The Way - Jinson

By pumpkinwrites

23.2K 1.3K 504

Kpop star, actor and model - Park Jinyoung Clueless neighbour, CEO and foreigner - Jackson Wang Let's try wri... More

Nyoung POV 1
Nyoung POV 2
Nyoung POV 3
Nyoung POV 4
Nyoung POV 5
Nyoung POV 6


406 32 31
By pumpkinwrites

"Seun-nim, there was an issue at the fan meet. Min Ji is bringing him over now" Woo Jin's clipped voice and greeting making the hair on the back of my neck stand.

"ETA?" I asked, getting up from my desk.

"30 minutes"

"Redirect them to home" I instructed, hanging up and grabbing my laptop from my office table.

I dropped a quick call to Han Sung to direct everything to my phone if they were urgent, Woo Jin appearing at my door and marching along with me to the carpark.


I continued to pace the apartment floor, keeping an eye at the front door when we got back, restless from being apart from Jinyoung still.

The door chimed as it unlocked and I dashed to it, pulling the door open and seeing a shaken Jinyoung.

He dashed directly into my arms, wrapping himself tight around me. I supported him with one arm, my other arm holding his head close to mine.

"I... the guy..." he sputtered, breaking into tears.

I carried him to our room, settling us on the bed and rocking him until he calmed. Every sniff stabbed my heart, Jinyoung's eyes red rimmed and tired when he stopped.

I poured a cup of tea for him from a flask that I had prepared, Jinyoung accepting it gratefully with both hands. Jinyoung sipped and stared tearily up at me, looking so pale and tired.

"Take your time" I murmured, moving to sit behind him instead, still needing to touch him.

I stretched my legs out beside his, Jinyoung mirroring mine and settling between my thighs. He sat against me, leaning back with his head resting on my shoulder.

I held him while he finished his drink, only releasing one hand from around him to put the cup on the side table. Jinyoung shifted to face me, looking a lot calmer despite the worry in his eyes.

"Come here" I murmured, scooping him into my arms. Jinyoung wrapped his arms tight around me, his words barely a whisper as he told me what happened.


I waited till Jinyoung fell asleep before sliding out of bed, ready to murder that piece of shit. I grabbed Jinyoung's phone from the side table, not wanting anything to wake him and pressing a small kiss to his forehead.

I closed the door quickly behind me, reaching my way in the dark hallway to the study, only flicking the light switch after closing the door. I blinked from the sudden light, my eyes adjusting after a beat for me to walk around the large wooden desk.

I placed Jinyoung's phone into a drawer and fired up my computer, calling Woo Jin to monitor sites and take down anything that might be linked.

I watched the whole incident from my phone, watching as the guy approached Jinyoung during the fan meeting. The photos he got Jinyoung to sign were not visible from this angle, Jinyoung's face visibly paler and shaken despite the smile he wore.

Jinyoung kept glancing at the guy despite him moving down the line, the fear in his eyes making me want to punch something. He had told me that the photos were of us kissing in public and that the guy obviously knew that it was him in the picture despite capturing my face only.

I poured myself a glass of moutai, needing the burn of alcohol to dull everything. I paced the study and thought of the next steps, wanting to keep Jinyoung out of it.


"Stay at home, stay in bed" I mumbled, tugging Jinyoung back down by his waist and tucking him back into my side. He giggled a laugh as he flopped back down on the bed, his fingers tracing a pattern across my face.

I lifted my eyelids and stared at his beautiful eyes, pressing a kiss to his lips and rolling us so that he was trapped below me. I tugged on the sheets and covered us, leaning on my forearms to hover over him.

"Do you have to go to work?" Jinyoung asked, lifting his head to press a kiss to my lips.

"Nope, I'm staying in bed with you" I smiled, leaning down and kissing his sensitive spots, distracting him effectively.


I cleaned Jinyoung as he mumbled some protests, too exhausted and asleep by the time I exited from the shower. I slipped out of the room and into the study, calling Woo Jin for an update.

A small time newspaper printed and article about Jinyoung possibly being gay, the photograph a blurry shot and too far to be anything.

"Instead of waiting for the bomb to explode, I want to drown it" I told Woo Jin, turning my chair to face the windows.

"Seun, to be honest, I don't think you should..."

"Hyung, it's best" I rebutted, cutting him short. Woo Jin sighed over the phone, ending the call with an "okay".

I dropped a call to my parents, Mark and Bam, preparing them for the news along with preparing myself.


I placed a kiss on Jinyoung's head after getting ready, having the press conference arranged as soon as I could. I took in a deep breath as he stirred, holding my breath and emotions back.

"Seun? You're going out?" Jinyoung asked when he woke, stretching and turning back to face me.

"Yeah, work. I'm sorry Nyoung" I apologised, pressing a kiss to his forehead again.

"What time is it?" he frowned, looking out the window and to the bedside before muttering to himself "where is my phone...".

"I've got to go Nyoung, I'll see you when I'm back?" I blurted out quickly, not wanting him to see the news.

"Mmm. Okay. All the best for work, I'll see you later... tonight?" he frowned towards the end of his sentence, looking for his phone again.

"Yeah. See you" I waved, exiting the room quickly.

I hightailed out of the apartment, Woo Jin meeting me at the lobby with a half nod.

"Anything I can say that would make you change your mind?" he asked as we stepped into the elevator.

"No. For him, I'd do anything" I replied him squarely, turning to meet his eyes.

Woo Jin nodded and gave a small smile, trying to make the situation lighter by adding "you tell Han Sung that he has to find a new boss then".

I let out a sharp laugh, grabbing my phone and calling Han Sung on speaker when we got into the car.

"Han Sung" I greeted, the line connecting almost immediately.

"Yes Seun-nim" he greeted, his tone formal.

