Beguiling Wolf

By SMLincoln

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The North was an old and mysterious country, where they always remember and the blood of the first men still... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

538 16 3
By SMLincoln

Bronn eyed the tall ancient walls of Winterfell that was covered in several inches of snow, he could spot the blood-red leaves of the Godswood in the distance along with the Wolfswood in the opposite direction, Wintertown was bustling, and the noises and scents carried along with the wind. He had visited Wintertown before but never Winterfell, a bastard like him would not be allowed...well, unless he had a noble lord by his side and he did, smirking in amusement as his heartbeat in anticipation as excitement rose, his future Lady was currently ensconced behind those walls...

"And they call this summer snow" Tyrion commented in surprise as he eyed the deep snow that would be considered winter in the Westerlands from beside him "at least it seems cleaner than the south, a vast improvement on Kingslanding for sure"

"has a certain charm" Bronn admitted, he liked the fresh clean air and the environment seemed to have a certain energy about it, the north was his favourite place to visit, Dorne being a close second. The North and Dorne were in opposite directions but they had surprisingly parallel beliefs and morals. both honourable, prideful and passionate people though the South was a lot freer with their passions while in the North passions were jealously guarded, like a dragon with its horde of treasure.

"well let's get in before my cock falls off, I hear they have quite the library second only to oldtown" Tyrion grinned before urging his black horse forward, Bronn following swiftly.

They entered the main courtyard of Winterfell to see that it was a bustling hive of activity, two stable boys swiftly ran over to grab the reins of the horse as a tall lady with red hair followed after, Bronn pegged her as the Lady of the keep.

"My lord Lannister, welcome to Winterfell" she spoke with southern graces, so she was the fish turned wolf. Bronn admired her fiery hair and blue eyes, though she had aged and had many children she was still beautiful, not as beautiful as Cersei Lannister but still, she held charm and appeal...he wondered what his wolf looked like, did she have those bright blue eyes? the tall, willowy figure? his eyes flickered over the keep, somewhat hopeful to get a glance of the famed beauty.

"Thank you, Lady Stark, apologies for the late arrival I was enjoying the scenery, this is my personal bodyguard Bronn" Tyrion had a secret smile on his face and gestured towards Bronn who nodded at the lady.

She eyed him disdainfully, obviously picking up on the lack of a last name "well if you would follow me I will take you to your chambers" she spoke courteously

"no need, my lady I'm sure you have far more pressing matters to attend to, if you could tell me where the library is I will muddle my way through," Tyrion said not particularly interested in conversation, he wanted a book and somewhere he could rest. Tyrion's body ached from all of this travel.

"I'll have someone lead you, Jon!" she called out rather harshly and a rather tall boy came loping over, with black curly hair and puppy-dog black eyes along with pouting lips, by his side was a pure white wolf pup that had blood-red eyes.

"yes, Lady stark?" he asked curiously eyeing the newcomers as he sheathed his sword

"show Lord Lannister and his bodyguard to the library and then to his chambers understood?" she ordered harshly before nodding to Tyrion and striding off.

"Lovely woman" Bronn commented

"Lady stark is under a lot of pressure at the moment" the boy's soft voice rang out and Bronn eyed the other bastard. he was pretty, Bronn decided if the Lady Lyra looked anything like her bastard brother...well, he'd find himself mightily pleased. Jon had a sort of...ethereal beauty. he was not handsome and hardy in the way of the Northmen, he had the colourings of a Northmen, dark hair and eyes with the pale skin never having seen the sun...but his features...Bronn wouldn't peg him as a southerner, no he was too pretty perhaps Lord Stark had himself a whore from Lys?

"you're the bastard of Winterfell, aren't you? Lord snow?" Bronn questioned spotting a wince that crossed Jon's face, the pup by his side let out a low growl at Bronn, it was amusing now but when the creature was full-grown...

"What is that?" Tyrion interjected eyeing the pup with gleaming eyes, the supposed extinct myth turning out to be alive.

"This is Ghost, he's a direwolf" Jon explained and Tyrion's head jerked to him in disbelief

"Direwolves haven't been seen south of the wall in a thousand years" Tyrion stated "I was hoping to see the library before changing for the feast this evening..."

"aye," Jon spoke before turning and walking off into the keep, leaving them to hurry after him.

"what a chatty bloke, practically a gobshite" Bronn snarked causing Tyrion to let out a loud laugh.

