn smiled. "So, do you want to open your gifts now or wait till later?"

"Now," Lauren smiled and Zayn untangled their bodies before standing up and grabbing some things from the floor.

"Two of these are anniversary presents and the other three are birthday presents," Zayn explained as he separated the gifts and sat next to Lauren who was sitting up against the headrest of her bed.

"Which do you want my to open first?" Lauren asked Zayn.

"Doesn't matter, it's up to you," Zayn smiled.

"Okay I'll do birthday first cause I have a feeling the anniversary ones will be a bit more sentimental and I don't want to cry first thing in the morning," Lauren stated making Zayn laugh.

Lauren grabbed a small square box and unwrapped it, revealing a bottle of her favorite perfume; yellow diamond by Versace.

"Hey, I was running out of this!" Lauren smiled.

"I know," Zayn smirked.

"Did you go through my stuff.." Lauren eyed Zayn suspiciously.

"Maybe.." Zayn replied.

Lauren laughed before placing a quick peck on Zayn's mouth. She reached for another square box that was much bigger than the one of the perfume but not as big as one of the boxes that was separated to the anniversary side. She unwrapped the paper around it to reveal a Victoria's Secret box underneath.

"Oh god," Lauren chuckled, "you would."

Zayn gave Lauren and mischievous smirk as she opened up the box finding tons of lacey material. There were at least a dozen new panties and a couple bras, if you'd even consider them that as they were just more see through lace.

"Well it's a good thing I didn't open these gifts in front of my parents, well my dad anyways," Lauren mentioned as she picked up and examined each piece.

"I think it would still be a little strange in front of your mom though babe," Zayn chuckled.

"Oh please, she asks me how you are in bed every time I'm alone with her," Lauren said folding each piece she'd looked at.

"What?? And what do you say??" Zayn asked surprised yet curious.

"I never answer," Lauren laughed.

"She probably thinks I'm lousy I?" Zayn questioned.

"Are you kidding me babe, no! Of course not. Why would you even ask me that?" Lauren reassured Zayn.

"You have to say that though cause you're my girlfriend," Zayn responded.

"Well who else is supposed to tell you?" Lauren wondered.

Zayn opened his mouth to speak but Lauren put her hand up, "I hope the words that are about to come out of your mouth are no one," Lauren stated and Zayn laughed, leaning forward to kiss Lauren. "You're not lousy at all, and I can tell you that as a fact after these past couple weeks," Lauren smirked as Zayn pulled back from the kiss.

"You're not so bad yourself," Zayn teased and Lauren nudged Zayn. "I expect to see you in all of these at some point in time by the way," Zayn mentioned biting his lip.

"We'll see," Lauren laughed as she grabbed the final birthday box. As she opened it she saw a tiger stuffed animal.

"Aww it's so cute, thanks babe, I'm gonna name him Raja, like from Aladdin," Lauren smiled.

"There's something else in there," Zayn nodded towards the box.

"Oh?" Lauren moved her hand back into the box and felt around through all the confetti that was in there till she found a piece of paper and pulled it out.

Lauren's eyes moved back and forth on the page and a wide grin grew on her face. "I can't believe you remembered this, Dade City's Wild Things, I told you about this on the day we met when I was on my way to Disney. We're going?"

"Yeah, I talked to your parents about it already and they're okay with us going to Tampa for it, I got the hotel room and everything," Zayn smiled.

"When are we going?" Lauren wondered.

"The week before the fall semester starts. I got the all access pass so we get to do all the animal encounters, including the tigers," Zayn mentioned Lauren's favorite animal.

"Oh my god, I'm so excited! Thank you baby, you're the best," Lauren said wrapping her arms around Zayn's neck and pulling him close to her as she squeezed him. "You went a bit overboard but I love you," Lauren mentioned before placing a kiss on Zayn's cheek.

"I love you too baby girl, you deserve it," Zayn responded before connecting their lips.

Lauren reached for the large box Zayn had set aside and placed it in front of her.

"There are two things in there," Zayn mentioned as Lauren unwrapped the box and nodded. She opened up the box and saw a tan teddy bear from build-a-bear workshop wearing a Miami heat jersey and shorts.

"I was looking for a soccer jersey to dress it up like me but they didn't have any. I like the heat though so I settled. It's so you can remember me while you're gone," Zayn explained.

Lauren smiled and hugged the bear, "I'll sleep with him every night."

