Apple Pies & Stethoscopes

By NativeScorpio

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Sean and Sang met when they were 15 in Tokyo, when Sean had to leave her behind to return to his team back in... More

I Shall Call Her Pookie
My World Will Have To Wait
The Academy Hospital
Mr. Spock T-Shirts and Star Wars Underwear
Iron Man and twizler straws
Breakfast is Served
Breakfast is Served Pt. 2
A Bird to Dress
Penny for Your Thoughts
Music, Masks & Mysteries
Family Meeting
Miss Heartbreaker
Lost and Found
The Water Zoo
Late Night Call
Who is Dr. Who?
Little Birdie
Waiting on Her
Dude Nurses
Lunch with Sang
S & S 4ever
A Day and a Slumber

The Park with Sang

1.1K 74 5
By NativeScorpio


Everyone was rushing around on their phones and talking with each other on what to do first, where to take Sang first. The time crunch we would have to be on to make this the perfect day.

I didnt know how to feel about this, it was all a rush. The guys had girlfriends, this was insane. What were they thinking? It seemed like I was the off man and and it made me feel... well, I dont know what this feeling is.

I just knew it was wrong. All wrong. Is this considered cheating? Were the guys so blind to this girl that they forgot they had someone important to them. Weren't they supposed to be inviting them along? I dont understand any of this.

I sent Natalie a text, saying that were going to be busy today. I dont even know where we're going. I just wanted to keep my responsibility to her as her boyfriend. We did have a rough couple days since we met Sang. But I made sure to her things were ok, I did question her attitude when the other girls attacked Sang verbally. She just said she was surprised.

I stood waiting by Kota's car door, I didnt recieve a text back and it looks like she hasnt read it yet. I pocketed my phone and got in when Gabriel and Luke joined us. Seemed like they decided on where to go first, I asked because I was curious. "So, where are we going and what are we doing?"

"Well since the Toma team already got majority of the time with her, their plans are for last. We are teaming up and going in order by last name. So, Mr. Blackbourne's and Gabriel's idea is first."

I raised brow, it is about 1:30 in the afternoon. "Is there a time crunch on these plans? What time are we going home?" Worried about being out too late with another girl and all my friends. I mean, it doesnt mean anything, right?

"We will all have an hour each with her as pairs, except Dr. Green. He will has his own hour because they need their own time to talk. Once were done, the Toma team want to use their time to do thier thing as a group." Kota replied as he started following Mr. B's car. "There's a small art gallery that recently just opened up a couple blocks from the library. Gabriel wanted to check it out, and the floral shop is just across the street. Our plans will have a close in range radius so we can all get the time in."

I guess that's smart. So I guess I'll be going with...who? If Dr. Green is going to have his own hour, that means he's next. Then I will be paired with Silas. I pulled out my phone and texted him what we were going to do. I didnt know anything about Sang or what she liked, so I think I'll have him plan this.

Nathan: So what are we going to be doing with Sang?

Silas: I dont know. I was checking the stores around the area. What do you think?

Nathan: I dont know anything about Sang. I feel a little off put doing this.

Silas: She's Dr. Green's friend, and this probably mean a lot to him that were making an effort to make his friend our friend.

Nathan: Well, what should we do? I dont know anything about her.

Silas: Kota said to show her what we like and maybe we'll have something in common. I was thinking of taking to her to the baseball field near the park. Maybe we can play at the playground for awhile?

The playground? Aren't we too old for that? Kids would hate us taking over the slide. Would Silas even fit? I mentally shook my head at the image. I guess it'll have to do, not like I could come up with something.

Wait. How is this schedule going? I was confused, "Hey Kota. How are we all doing this? I mean, are we all going to follow Mr. B and Gabe into the places with Sang?"

"Uh, no. Were going to drop off Gabriel with Mr. B, then the rest of us will go ahead and be prepared for our activities when our time comes. Dr. Green said he going to take her somewhere special, I dont know where. But he needs some time to set up. That goes for the rest of us." He replied.