"Woo Jin has something to tell you" I laughed, watching Woo Jin fumble in the driver's seat before throwing his hands up in frustration.

"I... huh?"

"I'm sorry in advance" I told him quickly, catching Woo Jin's sigh.

"But. Why?" Han Sung asked quietly, his voice making me feel guilty.

"You'll see during the press conference" I replied, ending the call with a sigh.

"This is for Jinyoung, you can't change my mind" I added, turning to Woo Jin as he glanced at me, looking like he wanted to add something.


The venue was packed with reporters when we arrived, ranging from business news outlets to entertainment news, most of which simply curious as I never liked giving interviews.

The camera flashes made my eyes sting and I kept my gaze down, Woo Jin disappearing once I got onto the stage. I walked across and stood on the podium, adjusting the microphone before looking out into the crowd.

"Thank you all for gathering on such a short notice, I have gathered you all here today to inform you that I would be stepping down from my position"

The camera flashes went crazy at my statement and I stepped out from behind the podium to take a bow at the reporters, straightening myself after a beat to go back onto the podium.

"I would be stepping down due to my personal life and I would like to openly declare that I am gay" I continued, keeping my voice steady as the reporters started shouting some questions.

"I did not receive any discrimination from the company nor from the staff, this decision was kept from them and I do not wish for my personal life to be invaded. Thank you for your time"

I bowed once more and strode off the stage to see the chairman of the company standing there, he clasped my shoulder to stop me from walking away, leaning closer so that his voice could be heard over the noise.

"Come back and work for me anytime"

I gave him a smile and nod, Woo Jin appearing behind him to usher me out of the place while the reporters all tried to crowd around, shouting questions while trying to get a statement from me.

We made it to the carpark somehow, Woo Jin driving off almost immediately.


"I'm back" I called out, taking off my blazer to see a furious Jinyoung.

"I saw the press conference, what were you thinking?" he shouted, his reaction confusing me.

"About you, I wanted to " I frowned, getting upset that he didn't see that I did it to protect him.

"That isn't about me nor for me" he scowled, folding his arms over his chest.

"Everything I do and did was for you" I gritted out, tightening my grip on my blazer.

"I never asked you to, I know..." Jinyoung sighed, turning away from me.

"I never said you asked me to, I'm saying that I did it..." I frowned, tugging him back to face me.

He pulled him arm back and glared at me "Don't cut me off, I'm not one of your staffs where you can decide..."

"I never said you were one of my staffs, why can't you see the bigger picture instead of getting mad at me?" I shouted back, cutting him off.

"I didn't ask for this. You went and did this on your own"

"I gave my job up to be with you"

"Don't you dare pin this on me. I never asked you to quit your job, I never asked you to do that press conference, I never asked you to openly declare anything" he muttered off under his breath towards the end, his words stabbing me especially when he was looking away.

His last statement made me storm out of the apartment, the toll of everything, the emotions I hid and the lack of sleep making me see red that I knew I had to leave.

I grabbed the car keys from the side table, the bowl tilting and smashing on the floor as the apartment door slammed shut behind me, the sound echoing outside and in my heart.


I drove around aimlessly, ending up at the spot along the Han river that Jinyoung suggested on our first coffee date. I leaned my head against the steering wheel and just shouted in frustration, unsure of everything.

I thought of going for a spar but the thought of interacting with others made me change my mind. I just needed time alone especially when my thoughts are so loud.

I stayed in the car and in the dark with my engine off, the silence making my brain seem even louder. What now? Is this it? No, I want him still. I need him still. Was I taken on a spin? He wanted me for my job? Money?

I wrapped my arms around myself, hating that I was doubting us and where my thoughts were heading. The lights in the distance twinkled and I climbed out of the car, strolling closer to the river and sitting on the edge of the pier.

I stared into the distance in a daze, feeling so small and alone in that moment. I wiped the tear that rolled down my cheek when I heard tires crunching on the gravel, quickly dusting myself off and hopping into the car.

I turned to reverse when I realised that the car was parked behind mine, the headlights flashing into my mirror and blocking my path. I locked the car doors quickly, watching the driver come out and dash towards the car, my tinted windows the only things shielding me.

It was only when he got next to the car did I realise it was Jinyoung, his face tear stained and red. He tugged on the lock door handle, my fingers twitching above the button as I hesitated to open up to him.

"Stay in there and listen then" his muffled voice came through, as he tried tugging the locked door handle again.

"I know how much your job means to you. Why would I ever want you to quit? Didn't we say that we would handle things together? I only want you to be happy to, it's not just about me. It is our relationship. You drive me crazy whenever you want to handle things on your own without me, I'm here, why won't you lean on me?" he ranted, pacing the side of the car as he spoke.

He stopped next to the door, pressing his palm against the window before adding "You matter, your likes, your dislikes, your wants, your needs. It's not just about me. Let me in. Let me protect you too".

My fingers finally worked and stabbed at the unlock button, Jinyoung opening the door and tugging me into his stomach.

"Careful" I mumbled, blocking his arm from knocking into the steering wheel.

Jinyoung shook his head and ran his hands over my face, his eyes following his fingers before meeting mine.

"I was so worried. I'm sorry Seun. Are you alright?"

"I am now" I nodded, stepping out of the car.

Jinyoung threw his arms around me with a sigh, my arms wrapping themselves automatically around him. I felt Jinyoung relax into my arms, my thoughts and insecurities drowned in his presence.

"I depend on you a lot more than you think" I murmured, pressing a kiss to his head.

"And I'm a mess without you babying me" he sniffed, rubbing his face on my sleeve.

A/N: some angst, some drama and some love. Thank you for still supporting this story, especially with the long long wait between chapters. I'll finish the next as soon as I can again. I love you all!!!

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