the cat fixes it again (trans...


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It goes into the second round with our cat (bat, grimm and the cat can fix it). Look forward to new adventure... Mer

Prologue and Epilogue
Seeing old friends again part 1
Seeing old friends again part 2
Seeing old friends again part 3
cultural tourism
Through magical Greece
Important preparations
The bathhouse
Plans for the future part 1
Plans for the future part 2
A day for two
Erotic through deeds
The day begins
The apprenticeship years begin
Until it finally starts
The session
A surprise
One like everyone
apprentice Harry
I am an adult
The scarf
It does not matter how old
The rocky road to colleagues
Passion that creates joy
toothy birthday
animal fun
passive ability
listing and considerations
try it
A huge/giant step
What a solution
How wild is wild?
Lots of surprises
With patience the cat catches prey
Another step
small x
Really now?
and now?
To take responsibility
herding chicks
Marital quarrel in Cockaigne
Little paradise part 1
Little paradise part 2
Lydia explains
No other choice
No stress
Crack in patience
Perestroika by magic part 1
Perestroika on magic part 2
Nothing has changed
Gone wild, now that's enough
Intermediate chapters to recover
Anticipation of a special kind
It wasn't like that part 1
That was not planned part 2
It wasn't planned that way, but it's good

eroticism through words

668 50 12

Today they would all go back to the bathhouse. And what surprised Harry himself the most was that he wasn't nervous at all, more excited. He was really looking forward to it.
"Do I have to worry now?" he asked Severus about it.
"Why that?"
"Hey there! Just a few days ago I was totally embarrassed to show myself naked in front of strangers, or Lucius, and then suddenly this turning point comes. That's not normal."
"Don't worry so much all the time, that's what Sirius and I are for, we're the parents, we should be freaking out, not you..just because you're looking forward to the bathhouse doesn't mean you'll suddenly turn into a nudist who just wants to go around without clothes."
Harry looked at his father with wide eyes.
"Please don't put any images in my head, there's no way I'm ever going to be walking around our house naked."
"I'm sure your grandmother wouldn't mind." Severus smirked.
"Just make fun of me. .but now back to the topic. So you think it's okay to look forward to seeing a lot of naked people?"
"A lot of beautiful people. .I don't think you would feel that way about people like Umbridge or Dumbledore."
"DAD!" Harry snapped, shaking his head wildly as he had images in his head again.
"See?" he said only.
"Well, you've convinced me. I won't have a guilty conscience anymore because I'm looking forward to the beautiful view."
"And a naked Lucius," Severus added.
"Dad, what's the matter with you today?"
.the teacher shrugged.
"We used to talk to each other all the time, don't you remember our taunts?"
"Yes, they were always funny. When did we actually stop doing that and why?”
."I can give you the same answer to both questions: Lucius."
Harry was about to say something but then stopped. His father didn't want to tease him, he meant it. .it was true, since Harry had fallen in love with Lucius, or rather since he had known about his feelings, he had stopped throwing such jokes at his father. It's really a shame when he thinks about it now.
."How could this have happened to me? I have some catching up to do. I can't let you think I've been good. .I'm still just as hormonal as I was when I was in the cauldron,” he announced, then hurried off.
Severus, on the other hand, stood there as if struck by lightning.
"I've opened Pandora's box again."

.lucius looked proudly at his young friend, who was completely relaxed at his side and made no attempt to get nervous. His hand lay quietly in the blonde's.
He fell behind a bit with Harry. .he definitely didn't want her group to hear everything. Some conversations were just his and Harry's business. To be on the safe side, he also cast a spell that made her words inaudible to others.
."Luc, what is it?" The green-eyed man said, confused.
"Are you looking forward to the bath?" the blonde asked quietly.
"Absolutely, Lyra and Orthos will be there too, at least that's what they promised."
."Oh, so you're looking forward to these two, and what about me?"
The green-eyed man gave Lucius an amorous look.
"You already know the answer. For me there is no more beautiful person than you. .whether you're wearing anything or not, I'll never get enough of looking at you."
"So that means you won't avert your gaze today?"
"Do I sound greedy?"
"No you do not. .I am very happy about that, it means that you are calming down. Besides, I love being looked at by you.”
"I'm growing up, that's more like it. Even if your words make me hot and cold again. .me, .... Luc, .... I would like to. Shit, I'm falling into old patterns again,” Harry laughed.
“Of course you do. You can't expect to change overnight. .And you shouldn't," the blonde reassured him.
"Thank you, that's nice, it's annoying that I keep stuttering, but it's nice to know that you're patient with me. Not everyone would have that."
"But I'm not everyone."
.Harry laughed again, no that wasn't Lucius at all.