Jon heard them but kept his mouth shut, silently showing them to the library, he opened the double oak doors and spotted his half-sister Lyra with her boots off, feet tucked up under her as Beowulf laid sprawled in front of her. Jon loved his sister, they had spent their entire lives together, she and Robb had always been his protectors first and foremost from the rest of the world, Jon had been blessed by the old Gods to have been taken in and raised alongside them. while it had rubbed at him and hurt him when the realities of life hit him, when he was the shame of his family and especially when Sansa chose her mother and her God's teachings over her flesh and blood, he always had Robb and Lyra to turn too, it had always been them three together and always will be.

Lyra was completely engrossed in her book and didn't notice the intrusion until Ghost leapt onto Beowulf causing him to let out a yelp, glancing up she spotted Jon along with a well-dressed dwarf, obviously, the little lion, the imp, the shame of Tywin Lannister, little monster...and so much more.

Along with a tall lean man standing behind him, with slicked-back dark brown hair that curled at the nape of his neck, a scruffy beard along his jawline and light blue eyes, like a cloudless winter day. he had scars that stood out against his tanned skin, after the quick perusal she glanced back towards Jon.

"if something breaks I'm blaming you" Lyra informed him, turning the page idly, ignoring the other two guests, rude of her in all truth but they were not her priority right now.

"you always blame me" Jon replied sitting on the armchair diagonally from her, Ghost lost interest in his playmate and wandered back over to his master, Beowulf came and sat in front of Lyra tilting his head to the side and releasing a soft whine. Lyra sighed and picked him up and placed him onto her lap, he managed to curl himself up into a tight ball to fit but soon he would be too big to do it anymore.

"I don't" she denied automatically scratching behind Beowulf's ear and he let out a content huff

"oh no father it was Jon who was shooting arrows in the great hall, I would never" he mocked in a high pitch "you're such a pushover" he gestured towards Beowulf in her lap.

"Your face is a pushover" Lyra snapped back without any heat.

"And with that devastating insult, I'm going to my room where I'll cry into my pillow and write in my diary of what a cruel world it is, do you need anything else, my lord?" Jon addressed Tyrion while Lyra felt a flush steal over her cheeks. The prick had set her up on purpose, her eyes narrowed playfully at him and he winked subtly back.

Thankfully the Lord seemed amused by their exchange "No I'll be alright, I hope the Lady doesn't object to my or my sellsword's presence?" he asked her, Jon swiftly leaving the room.

"no, My Lord I think you will be pleasant company" Lyra sent a soft smile towards him, glancing up at the other man who was already staring at her intensely. she wondered why he seemed so fascinated by her.

"Excellent" Tyrion said before striding off into the stacks to find himself a book

The tanned man strode forward and sprawled himself over the couch in front of her, he had a lazy smile on his face as if he was a king speaking on his subjects. Bronn had been stunned when he first laid eyes on her, he had lived more than most, travelled to all seven kingdoms, to Bravos, Myr, Lys, Meeren, fought dothraki and a great deal more but he could say, in all honesty Lyra Stark was the most beautiful girl- nay woman he'd ever seen. he'd compare her to the maiden but well, she would adhere to the old Gods and he

"I'm Bronn" he offered, and Lyra noticed that he didn't offer a last name

"it's nice to meet you Ser Bronn- " Lyra was interrupted

"Not a ser, least not yet" Bronn seemed amused by her and her back straightened, Beowulf murred in his sleep and adjusted himself, the warmth of fur reassured her

"Very well, Bronn I'm Lyra there is food and wine on the table over there feel free to browse the books to your contentment" Lyra offered playing the part of a good host

"I certainly will be" Tyrion exclaimed hauling three large tomes with him "just how did you get such excellent books, my lady?"

"Please just call me Lyra my lord, no need to stand on ceremony amongst friends and the library has stood for milliena though it has been expanded throughout the years though with mine and my younger brothers love for books...father had more books imported for our birthdays. we're both avid lovers of literature those that weren't imported are from storage after all Winterfell is over eight thousand years old" she explained

Bronn had heard stories and rumours of Lyra Stark while travelling but seeing her in the flesh cemented his thoughts, he watched as her red lips curved up into a soft, gentle smile and felt himself clutching the back of the couch tighter, it was taking all of his will power to keep himself seated and acting detached in front of her, everything about her was entrancing him. Her soft and silkily looking skin, her high cheekbones and button nose, softly curving chin and plump bow shaped lips the colour of blood roses, despite her short stature she was curved with a dancer's body or a fighter he amended his thought staring at her lightly muscled arms and long pianist fingers that were calloused, not something often seen amongst noble women.

But it was her eyes that truly drew him in, the were such a startling shade of grey, like thunderclouds or mist. Secretive and alluring always shifting and rolling with her inner thoughts and emotions. He felt a wave of protectiveness overcome him.

