Drarry Oneshots

By Patrick11Stump

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Just a little collection of Drarry one shots that I make. (Smut, Fluff, Angst, anything) Accepting Requests!! More

The Shared room
Cookies, Weasel?
Save Me
Blue Eyed Boy
Saviour Of The Wizarding World
Him Pt. 2

Where Did the Party Go?

136 6 0
By Patrick11Stump

Genre: Fluff?

Warnings: Brief mentions of vomiting, but nothing detailed.

Word Count: 1.49k+

Summary: Draco has maybe a few too many drinks. It's a good thing Potter is there to help him.

Draco Malfoy was definitely NOT drunk. He was a little tipsy and everyone saying he was hammered well, they were simply stupid. He would know if he was drunk. He feels fine. '

He was feeling fine and everything was definitely not spinning. His head definitely didn't feel like it was filled with static. He definitely did not have to throw up.

"Draco, I think it's time you went to bed," Pansy was running her hands up and down his sides while he held onto the toilet rim. He wanted to lay his head on the seat but thought that it would probably be the most disgusting thing he would ever do if he did. It would feel so nice and cool, the porcelain would cool his overheated cheeks.

"Ew, that's disgusting! Get your face off there!" Blaise yells from the doorway, Draco just enjoys the cold.

"Shut the fuck up," Draco mumbles or that's what he tried to say. He thinks it may have come out as more of a 'shudthafuckup.'

"Blaise, darling," Pansy starts, she knew it was a bad idea to let Draco chug that entire bottle of Firewhiskey by himself. "Go get Potter."

Draco doesn't have enough in him to protest, why do they need to get Potter?

Draco doesn't really know how much time has passed, all he knows is that he is tired but if he closes his eyes too long everything spins so fast he might hurl. Okay, maybe he has had a little too much to drink. But he would rather die than admit that.

"Draco?" The soft voice makes him open his eyes. Of course, the saviour is there to well, save him he supposes. "How are you feeling?"

Draco wants to laugh, but he thinks if he does he will vomit. He instead lets out a tiny snort and immediately regrets it. His stomach is churning and he doesn't care how pathetic he looks.

"Well, he's all yours. Good luck, Potter!" Blaise and Pansy are both rushing out of the bathroom leaving only Draco and Potter. Draco wonders if this is purposeful. They obviously have to know about Draco's horrible crush on the fool. Of course, that's why he is here.

"Thanks," Potter says to the empty doorway. Draco lets out a little giggle, Potter is handing him a small vial of something. He supposes this is Potter's master plan. Murder him with some sort of poison while he is terribly inebriated.

"Are you trying to poison me?" Draco asks watching the way Potter's lips turn down but still somehow looking amused.

"No, why would I do that?" Potter is standing up grabbing a rag and dampening it under the faucet of the sink.

"Why wouldn't you?"

Potter just raises his eyebrows, his lips curling into a small smile.

"How much have you had to drink?" Potter asks gently pulling Draco away from the toilet seat, where his face is still pressed. "Also please tell me if you are going to hurl so I can avoid that."

"I'm not going to." Draco protests trying—and failing—to look offended. It comes off as more of a pitiful pout. Potter is just shaking his head lightly, his smile not fading. "I'm not drunk."

Potter lets out a little chuckle as he pulls Draco practically into his lap.

"You keep telling yourself that." Potter gently guides Draco's head onto his shoulder, placing the rag on his forehead as he leans back into the wall. Draco's back fits quite comfortably between Potter's arms, his chest rising and falling slowly in a way that has Draco relaxing even more.

"Are you going to take that?" Draco opens his eyes when Potter grabs his hand, which is still gripping the vial. He honestly forgot that he was still holding it.

"It's not poison?" Draco asks, his face is so close to Potter, he can feel each little exhale on his cheek. Potter is looking at him with an amused expression.

"No, Draco, it is not poison. I wouldn't poison you." Draco furrows his eyebrows and uncaps the vial. The smell of the potion immediately makes his stomach churn a little.

