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"you're my endorphin, bae. you make me feel good." She told me with all the sincerity and love inside of her... More



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(here you go! hope yall like it!)


𝙈𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙃 3, 2021


9:00 𝙋𝙈





I looked up at the clock. It's officially been 8 hours since BK came to question me. I'm guess i'm staying here now. I'm a little confused. I still have so many questions. What was meek doing that was so illegal, let alone bad enough to get him killed?

If BK needed more answers, and I had something to do with it, why didn't they just ask me right then? I was befuddled to say the least and i wasn't sure how to feel at the moment. I tried to break down the situation to see if I could come to a definitive answer.

I started to weigh the aspects ]of my problem.

Positive 1: I had a place to stay now.

But I didn't know for how long. once they the nescesary information would they keep me? or would I be taken out and executed like meek?

Positive 2: They haven't hurt me.

But will she? It seems like theyre the type of person to hide their true intentions. what if I accidentally set them off? would they hit me? Lord knows I can't go through that again.

Positive 3: I can tend to my baby and feel safe for the time being.

But what will they do when they find out about me being pregnant? Would they kick me out? I'm 2 months now and I'm going to start showing soon if i haven't started to already. I'd been wearing big shirts to cover my stomach. but what if i stay longer than intended? theyre going to be upset when i go into labor and suddenly birth a baby.

Meek's baby at that.

Postive 4: It's not like theyre ugly or anything..

Wrong time Onika..

I feel lonely. Iv'e been sitting in this dark room and i'm beginning to get hungry. I guess I'd have to go ask for some food soon, but I can hold off for a little while, not too long though because I need to feed my baby.

My next appointment is in about 2 weeks, hopefully I can find out the gender. It's a huge inconvience, but iv'e always wanted a child.

Just not with him.

Regardless, I was going to keep the child, i think i should give him a chance. I just wonder how BK is going to react when they find out. I wonder if they've already noticed? That can't be. iv'e barely been in this predicament 1 day. They can't know already?

I wouldn't put it past them. to be involved in whatever illegal activities they participated in, it seems like they had a pretty good amount of intelligence. I have to stop thinking so negativley. not good for the baby.

I thought about names for boys and girls.

If it was a girl i think i would name her Cinnamon. I know it's a weird name, but all I crave now these days in cinnamon. Ice cream, pastries, hell even the smell of cinnamon would make me satisfied. I thought it was cute.

If they were a boy i think i would name them Soma, or Ciel. Soma because of Prince Soma from my favorite anime, Black Butler.

Ciel because it means sky in french. I think babies are a blessing, and not everyone deserves them. the sky is the closest thing one can reach to heaven.

I thought it was a nice sentiment.

I'd finished the name talk later, but as a sat down and stared at the wall, I wondered what Lara was doing. I didn't have anything else to do, so i decided to take the time to evaluate our friendship.

She'd been acting so weird lately, it really turned me off. We met in pre-k, and instantly hit it off. I had no friends, and she approached me. We were cordial, doing what toddlers would do. It was fine.

But we really started getting close in eighth grade.

I smiled at the thought. It was sweet.








Mom pulled up to school.

I let out an excited squeal and unbuckled my seatbelt. I turned to my mom and waved and smiled at her.

"bye mommy!"

"yeah bye." she drove off almost immediatley. I frowned and dusted off my pants.

I should be used to it but it still hurts my feelings. today was picture day and I was excited to get my picture taken. i wasn't going to let anything ruin my mood.

I was wearing my new storm trooper shirt and my bright pink heely's. I adjusted my braided ponytail and pulled up my backpack on my shoulder. I loved my backpack. i was shaped like a rubix cube. I saved up all the money in my piggy bank to buy it.

Did was never in the picture.

I popped my pink suspenders and adjusted my retainer. I was ready for picture day. I usually didn't care about it but I was hopeful this time.

Mr. Wang, the nice asain man that ran the corner store on 35th street said that he would buy my pictures and hang them up at the store! i was excited because my mom never brought any of my pictures for picture day.

I wanted to look my best after all! i was basically going to be a celebrity! I heard the bell ring and i basically ran into the school. I tripped a little on the way but i got right back up and hurried down to first period. I had stopped going to my locker because some of the popular kids would hang around there and bully me, i tried my best to avoid them at all costs.

Once I got into first period I sat in my seat. I had chemistry this period. I was working hard on balancing equations when Lara walked in. I waved to her frantically and she send a small wave back to me. We had known each other since pre-k so we basically grew up together.

She was one of the only people who was nice to me. Our seats were together and she plopped down beside me. I turned to her and smiles big, my purple braces showing.

' "h-hi lara! are you ready for picture day? i did that homework you asked me to for the hydratic compounds! did you know that I found out a new way to do the equations? d-don't forget about the quiz on thursday! tell miss.ross i said hello, do you know if she can give me a ride home?? I'm rambling! s-sorry! Here you go!"

I passed her the paper. she took the paper and gave me a smile, not before taking out her mirror and throwing some lipstick on.

"thanks nika! and yeah i'll see if mom can you you a ride! i'm so ready for picture day! i got this cute ass crop top! and on top of that Aubrey asked me to go to homecoming with him! isn't that cute!?" I nooded at her.