Before all Bronn had wanted was any high born beauty for a wife, but now he knew that he would settle for nothing less than Lyra stark, a benefit to being born a bastard and raised in a kill or be killed world was that he would do anything to get what he wanted, he would blackmail and stab people in the back and climb over their bodies to get to what he wanted and he wanted Lyra Stark, those born higher than him would argue amongst themselves but his were the arms that Lyra would fall into, the nobles played the game of thrones but Bronn had been playing the game of survival since he was born and he always survived.

"your close to your siblings then? Even the bastard?" Bronn asked brusquely, he needed to know her opinions on bastards seeing as he was one and probably fathered a fair few of them. Not that anyone had informed him if he had.

"Jon is my brother whether his last name be snow or stark, even Theon I adore like a brother and I won't have it any other way, a Royal could easily become a beggar king and a bastard could easily build a wall, last names and blood have nothing to do with the individual. Titles, last names, keeps all of that can be earnt if the man or woman is daring enough" Lyra spoke fiercely and Bronn had to admire the defiant look in her eyes, piercing him like daggers and the stubborn set of her chin.

"aye I know but most nobles look down on us bastards" Bronn explained it easily away "just curious is all" he gave Lyra a secret smile, delighting in the slight flush and softening in her eyes.

"Well, it makes no difference to me I'd rather a loving bastard of a husband than an abusive noble of a husband" Lyra explained gently running her hand through Beowulf's fur as she needed to calm down.

"such a sweet sentiment my lady, if only the world had more of you" Tyrion spoke smiling charmingly at her and Lyra let out a light giggle, his height didn't matter to her and she could see just handsome he was far more than his brother, if he had been a normal height the noble woman would be clawing over each other to get at him.

"you must call me Lyra; Tyrion I'll be most put out if you don't" Lyra chastised him but her grey eyes sparkled with mirth as she stared into his mismatched eyes.

"Well of course I can't have that my dearest Lyra" he grinned and the three settled in for the afternoon, Tyrion and Lyra usually getting lost in their books while Bronn ate of the plates of food given and partook of the wine, he enjoyed watching Lyra reading the expressions on her face, the way her brow scrunched up or her tongue darted out to wet her lips or how sometimes she would mouth the words or she would smile as if living the book it was endless entertaining to him, committing it all to memory.

Eventually a hand maid came for Lyra and she sighed at having such a wonderful afternoon disturbed. Making her excuses she put Beowulf down before following her pup to her bedchambers where Tila was waiting for her, a bath filled with winter roses and honeysuckle waited for her, despite Lyra's more manly provocations she did enjoy the Ladylike side of things, the long warm baths and beautiful dresses being apart of the appeal and she had always been a sucker for the ballads and songs written of noble knights but unlike her younger sister Lyra lived in the real world.

She sighed happily as Tila's hands ran through her long ebony hair and washed it thoroughly, she soaked in the tub for a while but eventually had to get out to avoid pruning. She was dressed in a beautiful deep purple dress that was thick enough to keep her warm- a lovely dress that she had sowed herself, with help from Sansa. Her hair was left down hanging to her hips and curling wildly with a string of pearls- A gift from the Manderlys- weaved into her hairstyle, she placed a black studded belt around her hips and a direwolf pendant on around her neck, and she had a warm cloak wrapped around her the soft blue going well with the deep purple.

"you look beautiful my lady; all eyes will be on you" Tila complemented her carefully adjusting the bottom of her dress so it wouldn't wrinkle.

"well it is a big occasion, and this is such a lovely dress it is rare for us to dress up isn't it?" she asked rhetorically before thanking her maid telling Beowulf to stay and swiftly moving towards Sansa's chambers where she knew she'd find her mother attending to her, Lyra knew Sansa was the apple of her mother's eye and she didn't really mind, saved her from constant berating.

Knocking softly on the door, she entered when she was bid smiling at her sister who looked absolutely lovely, a dress of deepest blue that matched her eyes and made her hair shine, the dress hugged her figure and hinted at the beauty she was sure to become.

"you look so pretty!" Sansa gushed excitedly "isn't this all marvellous, it's just like the stories and Joffrey is so handsome, isn't he? Such a golden lion he looks nothing like his father" Sansa prattled on, but Lyra's hands stilled in the cloak that she had been toying with, it was a curious thing indeed the royal children were pure Lannister...

"-and Mother says I can marry him you won't mind, will you?" Sansa directed the question to her sister, her eyes were shining and pleading but there was a hint of demanding to her. it was understandable, Mother had never denied her a thing, just as Father never denied Lyra or Arya a thing.

