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By Robin_Shadow

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0. Choices
1. You gotta be kidding me
2. What if they don't like me?
3. Familiar
4. Pinky promise?
5. Boys..
6. Permanent and meaningful
Tattoos (pictures)
7. Eternal youth
8. Carnality
9. One touch
10. Divine feeling of infinity
11. Heart wants what it wants
12. Long time no see
13. A bloody masquerade
14. Goodnight, boys
15. Between the storm and her
16. Burned to desire
17. Two faithful souls
18. Halfway through Summer
20. On my mercy
21. Faded memories

19. Trouble

1.2K 52 19
By Robin_Shadow

Chapter nineteen

Warning: This chapter contains sexual assault.

The day after lampoon night went by pretty fast. I had the chance to sleep in, not being bothered by anyone. Even Draco let go of waking me up in the early morning which was something unheard of. Throughout the day, we didn't interact as much. The only time was when we ate lunch and dinner with his parents.

Narcissa and I haven't talked much this day either. Not that I saw her a lot around the Manor. The day before was nice and everything, but tension grew between us when she got closer with Lucius again. Maybe I should've been grateful for that. They were married and the only thing I was doing was destroying the years they spent together. Not to mention, she was my best friend's mother.

It got me thinking, that maybe stopping with everything was a good idea. My feelings were a big mess and I didn't know how to sort it all out. Mrs. Malfoy found her place in my head and made it her own, constantly reminding me how close we had become in more than a month. Those thoughts would have been perfect if it wasn't for the jealousy destroying me from the inside.

Nevertheless, I was getting ready in my room for that night's live gig.

After stepping out of the shower, I wiped the foggy mirror to be able to look at my reflection. I quickly managed to dry myself, do my hair and make-up, but had quite trouble with picking out the right outfit. I decided to yet again choose a dress for such an event. I tried a few of them, one being prettier than the other until I found the one I liked the most.

It was purple, with black lace on the breasts and ribs area. It reached my mid-thigh, as the spaghetti straps kept the upper part in one place, leaving my cleavage visible. After adding some accessories and a pair of black platform heels, I was ready.

The night seemed promising. Meeting all my friends, dancing and having fun in general. I was also curious about how Draco and Harry would interact since he told me about their kiss. Maybe Draco did think things through and began building up the courage to ask him out. Draco was stubborn, but he did listen to my advice sometimes.

I peeked into the mirror for the last time, making sure everything looked perfect. I began my search for the favourite bottle of perfume I used for special occasions. I finally found it in one of the cupboards, noticing something else as well. A perfectly folded black material. I took it into my hands and then it hit me.

"It's Narcissa's nightgown," I spoke to myself, looking at the material.

After I tossed it into the laundry basket a few weeks ago, I thought it would end up in Narcissa's room. It seemed like the elves put it into my room instead. I promised to give it back to her but it fell out of my head.

A side of me wanted to give it back to her at this very moment. Talk to her and feel her eyes on me. Even if I was jealous, I still cared about her. Alas, it was no good idea. If I went to Narcissa's bedroom now, it would be the same thing as walking into the cage like mindless prey.

I put the nightgown back where I found it and left the bathroom. I grabbed a small black bag and quietly left the room. I made sure nobody was around and began my walk to Draco's room.

I took a turn, only a short walk between me and his room when I noticed Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. I quickly hid behind the corner, praying we wouldn't cross paths. If I got caught, the whole night simply wouldn't work out.

"Lucius, I truly don't want to talk with you," I heard Narcissa's voice, "I'm tired and wish to go to sleep."

I peeked from behind the wall, noticing Lucius standing next to her, definitely too close for my liking.

"I know I did wrong. I'm sorry, darling." he took a step closer and left a peck on the top of her hand.

"I'm just glad Draco and Cassiopeia weren't around. They already saw us fight which should never happen," she let out a sigh. "Don't let this happen again," she sent him a warning look.

"I won't," he promised, "And I want to make it up to you. Open the door," he gestured to the door that led to the master bedroom.

Narcissa gasped at the view she got. I couldn't take a look into the room from where I was standing, but it was quite obvious what she saw.

"Well, Mrs. Malfoy?" he wrapped his arm around her waist, "Do you think you could forgive me?"

"How about we find out?" she pulled him into the bedroom.

The door shut and I was finally able to go to Draco's room. However, I couldn't move for a good while. I was staring at the spot where they were standing just a few seconds ago. I didn't catch the moment when my jaw clenched until I had to release it from pain.

