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"you're my endorphin, bae. you make me feel good." She told me with all the sincerity and love inside of her... More



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(...some of yall bouta to be real mad at me-)

(anyways I hope yall enjoy plz don't kill me.. Love yall!)






𝙈𝘼𝙔 11𝙏𝙃 2021





There wasn't a way to describe the feeling I was experiencing right now. I can can say is that I'm in total bliss. It's been two months since Mink and I made it official and i'm so in love with her. Her stomach has gotten bigger and you can definitley tell she's pregnant. Not just by looking at her, but talking to her too.

She's also been clingier lately and I honestly find it adorable. She's such a pregnant woman. Right now she's braiding my hair like she my momma. I was spread out in fron tof her while she sat indian style on the ottoman above me. She says she wanted to braid my hair so i can be her little test model for when our son gets here. I'an mind it, but the only thing that was ruining this moment was that damn chicken.

Mink's beloved "Chocolate".

It's honestly fuck him. All he does is sit around My woman and want to get petted on. Why he he taking whats MINE? He was currently laying ontop of Mink's baby bump asleep. We were both watching Flavor of Love. I basically spend my eevry waking moment with my baby now and I love it. I haven't been to the warehouse in some weeks so I have to go there later today to see whats been up. Nika was also ranting to me about how she hasn't heard form Lara in a few months.

I didn't want to tell her but Robyn and I have been talking and appartley Lara is still her little hoe. Hasn't even asked about Onika. I gotta say i was mad. Why would my baby associate herself with her.

I asked her a few weeks ago and she said that Lara was one of the only people she thought didn't see her as a "loser". I scoffed at that though. My babygirl was never a loser. Mink was on the last braid of my hair and she was speaking to me. I tuned back from my thoughts and listened to what she was saying.

" Baby! look at Chocolate! he's sitting on our son, look! he's on my baby bump!"

I rolled my eyes. It's always about this chicken nigga. I swear he get more pussy than me. Speaking of that, we still haven't fucked and the sexual tension was getting unbearable. sometimes We'd both stare at eachother a little too long when i helped her wash her body in the shower, Or when she would look at me from the door of my home gym, biting her lip.

I didn't mind though, that was my baby and I was willing to wait. She won't admit it, but I think she a little insecure. When I was helping her wash, I saw all the bruises on her body from when meek was abusing her. I swear if that nigga is still alive somehow i'm gon' raise fucking hell. nevertheless, i scoffed at Mink's little statement.

"Mane fuck Chocolate." Mink gasped.

"Yonnie! why do you hate him so much?"

"That nigga rolls his eyes, pecks me, and hogs you every damn chance he get! As soon as my son drop we taking it to the yard and imma really fight this nigga!" She stifled a chuckle.

"Baby you really aren't the best with animals are you?" I shook my head.

"I had a dog before, He ran away though, All i wanted the lil nigga to do was make a drop fa' me. He couldn't even do that..". She looked at me like I said something stupid.

"Now Beyonce..." she gave me a side eye.

"mmcht, what?"
I scratched my head. Mink was about done with my hair now. That chicken just rolled it eyes at me like I was dumb or some shit. I looked at it and glared.

"problem nigga?" It squaked and flapped it's wings at me.

"nigga Ion cur' I swear i will fuck yo ass up!"

It sqwaked at me and I slapped his ass so hard, he fell off Mink and my son.


"what i do??"
She sighed and picked the chicken bitch up and pet it, before placing it in that ugly ass bed it has.

"okay my chocolate baby, i want you to sit here and behave!" It nuged it's head on her hand and she gave it a kiss. It then turned its head and gave me a mug.

A fucking mug.

"That chicken is a meanace to society, and that's coming from one." I told Mink. she rolled her eyes.

"I thought yall would have more in common then.." I laughed.

"I gotta give the lil nigga his credit, but I swea' I could beat his ass. I just want one fade mink, I PROMISE, just one hit and i'm done."

I was pleading with her at this point. He been asking for it the past 2 months.