"Sansa these things aren't set in stone" her mother cautioned her, twisting a piece of her hair into an elaborate part of a southern hairstyle. Lyra much preffered the braids and hairstyles of the north.

"but I want to marry Joffrey! He'll be my golden lion and I'll be Queen and I'll have his babies and they will be princes and princesses!" Sansa whined and her tone immediately agitated Lyra, Lyra had no issues with such goals in life, she herself longed to be a wife and mother and her mother was a fine example of what to strive to be but her sisters petulant and expecting tone made her want to shake her, Lyra sighed and reminded herself that she was only ten and three but she contradicted her thoughts it was time for her to set aside childish thoughts and ideals. Lyra herself was ten and seven, she had thoughts of marriage, a husband and children to consider now. as was her duty.

"it could very well be Lyra who will marry Joffrey and sit on the iron throne, she is the first-born daughter and older, she takes precedent" her mother reminded Sansa but from the steely glint in her eyes if Sansa wanted to marry her precious prince than she would make it so.

"I have no desire to marry the prince, I have no desire to be Queen something about him causes shivers down my spine mother and Sansa you'll do well to remember that stories are just that stories. if i had my way mother, we would stay North" Lyra warned them, her mother understood the meaning behind her words, but Sansa did not and settled for pouting.

"You are daughters and you must wed, join a new family and spread your father's influence" Mother said

"Those are southern ideals mother, not northern ones" Lyra said airly but there was a hint of winter chill in her voice

"and you are half southern yourself, daughter" Mother warned with a raised eyebrow

"I was born of the North and I am of the North, I have no desire to go south, we all remember what happened the last time the wolves went south?" Lyra felt triumph when her mother winced slightly. Father hated talk of the south or interacting with the south it was only Mother that had such ambition. Father just wanted his pack happy.

"I heard you were sat with Lord Tyrion" her mother tried to be casual as she glanced at her daughter from the corner of her eyes, seeing her perched-on Sansa's bed "a lot of your father's bannermen are here tonight, it seems they all happened to have business with your father, quite the coincidence"

"Quite Mother, and yes, I was sat with Tyrion, he's quite the conversationalist" Lyra mentioned but her mind wandered towards the sell-sword that had sat with them, perhaps it was his intensity or his casual confidence, but he intrigued her.

"He would make a good match, he's the heir to Casterly rock" her mother observed her's daughters thoughtful look

"What the imp? I hear he's ever so ugly" Sansa spoke, and Lyra lamented the ignorance and childish of her sister, the opposite to Arya's cynical and pessimistic outlook on life, honestly if those two ever got along they would balance each other out wonderfully.

"He hates that nickname Sansa, he's clever, charming and kind you need to learn Sansa that not all men who look like knights have the honour, some are just monsters hiding behind a handsome façade and those that look like monsters usually have a heart of gold underneath, looks fade but personality stays. You do remember about Rhaegar" Lyra heeded her sister a serious look on her face and Sansa flushed.

A knock came at the door and Lyra stood and opened it, smiling when she spotted Robb and Theon.

"Why are you here?" Lyra wondered as she eyed their clothing, more lavish than they'd normally buy, Southerners enjoyed frivolvities and showings of wealth that were better spent elsewhere. Ah, well Father always said the southerners had strange ways.

"To escort you and Sansa to the feast" Theon replied with a roll of his eyes though he looked smug as always, the golden threaded kraken tunic he was wearing simply adding to the smugness.

"How did you know I was here?" Lyra probed

"Asked the guards" Robb rolled his eyes at his twin "are you two ready?"

Lyra held up a finger and twisted her head to stare at her sister who smoothed her dress and stood, walking over to the trio, Lyra smiled and hooked her arm through Robbs arm while Sansa did similarly with Theon.

"Right let's go then" Theon said and the four set off down the hall.

"Aren't you going to compliment us Robbie?" Lyra joked her eyes glittering with mirth as she stared at him.

"you look lovely Ly, you know that, the pair of you and that's the problem, all these bloody lords will be eyeing up my little sisters with their disgusting eyes and wanting to paw at you with their filthy hands" Robb grumbled from beside her, hand resting on the pommel of his sword while his eyes narrowed in on the distance, Theon was nodding emphatically along.

Lyra let out a loud guffaw and Sansa tittered prettily from behind her.

"Well it is a good thing that we have our knights in shining armour" Lyra teased lightly, and Robb relaxed a small smile playing at his lips, they stopped in front of the oak doors to the great hall and Lyra sighed heavily as they were announced, all this ceremony was rather tiresome.