"Are you fucking serious?" I whispered under my nose and resumed my walk.

I quickly passed their door, hearing a few strange noises but tried not to pay much attention to them. Finally, I reached Draco's bedroom and quickly stepped inside.

"There you are." Draco rose from the bed, his impatience showing, "I was starting to think you got caught."

"I caught them, actually.." I said practically to myself.

"What was that?"

"It's nothing. Just thinking how bloody gorgeous you look," I analysed his look.

He was wearing some wide-leg leather trousers, with a black sleeveless and tight shirt. A pair of black boots rested on his feet, as the silver accessories finished the look.

"We are going out to people, Cassie. Let's show those fuckers how wizards have fun, shall we?"

"There it is. the Malfoy side I absolutely adore," I hummed softly, stepping up to him. "We just need to finish it with some make-up and we're good to go."

Draco sat on the edge of his bed, as I took out some make-up products from my bag. I started with the base and applied it to his skin. I used some concealer, pleased with the fact I was able to find the one to match his skin. Draco was much paler than me and my concealer was too dark for him. I used some black eyeshadow, creating a smokey eye look. I added some eyeliner, highlighter and lipgloss.

"It's done." I spoke and closed the eyeshadow palette, "What do you think?" I handed him a small mirror.

His lips curved into a smirk I knew too well, which meant he was pleased with my work.

"I swear, you are getting better at this every single time."

"Maybe I can teach you someday." I put the make-up products back into my bag, "You would be able to create any look you desire."

"Sounds like a plan. But right now, we have to go. We still need to get to London. The flight won't take five minutes, I'm afraid." he rose from his bed and took his wand with him.

"Why is sneaking around so tiring?" I complained.

We decided to fly on brooms to the spot where we were supposed to meet with the twins. Then we would apparate with them to the place where the gig was held. There was less of a possibility Draco's parents would track us this way, plus it wouldn't consume as much time to get there.

"But it's worth it. Come on." Draco took out our brooms from his wardrobe and handed one of them to me.

We stepped outside on the balcony and mounted our brooms. We flew up to the sky, one trying to overtake the other. After about an hour, we landed on the ground and looked around to make sure nobody saw us.

"Any sight of two tall redheads?" I questioned, packing our brooms into my bag.

"Bloody hell," we heard two voices speak at once before Draco had the chance to answer.

Draco and I turned around to see Fred and George, serving some rather handsome looks.

"It's good to see you two, as well," I smirked and hugged them both.

"I can't even tell who looks more fit," George spoke, shifting his eyes between Draco and me.

"We've got time to debate, but we need to hurry if we don't want to stand in the line for an hour," I waved my hand in front of their faces, reminding them of the real world.

"No worries, the rest is already inside," Fred reached his hand out to me, as we apparated with a single pop sound.

Draco apparated with George as well and we found ourselves in front of the club. It was much bigger than I thought, and much louder as well. We stepped inside the building after showing our tickets and joined the rest. The Golden Trio and Pansy with Blaise were sitting on a big black couch, a bit away from the stage.

"Finally." Pansy rose from her seat and came in for a hug, "I thought you got caught. Glad to think I was wrong."

"Trust me, Pans, it did get hot for a minute," I let out a chuckle, trying my best to forget about what I saw earlier.

We took our seats while Draco and Blaise went to order some drinks. The band was already playing in the background, as most of the people were dancing in front of the stage.

The night truly began once the booze hit us. Everyone loosened up, talking through every topic possible. Cigarettes also slid through our fingers, as the smoke mixed with the air.

"We should party more often," Blaise suggested, "I kind of miss our parties in the Common Room."

"And I don't blame you. Slytherin parties are out of this world," Draco admitted, waving his hand in the air.

Every house has thrown a party once in a while but when it came to Slytherin, we were the best at it. The music, exquisite alcohol and the atmosphere. There was something about our parties that made Slytherin outstand all the other houses.

"Harry, have you ever been to a Slytherin party before?" I shifted my eyes onto the boy.

"Didn't have the chance since I'm a Gryffindor." he toyed with the glass in his palms, "But parties at our Common Room aren't bad, though."

"Scarhead, you must be introduced to the real world." Draco scoffed, as he took a sip from his glass.

"Would Slytherin even invite Gryffindors, Malfoy?" Hermione pointed out with a hint of cynicism in her voice.

Draco raised his eyebrows in the typical Malfoy way and smirked at the boy with the scar on his head.

"How about you show me what you got, Granger?" Pansy reached her hand out to Hermione.

