The Hero of Remnant Volume 1:...

By LukeHerdman04

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Long ago there was a young boy garbed in green who protected the land 'till his last dying breath. Now, thous... More

Authors Foreword.
Bio (Act 1)
A Legend Is Born
A Hero Reborn
Things Can't Get Worse... Right?
Mistaken Identity
History Repeats Itself
Memories With A Sword Spirit
The Lost Kingdom Of Hyrule
Ancient Temple Spelunking
The Hero Returns To Beacon
The Fall Of Beacon Academy
Bio (Act 2)
The Aftermath Of Beacons Fall
The Search For The Sword
End Of An Era

Fateful Reunion

349 6 2
By LukeHerdman04

Ruby's POV.

We were all chained up by Ganondorf, and were being humiliated by him and his forces.

"Look at this. A silver eyed warrior brought down to her knees." He boasted, using a large green finger to raise my chin. "Beloved by her dear friend (Y/N), who she pushed away." He let out a boisterous laugh at that part. "And the kicker? The boy was right the whole time."

"W-What?" I weakly sputtered out.

"Sia, the girl you so fervently defended, was working for me." He laughed at the thought of this. "You were so sure of her innocence, that you completely shut out your best friend. You disregarded the only person who could've stopped me."

"We can still take you out." Jaune yelled. "We don't need that murderous asshole to beat you."

"You've got spunk kid. But you're wrong." He chuckled. "I lived over 10 000 years ago, and fought the same boy you once proudly called a friend. Last time, it was what you could consider a stalemate. But this time, he doesn't have his two most valuable assets."

Ganondorf was about to keep up his monologue, when a small seed like object landed near his feet. His eyes widened, before my body seized up. It felt like a few seconds, but when I was able to move again, I was in a completely different part of Beacon's courtyard. We all blinked and adjusted ourselves to the new area, before an annoyingly familiar voice called out to us.

"Looks like their waking up." (Y/N)'s voice said to someone. "Forgot how brutal the deku seeds effects were."

"What the hell are you doing here traitor?" I asked, teeming with rage.

"I didn't betray anyone." He calmly replied. "I've been working to find the one thing that can stop Ganondorf for good."

"Spare us the lies (Y/N). You're the reason Pyrrha died, and Ozpin's soul is trapped in a child's body." Ren yelled, shocking all of us.

"You know, I wondered what happened to that part of his soul." (Y/N) said, amusement in his tone. "So that's who the new kid is, huh?"

After he said this, Yang drew back her fist and launched it forward, sending (Y/N) tumbling to the ground.


"Lay off him Yang." Came a familiar voice. "If it wasn't for him, we'd both be gone."

We all turned around to see Professor Ozpin and Pyrrha standing there. We all stood there in shock, before Jaune took off like a bullet and pulled Pyrrha into a strong embrace.

"I'm glad to see someone's happy we aren't dead." She sarcastically joked, returning Jaune's hug.

"How are you not dead?" Weiss asked, sounding unbelieving.

"That would be my doing." (Y/N) groaned from the ground, slowly pushing himself up. "Can't fully explain it since you guys can't even do it, but the basic gist of it is I used part of their souls to create duplicates. Thanks to Oz's curse, his soul piece found a new host, but Pyrrha had no such curse, so her soul found it's way back to her."

"Wait, so you saved them?" Blake asked him, sounding cautious.

"He did. If it wasn't for him, we probably wouldn't be here." Ozpin said, grinning at (Y/N).

(Y/N) sheepishly grinned at the ground, not liking the attention.

"Wait, Ganondorf said that he lived 10 000 years ago and fought you, how'd that happen?" Nora asked, surprisingly calm.

"Well, funny story." He chuckled, but the mortified looks on Ozpin and Pyrrha's faces were hard to miss. "Approximately 10 000 years ago, I was part of a huge war, and right when I was about to win, I died."

We all let out sounds of shock at this, except for Uncle Qrow, Professor Ozpin, and Pyrrha.

"I managed to seal away Ganondorf, but he broke the seal." He continued. "It's only by the blessing of Hylia that I'm here fighting."

"Who's Hylia?" Jaune asked, finally letting go of Pyrrha.

"Long story." (Y/N) dismissed, waving his hand. "Anyway, Oz." He addressed Ozpin. "I feel it's energy."

"Really?" Ozpin asked, sounding excited. "Where?"

