Scarlet Ascend Powerless No M...

By TheHermitXaxus

59.6K 773 653

Izuku Yagi had it all, friends, family and a lovely little sister. But at 4 years of age, everything changed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

5.6K 80 75
By TheHermitXaxus

*Three days prior to Izuku's admission into the projekt*

Aizawa's POV

"Urgh, so many crimes tonight."

I walked exhausted into my apartment, and went to the bedroom. Once there, I switched to my sleepwear and collapsed into bed. Looking at the calendar, I saw that my nephew's birthday is tomorrow.

"Right, I already got the newest Mirko figurine. I haven't seen him since he was 6, I should go and surprise him. I really hate that teaching job, but I needed the extra cash. But missing out on 6 years of my nephew's life wasn't worth it. At least, I remembered to always send him presents during the holidays. Hope he enjoyed them."

I set my alarm clock to the early afternoon and went off to sleepland.


I shoot up in the bed and smack my alarm. Standing up, I went to the bathroom and did my routine. Once finished, I made myself some coffee and a light breakfast. I looked into the news to be prepared for any clue I might need later in the night to hunt villains. Finishing breakfast, went and got ready to go out. I looked into my closet and got my present for Izuku. I smiled, since I met Mirko during one of her patrols and asked her if she could sign one of her new figurines for my nephew, as his birthday present. She was rude at first but once she heard that she was his favorite female hero she relented. I walked to the Yagi residence, to not get too lazy. When I was almost there, I saw Mitsuki and Masaru also walking to the residence.

"Hey, you two."

"WOW! Fuck Shota, I told you not to sneak up on people!"

"Honey, he is an underground hero, it's basically in his job description. Hello, Shota."

"What he said,*looks at their arms* Oh, also going to congratulate Izuku?"

"Yeah, we haven't seen him since he was 6.*sigh* I swear that fucking financal crisis with our fashion company kept us busy. Glad it ended this year."

"Tell me about it, honey. I still regret not looking into that snake's background more."

"Right, someone stole your designs and sold them as their own right?"

"Yeah, it was one law-suit after the other. Katsuki and Kasumi have become brats at home, who almost don't listen to us anymore."

"Honey, we will get them under control again. Don't you worry, how has it been for you Shota?"

"*sighing* Exhausting, balancing that teacher job and hero work basically has run me ragged these 6 years. But I finally found last month a rhythm in which I can sleep and work properly. I regret not seeing the little guy as much as I used to. Oh, but I remembered to send him presents, on the holidays and such."

"Huh, pretty much the same as us. Hope he had fun with the hero figurines.... wait you didn't also send him those right?"

"Ahh, pretty much why?"

"Okay, what is his gift from you?"

"A Mirko one with her signature."

"Phew, good ours is a Gang Orca and a Best Jeanist. Sadly without signature."

"Well, shall I ring the bell seeing as we just arrived."

Mitsuki and I nodded at Masaru's question, once he rang the bell we waited. We heard a faint coming and the door opened. My adopted sister opened the door.

"Oh my Mitsuki, Masaru and Nii-sama. It's been a long time, you two and hello Nii-sama."

"Hey, Inko."

"It's nice to see you again, Inko."

"Hey, sis, can we come in?"

"Oh, sure, sure, make yourselves at home."

We walked into the house and changed our shoes. Then we walked to the living room, where I could see Katsuki, Kasumi and Izumi with a red and white haired boy that I have never seen before. But no Izuku, I looked around but something wasn't right.


"Old hag? Daddy? What are you doing here!?"

"Auntie Mi? Uncle Ma? Uncle Wa?"


The kids greeted us like that, but I was more focused on my bad feeling. I continued to look through the room. I didn't find one picture of Izuku.

"Weird, where are the pictures of Izuku? All I see is Izumi and her friends or Sis and that doofus."


"Honey, kids, please this is not our house."

"Uncle Wa, why are you all here?"

"We came to wish Izuku a Happy Birthday. As we finally got our lives a little under control from these 6 years. Where is he?"

"Uhhh, I don't know?"

"He probably is with his friends. Or he might be upstairs."

"Okay, I will go see if he is there. Surprise him and all."

As I was walking to the stairs and up them, I still didn't find pictures from Izuku. Hisashi's pictures are also missing.

"Why are his pictures gone? Didn't she say that at least Izuku should see them?"

I was getting an even worse feeling. I reached Izuku's room and knocked, but heard no response.


I tried to open the door and to my surprise it opened without problems.

"Is he really with his friends?"