"I must disappoint you, I'm not that good of a dancer," Hermione tried to back up immediately.

"Come on, Granger," George cheered.

"I'm sure you can do it," Fred joined as well.

I started clapping my hands and chanting her name. I watched everyone else follow my lead, as Hermione finally gave in.

"Alright! I'm going!" Hermione laughed and took Pansy's hand.

They both rose from the couch, Pansy pulling me right with them to the dancing area. Squeezing through the crowd to see the band closely was no good idea. We stayed a bit away from the stage, still hearing the music perfectly.

"Let me see if you could blend into the crowd. Show me some moves," Pansy encouraged and began dancing herself.

I joined as well, smoothly slipping into the rhythm. Pansy and I mainly used our hips, watching Hermione slowly relax her body and give in. I spun Hermione around, cheering loudly. As the song sped its pace, we also changed our dancing style from hitting each beat to jumping around carelessly.

We didn't even realise when a few more songs were played, as the band announced a ten-minute break - a perfect opportunity to quench the thirst.

I caught eye contact with Draco, who already was looking our way, and gestured at the bar, informing him of our location.

You can never be too cautious.

"What can I get you, ladies?" a woman in her mid-twenties asked from behind the counter.

"Hermione, feel free to choose," I spoke after taking our seats at the bar chairs.

"We'd like three Bikini Martinis, please," Hermione answered without a single doubt.

We watched the barmaid do her magic work by mixing all the ingredients, as she poured the liquor into three glasses and served them to us.

"Three drinks for such beautiful girls," she smiled and winked at Pansy. "Enjoy."

Pansy watched as the barmaid moved to the other end of the bar, prepared to take orders from other people.

"Merlin– tell me I'm not hallucinating." Pansy's voice turned into a loud whisper, as she grabbed my arm, "You see her too, right?"

"Yes, we do." I laughed, peeking at giggling Hermione.

"How can a single woman be this hot?" Pansy carried on.

"She's definitely something, right?" Hermione peeked at the woman, as she noticed her stare and sent a subtle grin toward us.

We spent some time at the bar. Pansy somehow managed to start a conversation with the barmaid, also finding out her name. Christine, more likely going by Chris.

More talking resolved into ordering more drinks as well. Parkinson's strong head guaranteed her quite stable legs, yet I was more than sure the consequences of that night would hit her the next morning.

"I feel like dancing more!" Pansy left her seat, spinning around, "You're coming, girls?" she reached her hands out.

Hermione was the first one to accept the invitation from Pansy. It seemed like the alcohol affected her as well– in the right way of course. She was no longer stiff but loosened up a bit.

"I'm going to check on Draco," I declined, "But you two can go. I'll join later."

I left the bar and found myself in our lounge. Draco was sitting with a glass in his hand, deeply lost in his thoughts. The sight of two tall gingers wasn't there until I noticed them dancing with some girls on the dance floor.

"And why aren't you dancing, Malfoy?" I sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I barely left the dance floor, Cassie. Let me catch my breath, will you?" he wrapped his hands around me, pulling me closer.

His breath was a bit hitchy, yet it seemed like something else was going on. Draco looked upset over something. Or maybe someone, I should say.

"Okay, spill it out," I spoke looking into his eyes.

"What?" he grimaced.

"I'm not blind, Draco. Tell me what's going on."

"Nothing's going on," he kept defending his word.

I analysed the area around me, noticing Harry sitting by the bar. Speaking the truth, we all knew Draco enjoyed dressing up. Not only for bigger events but he always went one step more for everyday looks. And this time he did not only dress up to look gorgeous in general but to appear more attractive to someone.

"Potter is sitting alone by the bar," I pointed out.

"What that has to do with me?" he tried to sound as unbothered as possible.

"Don't be a bitch, Draco," I scolded, not playing his little games, "Ask him for a dance."

"Why me?"

"Because you're a Malfoy." I reached for my bag, "And from all the stories I heard, you have the balls." I held him by his chin, applying some lipgloss to his lips. "So you can either sit here and regret things you haven't done or use this boldness of yours and go dance with him. It's up to you." I rose from his lap. "I'll be on the dance floor in a while if you need anything."

I sent a suggestive look to Draco for the last time and headed to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection, fixing my lipstick a bit. I turned on the faucet and applied cold water to my arms, chilling myself down.

"I hope you enjoyed your drinks," I heard a voice and noticed the barmaid in the reflection.

"We surely did. Especially Pansy," I smiled softly.