"Nevertheless, what?" the politician inquired.
"I want more," Harry admitted, slightly embarrassed.
"More close?"
"Exactly. We've been together long enough. .or do you think it's too soon?"
"Too early for what?"
Harry took a deep breath. He knew his partner was only asking him to make sure he wasn't overwhelming him. .after all, it wasn't that long ago that they had had a similar conversation.
"It's definitely too early for sex. Not because we haven't been together long enough, or because I don't want to. Definitely not. .it's more that I certainly couldn't stand so much closeness yet. Darn and sewn up, why is this all so difficult for me? Everyone I know except Gabriel has sex, even Ginny and Draco. .and no, i won't tell you how i know. I'm still trying to get the images out of my head it might have been embarrassing,” Harry whispered, recalling that scene.
."I don't really want to know, either," Lucius reassured him.
"I can understand that, in any case I don't understand why it takes me so long for everything. I'm no better than any other teenager. .like everyone else, i'm brimming with hormones. Believe it or not. My fantasies are no different from those of any other teenager.”

Lucius had earlier thought that Harry's childhood was to blame for these problems. .how should one be able to interpret feelings correctly if one had never received any? At least not positive ones. So it was only understandable that you didn't realize that you were in love.
.now he no longer thought so. Severus had assured the blond that he had talked a lot and very often to Harry about his past with his relatives. .and this long before the boy had developed romantic feelings for the politician. So it wasn't the Dursleys that made Harry the way he was. At least not only. .no, Harry, according to Severus, took after his maternal grandmother a lot, who was also said to have been extremely shy. Not that bad, but she wasn't under siege from the whole magical part of the country either. .she was never in public either. Somehow, however, it reassured Lucius that this was a family inheritance.
But he didn't want to think about that now. .Harry had just said something that sounded much more interesting to him.

"Oh yes, what kind of fantasies are those?" he whispered in a dark voice.
Harry swallowed briefly and looked around in a little panic. .but then he realized that this was exactly the chance he had been waiting for. He wanted closer to Lucius? So he had to do something about it too.
“I would like to tell you in a more private setting. At least some of them. .It could be that my imagination has run away with me. You know, teenagers.”
"You do realize how erotic those words just sounded?"
"Um, partly. For once, I wanted to," Harry admitted.
.Lucius bent down and kissed his friend.
"What was that for?" he wanted to know.
"For your courage. It makes me incredibly happy to see you slowly blooming."
"Thank you."
"Tell me, was that an invitation? .do you really want to tell me about your fantasies in a more private setting?”
Harry blushed a little, but still, as the saying goes, he was stinging with oats. .he suddenly remembered the ambiguous jokes he and his dad used to crack at each other. Somehow this situation just screamed for such a saying.
"To me or to you?" the young man said provocatively.
Now it was up to Lucius to lose his tongue. What was suddenly going on with his shy Harry? Whatever it was, the blonde would thank all the gods on his knees for his partner's bravery. .this young man could, albeit unconsciously, make his voice sound incredibly erotic. And that with just one sentence.
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" Sirius suddenly shouted.
"We're coming," Lucius grumbled before bending down to his partner again. "This evening. To me, my room is farther from your fathers'.
.Harry smiled, he felt a little queasy now, but he didn't intend to turn down the offer.