I remember Izuku crying and saying his friends moved away overseas. I opened the door and what I saw shocked me to the core. This room didn't look like that of a 12 year old. It had nothing in it except for a bed. No toys, no furniture, no scattered clothes, nothing. I walked around and looked in the wall closet also finding it empty, but before I closed it my eyes caught something. One of the floorboards was loose and something was caught between it. Removing the floorboard, I found notebooks.

"Hero journal number 12 copy?"

I looked at them all and each said copy with a number going up to 15. Some even said it was rewritten and edited. Looking briefly through one, I was floored by his analyses and predictions.

"Holy coffee, nephew, what have you been doing in your free time?"

I also had one damaged notebook, it looked like someone had used fire or something on it. Opening it, I also saw some info but it was damaged, probably water damages from what I could see. But the last page concerned me.

"I wish I was never born into this family!?"

The last note in the book seemed to be written after the damages. I took them all and returned downstairs. It seemed that doofus came back.

"Inko, where is Izuku?"

"Hmm, I told you right? He must be in his room, if he isn't th-"

"Inko, he doesn't have friends anymore! They moved overseas a long time ago! WHERE IS IZUKU!?"

"*scared* I don't know, Nii-sama."


"Woah, Shota calm the fuck down! What's wrong?!"


I threw the damaged notebook on the table and opened the page with the last note in it.

"W-w-w-what? Inko where is my nephew!?"


"I don't know, Mitsuki. Really, he should have been-"

"Inko, another thing where are pictures of Izuku? And where are Hishashi's?"

"Aizawa, please don't scare my wi-"

"Shut it, American wannabe!"

The kids also looked at the notebook and flinched, which didn't get past me.

"Izumi, do you know what happened?"

"*looking shiftly around* No, Uncle Wa."

"Look me in the eyes and repeat that."

She tried to but never got a word out and broke eye contact multiple times.

"I want answers and I want them now!"

Everyone except Mitsuki and Masaru flinched, Mitsuki was then also asking questions. Masaru studied the notebook but he seemed more interested in the damages.


Katsuki yelled after 2 minutes.

"Excuse me? What did you just call Izuku?"

"Deku! It is what he is! A useless quirkless Deku!"

"*slapped him* Do not call him that you, brat!"

"Katsuki, Kasumi, were you the ones responsible for this burned notebook?"

Masaru decided to finally ask a question as well. But none of them said anything, while Katsuki looked away arrogantly, his sister was looking at the ground.


I was impressed, they got the ever calm Masaru to yell and Mitsuki jumped a little and was inching her way behind me.

"*whispers* I love the man but I will not get caught between the crossfires."

I wondered why she was so scared of him, but I got my answer quickly. He took his son by the ear and asked again. He was absolutely livid, his son tried to growl at his father only to stop cold in his tracks, as Masaru had the look of a demon in his eyes.

"I asked a question and wanted an answer, young man."

"Daddy, we kinda did because we wanted him to stop trying to be a hero."

Kasumi answered for her brother.

"What else did you do?"

Again only silence.

"You know what the kids we will deal with later, Masaru. Inko, I asked a question before all this. Why are there no pictures of Izuku in this house?"

"But there are."


She began to look around and once or twice tried to point to one but only saw what I saw.

"Huh. Wait, one should be there..... Where are my baby boy's pictures?"

"What about Hisashi?"

"Oh one should be..... it's not there. Wait, that can't be....*looking around in a panic*"

"Okay, that's it. I am calling Naomasa and Sorahiko."

I called both of them, while Masaru was questioning the kids with Mitsuki's help. Who by now was acting like a love sick puppy for her husband. The two of them came after around 45 minutes. By that time the kids still didn't crack and Inko was looking through each and every picture book.

"Okay, why did you call me here, hobo?"

"What can I do for you Aizawa?"

"Well, Izuku is missing but something is wrong here. I went to his room and it is bare, there is not even a trace that someone even lived there."

"Can I see for myself?"

"Sure follow me."

Both came with me and were also shocked at the bare bones room. Sorahiko was shaking and in an instant was zipping down the stairs with his quirk. Naomasa and I ran after him, to find him beating the living shit out of the doofus.

"What did you do, you dolt!?"

"*trying to shield himself* Master, please stop!"

I stopped his quirk so we would get an answer, not that I wanted to stop him mind you. Everything was pointing to a really dark picture, and I hoped my suspicions were wrong.

"I don't know, master, what are you talking about?"

"Izuku! You absolute dolt! Where is he and what happened to his room? It is empty!"

"He most likely is outside, no?"

"*crying* No, no, no, no, no, why is there no picture of Izuku? Where is my baby boy?"