She laughed out loud. Cute ass laugh.

"baby let's go take your nap okay? I know once you start getting like this it's time for you to sleep." I rolled my eyes and whined. I really was a baby for her.

"Ian' even sleepy! that Chicken nigga keep trying me I swea'!" she sighed and smiled at me.

"Cmon' papa, you need your nap." She rubbed circles on my stomach. I was a lil tired no lie, that rubbin' on my stomach shit make me sleepy..

"Aight, come on, I wanna sleep with my wife.."

She nooded and follow her little ass behind me after wrapping my head up in a bonnet and kissing my forehead. I had about 3 hours to kill until it was time to go the the warehouse. I'll just sleep until then. I looked in the mirror at myself in her pink and purple bonnet. I did a pose in the mirror. I lowkey look good.

I tossed Mink on the bed and cuddled up to her.




I pinned my braids up and adjusted the skull cap on my head. I was bout ready to go and I checked my watch. I was about 1: AM and I had to get goin'. We always did the late-night meetups because it would be less people, and It was safer to not be out in broad daylight with it.

I tied up my grey balenciagas and adjusted my grey sweatpants, Putting on my gold chain, I felt a tug at my white wifebeater. I looked down to see Mink batting her eyelashes at me. She was holdin' onto my leg.

I smirked at her.

"ma watchu' doin?" She pouted up at me.

"Yonnie I don't want you to go!" She whined.

"Baby i wanna stay witchu' too but I gotta go handle buisness, when I get home we can watch all yo' favorite shows and i'll even pet that damn chicken." I could see the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Can i go with you??" I looked at her, she know it's not safe.

"no baby.."

Sighing, she plopped down on one of the couches in the room. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Aye! aye, watch my son." I said sternly.

"Okay, i'm sorry daddy.." smirking I nodded my head.

"you good ma."

"C-Can I atleast go grocery shopping? I'm so bored, and I'm going to be soo lonely! I-I just want to have some company! A-And i'm soo sad, P-pleaseee! Can I take Lauren? We need more groceries anyways ! Please??"

She was stumbling over sentences and shit. I learned that means she about to cry. Fuck no. Recently her hormones have been at an all time high and she been crying about everything. Yesterday, she cried because there was no mustard in the fucking fridge.




"BABY!" Mink screamed.

I almost busted my fucking ass running downstairs just to see what was wrong with her. she was sitting there crying at the table with a half eaten turkey sandwich. I embarced her and kissed her forehead.

"Baby whas' wrong? why you crying beautiful?"

I mean she was full on bawling at the site of that sandwich. She acted like she was shot or something. I looked around to see that everything was okay, I don't know what she upset about.

She looked up at me and poued with tears in her eyes.

"I-It's just there's no more MUSTARD! and I was looking forward to having it on my sandwich- I-I- had been waiting for it all day a-and i was fixing us something to eat b-b-ecause Carl needed to go visit his wife Harriet at the office so-s- I wanted to do soemthing nice! b-but i get to the fridge and there's no MUSTARD! "

I deapanned. Is this what she was mad about?

"i-I tried to ea-t it but it didn' taste the same- and the baby d-dosen't like it because ther'es no MUSTARD!"

she was crying again. I agrabbed her and picked her up.

"shhh, okay baby. is' okay. We can go to the store an' get you all the mustard you want okay mama?" She looked up at me from her resting position of her head inside my shoulder.

she sniffled. "y-you promise?" I nodded at her and kissed her cheek.

"I promise babygirl." she nodded and started falling asleep on my shoulder.


I sighed at the thought.

When does her horniness stage start comin' in..

I looked down at her at thought about it. I mean it is late, but lauren is trained to work a gun, and she could guard her pretty well if anything happens. Mink was still looking at me.

"Where you wanna go baby?"

"Just to target.." I nodded.

"Alright baby, but you better call me every 30 minutes to tell me if you good or not. Now go get lauren, I gotta go ma." She jumped up into my arms and gave me a nasty kiss. I moaned and bit my lip.

