
By emilyslittlelibrary

34.8K 586 596

Melanie Flores isn't one to loosen the shackles guarding her heart easily. She keeps herself cautious, and ne... More

Author's note
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
*Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
*Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Authors note
New book!!!!

Part 14

749 16 16
By emilyslittlelibrary


"Mel, do you have to be so on theme every single year?"

My eyes flick to the mirror, surveying the outfit that's staring back at me. The plastic wings twinkle in the escaping light, their light blue pairing with my green flowy dress. I slide my feet into the dainty green ballet flats, grabbing a makeshift trick-or-treat bag off of my dresser. 

"Of course. Once a fairy, always a fairy. And anyway, someone has to do it." I smooth my hands down my dress, laughing as Persephone adds the finishing touch to her costume.

She's decided to take a different approach, dressed from head to toe in pyjama's. 'A recovering insomniac' she called herself when I asked what she was going as. The discomfort on the back of my ankles is already making me envious, although I know I can't back down now.

"Hey, so are the other girls coming here first or-" the old, rickety door shakes with the force of what I presume is a fist, cutting me off mid sentence. At least my question was answered, right?

Persephone, who's standing closer to the door, flings it open, a spillage of color and voices flowing into the room. 

"The party has arrived!"

"Don't bust a hip partying too hard grandpa!" Christian narrows his eyes at me, breaking out into an uncoordinated jig just to prove me wrong. Casey and Natalie laugh from beside him, while Lera snorts, elbowing the side of his ribs. 

"Oh my god... Lera... how did you get him into that costume!" I almost double over laughing, my eyes widening as I focus on Christian's costume. He's dress as... wait for it... Gru from Despicable Me. He's got the long nose, striped scarf, and even his Lucy at his side. It's incredible.

I immediately whip out my phone, watching as he strikes a pose. The resemblance from him to the real character is striking, an image I won't be able to get out of my head for years to come. You already know which pictures I'll be adding to the wedding slideshow. Probably the funeral one too. 

"Surprisingly easily. He'll never admit it, but when the movies came out, he used to sit and watch them back-to-back, and forced everyone else to as well." Lera replies, laughing as Christian smirks. He really has no humiliation, like ever. 

"Wait, did you guys bring Clauds with you too?" Persephone asks, gathering a few stray items from around her side of the room and shoving them into her bag. 

"Yeah, we left her in the car with the window down to come and get you guys. We knew you wouldn't be long." 

"Shit, we should probably go then."

I grab my stuff, hoisting a large tote bag on my shoulder. Meant for candy, obviously. 

When we're ready, Christian and Lera exit the room first, closely trailed by Persephone. I fall into line with Natalie, who pulls me into a tight side hug. The softness of her onesie only intensifies my need for comfortable clothes and a warm bed, both of which are hours out of reach.

"You guys are so cute." I distract myself from my devastated complaining, focussing on their costumes. Casey's dressed as Winnie the Pooh, while Natalie's channelling her inner Piglet, both of which are in onesie form. Now can you understand my jealousy. 

"So are you, Tink." Natalie replies, her hand dangling over my shoulder. Tonight, I've decided to play Tinkerbell, sticking to my fairy theme of a few years ago. I decided not to invest in a blond wig, instead just rolling with my natural hair. It's my own take, although my childhood obsession with the creatures is nothing to be mistaken. 

"Thankyou. She was always my favorite fairy, and I had these wings lying around so I thought I'd give it a go." We push through the doors, spreading out into the cooling evening sun. We cross the small grassed quadrangle, heading towards Christian's truck. He opens the door, revealing a costumed Claudia. Loud giggles choke my throat as the light ball of fur rockets around, attempting to pull its costume off of itself. 

"You did not dress her up as a minion." I exclaim, opening my arms as Claudia comes bounding towards me. She snuffles against my legs, her eyes gleaming through the goggles perched atop of them. Blue overalls coat the bottom of her body, a yellow hood covering the top of her head. Fabric arms stick out from the side of the costume, wobbling around with Claudia's movements. 

"Of course. Family trick or treating." Christian brushes the comment off, as if what he's done isn't completely insane. He reaches towards me, attaching Claudia's leash to the side of her collar. Her eyes manage to light up at the action, almost pulling Christian's arm off as she propels herself forward.

"Alright, someone else lead the way because I have no idea where I'm going."


Our tiring group traipses along a final street, our eyes meeting the practically bursting house, a party in full swing. 

We'd decided to go trick-or-treating for a while in a nearby neighbourhood, before eventually showing up at a party hosted by the swim team. Mostly because I promised I'd be there. But, with the swim team being there, we all know who else will be. Which, contrary to my crying soul, I've limited myself to 2 drinks tonight. No more, and no less if I have it my way. 

I don't think we'll stay very long tonight, just long enough so I can say hi to the people needed, and to have a dance or two. To be frank, I'm absolutely exhausted, and staying late partying isn't looking too appetizing right now. And without an abundance of alcohol to stir me on, I'm even less enthralled. 

Lera and Christian dropped Claudia and our overflowing bags of candy off after our trick-or-treating, on the way to the deafeningly loud house. I almost shudder at the thumping music, my brain almost feeling the killing headache I'm sure that will follow tonight. 