"You mean, the girl with short black hair?" she asked as I nodded, "She's nice. And really pretty if you know what I'm saying," she winked at me while washing her hands.

"I'm sure she would love to dance with you," I suggested, seeing Christine's face lit up.

"Now that's a good idea." she dried her hands, correcting her hair in the mirror after. "Remind me, darling, what was your name?"

"Cassiopeia. But you can call me Cassie."

"Well then, Cassie, I'm afraid I will steal a dance from your friend," she smirked. "I hope you won't mind."

"Oh, not at all. I wasn't even here if anything."

Christine nodded her head and left the bathroom. I applied more water to my arms, now that excitement made me warm back up. Chris seemed like a nice woman– polite and charismatic. I was sure she would get more than one dance from Pansy if we were talking about dancing only.

I left the bathroom a while after Christine. I joined Granger and Parkinson on the dance floor when Pansy was quickly pulled away and ended up dancing with the barmaid.

The music seemed louder the more we listened to it. Wasting energy to fully control our movements was a waste of time when the booze hit us and made us dance as if tomorrow didn't exist.

Everything was going great until two men approached me and Hermione.

At first, we thought they simply wanted to dance with us– nothing forbidden really. I smiled at the brunet who was dancing with me, and that's when things started going downhill. His hands wandered on my hips, sliding lower and lower. I shrugged them off of me, but he put them back at my hips like nothing.

"Excuse me–" I shrugged them off once again and tried to find Hermione.

My eyes couldn't catch her and that's when I started to panic. The guy I was dancing with couldn't just let go of the fact I rejected him.

"Such a pretty little dress you got there." he wrapped his arms around me from behind, "But I'm sure it would look even better on my bedroom floor." his hand wandered towards the end of my dress, trying to put his hand under it.

"Get off of me!" I tried to free myself from his grip.

"Calm down, blondie. I'm just playing. I thought you wanted to have some fun?"

"Why don't you take your cock and go fuck yourself?" I finally managed to break free. "As if there was anything in there in the first place!" I hissed into his face, leaving the dance floor.

I made my way to the small hallway that led to the bathrooms. I rested my head against the wall, trying to calm my breath down. I tried to explain to myself, that nothing bad happened. That it had happened before, and I still was doing just fine. Yet, a little peace simply broke inside of me.

I let out one last breath, finally calming my racing heart, but something was still at the back of my head. Like that feeling when you leave the stove on before leaving your house and you suddenly remind yourself of it.

"Fuck, 'Mione!" I panicked.

I left her alone with a stranger. If that guy was as disgusting as the one I was dancing with, this couldn't have been good. I stepped out of the hallway, trying to find Hermione between all the dancing people. Gladly, I noticed her, laughing with Pansy and Christine.

"Here you are!" the brunet from earlier approached me.

"Can you just leave me alone?" I tried to stay as calm as possible, feeling like a prey in front of a monstrous creature.

"Don't be such a cunt. I'm pretty sure we want the same thing," a sly smirk decorated his lips.

"I think you should stop being a dick and assuming every girl who smiles at you wants to fuck you."

"Fucking bitch.." his eyebrows furrowed, as he caught me by my throat, "I think I need to teach you some proper manners."

"Get off!" I tried to break his hand away before he had the chance to choke the life out of me.

In a split second, someone pushed him away. He fell through the door, meeting with the floor in the hallway.

"How fucking dare you touch her?" Draco stepped closer to him.

I joined them in the hallway, closing the door behind us just in case.

"What, is she your property?" he rose onto his feet, "Your little slut, huh?"

"You are fucking dead." Draco took out his wand and put it under the guy's chin.

"Draco, don't." I grabbed his empty hand, trying to pull him away.

"What are you gonna do? Poke me in the eye?" a cynical laugh left the brunet's lips.

I watched as Draco's jaw clenched, debating whether the guy was worth it. For me, it was simply adding gasoline to a fire, but Draco wasn't so keen to let everything go.

"Oh, I'm going to do something much better. Crucio." Draco spoke in a cold voice, not breaking eye contact with the man.

The brunet was quickly swept from his feet, screaming from pain. I covered my ears, goosebumps appearing all over my body.

"What the... what the fuck! What the fuck are you?! Get away from me!"

"This was the first and the last time you touched her." he kicked the brunet in the stomach, adding even more pain. "Now get the fuck out of my sight. You're disgusting."

Draco didn't need to say a word more. The guy rose to his feet and sprinted out of the hallway. Malfoy stepped up to me, putting his hand over mine and breaking them away from my ears so I was able to hear him more properly.