"Comparing me to a knight? I must have fallen in your esteem, sister dear" Robb teased her back and she let out a tittering laugh

She entered the great hall on the arm of Robb to see that it had been transformed, it had been given a once over with all of her mother's southern knowledge and Lyra immediately wanted to tear it all down, the familiar banners of house stark still hung on the walls but they were crowded by fine candelabras and flowers entwined with delicate tapestries that Lyra didn't even know the stark family owned. She missed the starkness of the usual decorations, not trying to cover anything up merely allowing the majesty of the room to speak for itself.

"It looks heinous" Robb muttered from the corner of his mouth and she let out a low snort of laughter, spotting the King and Queen walking in front of them with their children, they all moved up to the high table and waited for them to sit themselves, and then their mother and father and eventually the children then the bannerman sat and the feast began.

"where is Lord Tyrion?" Lyra asked glancing towards the two empty plates "and Jon? Surely, they should be here on time? Mother will hit the roof shall Jon be late" she kept her voice low directing the question towards Robb, his face darkened, he stiffly replied

"Lord Tyrion should be along soon, the other place is for his sell sword apparently he insisted upon it, mother didn't want Jon to dine with us as she thought it would upset her grace"

Lyra's face twisted with anger "that's not fair, Tyrion's body guard is a bastard"

"Yes, well apparently the Lord Lannister can do as he pleases" Robbs hand tightened around the ale jug and Lyra let the subject drop as she didn't want to upset him further.

"I'm very good at doing what I please young wolf" a new voice interrupted the pair and Lyra jerked around to spot Tyrion and Bronn both were cleaned and dressed in finer clothing than their travelling gear, Lyra's eyes kept travelling over to Bronn and eyeing the form fitting leather he wore, he was still weighed down by his weapons but that just seemed to add to his appeal for her. Lyra wanted to berate herself, usually she wasn't bothered by men or their attentions on her, as the first born daughter of a Lord paramount she was rather indifferent to the attention, but with Bronn's intense blue eyes on her, she felt shivers racing down her spine as a wolf she wasn't used to feeling like prey but under his gaze she felt as if she was being hunted and she found she rather enjoyed it.

She looked up at him from underneath her lashes and saw that he didn't seemed ashamed of his staring, most of the nobles she met would hide their intentions behind honeyed words and tall tales and the small folk she met placed her on a pedestal and wouldn't look her in the eye half the time, but Bronn kept his focus on her, his eyes never straying, filled with a self-assured confidence that was ever so alluring to her.

She felt a nudge in her ribs and jerked seeing that Tyrion and Robb were staring at her, Tyrion with a curious look on his face while Robb's eyes had narrowed, and he was glancing between the pair, Lyra flushed hotly and gave them a smile.

"Tyrion, Bronn thought you had gotten lost" she teased lightly

"Ah well, dear Lyra, when you're a dwarf it takes you twice as long to get anywhere" he joked while taking his place at the table, Bronn following along. seating himself as if he belonged.

"Then you should have started earlier or have Bronn carry you" she grinned as he snorted into his wine, Bronn letting a bark of laughter

"While I'm strong my lady, his head is far too fat" he jested and delighted in the laugh she let out.

"Your supposed to protect me not mock me" Tyrion grumbled half heartedly

"Aye and I do the mockery just comes free" Bronn grinned and Lyra laughed again, he was very quick witted, she glanced to her left to see Robb staring at her intently wondering when the hell his twin had gotten so cosy with a Lannister and a sell sword and she flushed, ignoring his probing stare.

Settling back into her seat and enjoying the feast, the food was plentiful and delicious, spiced meats and chicken with goat cheese and sauce a personal favourite of Lyra's, roasted pheasant and boars on a spit, suckling pig with an apple in its mouth. The ale and wine was also plentiful, dark northern ale and spirits that warmed the stomach and made your fingers tingle, sweet dornish wine that was paired well with the meats, flowery wines from high garden that made Lyra's stomach churn from the scent and how weak it was but the blonde pounce seemed to enjoy, the honeyed mead was a personal favourite of hers, as the desserts came out Lyra spotted her favourite lemon cakes and managed to polish of three while also ramming four down Robb's pocket for him to sneak to her later, he sighed heavily and rolled his eyes at her antics but didn't stop her.

The dancing soon began, and Robb helped her up and they danced around the hall, a tradition for the twins to always dance together first.

Bronn couldn't keep his eyes off her, she was enthralling, the way she daintily ate her food and sipped at her wine, the innocence and grace of her movements so enticing, the way her eyes sparkled and the open look of joy as she interacted with her siblings, each way she spoke to them intimate and familiar, she adapted herself to bring out the best of them with no falsity. The deep purple of her dress made her pale skin shine and the low hanging pendant hanging provocatively over the swell of her breasts, drawing his eye. He could smell her, like honeysuckle and roses and his mouth watered.

