Hazy Shade of Winter [ON HOLD...

By TheQuietHufflepuff

22.7K 433 32

Adriana was born on October 1, 1989 like 42 other children. Like the others, she was far from ordinary. She... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
Playlist II


100 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


Two cups of coffee were poured.

Five, Adriana and Vanya sat at a counter.

"Leave the pot, dear," Five said.

The waitress set the pot down and Five muttered, "Lippy little shit." The waitress walked away.

Adriana shot him a look. "Be nice to those who work in customer service."

"You gonna tell me what the hell's going on?" Vanya asked.

Five looked at her. "When you were a baby, you were bought by an eccentric billionaire. He raised you in an elite academy with seven other siblings with extraordinary powers, but in the year 2019, in order to avoid the apocalypse, we jumped into a vortex and ended up being scattered throughout the timeline in Dallas, Texas. Any questions?"

"What do you mean, "the apocalypse?""

"I mean the end of the world as we know it."

"Yeah, but how?" Vanya wondered. "And who's she?"

Five looked at her. "You really don't remember anything? Ana began living at the Academy and got roped into everything."

Vanya shook her head. "Mm-mm. Nothing before a month ago."

Adriana sipped her coffee before asking, "What do you remember?"

"I landed in, like, a... back alley. Got hit by a car. My head was ringing like crazy. I had no idea how I got there, where I came from. What causes the apocalypse?"

Five looked away a moment, then turned back. "Asteroid impact. The big kaboom ends everything." He picked up his cup of coffee. "Just like the one that got the dinosaurs, except way worse. Bad news is, it followed us here." He set his cup down."

"What do you mean, "followed us"?"

"Eight days from now, the world ends in a nuclear doomsday. It's a different disease, but... same result."

"That can't be right."

"I saw it. With my own eyes." he let out a sigh. "You both were there. We all were."

"Shit. I need to make a phone call." She abruptly stood.


Vanya rushed to a phone and dialed a number.

Adriana glanced at the boy. "Five, you should've told her the truth. It's always better to know."

"And risk her blowing everything up again? No way."

"Five, she's your sister."

"And she doesn't remember what she did. Please don't tell her."

Adriana nodded slowly. "Only because you said please."

"Thank you."


Harlan listened to a record while playing with a bad and the record began skipping.

He fiddled with the needle and the classical music began playing faster. Harlan began hitting his head.

"Oh, God," Sissy sad. "Let Mama help you, honey." Harlan began hitting the record player again as she reached him. "Hey, let Mama help you. It's okay."

Sissy picked up the needle and moved it. "Here we go. Okay." She set it down and it screeched the record. "Oh, honey."

"Mmm!" Harlan hummed angrily.

"Honey, just take a deep breath. Deep breath, honey. Just breathe." Harlan hit the record player again. "Just breathe."


"It's okay, babe-"

"Mmm!" He stood, picked up an album and threw it across the room.

"Harlan, stop it!"

He began throwing more albums. "Mmm!"

Sissy grabbed him tightly. "Harlan! Harlan, stop it, honey."

He bit her and she let out a scream.

She panted and sat, Harlan still in her arms. "Baby, come on. Relax. I gotcha."

The phone rang while Harlan fought Sissy who said, "I gotcha. You're okay. You're okay. You're okay." She rocked her son. "Oh, shit!"

"Mmm!" Harlan hummed again.

The phone kept ringing as Sissy spoke. "Okay, here we go. Here we go."

She crouched in front of Harlan who clapped and panted.


"Mmm!" Harlan clapped again.

Sissy answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Vanya?" Sissy called.


"Where are you?"

"I'm so sorry I took the station wagon."

Sissy let out a sharp breath. "I don't care about the damn car."


Sissy gasped and panted. "Are you okay?" She picked up a cloth and held it to the spot where Harlan had bit her.

"I'm fine."

"What the hell happened?"


"I found my younger brother and a friend."

"What? H-How?"

"It's a long story. Is Harlan okay?"


Sissy glanced at her son. "No, he's... he's not okay. The record player broke, and he just... Just-" She let out a sigh. "When the hell are you coming back?"