"Nearby." He said. "I think it's in the tomb."

"What are you guys talking about?" Weiss asked, annoyance obvious on her face.

"Not now Weiss, the adults are talking." (Y/N) sassed.

"I'M OLDER THAN YOU!" Weiss cried, sounding fully outraged now.

"Technically I'm over 10 000 years old." (Y/N) jested, before returning to his conversation with Ozpin. "I can get the sword, but we both know he'll sense it. You'll need to distract him and his forces long enough for me to draw it."

"We'll do our best." Ozpin nodded.

"If you're going to do that, you'll need this." (Y/N) said, pulling the scabbard and his sword off his back.

"I can't take this." Oz denied, trying to push it back to (Y/N).

"Oz, please take it. I'll probably end up throwing it away unless you use it." (Y/N) softly smiled. "Besides, I'll be getting an upgrade very soon."

Oz gingerly took the sword from him. He pulled it out of the scabbard, giving it a few small experimental swings.

"How's it feel?" (Y/N) asked.

"Perfect. You've got a knack for making weapons." He complimented.

"I guess you could say I've got a, divine touch." (Y/N) joked, causing thunder to rumble in the sky. "Oh come on, that was funny and you know it." The wind sounded like a sigh as it passed us. "Yeah yeah, sigh all you want."

We all stood there, watching him argue with the sky.

"(Y/N)?" I called to him. "Who are you arguing with?"

"Never mind. Look, I've got to go get the sword." He dismissed, changing the subject.

"Good luck. I'll see you out there, right?" Ozpin stuck his hand out for a handshake.

(Y/N) grasped it tightly, the two looking like old friends.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Was all he said, pulling Ozpin into a full on hug.

As they separated, (Y/N) turned his attention to us.

"I know you have no reason to trust me, but please. Help distract him until I can get the sword." He pleaded, looking us all in the eye. "He'll do way worse than what you've seen if we don't stop him now. Please."

We all looked at him, I'm not sure about the rest of them, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to trust him. We all kept looking at him, before he donned a crestfallen look.

"Yeah, that's about what I thought." He sadly said.

He gave curt nods to Pyrrha and Ozpin, before turning around and jogging away from us. As he left, Pyrrha turned to look at us.

"Really guys?" She said, disappointment evident. "He's been fighting this since the fall of Beacon. He's quite literally the only person who can stop Ganondorf."


"He's the chosen knight of a goddess." Ozpin angrily said. "And I've personally seen him lay his life down to save the world you walk on. He's going to search for a sword, originally forged by a goddess, upgraded with the special flames of three other goddess's, which he is one of two people who can properly use the blade."

We all stood in stunned silence, shocked that (Y/N) truly was the only person who could stop him.

"Now I don't know about you all, but we're going to fulfill a promise to a friend." Pyrrha harshly said. "Feel free to join if you decide to stop being assholes."

And with that, the two walked into a different direction, away from (Y/N). After they disappeared into the rubble, we all slumped down onto the ground.

"I can't believe we pushed away the only person who can stop this." I muttered, sadly looking at the ground.

"I'm going with Oz. I've trusted him for years. If he's trusting the kid, I'll put my trust in him too." Uncle Qrow said, standing up and taking a swig from his flask. "Do whatever you kids want."

And with that, he departed from us. One by one, everyone stood up and silently walked towards where Ozpin and Pyrrha went. Eventually it was just me and Jaune left.

"You gonna go with them?" I asked, guilt in my tone.

"Not without you. We started this crazy Beacon journey together, and we're gonna go through the rest of this together." He smiled, standing up and offering me his hand. "What do you say crater face?"

"I say, if you ever call me that again, I will personally send you to Ganondorf's army." I grinned, accepting his hand. "Do you think (Y/N) will forgive me?"

"Of course he will. You're (Y/N)'s best friend." Jaune announced, walking with me in the direction of the others. "If he doesn't forgive you, I'll cut off my right arm."

As we walked over the hill, the others were revealed to be standing there, waiting for us.

"I knew you'd come around." Pyrrha grinned. "(Y/N) affected you more than you like to admit."

"Yeah, I guess he did." I muttered, a small smile on my face. "So how do we beat Ganondorf?"

"We can't, we just have to distract him until (Y/N) get's the Master Sword." Ozpin said. "I'd recommend focusing on his forces. It'll make it easier for everyone involved. Well, everyone but Ganondorf."

