The Way - Jinson

By pumpkinwrites

23.2K 1.3K 504

Kpop star, actor and model - Park Jinyoung Clueless neighbour, CEO and foreigner - Jackson Wang Let's try wri... More

Nyoung POV 1
Nyoung POV 2
Nyoung POV 3
Nyoung POV 4
Nyoung POV 5
Nyoung POV 6


370 31 13
By pumpkinwrites

I felt too free without work, unsure of what to do with my free time now. I ended up hitting the gym more often while picking up random skills online like animation which I happily used for Jinyoung's fansites.

I even took up some freelance translation jobs while translating and signing off with my username for his fan sites for free, the little things making me oddly happy due to the free time. I didn't know how long I would be satisfied for but it was worth it for now.

I could tell that Jinyoung was worried about me, texting me during the day and even coming back earlier than usual to spend more time at home with me.

We were sprawled out in bed after our shower, Jinyoung sharing with me about his day while I told him what I got up to. Well, except for his fansites...

We soaked in each other's presence after, the comfortable silence but little touches meaning so much more.

The yellow lights made the room cosier, his warm skin against mine keeping me snuggly warm despite the air conditioning.

Jinyoung rested his cheek against my chest, his hand reaching up and playing with my hair while pressing kisses to my chest randomly. My eyes shut themselves when he ran his fingers along my scalp, my body relaxing in his hold, slowly drifting off when he spoke up again.

"I was thinking of letting everyone know that I'm gay too. It's better than some scandalous photo?" Jinyoung said softly, his words making me snap my eyes open in shock.

I blinked from the sudden bright light, my vision slowly returning as I sat up and turned to face him. Jinyoung looked at ease with himself and I knew that he spent some time thinking about it already.

"Your job would be affected" I stated, knowing how much it meant to him and why I did it for him.

He shrugged in response, "you matter more, I can always find other acting roles. Plus, I'll be leaving this company"

"What did he say and do this time?" I frowned, Jinyoung reaching out to smoothen the crinkle in my brows.

"Nothing, he's not supportive as you know. It'll be a good change and there's another company who has scouted me already" he brushed off, smiling towards the end as he talked about the other company.

"And they know?" I asked quietly, not wanting him to be disappointed if they back off.

"Yup" he smiled, the thoughts swirling in my mind settling at last.

"What about the band?" I asked, reaching for his hand.

"We'll find another company or some agreement together. They're not staying either" he mumbled, playing with my fingers.

I decided then to look into setting something up for them, not telling Jinyoung anything first.

"Which company is this?" I asked curiously.

"Xx company"

"Mmm, okay. I don't have a job and need you to support me though" I teased, flopping back down on the bed.

Jinyoung shook his head and took his spot back on my chest, snorting in response. He brushed my hair back from my forehead and muttering under his breath "says the building owner".


Jinyoung made the announcement for the switch in companies the next day, many fans wondering if the statement was hype for the new movie.

I scanned the websites for comments on Jinyoung, reading all of them, rallying his fan clubs to flood his posts with good comments as well.

I went into full fan mode, using all social media outlets to keep tabs on comments about Jinyoung, not even realising when Jinyoung came home till he popped his head past the study room door.

"I'm home" he greeted, entering the study room.

I shut all the windows and smiled at him sheepishly, his curious eyes scanning mine before peeping at the blank screen.

"What were you doing?" he asked, tilting his head to face me.

"Nothing" I shrugged, moving the chair back to stand.

"Then why did you have to close it?" he prodded, following me out of the room.

"Because you're home"

"Were you watching porn?" he laughed, blocking me in the hallway.


"You were?" he teased, holding my cheeks in his palms while his eyes twinkling mischievously.

I wrapped my arms around him and cupped his bum to me, squeezing him with each syllable and smirking as I said "don't, need, it, when, I, have, you".

Jinyoung breaths stuttered, the emotions flitting in his eyes before he scowled at me.

"Mean. I bet you were watching porn" he humphed, untangling himself.

"Well, I was looking at someone so hot that I was so absorbed" I teased,Jinyoung's shocked face making me want to rile him up further.

"He's really good looking and I want checking his body out when you came home so..." I continued, laughing to myself when he shot me a glare.

I followed closely behind him as he marched towards the kitchen, tugging him into my arms when he finally stopped in front of the fridge.

"The best part is I'm holding the someone now" I laughed, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck.

"You're such a tease" he grumbled, blushing to the tips of his ears.

I pressed a kiss to his ear, laughing softly when I felt his goosebumps rise, Jinyoung huffing and shrugging out of my arms. He opened the fridge and took a big gulp of cold water, finally turning to face me despite his red cheeks.

"I would not be back early tomorrow, it's the movie premiere night" he said softly, reaching for me.

"Can I join you?" I asked, wanting to be there to support him.