"Alright, game plan. Get in, say hi to people we don't actually like and compliment their shit costumes, dance to a few song, have no more than 2 drinks, get out and get into bed. Oh, and if you see me drinking more than 2 drinks, please cut me off. Clear?" I turn to my friends, pointing my plastic wand at each of them. I'm determined to make tonight one that I won't regret tomorrow morning. Meaning, our game plan must be tight, with little leniency.

"Yes ma'am." Christian salutes me, the arch on his nose making it hard to take him seriously.

"Try not to fall asleep please Grandpa's. Remember you're at a frat party, not the nursing home bingo night." Casey and Christian share a knowing look, shaking their head at me with a small smile. I ignore them, taking a deep breath before I lead my friends through the large, oak front door. 

Bright lights blind me as we step inside the chaos, my chest thumping from the music's vibrations. The house has been 'decorated', with a few stray, hopeless looking spiderwebs hanging from corners of the roof. So, so, scary. 

We weave through the masses of intoxicated people, thrashing their bodies against each other forcefully. And to be honest, that'd probably be me, if I wanted to end the night in a mistake like last time. 

No thanks.

I latch on to Persephone's hand, pulling her towards the drink table. It's overflowing with a disastrous amount of liquor, a stack of red cups accompanying them. I reach forward, grabbing myself a cup, a vodka soda glugging itself steadily into it. I turn around to my friends, amusement sitting on their lips. My eyes flick between Christian and Casey as they share a secret look. 

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Their eyes shoot to me, chuckles exiting their lips. Suddenly, Christian reaches forward, grabbing my empty wrist.

"Hey-" Casey whips a marker out of his pocket, thrashing a mark onto my bare skin.

"It's so we can keep track of you. You're a flight-risk Mel, you need to be looked after." Christian explains, handing me my wrist back. He floats back to Lera side, her eyes rolling back as she laughs softly. 

"I'm not an alcoholic you know, I can keep track of how much I've had to drink without permanent marker drawn all over me." My arms cross over my chest in protest, although I gain absolutely no sympathy from my friends.

"Fine, whatever, hurry up and get a drink so we can go dance."


Music swirls in my brain, caressing every last one of my braincells. My body feels warm and happy and free, and with my eyes closed, I could be anywhere. I could be twirling on the most lavish of dance floors with the prince who I have a certain hatred for, while finding myself slowly being drawn to him. I'd look up, our eyes locking and never separating, not for as long as the night goes on. We'd be arranged to be married, with neither of us particularly enthralled at the idea. But when we danced, we'd be able to get all our emotions out in the open, without our mouths once separating from their hard, tight lines.

I think Natalie and Lera's book obsessions are rubbing off on me.

Regardless, while being a little tipsy on the dancefloor, I really could imagine myself being anywhere else, in any world. Well, except for the reeking smell of alcohol and sweat, it's kind of off-putting. 

With my hips swaying to the beat of the music, I know I'm smiling like a lunatic. My feet are aching more by the second, but I don't realize any of it. I'm on cloud nine, cloud ten if that's even a thing. 

My eyes flutter open as I trail my hands over the sides of my body, the pounding song coming to a close. I look around beside me, my friends jumping around in the dim light with the rest of the crowd. I smile at Persephone as our eyes meet, although it's what's behind her that catches my attention.

Bailey Whitlock, leaning against a doorframe, his eyes on me. A smirk is plastered on his face as he breaks into a small, slow clap, shoving a bottle of beer under his arm to give him access to both of his hands. 

He's caught me.

And all of a sudden, reality snaps back. The world comes crashing down, back to what we know it as. I'm no longer caught up in the music, no longer dreaming. I'm very much awake, very much alert. My feet begin to ache again, the air reverts to the intensifying putrid smell, and I realize I'm not dancing at a fancy ball with my enemy.

I'm jittering under his stare, eager to get out of his line of sight.

"Ok, can we go now, please?" I send Bailey a glare as I catch Persephone's hand, pleading with the rest of my friends. I can only watch with baited breath as Persephone looks over my head, in the direction of where Bailey is standing. She smirks, nodding. 

"Let's get out of here and have some real fun."


I can't sleep. My brain is heavy, bogged down with thoughts I'd barely like to think of. Thoughts I can't get out of my head, even as I lie here, willing them to stop flowing.

After the party, Persephone and I watched a few horror movies, although to me, nothing was as scary as what had just happened. Bailey was staring at me while danced, shamelessly. Like he had nothing better to do in the world, like he didn't have a girlfriend.

I'm so confused. But, above that, I'm angry. Annoyed. Irritated. 

Why can't he leave me alone? Why can't we go back to being just rivals, where the only time we saw each other was at trainings?

And mostly, why can't he get out of my head?


hello beautiful people!

i hope you're all enjoying your weekend, and thanks again for taking the time to read my story :)

i'm sorry that updates have been a little slow, but i've been struggling a little with my ideas. but, it's okay, and we'll get through it sooner or later.

also, the song up the top of this part (banner) is just an idea i had for the dance scene, so i just thought i'd add it in there.

if you have a date for valentine's day, well done, and if you don't (same), just make sure to read a romance book, because they make everything better <3

lot's of love to you all,

em, xx

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