We all turned to Inko as she said that.

"There are no pictures, where are my pictures of my baby boy? Why can't I find anything beyond the age of 4?"

The hairs at my neck began to stand up, she wouldn't have?!

"Inko, what about Hisashi's pictures? Where are they?"

"They are gone too. I can't find them*crying and trying to remember where they are*"

"Wait, Inko didn't we throw some pictures away? Because we didn't find them important?"

As the American wannabe said that, I was slowly starting to see red! Hisashi was a good friend and my favorite brother-in-law. Toshinori was okay at best and more annoying than Mic at worst. But that gut feeling was solidifying faster and faster.

"Oh god, did I? I wouldn't, right? No,*crying more profound* I did, oh god, I really threw them away. But I don't remember throwing away any of Izuku."

"*getting angrier by the second* What is your last memory of him?"

Inko and Toshinori were thinking about my question, then both cried, well my sister cried even more.

"How could we?"

"I am no better....."


"We...... we neglected him for Izumi."

Both said at the same time, none could stop me as I lunged for Toshinori. I began to beat the ever living shit out of him, I faintly heard my sist- no Inko asking me to stop but I also heard Sorahiko stopping her, telling her he deserved it. I beat the man for 10 minutes and then I got off him, he will live but that kind of damage will take time to heal.

"I never liked you, and never will. I wished you would have died instead of Hisashi, then at least Izuku would have had a father."

I then looked at the kids, they did something and I wanted to know what. All of them flinched as I had a little blood on me and had my quirk active.

"Tell me this instant, what did you do to Izuku!"

They still held strong, well all except Izumi she was crying at this point.

"*crying and hiccuping* We... We thought if we showed him that he can't be a hero, he would stop."

"How did you show him?"

"We spread rumors that his quirkless status is infectious. And we....... we bullied him."

"Brats! What the hell!"

"Something isn't right here. My quirk detected a lie or more like half a lie."

We all looked at the kids and they were sweating, but all looked at Izumi as if to tell her to be silent. I used one of my logical ruses to get them to talk.

"Okay, you don't want to talk? Then I will blacklist you from UA, since I am a teacher there it is easy work."

Not a complete lie, I could but I wouldn't just yet.


"My father is Endeavor, I could easily revoke that."



The girls were silent while the boys were arguing that it was not fair.

"I don't care, and your father even has to abide by the rules from Nezu. If I blacklist you, I blacklist you, end of story."

"*whispering* We used our quirks on him."

"What? I didn't hear you right, I believe."

"Zumi said, we used our quirks on him."

Mitsuki and Masaru looked at their children in horror, Sorahiko broke his cane, Naomasa coughed from taking in air wrongly and I myself was shaking. I wanted to punch that piece of shit on the floor again. But I held back, I wanted to throw the table but our presents for Izuku were there. So I took a chair and threw it against the wall.


"I agree with Shota, give us one reason to even allow you to visit UA?"

"I say we place these brats into military school! I taught you to be confident and not conceited!"

"I would beat the shit out of you Toshinori, as I see this as your fault. But, the hobo already did."


"*barely conscious*"

"Actually, now that I think about it, where were his presents from us?"

"What do you mean, Shota?"

"There was no trace of his presents ever standing in that room and I am guessing he ran away recently."

"W-w-we always thought you wrote Izumi wrongly on the presents."

"......... Inko, I don't want anything to do with you. And if Izuku hates me because you fucking did that. Let's just say, your hero career is going down the drain, including your bastard husband's."

"We also want nothing to do with your family anymore. And you two will go to military school from high school on. Honey is right, you were taught respect but it seems the normal schools were ass kissing you two."

"Shota, we need to find Izuku."

"On it, I will get an investigation started, but since he is quirkless it will be short handed. But a few heroes owe me a favor."

I walked out of the house with my present for Izuku, hoping to find him fast.

"Don't worry, Izuku. Your Uncle will find you and give you what they should have, familial love."

*1 year after Izuku's joining the project. Present time*

Izuku's POV

It has been one year since I joined the Scarlet Company. And have been training for the project that has been dubbed "Project: Nexus" with the others. As we will symbolize the bond for the quirkless to have a better life. All of us have been training our body to maximum efficiency, and have been provided a diet to stimulate muscle gain and bone growth.

Gemma, Luka, Shiden and I have somewhat of a competition going on, of who can press more on the bench. Shiden and I had it rough at the start getting along, but he came to respect me, knowing that something must have happened to me in my past. And yet strive to achieve my goal, despite my hardships. He was for some reason hostile to Yuito, something about him getting everything on a silver plate, but Kasane made short work out of that attitude. I think he now fears her with a passion.