"As soon as I can, I promise."


"I'm happy you found your real family."


"- family-"

Five stood and walked towards the phone. He pressed a button and the dial tone sounded.

"What the hell?" Vanya asked angrily.

"We don't have time for this," Five saiid.

"That's my friend you just hung up on."

Five grabbed her shoulders. "Listen to me." He spoke in a softer tone. "Those people from the field are coming after us. They are never going to stop. Do you understand me? We need to stick together, find the others, figure out how to stop doomsday. Whoever this person is, they can't be more important than the end of the world." He removed his hands. "We need to go."

Adriana looked at Vanya curiously. "Whoever she was talking to seems important to her."

Vanya frowned. "How do you know that?"

"A guess from your tone of voice. Am I right?"

"Yes. They're very important. They saved me."

She nodded, hung up the phone and followed Five out the door, Adriana close behind.


Lila entered and asked, "You hungry? Elliott's made moldy tuna."

Elliott sputtered. "It's a tuna mold."

"I'll pass," Diego replied. "Where's my shirt?"

"Where do you think you're going?" Lila demanded.

"This is all connected to JFK, and my dad's right in the middle of it." He held his pants. "That's why he attacked me last night." He grunted and let out a breathe. "'Cause he knows that I'm actually getting closer to-" Lila poked him with a stick where he was injured and Diego fell onto the bed with a grunt.

"Yeah, you're in such a fit state to fight. You should probably go right now."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"You almost got killed last night. Take a day off." Diego grunted again as Lila set the stick down.

She laid next to Diego, hovering above his right.

"I can't believe I got shanked by my own father," Diego muttered.

"I know. So rude. Hey, if it's any consolation, he probably didn't know that you were his son when he shanked you."

"Still... he cheap-shotted me. Man to man, that son of a bitch wouldn't stand a chance."

"Of course he wouldn't." She tapped his skin and he gasped softly.

"Why were you following me?"

Lila turned and laid her back on the bed as she sighed. "I thought you were taking off on me." She shrugged. "Mmm. What people do. Hey, um... you know, when you were lying there, I... I thought you were dead. That's how I found my parents." He lifted his head slightly and looked at her. "Facedown in the living room. It was a home invasion." He sat up and hovered over her slightly.

"Shit," he whispered. "How old were you?"


"You never talked about that in group."

Lila faced him. "I never talked about that with anyone."

"If you wanna stay longer... for a bit... I guess that's okay."


"Yeah." Lila sat up.

"Is it okay that I don't hate you like I hate most people?"

Diego smiled and laughed softly, nodding. "Yeah."

He leaned in to kiss Lila and she slapped him, knocking him onto the bed.

"Jesus!" Diego yelled.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Lila asked.

Diego lifted his head. "I don't understand you!" He set his head back on the bed and sighed.

Lila stood, leaned over him, and kissed him.

"Ow," Diego muttered. "Oh, oh, ow, ow, ow, ow..."

"Too much?"

"Just... be gentle."

"Never." She straddled him and they continued their make out session.

Outside the bedroom, Elliott's tuna mold was set. He placed it down and inhaled some garnish, hearing a loud thud. He set the garnish down an there was a loud clatter. He picked up his tuna mold and walked away.


The Handler relaxed in the bath with a file and a glass of wine. She set the glass down and focused her attention on the file; Five's.

She moved her feet slightly and dropped the file on the floor near the bathtub.


Luther sat at the counter with a plate of food.

Jack walked up to him. "Don't ever say I never did nothin' for you, you big galoot." The dog whined as Jack set a piece of paper down.

"You found her?" Luther asked.

"South Dallas. It's a hell of a place." he let out a chuckle. "You sure know how to pick 'em." he cackled, walking away.

Luther looked at the piece of paper which read 75 Ellis St.


Luther drove up to the address and stepped out of the car. He had a box in his hands as he walked up to a house.

"Can I help you?" Ray asked from behind Luther.

"Oh." Luther turned to face him. "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong address." He turned back to the house with a frown. "I..."

"Who are you looking for?"

He faced Ray again. "Allison Hargreeves?"