"If you keep staring at her like that her lord father will notice and take your head, the northerners might be more relaxed but your still below her station, so far below you might as well be trying to get the Maiden herself" Tyrion remarked quietly from beside him.

"Aye, for now I am but I won't be for long and then I'll marry her" Bronn easily admitted watching as she ran her fingers through her younger brothers' hair, she was so natural with them, she'd make an excellent mother, perhaps six would do? He watched as her twin assisted her in getting up and they gracefully moved around the hall, his eyes glued to the sway of her hips. Yes, she could carry six children very easily, perhaps twins? with his curls and her eyes. that would suit him very well.

Tyrion choked on his wine in surprise "you, you want to get married?" he was incredulous and it was understandable Bronn had not really let slip his plans before and was always up for going to the whore house, though he'd given that up.

"Every man wants to get married and have a wife and children" Bronn replied simply "I have three goals, a lordship, a castle and Lyra Stark for a wife, after that of course securing my legacy but that can wait for now"

"Oh, and how are you planning on doing that then?" Tyrion mocked him

Bronn drained the last dregs of ale in his jug, spotting that the twins were almost finished and the bannermen were trying to move in on his future wife, not that she knew that yet "I'll make myself indispensable" he stated determinedly before striding over to Lyra with a confident arrogance that made the others hesitate to get in the way, uncaring of the eyes on him.

"My lady?" a voice spoke, and Lyra turned with a polite smile on her face that brightened when she saw it was Bronn standing behind her, Robb straightened up and his eyes narrowed.

"Dance with me?" he asked, his voice was soft and while his posture screamed arrogance his blue eyes were soft and slightly pleading, she felt her heart melt a little, though Robb was angered by the forwardness of the sellsword.

Bronn felt amused at the sight of her twin posturing, a lot of more intimidating people had tried to scare Bronn and they had all failed spectacularly but staring into Lyra's grey eyes like the stars he felt a nervousness overtake him, causing his voice to soften, his heart pulsated with the thought of rejection and his eyes pleaded softly with her.

"I would love to Bronn" Lyra smiled and felt her stomach flip at the smile he gave her, quickly whisking her away in his arms keeping to propriety.

Lyra smiled in surprise as Bronn gracefully lead her around the room, she felt herself moving with him as if they had been doing it for years.

"you dance very well Bronn" she complimented him, slightly suprised he'd know this dance which was usually reserved for nobles.

"Travelling has a lot of perks, you get to see different cultures and I liked to immerse myself in it and learn everything I could while I was there, when you live as a sellsword you don't know when life ends" he smiled in a rueful way, as he easily span her, following the moves of the southern style of dancing "although I must admit I enjoy the northern style of dance more"

Lyra was slightly surprised her was opening up to her, he did seem very private, but she found herself enjoying it, so she didn't comment.

"aye, the northern style is wilder and a lot more fun, it'll be soon it starts up when everyone is more into their cups, have you travelled to the north often?" she probed curious about him

"I've been to the north a couple of times, sometimes for work, sometimes just to see, I've even been beyond the wall, it was amazing but so very cold" he grinned down at her, a sparkle of adventure in his eye, she felt her heart flutter.

They danced for a while longer, and Lyra was really enjoying herself as they twisted themselves around the other dancers, she spotted Sansa enjoying being fawned over by her some bannerman, but her eyes kept straying to the dais where the prince was sat, and he kept smirking at Sansa. Lyra did not like the way he smirked at her sister, blantly eyeing Sansa up.

"If you can I'd get your father to avoid engaging them" Bronn spoke under his voice, seeing what Lyra was staring at.

"I'm trying to give caution, but my sister has fancy notions and my mother despite living in the north for nigh on twenty years would enjoy the power, what have you seen?" Lyra frowned slightly, protectivness for her little sister rising

"You shouldn't frown, your features are meant for laughter not sadness" he lightly admonished releasing her hand to smooth the wrinkles in her forehead before snatching her hand back into his grip gently. "and as for what I've seen he's a cruel and vicious fucker, enjoys tormenting his servants and animals. he was caught skinning a animal that wasn't even dead yet, he delights in throwing his influence and weight about as the crown prince as he's an arrogant cunt and sets his dog on whatever he can find because he doesn't know how to swing a sword let alone his own" he smirked at his own double entendre, her face settled back into the frown, this was incredibly disturbing to Lyra but a raised eyebrow from Bronn had her smiling again.