Fubuki and I have become best friends, it's funny to watch him trying to motivate his sister Arashi. Only to do her work because she didn't feel like it. She and I play video games from time to time. She really hates fighting me in a combat game, since I use hit and run tactics more often than not. But usually all three of us have a good time together.

Kagero and Tsugumi are more the relaxed type of people, well more Kagero. Tsugumi likes gardening and I help her from time to time. Kagero is the flirting type of guy. But for some reason he has been reigning it in lately. But he and I love to prank, I usually help him with one or two pranks a week.

Wataru and Haruka couldn't be more different twins if they tried to. It is funny how Haruka loves outdoor activities while Wataru likes indoor ones. Haruka is my jogging partner in the morning, while Wataru is my nerd accomplice. I showed him my hero journals and he analyzed them and then we simply took it upon us to analyze all the heroes from America.

Hanabi has started calling me Zu-nii after my speech about this being our chosen family. She is always asking for help with homework, since we are still receiving classes so as to have an education. Usually she isn't alone, I would say ¾ of the time Yuito is with her, and when he is there so is Kasane and Naomi. Naomi and I get along pretty well, I am always asking for tips on how to get Kasane to smile or laugh from her. Which she gives gladly, to the grievances of Kasane.

Gemma and Kyoka are still my best friends, we have done a lot of things in the past year trying to make up for lost time. Luka is usually with us, since we two now act like real siblings. I learned that his parents died in a car crash and the orphanage he was at wasn't a good one.

Kasane and I, well it is a rocky relationship I would say. I get the feeling she wants to let me in even just a little, but is pushing me away. Not that I am giving up, but I wonder why she won't let me in just a little bit. Yuito and I are pretty close, he's like another little brother to me, not that I will ever admit that in front of Kasane. I value my life after all.

Right now we are also living in the same building after an incident with another platoon. The people of the kids' neighborhood tried to kill him. It then was decided that we all would live in what we call the platoon housing. Each of us had a private room for our bed and clothes, but it is required that our workspace is in one room. As to make us grow as a unit, which is okay yet I think Kasane doesn't like having me beside her. We also cook for ourselves, yet there is one rule we all follow.

"Man, Gem you need to chill out on the bench."

"And let you surpass me? Sorry, Izu, my pride as a man is blocking me there."

"Yet, I agree with Nii-san, you almost bench twice as much as us."

"How does he do that? We all eat the same food."

"He's just built differently from us, Shiden. *snorts* He is a boulder of a guy."

"Well, not wrong there, still to think he outmatches us so much."

"Just means we have to find something that we are good at."

"You mean like you are learning from Kyoka yoga, Nii-san?"

"Yeah, I thought why not go with a lean and speed type of muscles that still have an oomph to them but are more flexible than Gem's."

"I see, that is why you went to Kyo."

As we were talking some of the others came from the training room.

"Heyo! Kasane, Yuito, Naomi, Hanabi, Arashi, Kagero and Fubuki, finished with your training?"

"Yeah, make space on that couch. I want to laze around."

I made a little room so Arashi could flopp on the couch.

"Ah, heaven."


We all laughed at their antics. The others also greeted us and asked how it was going. I also tried to get Kasane to laugh a few times, only to receive glares and cold replies. Then the others came from their rooms.

"Oh everyone is here! How wonderful, let me prepare dinner for everyone!"

We paled at Kyoka's statement and looked at each other, knowing code red had been initiated. Gem and I sprung up, blocking her path to the kitchen.

"Kyo, no."

"Gem is right, Kyo. We know you only mean it good, but please stay out of the kitchen for our health's sake."

"That's mean, you two. I have improved!"

We looked at her intensively, and soon she cracked.

"It was only a little bit too sweet and spicy."

"Define a little."

"I might have needed 2 liters of milk after eating it?"

"No cooking for you."

Gem and I said in unison. Kasane, Naomi and Yuito walked past us. Kasane stopped to whisper something into my ear.

"Don't let her near the food, while we make it. I would rather not have another portion of whatever she served last time."

"Got it, *smiling cheekily* can my food have a lot of love put into it by you?"

"*deadpan* Okay, I shall make it extra spicy."


Before I could stop her she was already in the kitchen.

"Oh, man. Looks like that backfired gloriously. Izuku-0 Kasane-944."

"Zu, are you still counting? I stopped by 232."

"And I did by 144."

"Yeah, I will try to even the score some day. Just need to get that first point somehow."