"So what are you and Victor going to do?" Luke asked behind me. Him and Gabriel were mummuring to each other while we drove on.

"We were thinking the science store, there are some hands on activites people get to do inside the store. It's pretty large. There's a section that teaches about the sound of music and Victor wanted to see what he could do." Kota said, a smile forming his lips.

I guess everyone has time to plan, I looked back at Luke and ask what he and North were going to do.

"Candy shop. Then North wants to take her on a ride on his motorcycle to his shop." he shrugged. Huh, I never seen him take Katlyn on his bike. Maybe shes scared? The guys started to talk around me about Sang. I didnt let my irritation show because I didnt want to start an agrument. Did Kota tell Alexa what he had plan for the day?

My phone buzzed in my hand, reminding me I needed to text Silas back. But when I checked, it was from Natalie. My heart started to pound against my rib cage, nerves settled in and I felt a ton of guilt.

Natalie: You guys all on a mission toghether?

Yeah, I guess you could call it that. Damn, what was I supposed to say? I felt like I had to hide the truth, or stretch it because we were doing this for Dr. Green, and to potentially make a new Academy friend. There was nothing wrong with that.

After giving into my own pep talk, and realization, I wasnt dong anything wrong but getting to know a new member. I replied back to her.

Nathan: Yeah. Nothing to worry about. Me and Silas are teamed up, ttyl.

Natalie: Okay. Be safe. ttyl.

There. I could finally breathe again and enjoy today. It was a few more minutes when we dropped off Gabriel with Mr. B. We saw Sang get dropped off by Axel then his SUV was gone.

I watched as Gabriel happily put his arms around Sang and led her to the art store. Mr. B following after them. It was weird seeing them calm like that, like they done it a bunch of times and it just became a natural touch.

We decided to switch up our car pool by whos supposed to be paired up. Kota lent me and Silas his car while he jumped in with Victor, Luke's going with North in his jeep. Dr. Green had his own car, so he didnt need to be here.

Silas took us to wolly world and purchased a wiffle ball kit, along with a basketball and hoola hoops. I watched like an idiot, wondering if I should get something to do with Sang. But I didnt find anything appealing, so instead I thought I'd buy a plush toy for her.

He grabbed some water and something else I couldnt see by the cash register stands and we paid for our things and left. He drove us to the park not far from downtown and started looking for a good spot to play at.

There wasn't a lot of people here today, just a few mothers wathcing thier kids play. There are a few guys throwing frisbees on the open grass and a couple walking thier dog. Does Sang like animals? I wonder if she has a pet.

Silas found a nice area between the basketball court and softball field that has a large tree nearby perfect for shade. I watched him open the wiffle ball set, take the basketball out of the box, and take the tags off the hoola hoops. I left my gift for Sang in the car and asked Silas what we were going to do first.

"I want to see Sang's batting skills, she doesnt seem like the sports kind of girl. Maybe she hasnt tried it? But I want to let her know I like baseball, and that Dr. Green bought me my first bat, signed by my favorite Yankee player." I watched as his eyes drifted in the distance remembering his first baseball game in America.

That was a great day in New York, a normal guys day out for us all. I glanced at my watch, seeing it was almost our time with Sang. I still didnt know what to do, or talk about when she arrived. Silas started talking about his last assignment while we waited, it wasnt long when we saw Mr. B's car park in the lot. Gabriel got out and opened the door for Sang. She had something on her face and carried a flower with her as she spotted us.

Silas meet her half way, saying something to her that made her smile so big. My breath caught. All I could do was stare at her now. She was beautiful. A kind of beautiful that blanked my mind and left me sitting there looking like an idiot while they came closer. I didnt even know what they were saying. One second they were yards away, now there like in my face.

" ok bro?.." Silas asked and my face heated.

"Yeah, uh...Hi Sang." my voice came out lame. For some reason I thought I squeaked it out. Maybe I did by the way Silas looked me.