In the bathhouse, they parted ways again briefly. .although Harry, since he was an adult and no longer a student, could actually have changed with the other adults. But he didn't want to. Because in this way the anticipation of his naked partner would increase even more. .Harry almost had to laugh at himself at the thought. He was really growing up, but still he didn't bend, he was still himself. And apparently that was exactly what Lucius liked about him.
"Come on, I want to go to Paradiso," urged Clio.
"And me to Luc," Harry agreed.
"Then let's go, before you're dying of longing here," laughed Alexis.
"You just wait until you're so in love yourself," Clio teased.
"I like to take my time for that, at the moment I'm enjoying what my freedom offers me."
"Oh, and what exactly is that?" Harry wanted to know.
“Lots of experience, certainly also with older partners. .since I'm only a part-time student, I'm allowed to have fun with other men and women. And I intend to savor it,” enthused Alexis.
As they passed the cold pools, Clio pushed him in without further ado.
."He desperately needs a cool down. We don't want him to start jumping people here. Although one or the other would certainly not mind.”
."You guys really have a completely different way of dealing with your bodies and your sexuality," Harry stated once again.
“I cannot and will not contradict that. .with us it has proven itself, the people, and also the beings, are more relaxed than in other countries. Simply because we can separate love and sex and have done so for millennia.”
."And you Greeks really think that this balance is due to your permissive nature?"
"You make it sound so naughty," complained Alexis, who had crawled back out of the water.
"Pardon, I did not want that. .I'm interested in it."
"At least we are convinced that's why we don't change anything in the way we live. You're not entirely wrong though, we might just as well talk it all over,” Clio grinned.
."You shouldn't, nobody asks you for justification. And if there is someone who doesn't like your way of life, then he doesn't have to come here."

"Wisely spoken, young Harry," Lyra praised, already sitting in the water. .she immediately subjected him to a thorough examination.
Just a few days ago, the green-eyed man would have sunk into the ground at such a thorough examination, but this time it was different. Now he too let his gaze wander over the politician. .and what he saw pleased him exceedingly well. Not in a sexual sense, of course. Orthos was also carefully considered.
"And what do you say? Did I hold up or should I start exercising again? .that's the opinion of my cheeky student."
"Former student," Marino specified.
"Besides, he's telling the truth, your muscles have done better in the past," Lyra interjected.
"Oh, and what about you? .Do I see hair under your armpits? Do you want to retrain? You could almost pass for a pack horse. You can definitely be snappy. Shall I call a stable boy to shoe you?”
."Watch what you say, you old donkey, or I'll show you how good I still am at wrestling," the woman shot back.
"Oh, how I missed you both," laughed Aristo.
The other bathers agreed with the man.
."Sometimes I wonder why you guys never got married."
Immediately the two started scolding again and were in their element with it.
.meanwhile harry climbed into the pool and did what he had been looking forward to all morning. He fixed his gaze on Lucius and then couldn't avert his eyes. .The blond was no different, his attention was focused solely on the young man next to him.
“Do you actually know how much eroticism you two exude? And that just by looking at you.”
."I can only agree with Lyra, everyone realizes that you belong together. Just like your fathers, Harry. And just like them, nobody in this country would ever think of coming between you. .at least not in the magical world,” Orthos explained.
“This country is just amazing. I wish I could come here more often," Harry admitted.

As soon as the young man had spoken, Lucius began to make plans. .he knew neither he nor Harry would want to spend their whole life in Greece, they loved England too much for that, even if it was far from perfect. But still nothing spoke against a holiday home. .the blonde would ask around soon.

He gently pulled his young partner next to him and put his arm around his waist.
"This won't be our last time," he promised Harry, kissing him.
."Always in front of my poor paternal eyes," Sirius wailed.
"Then just follow us. It's not like I've never seen it before,” Harry countered.
.Of course, Sirius didn't need to be told that twice and he was already hanging on his husband's every word.
"Oh, that's nice, I could watch you guys all day. .it reminds me of how I met my husband,” reported Lora, a slightly older lady.
Her husband immediately took her in his arms and kissed her as well.
It took a while before everyone was ready for more conversation.
"I haven't answered your question from before, Orthos, yes I think your body is very beautiful. Also Lyra's. .when I think of some English people, I start to tremble. They are already dressed and not a feast for the eyes, so you don't want to imagine them naked. By that I mean that some people I know let themselves go a lot. .or, for example, would you like to meet Molly Weasley here? So, naked,” Harry wanted to know from Severus and the others.
"No," it came back in unison.
The Greeks were immediately curious and wanted to know who the woman was and why they didn't want to see her naked. Of course, Sirius couldn't resist and reported extensively on the woman. And not just about them.

Harry relaxed and leaned against Lucius, enjoying the water and the company. Above all, of course, the closeness of his friend. He was already looking forward to being alone with Lucius and taking him one step further. The very idea was incredibly exciting. But before that, he would just enjoy the day.

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