"Can't, not yet." Draco pushes it into Potter's hand. Potter's other hand has come to rest on Draco's hip. Draco tries not to blush, he really does. It doesn't help that Potter is so close to him. He can practically feel the heat coming off of him. The way he smells, the way his hair is tickling the side of his neck.

"I thought you weren't drunk?" Potter is antagonising him, he knows it. But Draco can't help but smile a little bit.

"I'm going to tell you a secret," Draco says tilting his head closer to Potter's ear. Well, he actually just ends up pressing his face into Potter's neck, really. "I am very drunk right now."

Draco can feel the way Potter's chest moves with his laugh.

"Really? I would have never guessed." Potter says seemingly unaffected by the way Draco's face is practically nuzzled into his neck.

"Shhh," Draco raises his hand, pressing his finger over Potter's lips. "It's a secret."

Potter seems to still be unaffected, Draco takes this as a win.

"It's not a really good secret." Potter says his hand squeezing Draco's hip briefly. Draco feels the way his cheeks burn, he knows he is bright scarlet right now.

"Shut up," Draco presses his face tighter into Potter's neck. He doesn't really care that the rag has fallen off onto his lap. Potter just plucks it off of him and Draco really tries not to think about how close Potter's hand had been on his thigh.

"Merlin," Potter says chuckling lightly once again. "You're lucky I like you."

Draco's eyes widen as he abruptly pushes himself up. The world is spinning and he briefly thinks he might actually throw up now. But that seems to take the back seat when Potter's hands are steadying his shoulders.

"Jesus, Draco," Potter says holding onto his shoulders tightly. Draco doesn't remember flipping himself around so he is kneeling between Potter's thighs.

"You like me?" Draco asks, his head slightly tilted. He really must have had way too much to drink if he was imagining this.

Potter is laughing loudly, his forehead coming to rest on Draco's shoulder this time.

"Of course I like you, you daft fool. I'm your boyfriend." Draco really needs that potion now. He snatches it out of Potter's hand and downs it quickly. Ignoring the way it seems to make his head spin more abruptly. Though as quickly as it happened it is stopping. Instead of being horrifically plastered he is now more or less slightly tipsy at best.

"Oh fuck," Draco is now laughing loudly. His hand coming up to press a hand to his forehead. "Please never let me drink that much again."

Harry is still laughing loudly his hands moving down to grip both of Draco's hips.

"Did you really forget?" Harry is lifting his head up, his green eyes locking onto Draco's. The blush on his face has to be startlingly bright with the way Harry seems to start laughing once more.

"I may have." Draco admits, how could he forget that he was dating the idiotic Gryffindor? "But now that I am sadly mostly sober I have remembered."

Harry is still laughing and Draco pinches his side.

"Shut up." Harry does not shut up. So Draco grabs his head in his hands and kisses him deeply. He can still faintly taste the bitter potion in his mouth and he hopes Harry can too. Give him a taste of his own medicine. Literally.

Harry just tightens his grip on Draco's hips and deepens the kiss. He is not mad at the turn of events. Draco just really wanted him to stop making fun of him.

"You are lucky I like you," Draco says resting his forehead against Harry's. Those green eyes just roll and a soft smile lands on those slightly reddened lips.

"Yeah, I know." Harry says shifting to rest his head against the tiled wall. "It was funny though, you have got to admit. The way you practically flew off of me."

Draco just scowls at him and flicks him on his scar.

"Drunk Draco was surprised, okay?" That starts Harry on his chuckling once again.

"It's okay, it was cute." Harry smiles brightly, his hand coming to brush a strand of hair out of Draco's face. "It was like you realised you liked me again."

"You absolute sap." Draco shuts him up once again with a kiss. Liking the way Harry tightens his grip on his waist.

"You love it," Harry says between breaths.

"Yeah, I do." Draco replies, before another thought occurs to him. "Now, where did the party go?"

Harry just rolls his eyes as Draco hops up and offers him a hand.

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