By Kuribee126

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The forests behind Rinei's home hold rumors of beautiful creatures. Many have gone in to find them, but none... More



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By Kuribee126


What did Jimin mean? His magic?

But the moment I try and ask him, my body shivers. It's an instinctive tremble— like a jolt of electricity, down my entire figure. My head instantly shifts towards the doorway.

Something's wrong.

"My lady?" Jimin whispers in confusion, when I hurry off the bed. My heart is suddenly beating so fast, the sound of it hollow against my ears.



I echo the voice in my head. But he's quiet still— unresponsive.

Something isn't right.

You said you know where he is, I sign, so quickly the signs become all messy and ruined. Could you take me there? Now?

He purses his lips. "Lady Rinei. I—"

I know it's dangerous. I know it might not work. I've started to pace the room, unable to keep still. But is it possible? Please, Jimin.


He breathes softly.

"If I distract the guards. Maybe. We can try. But is something wrong? You—"

Something's definitely wrong.

Yes. I don't know— no, yes, it is. I—

I don't know what I'm signing. The look in his eyes turn more serious when he notices me struggling, my expression wild. I don't know what to do with myself.

I have to go to him. That's all I know.

"Let me know then, later." He says, cutting me off from my useless signing. "Follow me. And put on the cloak, please."

He leaves the room. I soon follow, pulling the hood of the cloak deep over my head. I'm so anxious, about something I can't even put my finger on.

Jimin leads me down, deeper into the Palace.

The air gets colder.

Silent here, He signs, eyes serene as he pushes open a door. Guards listen. And there are many hidden, around every corner.

I nod, and hush my footsteps.

The hallways of the dungeon are something out of nightmares. I can barely see five feet in front of me, and the space is so cramped and narrow that it feels as if I might go insane.

And I would've, if it wasn't for Jimin leading me on. My hand is clasped around the back of his shirt.

He stops after a few minutes of walking.

I see his signs in the dim, hazy light.

The Prince is in the room right around this corner. Guards are stationed, to his left and right. When I distract them, you'll have to find your way in.

I nod.

I will go first.

He shifts around the corner. And I soon hear alarmed voices of other elves, and Jimin's voice among the midst of it. He's pretending to be someone else, with the darkness and the guard mask he's wearing.

I edge closer.

The door is right there.

"I swear the High Guard placed me right here." Jimin says, imitating another voice so perfectly I nearly mix him up with all the others. "I told you. I'm a fresh guard just up from the Southside. Orders from the High Guard."


I hold myself back. One of the guards hadn't completely turned yet. He would notice if I slipped in.

Then he does.

"From the High Guard, huh?"

"What's your name, then?"

I don't hear what Jimin says. Their voices cover up the sound as I swiftly pull the door open and pass through, closing it right after behind me.

It's completely dark in here. Just like in my dreams.

And for a few seconds, all I can hear is the sound of my own breathing.

Cold, too.

I wait for my vision to adjust. And slowly, gray blurs take shapes as I blink, eyes squeezing shut and opening again.

I wish I could call his name.


I take a shaky step forward. Then I take another, my hands thrown out in front of me. Even with my vision adjusting, it's still so dark. It's exactly like what I'd seen— like how I'd felt.

It feels as if the darkness is swallowing me up completely.


Are you here?

Then the tips of my hands touch something. It's cold— and hard. And I yelp— the sound barely a choked rasp coming out of my muted throat.

What was that?

Panic slowly climbs up my body, tearing at me with claws.

I— I can't see.

I can't see a single thing.

Then there's the sound of chains, to my right.


A faint whisper.

But it's all I need. I instantly stand up, stumbling towards the sound of his voice. Soon I feel him, and I can't stop the quiet tears from pouring out my eyes when I realize his breathing is so weak I can barely hear it.

I wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my face into the front of his shirt. And I think he feels it, my tears soaking through the cloth.


How can I not?

How can I...

His face is only a blur in the dark as I reach up and caress his cheek, pressing back sobs when I feel how cold his skin is. I want to ask him if he's okay. But will he be able to see my signs?

It's like he reads my mind.

"Sign to me. I'm sorry...that I can't talk to you through..."

His voice gives. He sounds so exhausted, that even staying awake is something too hard. But his eyes trace my hands, when I sign again.

How can I get you out?

"Only my Father decides that." He says, with a bittersweet smile. His eyes lift over my shoulder.

"I can hear Jimin running out of excuses. We're running out of time, love."

My head swerves backward. I can hear Jimin's faint voice over the closed door. Urgency instantly speeds through me.

What? No.

It's only been a minute.

"You need to leave." He whispers.

No, no. I can't leave. Not like this.

"Go." He urges, at my panicked look. "I can't risk anything happening to you. Go, Rinei."

Not like this.

I didn't even know if I could come again, to see him. Jimin's trick with the guards would only work this time.

Please. Just a minute longer.


Stop it.

I kiss him. His lips are cold and soft against mine, and my heart feels like it'll tear apart as I kiss him deeper, my fingers curling around his shoulder.

I hear the chains grind when I tug him forward.

Don't tell me to leave.

I know that we don't have time. Just don't— don't push me away.

I break the kiss softly. Then I press my forehead against his, hearing the sounds of our breaths mix in the darkness. His is rougher than mine, and I trace my hand down his cheek.

My eyes meet his. And his are wide— stunned, by my sudden move.

What I would do to be given just another minute with him.

But I know my time's up.

I'm coming back for you.

I don't sign. The thought burns in my gaze as I stare at him, my hand cupped around his jaw.

You better be alive when I do.

You better be.



What a goddess.

I'm completely flattered as I watch her leave, her slender silhouette disappearing out the door. My lips are sweet with her taste, and for a second the pounding of my heart drowns out the pain.

The look in her eyes are burned into my memory.

Warmth heats my body.

Just a little ago, I'd almost wanted to choose to die. Father hadn't held back his magic at all, and I'd heard my screaming go black with the darkness. It had all seemed hopeless.

Everything. Everything had seemed pointless. For why was I alive? To be chained like some animal, feeling the pain every single second I was awake. I wouldn't be able to use my magic either, to talk to her.

But then she'd come for me.

And I can still taste her soft kiss on my lips.

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