"You mean Allison Chestnut."


"My wife."

Luther's face fell.


Luther sat at the kitchen table while Ray looked at him.

Luther was silent for a moment before asking, "Would you mind if I, uh..."

Ray shook his head. "Knock yourself out."

Luther opened the lid and pulled out some candy. He ate it before asking in a muffled voice. "I'm sorry, did you-" he offered the box.

"No, thank you."

Luther placed the box down.

Ray continued. "Allison told me that she had family up north, but... she never mentioned a brother. And she certainly never mentioned a brother that looked like you." Luther glanced at him, still chewing.

"Yeah, I guess we haven't been that close lately." He continued eating candy.

"Mmm. So you staying here in Dallas?"

"I got a room at the Plano Street Rooming House for Solitary Men."

"Oh, yeah? How you like it?" He straightened and crossed his arms.

"Not bad. Clean. Reasonable rates."

"Good." Ray nodded. "Very good."

"So, uh... how long you been married?"

"Oh, yeah, we're coming up on a year now." He clapped his hands together with a grin and turned, picking up a picture and showed Luther.

"So great." His smile dropped.

"Yeah." He set the picture down.


Ray placed a hand on his hip. "Thank you."

The phone rang and Ray answered. "Hello?" Luther stood and made his way towards the pictures. "What? We're still on? I'll be right there." He hung up the phone as Luther studied the wedding photos. "Listen, I have got to run. Do you want to leave a message for Allison?"

Luther glanced at Ray. "Would you just tell her that I need to talk to her?"


Luther turned and left.


Allison entered.

"What?" a woman questioned with a gasp.

Allison made her way towards the counter and sat at an end chair. She folded her hands on the counter.

"Out," the manager demanded. "Else I'm calling the police."

"I'd like to be served, please," Allison told him.

A woman walked up to them, pointing to a sign. "Can't you read, girl?"

"Seven languages."

A man stood. "Oh. You a smart one, huh."

The door opened and another black woman entered, followed by more black men and women. The white customers looked at them in shock.

"We'd like to be served, please," Allison said as everyone who'd entered sat at the counter.

"You are not welcome here," the woman stated.

Allison folded her hands tighter and pursed her lips.


Klaus and Ben pulled up outside a store.

"The hell are we doing here?" Ben wondered. "S-Some ole DIY?"

Klaus shut off the engine. "You just stay here, pumpkin." He groomed himself a moment. "Okay." He opened the door and exited.

He walked to the hardware store, about to enter.

"Don't do anything dumb," Ben warned.

Klaus entered the hardware store as two men exited. He slowly walked around, checking things out.

"David?" a man called.

Dave turned to Klaus. "Uh, yeah, can I help you?"

"Dave?" Klaus realized.

Dave glanced down. "Yeah, that's what it says on my name tag, yeah."

Klaus pulled off his sunglasses and exhaled sharply, hooking them onto his shirt. His voice trembled. "Look at you, with your... jokes and... your name tag and..."

"Well, can I help you find anything?"


"So this is why we came to Dallas," Ben said from behind.

Klaus sighed. "I..."

"Just, don't."

"You all right, mister?" Dave questioned.

"Yeah. No, I'm-"

"No, he's not all right," Ben replied.

"I'm totally fine. I'm totally fine. I just, um-"

"You just what?"

Klaus sighed and his breath trembled. "Paint."


"Yeah, I'm... remodeling the second bathroom and... require some paint." He glanced at Ben.

"Yeah, s-sure thing," Dave stammered. "What... What color paint were you looking for?"

"Oh..." he sighed, "I don't know." he let out a soft chuckle. "Eggshell?"

""Egg... Eggshell." How do you mean, "eggshell"?"

Ben scratched his forehead as Klaus struggled to explain. "As in... you know, like, white." Ben glanced up and crossed his arms. "Or... Or, like, off-white like an eggshell?"

"We're fresh out of white, but I do have..." he turned and stepped closer to the shelves of paints. "Mamie pink on special, which always goes very nice in the latrine." He brought them over with a smile.

"That sounds perfect."

Dave smiled, walking away.