"Don' start nun you can't finish, you making me feel a typa way.."

She giggled and I let her down from my grasp.

"Okay baby! Be safe, and you tell me if your'e okay as well! I'm gonna go get Lauren so we can go grocery shopping!" she hugged me one last time.

"Aight ma, remember to call me!" I yelled after her.

She ran away into the hallway to get lauren, she was probably cleaning the front before she leaves for the night. I shook my head. I really do love my baby.

I grabbed my keys and went out to the car.

Time to go check out this shit at the warehouse.







I shook my head and laughed. My grills were shining and I was haughing hysterically. I looked back at everyone in the room. They looked to be shitting their pants.

"SAY THAT TO ME AGAIN." Safaree spoke up.

"Uh.. Sir-- Maa'm-.. More supplied has been smuggled out of the warehouse, particuarly and cocaine and Xans.." I chuckled.

"NOT THAT! THE OTHER FUCKING SHIT!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

"I-i'm sorry sir, but our camera detected the person with another accomplice smuggling the supplies out.."

"WHO THE FUCK WAS IT?? WHO THE FUCK WAS IT SAMUELS?? DON'T FUCKING PLAY WITH ME!!" I slammed my fist down on the wooden desk, shattering it.

"We aren't sure who the other accomplice was, but one of them.. was Rihmeek."

I nodded slowly. It was silent.

"It's over for you all."







"Lauren! We need some more yogurt bars, you know that beyonce really liked them!" Lauren nodded her head and furrowed her eyebrows once she saw the price.

"Onika are you sure? these cost so much, 13 dollars for a 10 pack? That's highway robbery!"

I nodded my head in agreeance with her.

Lauren and I were at target grocery shopping like i said we would be. We hardly had any food, and I wanted to take a load off of Carl's end, so i was trying to get some things that I could fix for us. I also wanted to get some easy-cook things so maybe i could teach Yonnie. She wasn't lying when she said she couldn't cook.

Last night, when i asked her to heat up a donut for me, she put the donut on 100 minutes instead of 1 minute, and she burned the donut, blew up the microwave, and set off the smoke dectector! Cooking was really not for my baby.. I broke out of my thouhts to direct my atention back to Lauren.

"Yeah! but if it makes Yonnie happy, i'm sure she won't have that much of a fuss about it. We still have so much more groceries to get!"

I don't know why she refuses to fill up her fridge. Maybe I should get her some TV dinners.. Looking at the list I sighed.

"Laur, look how much more stuff we have to get, this might take for-ever! I'm sure by the time wer'e finished i'll be Bogglewinked!"

Lauren scrunched up her face and covered her mouth. I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"What did I say? Why are you laughing?"

Lauren let out a loud cakle, attracting some attention from the few shoppers who were around at this time of night.

"I'm sorry- but did you just say BOGGLEWINKED??" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah! youv'e never heard of somebody being bogglewinked before? it's almost the same as hornswoggled!" Lauren was still laughing and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop it! lauren it wasn't that funny!"

"O-okay Nika, how about we split up and divide the groceries, I wouldn't want you being "Bogglewinked..." she was still snickering. I brightly smiled at her. Why didn't I think of this sooner! That way, we can get home faster, and I can rest, the baby is probably tired.

"That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that!"

"I-I don't know, Whew! Onika your'e funny!" I rolled my eyes.

"Alright lauren! I get it! now lets go, and meet back here in about 30 minutes, is that good?"

"Yeah! That's fine, See you a little later!" I waved back at her, adjusting my cart in front of me.

"You too!"

With that, I walked into the Frozen dinner isle. I browsed around for a little until i saw the TV dinners I wanted, Unfortunatley for me, a short pregnant woman, they were on the far top shelf. I struggled a bit before I heard a feminine voice behind me.

"You need help, sweetie?" I turned around to the figure.