"Hi Nathan", she said in her sweet voice "so, what are we doing?" She looked around the area, seeming content to be outdoors.

"I got us some things to play with. Do you like sports Sang?" Silas asked giving her the wiffle bat as she put down her pink rose.

"Um, I never really had the chance to. My main focus was on helping people once I got into the Academy, there were some times I got invited to BBQ's and they played games. But I never paticipated much. I wish I did though, it got the kids riled up," she smiled as she held out a hand to me. I let her help me up. It was unexpected. I never had a girl help me up before.

"Thanks," I mumbled. Silas started the converssation with her and I listened, trying to have my brain get back online. We walked onto the field and he started to tell her what to do. She looked nervous but also excited.

"Okay, I'm going to pretend I know what I'm doing because there's little kids looking this way, and I want to look cool" she said getting in position. I couldn't help but chuckle, neither could Silas. We played for about 20 minutes before changing the game to basketball. We got to ask her a lot of questions. Things she likes, things she hates, and we got to tell her more about ourselves too.

I started to really have fun from every minute that passed, and it was cute when Sang attempted to make a basket. "Fishies!" Sang cried out as Silas missed his shot, earning himself out of the game. Now it was me and her. 

This could go either way, we're both on our last letter and I would feel bad if I won this game. She's just too kind and happy, and I dont want to take that from her. But I also know that she's competitive, and has the confidence that she can defeat me. Which makes this more better, "Your not going to make it..." I said, trying to push her nervousness.

Sang bites the corner of her lip as she aims. I guess the shot I made was a bit far from where she might not be able to throw that far.... Now I feel like an ass. I was just about to tell her that she can get closer if she wanted to, but Silas had other plans.

Just as she was about to jump, he scooped her up and ran towards the goal. Her squeak was comical, but her smile was golden as she made her slam dunk point. Silas cheered as he put her down, "Hey that's cheating!" I yelled, but I didnt give a shit.

"Its not cheating if you dont set the rules Nathan. But I can be fair, how about we both win?" she asked, looking worn from the heat. I am too, a game of fishies is pretty long, and our time with her is running out. Silas seems to agree with me as we share a look.

"I wanted us to hula hoop, but if your tired, that's okay." Silas suggested as he passed us some water bottles. I downed mine in one go.

"What? I love to hula hoop! I'm a little burnt out, but I think that's just because I havent been this physical in awhile, especially outdoors with great hot weather", she said dramatically as she went to lie down in the shade. It made me smile.

"You okay?" I asked, starting to worry a bit. Shes looks too flushed.

"Do you need some more water? Is it the heat? Do you want to get some icecream? Should we sit in the car and blast the a/c? Do you need the hospital? Do you want me call Axe-" Silas rambled off, his voice getting lighter by the second.

"Im okay Silas...Im okay. Okay?" Sang laughed out. She sat up and grabbed a hula hoop behind her. It was pink with little stars on it. "I love it. You guys are really not what I was expecting. Your all so different, but also so much the same. Sean is very lucky to have brothers like you."

She had a small smile on her face that I didnt want to stop looking at. This moment here, I felt noting like it in a long time. It was peaceful...until my phone went off. I sighed a little, wishing I just turned the thing off, but I also needed to check the time to see if our hour is up. My stomach drops as I read the screen.

Natalie: Miss you, not much going on today. Do you know when you'll be done?

I really dont know what to put, what was I suppose to say? I didnt even know what the others were going to do once thier time with Sang was over. Were we all meeting up somewhere? Wasn't Luke and Gabriel talking about a slumber party or something. God, I dont know whats going on.

Nathan: Im not sure. Ill let you know when I do.

I guess that will just have to work. Ugh, I am the worst boyfriend right now. I really wanted to ask Silas what he was telling Tiffany about this...mission.