"Is this considered stalking?" Ben questioned. "'Cause I think you're stalking now."

"Shut up!" Klaus whisper-hissed.

Dave shook the paint with a tool and Klaus complimented, "You're pretty good at that."

Dave chuckled. "Thanks."

The paint began shaking. Klaus stared at Dave, remembering the helicopter blades and holding Dave as he died.

"All set." Dave set the cans of paint down on the counter.

"Thanks," Klaus replied.

"You're welcome."

Klaus took the paint and let out a breath. "Yeah." He turned away and exited the hardware store.

He climbed into the car and placed the paint on the passenger's seat.

"So this is why you dragged me away from San Francisco, so you could rekindle your little Vietnam thing?" Ben accused.

"Why don't you stay out of my business, Casper?" Klaus shot back.

"Your business is my business."

"Oh, well, then, congratulations," he clapped his hands together," because you're fired!" He turned the engine.

"This is wrong, Klaus. It's selfish."

"Just stop, Ben."

"You're gonna confuse the kid!"

Klaus faced him. "Would you stop? Damn it, listen to me. When we were on leave in Saigon, Dave told me about the day he enlisted. It was the same day that Kennedy was murdered. And if you would just please leave me alone for five goddamn minutes, then maybe I could convince him not to sign up to that stupid war and maybe I could save his life!" He turned back and sighed, hitting his hand on the wheel. "God, damn it! Ow." He shook his hand.

"Look, just promise me you can handle this. Whatever happens."

"Yeah, yeah, I can handle it, I can handle it."

Sirens wailed behind them and grew louder as police cars drove past.

Realization dawned on Klaus. "Oh, shit, Allison."


White folk were still jeering the black folk and pouring salt on them. The black folk braved the salt and didn't utter a word.

Woman two demanded, "Get them out of here!"

"Get the hell out of here!" man one yelled.

"What the hell?" another man questioned as Ray walked through the crowd.

"What are you doing in here, boy?" a man asked.

"What the hell?" another man inquired. "Come on, go! Get out!"

"Get the hell out!" another man yelled.

Ray walked towards Allison who opened her eyes and said, "Ray. O, you made it. Thank God."

Ray fixed his suit. "It's been a very interesting day." He moved around her to find a seat.

"You can get out!" a man said aggressively.

Odessa shifted to another chair. "Take my seat. Next shift's about to start."

Ray sat next to his wife as the crowd continued jeering and ordering them out.


Luther was hit in the face and he grunted, stumbling back as the crowd groaned.

He punched his opponent who punched back.

Luther was head-butted and tossed into a wall.

Five opened a door and entered, Vanya and Adriana close behind.

"Come on!" the opponent cried. "Get up!" He kicked Luther while the crowd shouted and applauded.

Luther punched the man, gaining a surge of strength and adrenaline.

Vanya, Adriana and Five watched.

Luther suddenly flashed to meeting Allison's husband and his opponent seized the opportunity to beat him.

"Look, he's pummeling him," Vanya commented.

"Hit me again," Luther said.

"The hell are you doing?" Jack wondered.

The opponent grabbed Luther, fingers around the back of his head and pushed him back with a growl.

"Oh, my God, Luther," Vanya said.

Adriana winced as she watched Luther getting pummeled.

"Why isn't he fighting back?" Five questioned.

Luther was punched in the gut not once, but twice.


"No more back door!" people chanted. "No more back door! No more back door!" Police officers stood in front of them. "No more back door!

Inside, the white folk chanted, "Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!"

"What's wrong?" Allison wondered as the chanting continued.

Without looking at her, Ray answered, "I got bailed out of jail today by a very unique character claiming to be my brother-in-law."

"Okay, that... that's Klaus. I... I can explain all of that-"

"And then I come home," Allison glanced at him, "to find the biggest white boy I've ever seen in my entire life standing on my front porch, trembling like somebody's lost puppy," Allison shifted, "and the strange thing is, he is also claiming to be your brother."


The manager slid a cup of hot coffee as Ray replied, "That's the one."

The hot coffee landed on Allison and she stood with a gasp. She backed into a police officer who grabbed her.