"Of course. I know you don't like being in the limelight and didn't know if you wanted after the whole work thing. I still have your ticket and..."

I interrupted him with a kiss to his lips, feeling ridiculously grateful for him putting my feelings ahead of his.

"Thank you" I whispered, kissing him again and holding him tight.

"I'll get to see you in a delicious suit again?" he giggled, his hands roaming my chest.

"I can wear suits at home if you'd like?" I laughed, loving the look in his eyes. Well, I have been wearing one too many singlets since I'm at home...

"Nah, you look amazing like this too" he shook his head, his fingers creeping up my bare arms.


Jinyoung made the announcement that he was gay the next day with the new company, the press going nuts about it and wondering even more if it was hype for the show as it was an action romance film.

He made it clear that it wasn't and that he would like some privacy regarding his relationship, cutting the reporters off before they could ask more questions.

I checked the fan sites worriedly and saw many sweet comments instead, my heart calming down after seeing all the supportive ones.

I used my fan accounts and posted some comments on being there for Jinyoung, a bunch of us flooding his page with good comments while reporting the few annoying ones.

I breathed easy and shut my computer earlier, using my phone to check instead while waiting for Jinyoung to come back home.


The next few days past by too quickly as Jinyoung and I laid low at home, the two of us stuck to one another throughout, both of us not checking our phones.

My fringe got way too long and flopped on my forehead, annoying me. I ran my hands through it to brush it back again, the heat from the stove making it harder as I made dinner for us.

"Come here" Jinyoung laughed, reaching for me with a rubber band in his hand.

I bent down to let him tie my fringe up in a man bun, his hands roaming my shoulders and back when he was done cheekily.

"The stove is hot" I warned, turning slightly to give him a peck on his cheek.

"You're hotter like that"

I turned to him with a raised brow, catching his cheeky grin and roaming eyes, laughing and knowing that we'll never get enough of one another.


It was finally the day of the premiere and time for us to leave the house. Or at least for Jinyoung first as he was at the salon getting ready with the other cast members.

He shared that they would enter the theatre last as they would say a few words on stage before playing the movie.

I got ready at home and chose one of my older suits, realising that the additional gym sessions had made me slimmer and more toned.

My stomach fluttered when I realised that Jinyoung had not seen this suit before, the thought of his adorable expressions making me smile to myself.

I sprayed some cologne on and tied my fringe up into a man bun, to tease Jinyoung more than anything, not bothering too much with my hair since it was his night.

Bam was in Korea and was joining me for the night, my phone constantly buzzing with his texts about which outfit he looked better in and if he could bring some caramel popcorn in because "it's caramel and they might not have it". Shit head.


I knew that there would be reporters but I wasn't expecting that many. I got Woo Jin to make a loop around when I saw the crowd outside, spotting another entrance for family members and getting him to drop us off there instead.

I managed to slip in unnoticed by the press, thankful that I looked different from the back view while Bam got spotted behind me, the reporters managing to snap some photos of him slipping in behind me.

We sat in our allocated seats and I silenced my phone, oddly nervous for Jinyoung as we waited for them to come on stage.

"See, I told you it was good I brought popcorn" Bam whispered, waving the bag at me.

"Shit up, shit head" I laughed, watching him shove his popcorn in his mouth while shaking his head at me.

They turned off the lights except for the one in front of the screen, the chattering amongst the audience died down as we focused on the stage together.

I felt like the number one fan and got my phone camera ready, excited to snap some pictures of Jinyoung to upload on the fan sites.

The cheering and clapping when they came on stage was deafening, mostly because Bam thought it would be a good idea to whistle. The camera flashes went crazy, one of them being mine as the cast posed on stage.

Jinyoung looked downright delicious in his blue suit, the two of us managing to match each other despite dressing up separately.

I zoomed in and took many pictures shamelessly, uploading them on all the platforms happily. Sharing is caring right. And I'm selfish so I can only share this much...

Jinyoung smiled his polite smile while scanning the seats, his smile turning genuine when his eyes met mine.

I smiled back and him, tilting my head sideways to let him see the bun, Jinyoung clamping his lips together in response. Ha.

I took a photo of him then, of his cheeks flushing slightly with his shy smile, loving that I made him like that.

The director gave a few words before the movie played, along with Jinyoung and the other main actors and actresses which I failed to pay attention to, my focus on snapping more photos of him only.


The love scene made my heart hurt, Jinyoung's expressive eyes affecting me more than I thought it would, especially after the previous incident.

I took in a shaky breath, swallowing my insecurities and trying to distract myself for a bit. I glanced over to see Bam was totally absorbed in the show, the popcorn all over his lap like a child and snorted to myself, letting him be.

There was some chatter when Jinyoung first kissed the actress, someone having the audacity to whisper about his announcement.