Gem and I then proceeded to tell Kyo about tasting her food before finishing it. Once the meal was served, my plate radiated spicy to a new level. Yuito, the good soul, gave me a carton of milk, with a small apology about not being able to stop Kasane. But I already had a comeback for this.

"Ah, Kasane, thank you so much for making me a special meal different from all others. I knew you liked me."

"Shall, I get more spice? I think you still need some."

"No, no, no, I am good really."

"Then stop spouting nonsense and eat.*glaring at him*"

The others laughed at my predicament, but she made this for me so to hell with it. As I swallowed the first bite, I immediately knew she used every goddamn spice in this house. My eyes were watering and I was sweating.

"*in literal pain* I-i-it's good. Really nice of you,*coughs* You are a good cook, Kasane."

"*looks at him a little concerned that she might have overdone it*"

"Holy, I feel like my tongue might start to bleed."

I continued to eat it but it got really hard to swallow the bites. When suddenly an ice cream was placed in my hand and the plate was taken away. Looking with teary eyes to the person who did it, I found Kasane.

"Eat that, I will not be held responsible if you hurt yourself. And ... well I might have overdone it sorry."

I watched as she walked away, floored. It was not a smile or laugh but she showed emotions to me.

"Izu-nii. You did it! You got Nee-chan to show you emotions!"

"Yeah, Zu-nii! You got your point!"

"Nah, it's still 0-945.*smiling softly* I don't want a cheap point like that. I said, I would make her smile or laugh, not worry her.*takes a bite of the ice cream* Oh, coconut!"

"What? Nee-chan, gave you one of her treasured coconut ice creams!? Lucky, I get scolded if I take one."

I smiled brightly at that tidbit, but would use it later.

"I think I can make a better coconut ice cream than this. Hehe, I can make her smile with food!"

Finally something good comes from my 6 years of neglect, as I was a pretty good cook now. Kasane returned with another plate with a normal portion on it. I smiled at her still with the spoon in my mouth. She simply sat down and continued eating. As we were finished with dinner we sat on the couches and simply talked with each other. The holo screen was on a news show, and simply in the background of our conversations. Until Wataru told us to look at the news.

"Hey, guys! Look All Might is making an emergency statement!"

We all turned to the screen, but once I saw him my anger flared up. Even with all that happened this year. I still haven't dealt with my feelings and trauma.

*"Hello, today I have all called you here to ask you to help me find someone. His name is Izuku Yagi, my son. He ran away from home one year ago and searches have resulted in nothing so far."

"All Might! Why did he run away?"

"He is in his rebellious phase right now. We had a disagreement at which he simply disappeared. My wife Emerald Psy and I are distraught about not finding him this whole year. And would ask you for your cooperation in finding him. Here is a picture of him while he was running away from home."

They showed me walking at an intersection, most likely taken from a traffic cam.

"Please, son if you are hearing this. I am sorry and please come home to us."*

I threw my metal cup through the screen out of anger.

"*speaking with venom and has red hot anger in his eyes*I am rebellious?! Disagreement!? You and that woman ignored me for over half of my life! And now I also find out that the woman who birthed me is a hero!!! You are villains! And that spawn of the devil, I once called sister, is an even greater one! I hope your wound worsens and that quirk of your's rejects that demon! You master is rolling in her-"

I felt someone grab my elbow, wiping around and I met Kasane's red eyes. They held a concerned and yet hard tone to them.

"Enough, you are scaring everyone."

When I looked around everyone was shocked and the younger ones had slightly scared expressions. But all held concern, I calmed and slowly pulled my arm for Kasane's hand.

"I.... am sorry. I....... I need air."

I walked off to get outside and get some fresh air.

"Dammit, I fucked up. They might start to avoid me now because of my outburst."

Kasane's POV

I watched as Izuku walked off to get outside.

"Zu, is that what happened to him?"

"Dammit, what did his sister Izumi do?"

"Whatever it was, Nii-san thinks it is right to call her a demon and such."

"You don't think she might be responsible for you know?"

"I think Nee-chan and mother know something, but they never talk about it."

"For good reason, I respect Izuku and this outburst just shows us that whatever happened in his past was not pretty. Dammit, tch, still frustrates me not knowing what happened."

"Kasane, tell us please?"

"I wouldn't bother with that. If she told us, he might lose trust in us. And I for one don't want to work to get it back."

"Onee-chan, you could have worded that better, but I agree with her. He trusts us and we should wait until he is ready to talk."

"*small voice* I agree also, Izuku always listens to me calmly and never pushes the subjects I don't want to talk about."