She was gorgeous. She had dark and and beautiful chocolate brown skin. She wa staller than me, but nowhere near as tall as Yonnie. She smiled at me, showing her pearly whites. I beagn to look flustered.

"Y-Yes, please! I'm having a bit of trouble it seems..."

She looked down at me and smiled with her eyes. I moved out of the way as she stepped in front of me to get to the TV dinners. She looked at me briefly.

"How many would you like?"

"Oh! 6 is fine, I'm not sure if my girlfriend will like them but It's worth a try!"

She nodded, getting them all for me and putting them in my cart. She adjusted her black chanel bag on her shoulder and she turned back to me. I smiled shyly at her and nodded my head.

"Thank you.. I appreciate it." She waved her hand, shaking her head. I spoke again.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Onika."

She smiled at me and licked her lips.

"Likewise, my name is Kelly."

We talked for a little more than we decided to go our seperate ways. I finished up the rest of my groceries and met lauren back at our spot. Lauren saw me and shaked the bag of goldfish in her hands. I laughed at her foolishness.

"So Nika! How was Shopping?" I smiled.

"It was great! A nice lady helped me out!"

"That's great! Now lets get this stuff checked out, i'm really.. bogglewinked!" She then bust out laughing.

"Lauren! stop itt!" I said as we walked to the checkout lines.




3:33 𝘼𝙈


Oh shit.

I really fucked shit up this time.

BK was throwing all types of shit at us and we all were having a hard time dodging it. Robyn had tried to calm her down but she punched her so badly she knocked out. BK was out of control and there was nothing we could do about it. It was all my fault, how could I have been so stupid.

I was certain that she was gon' kill us all if the problem wasn't fixed. She was muttering incoherantly and walkin' back and forth. She suddenly turned her head toward me and smiled. It wasn't a friendly one either.

"SAMUELS! GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!" She screamed at me.

I frantically sped over to where she was and she pushed me into the chair. She had been interrogating us about the insurrection at the warehouse one-by-one. I was sweating bullets, and I think she could tell. She leaned really close to my face, and i saw nothing but fire and rage in her eyes.

"What do you know about this shit? Don't lie to me Safaree."

She was spekaing strangely calm and I just had a terrible feeling in my stomach that this was the end of the road for me. I Shoudv'e never risked myself, for saving Meek.

I cried while looking into her fury filled eyes. I could see all the memories swirling back from that night. I close my eyes.




𝙈𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙃 1𝙨𝙩 2021

1:27 𝙋𝙈


BK just walked out with that nerdy girl following right behind her. Before doing so, she snapped her fingers at me.

"Kill dat nigga fo' me and get cleanup in onnis' shit.

" We all nodded our heads after her orders. I looked at Meek, feeling such pity for him. He looked at me with what he still had left and I could see his eyes pleading with me. I just couldn't kill him like this.

We had been boys since we were kids, While i met BK in jail, I had been known meek from our school days. We were the bets of friends, and we ran the streets together. He was my boy for the longest, and we were secretley lovers. We started dealing once my mom caught us fucking in her room one night when I thought she was at work.

I loved him with everything in me and i couldn't bear to kill my best friend and lover. I had to devise a plan to save him, but i just didn't know what to do.

He was coming to see me all thoose hours of the night.

I looked, seeing everyone in the room had gone to do their won thing and I signaled for meek to wait. I spoke to the group in a gruff tone of voice.

"Nah, we got some personal issues, get out. i wanna kill this nigga myself."

They all nodded and smirked. When we worked together I always acted like i hated him and he did the same. I'm pretty sure thats why BK told me to kill Meek myself once she got distracted with the nerdy bitch. I revved up the chainsaw and I bent down to his ear.

"Nigga let out the most bloodcurdling scream you can! imma save you!"

He nodded and then proceeded to let out the most horrifying scream he could. I heard the rest of the crew downstairs in the Benz clapping happily form outside. I waited for a minute, and once everything was clear, I threw the chainsaw down and untied Meek. I helped him up and sat him on the couch. I got up and gave him some water, kissing all over him.