"Why did you do that?" I asked with angry tears rushing down my cheeks.

"Because that's what he deserves. Scumbags like him don't deserve respect. He hurt you, I hurt him."

"You shouldn't be doing things like this." I shrugged his hands off, taking a step back.

"So you expect me to let him go as if nothing fucking happened?" he argued, inching closer.

"For fuck sake, Draco! You crucioed him!" I pushed him away. "What if somebody saw you, huh? Did you forget we're around Muggles? Watch him tell everybody around that some guy at a club used a stick and cursed him!"

"He almost raped you, Cassie!"

"I'm fucking sorry, okay?!" I snapped, looking straight into his eyes, "But using unforgivable spells is wrong!"

His expressions softened, the bits of guilt showing up.

It's not that I wasn't grateful Draco showed up before it was too late, but everyone knows what might happen once you use the wrong kind of spells. One thing is the Ministry on your back, but let's not forget about Draco's aunt, Bellatrix. It was obvious he wouldn't follow her steps, but it seemed as if he enjoyed hurting that guy a bit too much.

All I wanted was for him to not get into some deep shit. There were different ways to deal with it. Using the Cruciatus Curse wasn't a good way out.

"Come here, darling." he rested one of his hands on my head, pulling me into his chest. "Everything will be alright." he left a peck on the top of my head.

I gave in and hugged him back, slowly relaxing in his arms. We both calmed down and decided to take a little break in the lounge.

"I'm sorry, Draco." I fidgeted with my fingers, as we were heading to the lounge, "Do you think we could just.. forget about what happened?"

"Of course, but before we do that–" he sat me down on the couch, "Weasley's, keep an eye on her. I have to take care of something."

"Where are you going–" I watched him leave the club, his wand still in his hand.

I trusted him, but couldn't seem to worry less at the same time.

"What's up with Malfoy Junior?" Fred sat by my side, as his brother took the seat on my other side.

"Nothing important," I shrugged their question off. "Better tell me, how you're enjoying your time. Met anyone cute yet?"

"A real cutie is sitting here with us," George winked, earning a grin from me.

"You're such a flirt, Weasley. Do all girls fall for this?"

"Well, I haven't found the lucky one yet, but they do share a smile. The same one you do." he poked me in the cheek with his finger.

"And how's it going with Angie, Fred?" I shifted my eyes to him, "Didn't she want to join us?"

"She had plans already," he revealed, "But I'm meeting her next week. All I can say is she's out of this world. And I'm not talking about looks only," he hinted.

"He fell for her like a fool," George sneered, earning a scoff from his twin.

I spent some time with the twins, feeling at ease once again. Draco wasn't out for long and quickly joined us, as everyone else gathered in the lounge.

Another hour went by. We spent some time together mainly drinking, talking, and revealing some kind of secrets. We made some plans for the second half of summer, but nobody knew how everything would turn out. Still, better to have some ideas than nothing.

At some point, I reminded myself that Draco's heroic arrival caused him to miss the dance with Potter. None of them was keen to make the move first, so I took it into my own hands.

"Girls, how about we head outside? You have cigarettes with you, don't you, Pansy?"

"Sure. I think I was sitting for too long, anyways." she stretched her neck out.

"Be careful, alright? Stick together," Draco sent me a worried look.

"Sure thing. Oh, and Harry, one more thing. There's something Draco wanted to ask you."

"Cass–" Draco didn't have the chance to finish, for I left the lounge with Hermione and Pansy.

We found a staircase and stepped outside a pair of doors, finding ourselves on a big balcony. A few other people were there as well, some couples making out and singles smoking cigarettes.

"Merlin, my feet are so bloody sore," Hermione let out a chuckle while supporting her body on the railing and taking off her heels.

"You need to get used to it if you want to taste the bits of Slytherin's heaven." I placed a hand on her shoulder.

She threw the heels on the ground, breathing in the night air. Perhaps it was a bit chilly, but after dancing so much and drinking more than we should have, we couldn't feel it at all.

"Be my guests." Pansy took out a package of cigarettes, along with a red lighter.

"If you want to fuck, smile when you give this lighter back?" I read the description on her lighter, as she lit up my cigarette.

"Care to share a smile?" Pansy questioned hopefully, as I smirked back as an answer. "Granger's a good girl, I see," she laughed since Hermione refused to smoke.

"I'm already wasting my health with alcohol. I'm perfectly fine without smoking." she brushed her fingers through her hair.