"Yeah, the guy will come to us when he is ready. We just need to be ready, after all we are a family and when one suffers we help right?"

"Zu-nii said so too! So let's give him some space."

"I regret pointing out the news right about now."

Everyone was agreeing to help Izuku, yet all I could do was look at where he went. And I moved to follow him, somehow I knew he wanted someone to follow.

"Nee-chan? Where are you going?"

"To get some fresh air."

Once outside, I scanned the surroundings a couple of feet away. I saw Izuku sitting on a bench, his elbows on his knees and slightly crouched over with his head hanging down looking at the floor. I walked to him and sat next to him.

"*slightly looks at her from the corner of his eyes* Guess the cats out of the bag, huh?"

"Not really."

"Didn't you tell them?"

"I told you only if it would slow us down, would I tell them. Right now, there is no need to."

I saw him sit back up right and then slouched himself on the back of the bench, head resting on it looking up.

"I know, I should have told them sooner. Yet I was afraid, *laughs* Some of them have felt the same thing as me. Maybe to a lesser degree, maybe more. But I was the coward, I listened to everyones problems and helped them. Hiding my own pain and suffering, helping others while not helping myself."

"That is not cowardice, but selflessness. You put their problem before yours, and I think no one has suffered like you. At least not in this platoon."

"You have also suffered like me."

".... I...."

I found no words to comment with after he hit me with that line.

"Kasane, I heard a little from Yuito. You protected him from hearing and seeing everything right? But who protected you?"

I looked away from him, he was touching something, I wanted to keep buried.

"You are deflecting the conversation. We are talking about your problem, not mine."

"So you agree that it is a problem?"

"Izuku, stay away from this topic. I am warning you only once."

"Even if I just want to help?"

"Even then."

We stayed silent, I was trying to put a lid back where it belonged.

"*laughs* I think you and I need therapy."

"My parents tried that, but I didn't take kindly to it."

"Hmm, I can guess what they said. Your mother asked me to take at least one session. I rid myself of the scars but these feelings.... I can't forget."

"Yes, they know nothing and simply said I needed to forget."

"Hey, how about we become our own therapists?

I looked at him as if he had three heads.

"Think about it, we can take anything we want as class lessons. Why not take lessons that help us become therapists? And then we can help each other, we can understand our pain. So we should be able to help right?"

What he was suggesting was interesting. But it would also make it so that I had to open up to him.

"I don't think that is a good idea."

"*looks at her* Why not?"

"I.... don't want to become attached."

"Attached? Oh, you mean open up. *thinking* How about this, we take the classes until we are at least say 15-16, and if I by then haven't made you laugh or smile. We don't go through with my idea, but if I have, we help each other."

"I.... okay. I don't believe you can get me to open up."

"Oh, ho, You know I love a challenge right? Better not phrase it like that, Kasane."

"I am simply stating a fact. I won't allow myself to be weak."

"Okay then, I need to up my game!"

He stood up and stretched, his shirt rode up a little showing his lower back to me. I still saw a scar there, one of the larger ones and I believe one of the deep ones. Mama came home that night with Izuku at her side. He lived with us for a short time, I heard Mama and Papa talking about the few scars the machine couldn't heal. And this one almost cost him the movement of his legs, just a few inches more and he would have been. I shuddered at that thought, not wanting that to have happened to him.

"Well best go and tell them about my past."

"Are you certain that is wise?"

"Don't know, I am scared as all hell, but they are my family now. And I think they have a right to know after what I did."

"I see."

"Are you coming too or do you want to stay a little?"

"I will stay a little."

I heard him walk away. And thinking about his idea, it was a good one, I could help myself and rely on no one. But for some reason, I found myself hoping he would win the challenge.

"Why do I want him to win? I am okay with only my family and Naomi. So why?"

Izuku's POV

It's been a year since that news report, Wakana and Joe came running after its broadcast that evening. They had informed all other members from the Scarlet Company to keep my existence under the rug. To shield me from being found, the reason they stated was that my home life was terrible and my parents lied to the public about me being rebellious. The company has since then done everything in their power to stop investigators from looking into the project's participants list.

Over the one year, we added basic weapon training into the mix, also Kasane and I have taken advanced classes for a few fields. While she focuses on the psychological part of things, I have also taken engineering, programming, bioengineering and chemical science. Which surprised everyone, we did an IQ-Test and found out I was only 3 points below Nezu. Today, we also had the procedure to obtain Psionic Abilities, which was an operation on the brain and having chemicals injected into us for 6 hours straight. While the chemicals were injected we were in a tank with water surrounding us that had added nutrients in it. As our body would reconfigure itself, to adjust to our new powers.