"if I might cut in my lady?" a deep, booming voice cut into their conversation and Lyra realised they had been dancing for a while, smiling happily up at Lord Umber, she agreed an apologetic look being tossed to Bronn who smiled in understanding and moving back towards Tyrion.

"ah, pick it up, won't you?" Lord GreatJon Umber demanded from above her, he was named appropriately being an incredibly large man, topping even the hound who was constantly staring at him in wariness, his hand holding the pommel of his sword tightly. The bards quickly picked their instruments up and started playing a lively tune, causing the northerners in the room to roar with approval stomping their feet and clapping their hands along while the southerners looked on in dismay and shock due to the lack of propriety.

Lord Umber voiced his approval loudly before wrapping one platter sized hand around her hip, the other gently taking her other hand in his, for such a giant of a man he was exceedingly gentle and very quick and graceful in his movements capable of keeping up with Lyra's more delicate movements with ease, they pair had sparred a lot and were used to working together and against.

And the pair were off, and Lyra felt excitement shoot through her, the southern styles might have been pretty, but the northern style of dancing was hard, fast and free. Lyra felt a large grin cross her face as she was span and picked up by Lord Umber, the man finding it easy as everyone was joining in, even her father who was more tamely spinning his wife around who had a beaming smile on her face, Lyra was intricately twirled throughout many partners, she knew that the southerners were baffled by it to them seemingly a crazed display but there was a pattern and a rhythm to it but you had to feel for it and to watch closely to spot it, which she saw Tyrion doing, that man never missed anything.

Lyra was picked up and twirled again and found herself captured in the arms of Bronn again who brazenly winked and slyly moved so that the nobles that were attempting to steal her away ended up in each other's arms, on the floor or with some other woman. She couldn't help but let out a loud laugh as it happened and throwing caution to the wind she stayed within Bronn's strong grip for a bit longer than entirely appropriate.

Bronn could feel the daggers in his back and could spot a few furious gazes in his direction and he couldn't fault them, here he was a upstart cocky southern bastard with no name and protecting the Lannister imp dancing with the most gorgeous woman in the room.

Who was the daughter of a Lord Paramount that was practically the brother of the king, he might as well be a mortal having fallen in love with a goddess but he would find a way to prove his worth, no way would he pass up the opportunity to get her to fall for him, so while he grumbled slightly having to pass her back to her brother, he decided to take up a corner and start plotting.

Lyra was panting slightly at the end of dancing with Robb, she had been dancing constantly for quite a while and despite being desperate for a break she couldn't deny anyone who wanted to dance with her, she was about to suggest the pair sneaking off to find Jon-they had stayed long enough to excuse themselves for fresh air- when a small shriek pierced the air, the pair spun and spotted Sansa freaking out about her dress while Arya was busting up in laughter, Theon joining her. Mother who was sat beside the Queen glared at them and Robb nodded his head moving over to Arya with Lyra shadowing him.

"Time for bed" Robb declared swinging her off the bench and into his arms

"I'm not tired!" Arya argued dramatically

"Yes you are" he spoke ignoring her protests and the pair quickly moved to leave the great hall both of them splitting up, Lyra towards the courtyard and Robb to Arya's bed chambers- neither noticed Bronn following them, he wanted to keep Lyra safe and didn't trust a bunch of strange drunkards near his wolf- he determinedly ignored the possessiveness he was already thinking with, while he wouldn't restrict her he simply wanted to ensure her safety it was a dangerous world for a woman on her own even if she was in her own home. the thought of Elia Martell crossed his mind and he ammended his last thought, especially for a lady in their own home, his stride lengthened so he was closer to her.

"Let me give you some advice bastard, never forget what you are the rest of the world will not, wear it like armour and it can never be used to hurt you" Lyra halted at the edge of the courtyard hearing Tyrion's voice ringing out, he had evidently left the feast for some air and ran into her brother.

"The hell do you know about being a bastard" Jon sounded angry, a rare occurrence as he usually kept it bottled up and he was very soft spoken and non-confrontational.

"All dwarves are bastards in their fathers' eyes" Tyrion spoke ruefully but his tone was laced with bitterness and hatred "Lady Lyra" he nodded to her spotting the tears and soft look in her eyes feeling his own sting before passing on, spotting Bronn but keeping quite finding the whole situation very amusing for himself. and finding amusement was better than shedding more bitter tears over his lot in life.

"Lyra" Jon said, and his voice was so defeated that the tears she had been holding at bay slid down her cheeks.