"Get your hands off her!" Ray ordered, trying to protect his wife by pulling at the officer's arm and was grabbed by another officer.

"That's it! You're outta here!" the officer told them.

Allison's head hit the counter and she grunts as a whistle trilled.

"Ray!" Allison called as her husband's head hit a table, causing him to grunt as his arms were grabbed. "No, no, no, Ray!"

"Allison!" Ray yelled.

Ray was beat with a stick and Allison cried, "No, no!"

Another whistle trilled as Ray continued getting beat.


"Let her go!" Odessa yelled. "Stop it!"

"Get your hands up!" an officer ordered as the sit-in party started raising their hands. "Everybody, hands up!"

The sit-in members were arrested and Ray was taken from the restaurant. Eventually, Allison was released.

Something was dropped to the ground and smoke began emanating from it.

"Disperse or you will be arrested," an officer warned over a bullhorn.

"Get your hands off me!" a woman said.

Ray was still being beat and Allison ran to her husband screaming, "Ray! Ray! No!"

A man grabbed her as she said, "Stop it! Get off of him! Stop!"

"You don't belong in there, boy!" the officer beating Ray told him.


"You're next!"

The white folk shouted jeering taunts.

"Stop it! You're killing him!" Allison cried as the officer continued beating Ray.

Another man ran up and yelled, "Get off her!" He pushed the man away from Allison.

Allison grabbed the officer's baton and her voice echoed as she said, "I heard a rumor... that you walked away."

The officer dropped the baton and walked away as Ray stared at the encounter in shock.

Allison dropped to her knees. "Ray. Are you... Are you hurt? We're okay."

"What did you say to him?" Ray asked.

"We're okay."

"What the hell did you say to him?"


"What the hell did you say to him?"

"I just told him to leave you alone."

"There ain't no way in hell that a white cop is just gonna walk away 'cause a black woman tells him to."

Allison glanced back and coughed.. "Ray, we don't... we don't have time for this. Come on." She tried pulling his arm and he yanked it away. She reached for him. "We gotta go! Gotta get out of here." She pulled his arm again. "Come on!"

Ray pulled away and started getting up. "Who are you?"

"Ray! Ray!" She coughed again. "Ray, we -- Ray! Ray-"

"Who are you?" Ray repeated as Allison grabbed his arm.

Ray pulled his arm back and ran off as Allison coughed.

Klaus appeared behind her. "Allison, come on. We have to go."

"No, no!" Allison cried. "I can't leave him! Ray!"

"Come on! Right now!" He pulled her away.



Luther panted. "Hit me again." The opponent did so. "Again! Hit me!"

The girls frowned as Five said, "Luther, are you crazy? Just hit him!"

"Come on, Luther!" Jack yelled.

"Hit me," Luther told his opponent. "I wanna feel pain. I wanna feel all the pain." His opponent stepped back. "Give me everything you've got."

The man reared his fist back and growled as he hit Luther, causing him to fly in the air. The trio looked on, shocked. Luther hit the ground, unconscious. The crowd booed.

"Get out of my way," Jack ordered as he began walking through the crowd.

"Shit," Five commented. "Luther."

"Why didn't he fight back?" Vanya asked.

Adriana glanced at her. "Maybe he has a lot on his mind?"

Luther's eyes opened slowly and he stared up at the moon.


Diego and Lila were in bed, clothes off. She looked at him and smiled before getting up and putting her shirt on.

She picked up her pants and another object.


"Hi little guy," Lila greeted, petting a dog.

A boy and his mother left.

Lila looked at the fish tank and noticed something in the treasure box. She pulled it out to find a key labeled 217. She took the key and left.


Lila walked along the street and paused to listen to angry shouts.


She inserted the key and entered the room. "I'm late, I know." She began walking. "All kinds of crazy going on outside." She tossed the keys down and they clinked before she picked a takeout card up and flopped backwards onto a bed. "Mmm. Hey, can I order room service? I'm starving."

The Handler walked out from the bathroom, brushing her hair. "Of course. You deserve it."

Lila sat up and smiled. "Thanks, Mum." She kissed the Handler's cheek and went to dial a number on a phone.

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