Bam grabbed my arm to calm me when he heard it, the anger flashing in his eyes as well as we turned to look towards the person.

There were a few more comments as the show went on especially during the marriage scene and I got more annoyed, not getting why there was even a need for it.

"He's a great actor to be able to show such expressions" I commented, turning to Bam.

"Yeah, he really is. It's called acting after all" Bam replied, staring towards whoever was commenting.

"Isn't it awkward since he's gay. It so strange" someone commented in response, making my blood boil.

"Well, he's so good looking that I guess he can get both men and women anyway so why does it matter" I commented louder.

Bam tried to keep a straight face on before bursting out in laughter, unable to take it anymore.

The show ended then and they turned the lights on, some of the audience turning towards us. Shit.

The cast went on stage again and I stared hard at Jinyoung, needing to know that he was okay. He looked slightly shaken but alright, his eyes meeting mine to reassure me.

"Mr Wang" one reporter called out, pointing at us and snapping some photos.

"Please, we're here for the movie, the director and the cast who all did a fantastic job" I smiled politely, standing and extending my hand towards the stage.

The reporters took a few more photos before turning back to the stage, and I returned my attention to Jinyoung, noticing that he was staring hard at the ground.


I waited around for Jinyoung to be done, Bam heading off earlier as he was waiting for a call from Mark.

I blended in with the dispersing crowd, trying my best to avoid the reporters despite my man bun sticking out.

I approached the cast and director, shaking their hands congratulating them on the great movie, approaching Jinyoung last.

"I'm here now" I said softly, lowering my voice so that only he could hear me.

I wrapped my arm around the back of his shoulders, Jinyoung relaxing and huddling closer under my arm.

We headed out once everyone filtered out, sneaking pass some reporters who were lingering about and getting into the car.


Jinyoung seemed a bit down despite saying otherwise, and I knew that the comments during the movie affected him.

The other band member's contracts were ending soon and I knew I had to act sooner rather than later regarding the band. I could only hope that it helps relieve some of the troubles he felt...

"Nyoung, can I... will you, will the band want to be under my company? I never told you about my side work but I can pull some strings?"

I held my breath waiting for his answer, knowing that it wouldn't be easy.

"What side work?" he asked, confused by my statement. I was hoping it would slide...

"I buy failing companies to rebuild them and invest in existing companies to make them grow, so I have a share in some of them" I mumbled, not knowing how else to tell him.

"Which companies?" he probed, his curious eyes scanning mine.

"A few" I sighed, leaning back into the sofa as my past relationships ended and started once they found out that they worked for me.

"Hey" Jinyoung frowned, climbing into my lap and cupping my face.

I looked at him tiredly, not wanting him to know that I had a share in JYP before I knew he was in the company and his new company just happened to be one I had a share in.

"I used to work for you" he said flatly, scanning my eyes.

My hands gripped on to his shirt in response, knowing that I could never let him go. I shut my eyes tiredly and leaned against his shoulder, needing him closer.

Jinyoung held me tight, stroking the back of my head absently, the two of us quiet.

"I still do?" he asked quietly after awhile, dropping his hands to the back of my shoulders.

I gave a quick nod and held on tighter to his shirt, afraid of his response.

"Good" he replied almost immediately, my head jerking up in surprise to meet his eyes.

He truly looked fine, happy even as he pressed a peck to my lips. His eyes checking mine before getting comfortable by leaning his head against my shoulder.

I breathed out shakily and held him close, unsure of what just happened. He's okay? It's not too much?

"I've got a share in a few but if you'd rather I'd be more than happy to create a company for you" I told him softly, holding my breath again.

"Seun..." he sighed, lifting his head up to look at me.

"It is, no, they are just investments. I actually never wanted you to know. It's what I know, what I'm somehow good at and what I can control and maybe give you?" I admitted in a rush, unable to hide my worry.

"Thank you for telling me. And thank you for wanting to do this for us. Let me discuss it with the rest first?" he smiled, cupping my face with his hands.

"Thank you for not running away" I mumbled, hugging him tight to me, still unable to hide my worry. Jinyoung rained kisses all over my face, only speaking up once he stopped.

"You're a lot. Extreme and always pampering me. More than I need, more than I could ever want. Thank you"

I breathed out a sigh and relaxed, realising that I should trust Jinyoung and our relationship more. We stayed cuddled up on the living room couch, staring out at the night view together.

"Side work" he snorted, breaking the silence before adding "plus, who runs away from a good looking guy with a big heart and money?"

"Who runs away from a prince like good looking and famous singer actor?" I teased back, watching his adorable nose crinkle in response.

A/N: this is soooo late, i'm sorry! i've started my new job and am regretting not being a bum. sigh. stream Jackson's blow.

adding this because he looks so cute

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