"oh Jon" she moved forward but he moved away

"I don't need your pity" he snapped, and Lyra felt a dagger enter her heart

"Jon I know-"she started but he interrupted her

"NO! no you don't know! You know who your mother and father are you carry their name and you are loved and cherished by them and your siblings but I'm not! Your lady mother hates me, and she has every right too! I'm a talking walking reminded of my father's dishonour! You have no idea what it's like to have a father who's considered to be the most honourable in all the seven kingdoms but you, you are that dishonour that exception! I have no name! no titles! Who would want to marry me or have children with me and I'm sick of it! So, I'm joining the nights watch and I cannot wait to leave!" his voice was raw but strong from letting out so many years of hurt and anguish.

Each word was another dagger through Lyra's heart and a tear to her soul, but she silently took it and allowed him to be angry and vengeful and hateful towards her, but she felt on some level as if she deserved it, surely she was a babe when Jon came but when they were growing perhaps she should have done more to shield him? protect her younger brother? To beg her father to have him legitimised? Or to punish those that dared scorn him harsher?

Pick more fights or to make it abundantly clear to her mother that if she had to pick between Jon and her she would side with Jon, maybe she should have ran away with him to Dorne earlier where they didn't scorn bastards as harshly, she had packed them bags with clothes and food and borrowed some money from the stark treasury, taken three mares from the stables and they had managed to make it to white harbour before her father and his guards had caught up to them, Lyra had been thoroughly punished, taken from her lessons, denied her horse-riding, disallowed to leave the keep to even go to the Godswood and never left alone, constantly supervised and kept inside the worst was being kept away from Robb and Jon during the day, Her mother had wanted Jon sent away but Lyra had lost it, begging and pleading in front of her father, even getting on her knees.

she had not meant to defy her father, but she simply wanted her brother to be happy, even if they ran to dorne. Ned had never wanted his children to see them as their Lord before their father. Jon and Robb always snuck into her room at night and they servants who pitied them kept their mouths shut and helped them escape in the morning, it had gone on for three months before her mother had let up slowly. But perhaps she should have been quicker? Planned better and they could have lived in Dorne and become sell swords and been happy. but alas they had been childish dreams.

"Leave" he ordered her harshly and turned to the practice dummy cutting and slashing away at it all over again and Lyra turned and left tears rushing down her cheeks not noticing Bronn or the thunderous look on his face.

"I said leave" Jon snapped

"Feel like the big man after that?" Bronn asked his voice was casual, but his tone dripped venom and danger. now, he'd just met his wolf this day but his wolf was his and he would not allow anyone to upset her.

Jon span around to see the sell sword that had taken an interest in his sister, his face was calm but there was a dangerous glint in his blue eyes as hard as ice.

"The hell is it to you?" Jon snarled not feeling like being lectured "it's not like you-"

"what that I understand? No, your right I don't see I don't understand why your being so fucking ungrateful Lord Snow" Bronn interrupted prowling around Jon carefully, disregarding the wolf pup by his side.

"Don't call me that" Jon snapped feeling unnerved, seeing the way the sellsword prowled that he was more than capable with his sword and actually had real life experience rather than Jon's practice in the yard

"why not?" Bronn sneered a nasty look on his face "it's what you are, you're a bastard hence the snow and you're a Lord as well foot in both worlds but you don't belong in either" Bronn jeered nastily

"I don't belong in the noble's world! I'm just a bastard" Jon growled in self defence

"A bastard with a Lord father and a Lords education and a thousand of advantages because your father has honour. To have servants who obey you and a warm keep with a big bed and fur throws and the finest clothes and a pretty sword and never having to go hungry or to fight for survival and what little you have. Never having to starve, being forced into having to slit your babes throat rather than see them starve or being beaten, for no good reason like stealing or lying but for pure amusement, to have siblings who would lay down their lives for you rather than rob you and stab you watching you bleed out and leave you for dead in a ditch" Bronn mocked him in a fake pitying tone

"I'm a constant reminder of my father's dishonour, a stain upon his name, on his honour I'm constantly belittled and laughed at!" Jon protested weakly

"If you father had any true dishonour he would've slit your throat or left you at a whore house or an orphanage or in a ditch and denied your very existence that's what a lot of Lords do. Instead, he takes you in raises you alongside your trueborn siblings and treats you like one, I had to teach myself how to read, how to write, how to manage money, how to swing a sword and how to survive, you on the other hand didn't you don't have any true idea on what being a bastard is, and you've just caused your sister who adores you to go crying into her pillow and if you do it again I'll show you a bastards death as well, now if you'll excuse me Lord Snow I'm going to retire for the night" Bronn concluded in a scornful tone, bowing mockingly and span on his heel stalking into the keep leaving behind a speechless Jon Snow.

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