After the 6 hours we all were asked to wait another 2 hours for our powers to settle down. Once they were over, each one of us tried out what we could do.

Kasane and Yuito had the same ability which was psychokinesis, seeing as they were siblings we could conclude that maybe family members would have the same abilities.

Haruka and Wataru then also had the same ability which was Mental Response, a one way telepathic message similar to Mandalay's quirk.

Arashi and Fubuki were the first pair of siblings to have different psionic abilities. Arashi had hypervelocity, while Fubuki had cryokinesis. I laughed at the irony of Arashi having that psionic ability. She repaid me with ice down my shirt, getting said ice using her new ability.

Tsugumi had Clairvoyance, which allowed her to look through walls and even see Kagero in his ability, which was invisibility. The pranks he could do with that ability would be priceless.

Hanabi had pyrokinesis, which I found fitting. She was like a little warm flame trying to give warmth to everyone. Naomi had short-term precognition, similar to Sir Nighteye but it seems that she could see it better than him.

Luka had teleportation, which was insane in my opinion. Yet he had to be careful not to teleport into something. Shiden had electrokinesis, which meant we had three elemental abilities in the platoon.

Gemma had sclerokinesis which I joke at with him, literally being the definition of a hard place. Kyoka had duplication as her ability. I warned the platoon about big sis Kyo now having even more power to cuddle us. She demonstrated that by hugging me with four clones of herself. Making everyone laugh at the scene, and Kagero joking about me having a harem. I saw Kasane glaring slightly at that but quickly stopping and looking confused.

It was now my turn as I did as was told. Yet no matter what I did, nothing happened. I tried over and over yet nothing.

"Did the operation fail?"

"No chairman, his tank has absorbed the same amount of nutrients as the other tanks. And his brain functions also suggest an ability."

As the chairman and his wife were asking what could have happened. I was slightly panicking.

"No, you have to be kidding me! I trained so hard and went through that hell! Why! I know the world is unfair but this! I.... I really am worth nothing aren't I?"

I stood there feeling the weight I carried increasing. This wasn't fair, are my dreams so grand that I am not allowed to pursue them? Is this world only going to be cruel to me and never allow me to climb my way out of despair? I felt a tug at my shirt and looked at Yuito standing there beside me.

"It's okay, Izu-nii, I bet you have an amazing ability that just needs a little more time."

I smiled weakly at his words.

"Thank you, Yuito, your words are appreciated."

I raised my hand and patted his head, but the moment I did both of us held our heads. As a medium sized headache hit my brain.

"Urgh, Yuito you okay?!"

"Ah, my head hurts a little but it is stopping."

"Yuito! Are you okay?"

"Zu, what about you?"

"I think I'm okay. Man, what was that?"

Suddenly, I felt something float out of my pants to see my ID hanging in front of my face. With the same glow that Kasane's and Yuito's ability had.

"Okay, har, har, which of you two is doing this? Kasane? Yuito?"

"It isn't me Izu-nii."

"Are you really suspecting me? I am not that childish."

I looked at both and they were telling the truth. I tried to take my ID, but the moment I raised my hand the ID shot up into the air. I was stunned and the others were also asking what was going on. Once out of my shock, I dropped my hand and the ID came back. I had a guess of what was happening, so I tried to deactivate the ability and to my confirmation the ID fell down.

"No way, it couldn't be right? Luka can I touch your head really quick?"

"Sure, Nii-san. I believe we are on the same track right now."

Luka came to me and I touched his head and again was assaulted with a headache, so was Luka. Once it subsided, I looked to the other end of the room and tried using his ability. And it worked, I was so happy that I danced a little. But then I suddenly thought about what everyone else would say.

"Oh, no, will they hate me now? I mean, I can copy abilities but that means I can use everyone's ability. While they looked at me as a monster?"

I looked behind me and my fears washed away. Everyone was smiling and discussing which one I should copy next. I felt tears run down my face, at that everyone panicked and ran to me, asking if I was alright.

"I am okay, I was just worried you would hate me now that I can copy psionic abilities. But I was so stupid, sorry everyone."

"It's okay, it was your trauma running amok again. it's not your fault Izu."

"Yeah, Zu-nii!"

"You are stupid for thinking such a think. Now copy my electrokinesis, so I can show you how one uses it to its maximum."

"Wow Shiden, really? Trying to boost your ego after a heartfelt confession? You won't get a girl with that attitude."

"Shut it, Kagero! I have no need for romance!"