Natalie: Ok

That's all she put, along with a kiss emoji. I sent her one back and checked the time. Silas and Sang were talking away about the ocean and I didnt want to interrupt their time. But we only had about 5 minutes left before Dr. Green arrives and I still wanted to give her the gift I bought. I feel stupid for buying it now, I dont even know if she'll like it.

"Hey guys, it's almost that time. Dr. Green will be here soon." Silas grunted at my words as Sang stood, she quickly hula hooped for a moment, the hoop going off balance around her waist and falling to the ground.

"Yay! Next time you guys have to hula with me", she giggled picking up her hoop, we followed her movements, picked up the rest of our things and headed back towards the car.

I grabbed the plastic bag out of the trunk as Silas placed the things in. I pulled the price tag off and handed it to Sang, feeling stupid, "Here, I didn't know what you'd like, and I really didnt know...uh.. this is for you." I mumbled.

Sang took the gift with a bright smile, "oh my god, thank you so much Nathan. Is it one of those turn inside out things?"

"Yeah, I didnt know which would be your favori-"

"It's Bulbasaur! Aww, he's so cute. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She gushed and surprised me a tight hug for a little person. Holding her felt right and my it made my heart warm with....something.

"Your welcome." I let her go and Silas looked jealous for a second before she gave him one too.

"Thank you guys for this. It means so much, and I know it means a lot to Sean too." She was beaming at the plush toy of the little green pokemon. I can guess why Corey found her so perfect.

We heard a car arrive and parked right beside us. Dr. Green. He couldnt get out of the car fast enough, ready to spend time with Sang. His eyes bright and dim at the same time. All these years... I couldnt imagine that type of lost and longing. I really do hope they find reconnection.

"Hey man, right on time." Silas said, making sure Sang had her flower and... painting?

"Yeah. Hey Sang...ready to go?" I never heard Dr. Green so unsure. He looked like he didnt want to mess this up. He's been waiting for this for a long time and... and he was really lucky to find someone as amazing as her.

Im really starting to see why the others are so intranced with her. Just spending this short time with her, she's very different to other girls I met. But, I'm with Natalie. Yes. I'm with Natalie, and were happy, we're good, we're great...and Sang is...she's Sang.

"Hi Sean. Yeah, I'm ready." Sang looks at him as if this isn't what she ever imagined either. To be reunited with her best friend. There's a silent pain that hangs in the air between them, and all I want to do is fix it, somehow.

"I enjoyed our time guys, thanks. I'll see you guys later?" Sang asked as she looked back at us.

"I think so," I said. trying not to feel what I'm feeling. "if you need anything, just give us a call, or text. Enjoy the rest of your day Sang. It was great getting to know you." I said.

"You too. Bye."

"Bye," me and Silas said at the same time. Why does this feel so hard? We might be seeing her in a few hours again. Sean helped her in and came around the car to get in too.

"Thanks guys, she looks really happy, and thanks for being her friend."

"No problem man," I said as I went to get in Kota's car. Silas said something to him and we both went our seperate ways. The drive back to Mr. B's place felt long, Kota needed his car back and I really dont know what were suppose to do while we wait for everyone else to have time with Sang.

"What are you thinking about?" Silas asked, he looked like he was deep in thought and I really wanted to ask him the same thing. But I kept my mouth shut as I glanced at my texts from Natalie.

The only thing I could say, was the truth, "Sang's great, she has her own life... and we have our own too."

I glanced at him to see his reaction, sadness filled his eyes before blinking it away.

The truth will always hurt.

Hey Readers!
Here's the update you all been waiting for. My deepest apologies for not posting as often as I used to. I hope you all been well and enjoyed Gabriel's book "Her song in his Heart". I loved it and cant wait for the next. So, to keep up our spirts, I'm working on some chapters you all been waiting for, also a few updated chapters in Ghost Girl Book 3. Thank you for adding my books, posting comments, and messaging me. Your all great fans, just bare with me on my slow progress. I will complete my books. Promise.

Happy reading!

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