"So we're stalling?" Yang dejectedly asked, not happy about not going all out.

"Sort of. We're going to go all out against his forces." Pyrrha reassured. "For every one monster we slay, Ganondorf loses one piece of his defense."

"So it's time. Any last preparations?" Qrow asked.

"One more." Ozpin said, pulling out bottles from a satchel he carried. "These are potions, made using an ancient Hylian recipe. They're designed to heal whoever drinks it. I need you to drink them so you're at full capability."

He passed the bottles around, one for each of us. We all took a swig from ours, and the effects kicked in immediately. I felt more energetic than I had in a while, and felt like I could single handedly fight off an Ursa. I looked at the others to see they clearly felt the same.

"Alright, now let's go unleash hell on those bastards." Uncle Qrow grinned, pulling out his scythe.

3rd POV.

As they all nodded at each other, they all drew their weapons and ran at the army they were faced with. They let out a battle cry, and charged towards the monsters. The entire army was caught off guard, and numerous of their comrades were taken out. The monsters were quick to overcome their shock, and retaliated. The makeshift troop managed to avoid their attacks, but the numbers slightly overwhelmed them.

"How are we supposed to beat them?" Blake asked, deflecting the blows of their enemies. "They have access to our Beacon files, they probably know our every move."

"Then we use moves they've never seen." Ruby confidently stated, slashing at a few nearby Bokoblins. "Keep them on their toes. The less predictable you are, the harder it is for them."

"Sounds like a plan." Jaune nodded, charging towards a group of Bokoblins.

As he charged, they raised their shields to defend a slash. However, he slid on the floor, slashing at their legs. As the small battalion attacked Ganondorfs forces, (Y/N) was on the otherside of Beacon Academy searching for the lost tomb of the hero.

"Come on, I swear it was right around here." He muttered, searching near where he had first found it. "I don't get it. It's not like it can jus- AHHHHH!"

As he had been talking, the ground beneath him had crumbled, pitching him into darkness.

"I think I found it." He groaned as he hit the ground.

He drew his lantern from his pocket, and ignited the fire within it. As the area was bathed in a warm light, the mural was lit up. He allowed his gaze to linger slightly, before focusing on the ocarina notes on the opposite wall. He held a small smile, pulling out his Ocarina of Time and playing the song that only worked with that ocarina, the Song of Time. As the song finished, the wall began glowing a bright white color. After it dimmed, it revealed that the wall had disappeared.

"I don't know what I expected, but that wasn't it." He muttered, rubbing his eyes from the recent assault.

He looked into the the small room where the wall had been, and felt elated to see the familiar deep purple hilt facing him. As he was about to grasp it, he quickly notched and sent it flying behind him, narrowly missing Ghirahim.

"Take one more step, and the next one goes through your head." He threatened.

"We both know you're mush more of a swordsman that a marksman. And it appears as if you lost your previous sword." Ghirahim mocked, plucking the arrow from the wall. "A shame really, I was hoping you'd put up some sort of a fight before your death."

"I don't need a sword to beat you." (Y/N) cried, pulling another arrow back, launching it towards his opponent.

Ghirahim chuckled, summoning a rapier to deflect the arrow away from him.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I was only supposed to stall you." He cryptically stated, beginning to disappear into his diamonds. "I'd say it's not personal, but it totally is. Toodles."

We see the others fighting the forces of Ganondorf. They had managed to make his army little under half of it's original amount. Ganondorf was worried, before his right hand man, Ghirahim, appeared next to him. With a quick shout, his forces retreated behind him. The small group stood in confusion, before an explosion in the distance shocked them all. They all wondered what that was, before Ganondorf's laughter rung across the battlefield.

"And with that, your loss is all but guaranteed." He laughed, sheathing his sword. "I'm sure you're wondering what that was. Well, Ghirahim here was tasked with rigging the heroes tomb with powerful explosives."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Ruby screamed, unbelieving of it. "YOU'RE LYING, YOU HAVE TO BE!"

"Believe me, it brings me no joy to rely on cheap tactics to defeat my enemy." He told her, sounding actually saddened by it. "But I could not allow him to interfere with my plans once more. We needed to ensure he couldn't draw that pesky sword of his."

"YOU DIDN'T NEED TO HURT HIM SO BADLY!" Jaune yelled. Asides from Ruby, he was the closest to (Y/N) in their small group. "WE PROBABLY HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO BURY!"