"You need to stop caring about everything for a while. It's the middle of Summer and we're rocking those dresses in a club. You will start worrying again when we're back at Hogwarts," Pansy complained, inhaling the smoke.

"I think you could use some common sense, Parkinson. Someone has to be the responsible one in this group. This role has been mine for a long time."

"There it goes, the mother mode," Pansy let out a groan, jerking her head to the back. "Where is the button to turn it off? Perhaps somewhere under your dress?"

"If you fancy Hermione just say it, Pans," I teased, earning a chuckle from Hermione.

"I must admit, Granger's hot, but she's got a boyfriend. And she's straight." Pansy shifted her eyes on me, "But you, my dear Cassie, are definitely not straight. And you're hot as hell. You were my bi awakening, after all." she wrapped her hand around my waist, as I chuckled softly.

"I had no idea you swing both ways," Hermione sent a confused look, "I always thought you liked Draco."

"Just like everyone else." Pansy finished the cigarette and threw it on the ground, stepping on it, "But I'm over him. Officially."

Hearing those words from Pansy's lips made me feel at ease. After so many years, she did it. Draco no longer was in control of her heart.

"I am proud of you!" I left a peck on her cheek.

"It sure got hot in here, am I right?" she joked.

"How about you two do.. well, whatever this is leading to, while I go find Ron? He wanted to find a place for just us two to, you know.. relax." she put her heels back on.

"Relax, huh?" Pansy cocked an eyebrow.

"Don't even start," she sighed, "We haven't had the chance to get close. It's not that intimate at the Burrow."

I exactly knew what she meant. As cuddly as the Burrow could be, it's not good for getting a bit frisky. Ron and Harry shared a room, and it would be awkward to send him to Ginny, considering she used to fancy him.

"Be careful, though," I warned her, knowing how creepy some guys might be.

"No worries. See you around."

With that, Pansy and I were left alone. She finished her cigarette and threw it on the ground, then stomped on it. Her hands wrapped around me tighter, as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Do you want to finish it?" I proposed, ready to hand her my cigarette.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I never even liked smoking. I don't know why I'm doing it in the first place."

So much has changed since the beginning of Summer.

The smell and taste of cigarettes were associated now with Narcissa. I could never think that all those small interactions with her would bring us where we are today. Everything seemed so innocent. Now that I looked back at it, I couldn't feel bad even if I wanted to. Even if it was all wrong and should have never happened. I wouldn't take the time back if I had the power.

Pansy finished the cigarette before I could notice. I put my arms on hers, enjoying our little moment together.

"Draco told me what happened," she broke the silence.

"I'm fine, Pans. You don't have to worry."

"Think twice before you speak, Cassie. I know we don't talk about deep shit like you and Draco do, but I care about you. Even if I don't show it often."

"I'm pretty sure you're doing it now," I let out a chuckle. "I know you care. You're simply showing it in your own way."

"You know I love you, right?"

"I love you, too. You mean the world to me, along with Draco and Blaise. You guys are my everything."

Some people bring so much comfort and love into your life, that it might get overwhelming - in a good way, of course - and you can't figure out what to do with this feeling. Especially, when those emotions haven't been shown to you earlier when you were just a kid. It's stressful sometimes, for you're afraid of doing something bad and hurting them, but you're glad there's someone next to you.

"Alright, enough with being all squishy and cheesy. Dance with me, beautiful lady." she let go of me, reaching her hand out.

I took it and we started dancing around the balcony. One of the girls who was smoking out there as well chuckled at our silliness, going back to admiring the cloudless sky a minute later.

This night was so incredible, that I forgot we sneaked out to live it through. This fact hit me when I noticed someone outside of the club. It wouldn't matter if they didn't look so familiar.

I stopped dancing and looked at the person, realising they had long blonde hair. This could have been only one person.

"Pansy, please tell me you see him as well." I pulled her closer to the railing.

"See who?" she sent a confused gaze, to then look into the same spot as me.

"Is that Lucius?"

We stared at the man, trying to figure out whether that was Mr. Malfoy or not. His person was blurred, for he kept his distance from the club. At that moment he looked our way, resting his hands on the famous cane.

"That is Lucius. The question is, why is he here?" she shifted her eyes back to me.

That was a great question I couldn't find the answer to. There was no way Draco's parents had seen us sneaking out. They were way too busy doing other things– each other if I have to be more specific.

"We have to find Draco," I panicked.

We left the balcony and rushed down the staircase. Lucius' person meant only one thing. Trouble.

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