"Don't let him get too handsy with you though," Zayn joked making Lauren chuckle as she crossed her legs and placed the teddy bear on her lap. Lauren reached back in the box finding a large piece of paper folded in half. On the front 'January 5th 2015' was drawn in a graffiti style Lauren had seen Zayn use various times. Lauren felt Zayn sit closer to her and wrap an arm around her shoulders. She leaned into his side as she opened up the paper and saw six small square envelopes taped to the large piece of paper. Each one was numbered one through six and had '6 months of memories' written in the same graffiti above it. Lauren opened up the first square that had '1: Jan-Feb' written on it. Inside, there was a piece of paper folded up to the size of the square and Lauren pulled it out and unfolded it. As she opened it up she saw a drawing of Zayn's father's pick up truck that he had taken Lauren in to the spot where he asked her out. It was drawn on the hill where he parked and a few of the things from the trunk could be seen along with the background of the night sky. Zayn used several different techniques to really make the sky resemble how it did that night, it was obvious he'd taken his time on the work in front of Lauren. She straightened out the page and smiled as she remembered the things Zayn had told her that night and all the effort he put behind making it special.

'.....the reason I brought you here specifically to see this amazing sky while asking you to be my girlfriend is because of how much they remind me of you. There is so much beauty in them and sometimes people take them for granted but there's always one person who takes time out of their day to look for them or look up at them....'

Lauren replayed the words in her head and felt the same quickened heartbeat she had when he first spoke the words to her. Zayn still proved to be that one person who never took Lauren for granted. Day in and day out she felt nothing but honest and pure love from him, he always took time to appreciate the little things about Lauren and it didn't go unnoticed by her. Whether it be the few extra seconds he looked into her eyes after a kiss, the way he constantly looked at her in a group of people as if she was the only person there, or the way he traced her curves lightly with his fingers as they lay together.

Lauren set aside the drawing and opened up the next envelope that read '2: Feb-Mar'. As she opened it up she found a drawing of herself from a side view. The drawing was incredibly detailed, making it extremely clear that it was Lauren; she seemed to be leaning on something as she looked down at her phone and her hair was messy. The words 'can we just lay here, cuddled up, make out a bit, maybe fall asleep...' were written in cursive next to her and Lauren remembered the day she had cried for what seemed like ages in Zayn's arms after confronting Brad. The day had been pretty bad but Lauren felt much better at the end thanks to Zayn's support.

"Did you draw this just by looking at me once," Lauren wondered, looking up at Zayn as she remembered when she was setting her alarm and Zayn had been staring at her. Zayn nodded and Lauren smirked as Zayn's words replayed in her head.

'I'm not staring at you annoying, I'm admiring the view.'

"You're way too talented babe," Lauren mentioned as she looked at the drawing again. She placed it aside with the other as she went to open the next envelope, '3: Mar-Apr'. The drawing inside was of Lauren in her softball uniform, holding up her bat at home plate, ready to hit. Again, the drawing was very realistic and Lauren was blown away by how much more detailed this one was.

" do you do this.." Lauren breathed.

"I drew that one looking at a picture," Zayn chuckled.

"I was gonna babe, this is so good. I actually look attractive," Lauren joked.

"Don't even get me started on how this is not even close to how attractive you actually are," Zayn mentioned as he placed a kiss on Lauren's temple.

Lauren set aside the drawing and opened the next, '4:Apr-May'. The drawing inside was one of Lauren from her shoulder up, sleeping on her arms, her hair was all flipped to one side and she wore make up.

"Was this from....."

"Our first time, yes." Zayn finished Lauren's sentence. "I drew it while you slept, I couldn't sleep for like three hours so I was just admiring you and then I felt inspired so I sketched it in that time and added a little paint on it later on to accentuate some parts."

"I really love this one, it's so simple yet so amazing. It's one of the best memories too," Lauren smiled as she looked at Zayn. Lauren felt Zayn move his free hand under her chin and tilted her head up before connecting their lips briefly.

Lauren placed her favorite drawing so far on the pile she had next to her and went to open the next envelope, '5: May-Jun'. Inside was a cartoon drawing resembling Lauren and Zayn in their cap and gowns. They were both making dumb faces and Lauren giggled, "I love this." Zayn chuckled against Lauren's hair before placing a kiss on the top of her head. Lauren put the paper down and went to open the final envelope, '6: Jun-Jul'.