"I should hope not. Otherwise, that would mean you found someone else." Came a familiar, jovial tone.

They all looked nearby, to see a completely unscathed (Y/N) standing there, the sunset outlining him. In his hand was a gorgeous looking sword, and his shield was strapped to his other arm.

"You blithering idiot. You assured me that he would be dead this time." He lost his temper towards Ghirahim.

"You should have just have him do it himself instead of relying on cheap tricks." He called, moving down towards the others. "I merely had to use my champion ability and I managed to get clear of the blast."

As he reached the others, he leveled Ganondorf with a glare filled with fire from eons past.

"It's time to end this now." He called, slightly walking forwards. "But before we do so, I need you to promise one thing."

"Name it. There's not many who make me fight them more than once." Ganondorf agreed, listening to his opponent. "This is a matter of respect. Perhaps you could have been a great soldier in my army, had you been on my side."

"I'd sooner die than serve under you." (Y/N) spat. "But I need your word that no matter what happens, you leave my friends alone. Our quarrel is of no concern to them any longer."

"Deal. A kings court needs jesters, and I believe they would be perfect." He agreed, laughing as he finished his statement.

"Then it's time to finish what we started all those years ago." (Y/N) said, charging at his long time enemy.

As their blades clashed, it seemed as though the air around them rippled with pure energy. They pulled their blades back, and assessed their opponent. Ganondorf went for a downward slash, to which (Y/N) rolled to the right of and jumped up, performing a slash to his back.

"You've gotten better." Ganodorf acknowledged. "But you're still no match for me."

"You'll see Ganondorf, I'm no longer the young child you once knew." (Y/N) retorted, dashing forward to attack again.

The two traded blows back and forth, each dealing minor damage to their opponent. Eventually, they entered into a sword clash, both trying to gain leverage over the other. Unfortunately, Ganondorf used his superior strength to begin pushing (Y/N)'s blade closer to his body. (Y/N)'s eyes widened in fear, before a smirk wormed it's way back onto his face.

The young boy disappeared into a green blur, the blur proceeding to dash all around Ganondorf, dealing, major damage to his opponent. Ganondorf was visibly angered by this, and thrust his hand out, catching the young boy by the throat.

"Your games have been amusing, but it's time to end this." He said, squeezing tightly on the boy's throat.

"Couldn't... agree... more..." (Y/N) choked out, reaching into a pocket.

Back with (Y/N)'s friends, they finished off Ganondorf's forces, and turned to see the result of the main battle. When they saw (Y/N) being held by Ganondorf, they all freaked out.

"(Y/N)! HANG ON!" Ruby cried, dashing to the aid of her friend.

She rushed towards him, but he held up his unoccupied hand to stop her. He looked at them all, a smile on his face, despite the death looming over him.

"I'll... be... fine..." He croaked out, finally fishing out his item.

In his palm rested a small, green tinted crystal. This worried Oz, as he recognized the item.

"WAIT (Y/N) DO-" But he was too late.

(Y/N) crushed the item in his hand, both him and Ganondorf being whirled up in a ball of bright green energy. The ball morphed into a pillar, shooting off towards the sky.

"Wha- where did he go?" Yang asked, confused and worried.

"It could be anywhere. He could have gone anywhere he's been during his travels." Oz muttered, falling to his knees.

"What item was that?" Jaune asked, having never seen it.

"It's called Farore's Wind. It allows the user to travel to whatever preset destination they have." Oz explained, looking up to the sky.

"Does anyone know where he would have gone?" Weiss asked, uncharacteristically showing worry for the boy.

"To where their feud started." Oz said, getting to his feet once more. "To the lost land of Hyrule."

"Where?" Ren asked. He was very knowledgeable, but he'd never heard of Hyrule before.

"It's a land that was once the most advanced kingdom of all time, but after the devastation of Ganondorf, it was abandoned to the world." Oz informed them, being familiar with the story. "Shortly afterwards, it fell into obscurity."

"I hate to interrupt the impromptu history lesson, but what's that?" Nora asked, pointing to something in the distance.

Seeing the familiar green color, Oz sprinted towards it. He picked it up, revealing it to be (Y/N)'s hat.

"Why would he leave his hat?" Blake asked, confused.

"Last time he fought Ganondorf, right before he died, he passed me his hat." He revealed, to the horror of everyone else.

"We have to get to Hyrule." Ruby decided. "Now."

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