"I gotta go, but stay here until i come back later in the evening, i'll take you to my crib to clean you up.we'll get you fixed, you gotta stay undercover for a while, but I promise You gon' be straight."

He only nodded, unable to talk right now. I nodded my head and rushed back downstairs to get in the benz. When I got in the gang all stared at me and Nodded in approval. I just waved them off and laid back in the seat.

I couldn't even be mad at meek for fuckin' up. I was the one who got him started on the crack shit anyways.

Now I had to risk myself to save my lover.


I was at a standdstill right now. Do I lie to BK, or protect the one I love the most. She still looked at me, her smile turning to a sinister smirk. She held me by the throat and I could feel my throat closing up. I waved my Hands and she let me go, her hands still on my throat just incase.

"Talk, nigga or I swear i'll kill you. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KILL HIM! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?" I had made my descision.

"I-I don't know.. what wen't wr-rong, I thought I he was de-" She turned my head with everything in her and I felt my neck snap.

Everything was gone.




Beyonce stood towering over everyone who was cowering in fear. She was so enraged right now and there was nothing that could be done to stop it. She looke dover at everyone who were froze, looking down at a dead Safaree.

Beyonce had snapped his neck. She went behind her now shattered wooden desk and retrived her gun. She walked calmly over tot eh door and spoke.

"That's what happens when you lie to me. if I tell yall bitches to do ANYTHING, you BETTER, FUCKING. DO IT!"

She screamed at everyone. They were so scared that some even shit their pants. She breathed out hard and balled her fists up, slamming the on the glass door, making everything shatter.

"Clean this shit up, and yall better fucking fix this shit. If you don't I swear on my dead uncle's grave that I will kill you all, and give you the worst possible death you could imagine. Fix this fucking shit."

She stepped over the now shattered glass the threw the doorknob at the glass window, making everything shatter.

She walked away.






I stared at the short beauty as she wobbled down the isle. That poor girl has no idea what's coming to her. I shook my head as I turned down the baking isle. I was making some crack brownies for my brother Rihmeek, he said he had been in distress latley and he needed something for him to "feel better". His ass has always been an addict. I chuckled, getting some brownie mix.

I had recently helped him with an insurrection at my ex-fiances drug warehouse. His ass just couldn't keep away from the drugs, just like I couldn't keep away from beyonce. I missed her long, fat dick. Lickign my lips I thought. I never loved her, But the dick was just too good to let go, but once I had the bab, I went and got married to Tim. he was nice enough, but i still don't love him. He had plenty of money, and I needed a temporary escape from Beyonce.

I killed that baby, and stayed away for a few years. Now i'm back for my big dick daddy. I bit my lip. her dick was just way to good. I want my dick back, but It's just that that weird bitch is in the way of our reunion.

I need to get rid of her. I know that Beyonce still loves me, and I know she'll be awaiting my visit.

I started to feel bored, so i decided to call my cousin, I hadn't heard form her in a long time, and last time I saw her she was about 17, we both have such busy lives that we hadn't been able to spend some bonding time. I picked up with phone and dailed her contact. She answered on the fifth ring.

"H-hey cousin! i- ooh, havent heard from you- in a while, watchu doin?" I scrunched my face up.

"No girl, what are YOU doing, you seem busy." She requested facetime, and i clicked acppet. She was in the middle of a threesome with two men. I snickered and she just smirked at me while biting her lip.

"I shook my head at her. she moaned again before spekaing.

"When can we fuck again cuz?? I miss that long strappp!" she was whining. I smirked because I knew she loved the dick i always gave her. I smirked. i'd always have her screaming at the family reunions.

"Sometime soon love, but for now go finish getting your nut." S

he smiled at me before hanging up. I shook my head before getting a baking pan from one of the shelves and chuckled to myself.

"Whew! classic Lara.."


4232 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝘿𝙎

𝙞 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙮𝙖𝙡𝙡, 𝙜𝙤 𝙖𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙..


𝙞 𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙩 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨..





















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