"Oh my god," Lauren blushed and turned her face into Zayn's chest. Zayn laughed and squeezed Lauren against him. Lauren turned and looked back at the the paper in her hands. The painting was of Lauren again but she was laying naked on her stomach. Though she was a bit embarrassed at first the painting was actually very nice. She recalled the day she had fallen asleep at Zayn's house a couple days ago, he must've painted it then.

"Why would you show this to me," Lauren blushed once more as she looked at Zayn.

"Cause you're so gorgeous, I wanted you to see," Zayn smiled and caressed Lauren's red cheek. "Plus, this is what most of the past month has consisted of and it was the first time we were together at my place so..yeah."

Lauren placed her hand on the side of Zayn's face and ran it through his scruff. Zayn leaned his head into her hand and Lauren moved forward and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

"This was all so amazing babe," Lauren said as she placed her forehead against Zayn's, "I loved it all, and I love you more than you'll ever know."

Zayn placed a kiss on Lauren's nose, making her scrunch it up.

"There's still one last thing," Zayn mentioned.

"Right," Lauren sighed, "you're making me look so bad, my measly little gifts are gonna look terrible compared to all this."

"That stuffs not a big deal to me, besides, I highly doubt it. You're just being your annoying little self," Zayn teased.

Lauren nudged Zayn as she grabbed the final little box. It wasn't wrapped up, it just had a simple bow on top. Lauren opened the box and saw a small ring with a small key hanging from it.

"Key to your heart?" Lauren giggled looking at Zayn who nodded.

Lauren placed the ring on one of her empty fingers and moved her hand away to look at it better.

"I love it," Lauren smiled.

"I figured we can keep the ring pattern going," Zayn mentioned as Lauren intertwined her fingers with Zayn's hand that was still draped over her shoulders. She placed a kiss on the inked skin before looking at him.

"Ya know, I still don't know what I did to deserve you," Lauren stated as she stared into her favorite pair of warm brown eyes. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Zayn."

Zayn smiled and Lauren felt herself fall for him all over again. From the first time she saw him smile she was swooning over it; he just looked so carefree and young when he did.

"Like wise love," Zayn mentioned as he brought their lips close together. Lauren felt Zayn's tongue trace her bottom lip and she opened her mouth a bit so her tongue could meet his.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LO!" Lauren heard as her door swung open, making her jump back from Zayn's mouth. "Oh my god, I'm sorry!" Lauren turned and saw Camila standing with balloons at her doorway with her eyes covered. "Why does this happen to me?!"

"Camz it's okay, we weren't doing anything," Lauren laughed and Camila peeped in between her fingers.

"Thank God," Camila said walking into Lauren's room and tying the balloons to her desk chair. "Happy 18th birthday cookie!" Camila exclaimed as she went over to where Lauren sat and hugged her.

"Thanks monkey. Why are you here so early too, I swear the both of you are insane," Lauren sighed.

"You told me to be here at 9, I'm only 15 minutes early," Camila stated looking at her phone.

"What?? I was opening those gifts for more than an hour?!" Lauren said looking at Zayn before standing up from the bed.

"It's not a big deal, there's no rush," Zayn said as Lauren walked over to her dresser and opened up her drawers.

"Why are you acting like you don't even know Lauren," Camila chuckled, "she's been waiting for this moment for like..ever and now she can finally get her tattoo. You know she's gonna wanna be there the second that tattoo shop opens up."

Lauren heard Zayn laugh as he and Camila kept talking, but she was right, Lauren had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and now it was finally here.


"You hanging in there kid?" Lauren heard the tattoo artist, Mark; who had actually done Zayn's hand piece, ask her.

"Yeah," Lauren responded as the quick needle penetrated the nape of her neck.

"We're almost done, you're doing great for your first time," Mark mentioned.

Lauren felt Zayn squeeze the hand he was holding before connecting his lips to the back of it. Camila who was sitting on the opposite side holding her other hand released it to stand up and look at the tattoo.

"It's coming out amazing Laur, you're gonna love it," Camila said sitting down again and grabbing Lauren's hand.

After what felt like an eternity later, Mark finished up the tattoo and cleaned the back of Lauren's neck before showing her a mirror against another so she could see the work.

"Wow I love it, thank you!" Lauren grinned.

"No problem," Mark smiled back, "let me ring you up, I'll be right back."

"No wait," Lauren stopped Mark.

"What's up?" Mark wondered.

"There's one more thing I need you to do, it's really small," Lauren stated and Camila and Zayn both looked at her puzzled.