I laughed at Shiden and Kagero discussing why love is important or not. But I felt something different with Yuito's ability, like something was amiss. I believe we may have mislabeled the ability.



"Can I copy your ability, really quick? I think it isn't psychokinesis like we thought, but something else."

"Why not copy Yuito's again? I don't really want you to touch my head."

"I think that won't work.*smirking* What afraid you would like my head pats?"

"*glares* Make it quick, and if you take longer then you need. I will fling you across the room."

I nodded and touched her head, before the headache hit I swear I saw her blush. But the moment I copied her ability, I grew wide eyed and probably paled as well. Looking at her parents, I called out to them.

"Sir, Ma'am! Can I speak with you! And can it only be you and our platoon! It is important!"

They looked at us and dismissed the doctors, once I made certain all recording devices were deactivated. I told them what I found.

"We have mislabeled Kasane's and Yuito's abilities. They are not psychokinesis but gravikinesis."

"Oh, how wonderful! Kasane, Yuito, but do we need to keep this secret?"

"I concur with my wife."

"No, that wouldn't need to be the case, if Kasane's ability wouldn't have been stronger than Yuito's. But it is and I have both copies residing with me, I get a basic understanding from copying an ability. Yet gravikinesis at the level it is right now within me has reached a terrifying stage."

"Okay, can you speed this up? I would rather not spend my whole time here and rather train my ability."

"Kasane, this is something you probably can do in the future. Yuito maybe can't do it but you can. If gravikinesis is used at this level, it is possible to travel through time."

All of them went wide eyed, but Kasane had hope in her eyes. I could imagine what she was thinking.

"Kasane, no, don't even think about it!"

"Why not!? I can save him!"

"You would only make things worse!"

"How are you sure! It is my ability! I can use it as I see fit!"

"Would you forsake every other person just to save him!"

At that she froze and looked unsure. I understood her pain but time travel is dangerous.

"Please, I know you want to save him. But the risks and rewards don't match up. Naomi, can you give me your ability?"


I copied her ability and tried something. It worked but what I saw made me lose my lunch on the floor. Everyone was asking me if I was alright, to which I answered yes. I also noticed Yuito's ability vanishing from my mental state.

"Don't Kasane, please just don't."

"What? What did you see?"

"A gruesome future, I used my ability with Naomi's and both of yours gravikinesis, luckily it seems I can use two abilities at once. But that vision, it was.... something I wished I never saw."

"What? Please if you want me to stop this idea, then tell me what you saw."

I told them about the vision and the consequences, the world overrun with strange creatures, where humans are sacrificed to advance the science of psionic abilities. And many more atrocities, she paled more with every sentence. I knew that I gave her hope and crushed it immediately. I hugged her even though she tried to push me away, I held onto her.

"I really am sorry that I gave you hope and then crushed it. I didn't want to make you feel sad but I need to bring up this danger."

"*half heartedly trying to break the hug* Let go."

"No, I made you feel this pain and I want to make it better."

She still tried to break free but without her real strength behind it. Soon all the others joined the hug and she simply let herself be held by us. She didn't cry, which worried me but even I haven't truly cried in years. Once I was certain she was okay I let go, she took a step back from me almost immediately. It hurt to see that, I think I just reset my progress.

"You okay now?"

"I was okay from the beginning."

"I see.*sigh* Anyway, I also lost my copy from Yuito's ability right now meaning that if he and Kasane resonate with each other's ability, they might be able to produce the same result as I have."

"I see, thank you for telling us. Kasane, I know it still hurts but Izuku is just worried for you and everyone else. That's why he mentioned the potential usage and dangers of your ability."

"Your father is right. He didn't want to hurt you. Just protect you."

She looked at her parents then at me. I know I had a hurt look on my face but I couldn't erase it. For some reason her one step hurt more than all the years of abuse. She looked at me for a long time before turning her head to the side.

"Sorry about my outburst. And.... thank you for the hug."

I felt relieved that my relationship with her wasn't completely reset, but I think she will be wary of me from now on. But I can live with that, I still had 1-2 years to win our bet.

"No problem, *smirking* and hey if you need another one, I am always willing to give one."

"I will simply hug Yuito, I don't need your's."

"Izuku-0 Kasane-1517"

The others laughed, her parents the most since they didn't know I was still counting my losses.

"By the way, Izuku, your ability is something we have never seen. What will you call it?"

I was thinking about what to call it. When I thought why not name my codename and ability the same.

"I think I will call my ability and codename for the military the same."

"Oh and what will it be?"

"*smirking* Brain Eater."

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