"You're doing more than one?" Camila asked.

"Yeah, just a small Z right here," Lauren explained pointing to the corner of her wrist and saw Mark grab a piece of paper to draw the simple design.

"No Lauren," Zayn responded. "Absolutely not."

"Why, it's my body I can do whatever I want with it," Lauren stated sternly.

"Laur, come on," Zayn sighed.

"I'm gonna get it done babe, it's just a letter," Lauren replied stubbornly.

"I'm assuming this is for him, so I added this little touch to it," Mark said showing Lauren what he'd drawn. It was the letter Z calligraphy style but instead of forming into the curl on the bottom stem like it did on the top, it was in the shape of a small heart.

"It's perfect," Lauren smiled and Mark went to set up the small piece.

"That's gonna look so cute," Camila stated.

"Stop encouraging her Mila. What are your parents gonna think, I'm sure you didn't tell them you were gonna get that," Zayn stated flatly, clearly still upset.

"It doesn't matter what they're gonna think," Lauren responded as Mark began to work.


*Later on that night*

"Bye Camz, thank you for everything today," Lauren said as Camila hopped out of the back seat of Zayn's car.

"No problem, I hope I could make up for the rest of the girls not being here," Camila mentioned.

"You were more than enough," Lauren smiled.

Camila returned a small smile, "well I'll see you guys later, bye."

Camila walked towards her front door and Zayn started to pull up towards Lauren's house.

"Wait can we go somewhere," Lauren asked placing her hand on the one Zayn had resting on the center console.

"Where?" Zayn questioned.

"Can we go to the spot where you asked me out," Lauren wondered and Zayn nodded as he started to drive.

After a couple minutes of silence Lauren intertwined her fingers with Zayn's.

"Are you still mad at me?" Lauren asked.

"What? No, I was never mad at you Laur," Zayn answered as he quickly looked over at her before looking back at the road.

"So why'd you get like that when I was getting the tattoo," Lauren sighed.

"I don't just kind of caught me off guard. I wish you would've talked to me about it first, it might be just a letter to anyone who looks at it but to you it will always remind you of me and I don't know..just cause we don't plan on anything bad happening with us doesn't mean that it won't," Zayn explained.

"I know that..I'm not completely unrealistic, but at this point in time in my life I'm in love with you and I don't mind flaunting that. It's small, God forbid anything happens I can cover it, though I don't think I would ever want to. This, what we have, is something I want to remember forever, that's why I did it," Lauren responded as she looked at the ink on her right wrist, "and don't feel like you have to reciprocate the gesture or anything, this is something I did for me, not for you or for us or something along those lines."

Zayn laughed, "I've thought about it plenty of times before today, love. Really though, what do you think you're parents are gonna say? I feel like they're gonna think I put you up to it."

"If that's the case, I'd defend you obviously. I don't know what they're going to think though, I'll just have to wait and see. Apparently they don't really react as badly as I think when it comes to things relating to you, so hopefully they don't care," Lauren mentioned and Zayn smiled.

After a couple more minutes they arrived at the spot on the small hill. The stars where not as visible as they were that night back in January but they were still there.

"So why'd you wanna come out here," Zayn wondered as he opened his sunroof before turning the car off.

"You didn't think I was gonna let my birthday pass without a little birthday sex did you," Lauren responded making Zayn laugh.

"You know this would be totally illegal right," Zayn chuckled.

"Oh please, like we haven't done our fair share of illegalities. Plus, there's no one around here, why do you think I chose it," Lauren answered.

"Good point. Well, where do you suppose we do the deed," Zayn questioned.

"Stop being such a weirdo, 'do the deed' what is that," Lauren laughed. "The back seat has more space so let's move."

The two of them got out of the car to reenter it in the back seat. Zayn slid toward the middle of the seat and Lauren straddled his lap.

"You're really gonna do the work on your birthday?" Zayn questioned.

"Yeah, you know I like to anyways, it's more fun," Lauren smirked as she placed a kiss on Zayn's neck. Lauren felt Zayn's hands move to the button of her shorts and then to the hem of her tank top, slowly lifting it up and he ran his hands up her body. Lauren moved her lips off Zayn's neck as he pulled the tank top off her body. She saw Zayn smile when he looked and saw she was wearing one of the bras he had bought her.

"It fit, I guessed the size," Zayn chuckled running his hands over the material.

"I'm not sure if I should be flattered or a bit offended," Lauren giggled in regards to her B-cup.

"You should be flattered, they're perfect," Zayn answered bringing Lauren close and hugging her as he laid his head on her chest. Lauren laughed and placed a kiss on the top of Zayn's head.

"I'm glad I didn't have to use one of my coupons to see you in this though," Zayn said referring to one of the gifts she had given him for their anniversary. Lauren had made him a little coupon book that gave Zayn a one time pass to do different things whenever and wherever he wanted.

Lauren laughed again before reconnecting their mouths. After a few minutes Lauren heard her phone ring and she pulled back from Zayn and sighed as she reached for her phone that was in the cup holder up front.


"Laur when are you coming home, we need your help packing stuff for Cuba," Clara said over the phone.

"I'll be there soon mami, give me half an hour," Lauren responded.

"Alright, just try and hurry okay," Clara mentioned.

"Okay, okay, bye," Lauren said hanging up. "We need to make this quick," Lauren mentioned placing her phone back to where it was before moving off of Zayn and sliding her shorts and panties off. Zayn lifted himself up and pulled his pants down to his knees along with his boxers. Lauren pulled a condom out of her purse and placed it on Zayn before straddling him once more and unclasping her bra; she grabbed his hand and placed two of his fingers in her mouth, sucking on them a bit before moving his hand down to her center. Lauren started to work on Zayn's neck, placing open mouth kisses and nibbles along it as he moved his fingers on her sensitive bundle of nerves. A moan escaped Lauren's lips and she bit down on Zayn's neck. Lauren felt Zayn grow beneath her after she moaned and she moved her hand down; both of them moving more hastily than usual. Lauren slowly slid Zayn inside her and tilted her head back as she moved up and down on him. Zayn attached his lips to one of Lauren's breasts as she moved her hands into his hair. Lauren felt Zayn's hips moving up and meeting hers as she moved on him, quickening their pace. Their ragged breaths, and a few crickets, were the only thing that could be heard in the quiet night with the sun roof open. Lauren looked down at Zayn who had moved his mouth to her other breast, she felt his tongue circle her nipple before tugging on it, eliciting a moan from her.

"Oh fuck babe," Lauren moaned again as she felt Zayn press down on her throbbing nub.

Lauren felt the car shaking from the pace they had going and she knew they'd soon both reach their peak, well she knew she would anyways.

Zayn moved his mouth off of Lauren's chest and looked up at her, "Laur," Zayn practically whispered.

"Yes baby," Lauren whispered back as she ran her hands to Zayn's face.

"I love you," Zayn responded as he moved his body up one last time before coming undone. Lauren connected their lips and moaned into his mouth as she followed him a few seconds later. They remained elevated off the seat a bit as the rode out their high and kissed. Lauren pulled back from the kiss, "I love you too," she replied out of breath. Zayn plopped back down on the seat and his car alarm started going off. Lauren started laughing and leaned her head against Zayn's shoulder. Zayn laughed along with Lauren as he held her and leaned forward to grab his keys off of the drivers seat. Lauren lifted herself off Zayn as he turned the alarm off.

"That was great," Lauren chuckled as she slid into her clothes once more. "The whole day was great actually, thank you for everything babe," Lauren mentioned as she reconnected their lips once more.


*4 days later; The day Lauren leaves*

"Do you really have to go," Zayn said hugging Lauren tightly as they reached the point in the airport where he couldn't go any further.

"Yes," Lauren responded against Zayn's neck, "I'm going to miss you so much. I'll try and contact you as soon as I can okay?"

"Okay," Zayn answered sadly as they pulled away from each other. Lauren rubbed Zayn's cheek with her thumb before placing a long kiss on his lips. "I'll be back before you know it, and then we'll spend every second together. You're gonna get sick of me," Lauren chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"That'll never happen," Zayn smiled a bit and Lauren placed her lips on his one more time.

"I love you, bye baby," Lauren said hugging Zayn again.

"I love you more, see you soon princess," Zayn responded before releasing Lauren. Camila walked over next to Lauren as she finished saying goodbye to Harry at the same time. They started to walk over to where their families were and Lauren looked back over her shoulder at where Zayn and Harry stood catching one last glimpse at the love of her life who she wouldn't see for a month; she saw him wipe his eyes but pretended it wasn't real because that being the last image she'd see of him for a while would break her heart.

A/N: sorry it took a while for me to update, it's the last couple weeks of the semester so finals and projects and stuff are happening. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

New pictures will be on Instagram.

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