Lara was always really popular. she had boyfriends, girlfriends, and she told me she had already lost her virginity to the most popular boy in school, shawn. We had been friends for so long that we just sort of stuck together. I didn't mind though, it was nice to have a friend. i was so stuck thinking that i didn't realize lara speaking to me.

".....and when we were running away from the girl after we stole those condoms we jumped the fence! I didn't get a good look at her face but anastasia said she was white and her name was sadie! i was like 'how the hell you know' and she told me that she smelled like cheese and her hands were wrinkly! i said 'well girl that could be anybody' but then i thought! what type of name is Sadie??"

I nodded my head vigorously.

"oh, cool!"

"yeah i guess! so are you gonna change your outfit for picture day? you aren't wearing that are you??" she looked me up and down. I frowned.

"what's wrong with my outfit?" she gave me a tight smile.

"oh nothing girl, i think it really fits.. you!"

I nodded understanding that she was giving me a compliment. I blushed a little.

"thanks!" she gave a mild side eye and smiled back.

"yeah girl! so anyways did you bring those starbursts from the corner store?" she said and held her hand out expectantly.

'o-oh yeah! here you go!" I fished the starbursts out my bookbag. I had gotten her some starbursts as a token of gratitude for her helping me get away from some bullies who were about to chase me home. She told me then that she expected starbursts from me every day.

I made sure to sort out the money from my piggy bank to make sure to pay for the expenses.

I didn't get anything in return and i did her homework most of the time but it didn't matter, her prescense made me happy just enough.

Plus she was my friend, right! isn't that what friends do?

she took the starbursts and thanked me. right after she gave me a kiss on the cheek. my face turned red and i looked away. I liked the kisses, they always made me feel funny down there. i had never been kissed before...

she smirked at me.

"a token of my appreciation nika!"

"o-okay.." she gave me a valentines day card. it was adressed to lara and it had a very sexual note attached to it.

"girl you can have this since nobody got you a valentine! i don't like kentrell anyways, you have sex with someone one time and they don't leave you alone! sheesh!"

i nodded, still greatful for the gesture.

My first valentine..

"t-thanks lara.." she waved it off.

"no problem! happy V-Day girl!"

i smiled and looked back at my work.

atleast she cared about me..

When school got out i waited and waited for her mom to pick me up but she never did. I didn't have a phone so i couldn't call anyone. I ended up walking home from school and hanging out at the corner store until my mom came home at 10:00. I wasn't mad about it though.

Maybe she was just busy.




As I thought about that day i couldn't help but realize all the red flags.

did she really like my outfit?

why was i always doing her homework?

why did i have to bring her candy everyday?

did she even tell her mom that i needed a ride?

why didn't i see her when we got out of school?

the more i thought about the memory, the less joy i got from it. The memory didn't seem as sweet now.

I shrugged it off. I did get my picture taken that day though! Mr. Wang bought them and hung it up in the store. It's still there, and everytime i go to the corner store i make sure to say hi and ask him how the wife is doing.

Hm. maybe BK was right. I do need better friends.




8:17 𝙋𝙈


I groaned lowly as i rubbed my dick up and down.

I needed a stress reliver after all the shit that was going on, and i didn't want a hoe in my house.

Especially now that Mink was here.

Backing against the wall of the shower i closed my eyes.

"Mink.. fuck baby.."

I wondered how she would feel beneath my body. How her legs would feel wrapped around my waist, her nails digging into my back as I pounded both of her tight holes.

That pussy sucking up my dick as her ass bounced up against my torso. i rubbed my dick faster. I wondered was she a moaner, a screamer, or was she quiet like her demeanor.

has she ever had any good dick before? would she know what to do? or would i have to teach her on how to take all of my big dick inside of her.

I but my lip and shuttered at the thought.

I inhaled feeling a familiar sentation building in my lower stomach. could she cream and squirt at the same time? did her pussy taste as good as she looked? She smelled like vanilla and her body looked so soft. I couldn't get the image of her perfect round breasts out of my mind.

I could imagine her on top of me, riding my dick while i held her by her waist, nothing but our moans and the smacking of skin filling up the room.

I just could see her popping of my dick, turning around and taking me into her mouth. Sucking and slobbering on my dick until i ended up loosing it in her mouth.

"Oooh- god fucking damn Onika.."

My body suddenly jerked and i felt my balls contract. my cum sprayed out into the shower, the water from the showerhead washing it into the drain. I was still breathing hard from the orgasm i just had. i just busted the fattest nut iv'e ever had while masturbating.

to a girl i hadn't even known a day.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. When i got dressed I called Lauren to my room. She knocked and i told her to come in.

"Yes master?"

"Is dinner ready?"

she nodded her head.

"yes sir. would you like me to get the guest from her room?"


she bowed and spoke again before leaving out the room.

"Your guest will meet you downstairs in the dining room."



I had been looking out the window at the cityscape when there was a knock at my door.

I went over to open it. I know it wasn't BK because they wouldv'e just walked in or showed up unexpectedly.

There was a housekeeper standing at the door. I could tell because of her uniform. She was pretty. She was light complected and around the same height as me. She had brown hair and carmel skin. She smiled at me.

"Hello, I'm Lauren London. It's nice to meet you." I shyly waved back at her.

"Hi.. i'm Onika." She held her hand out for me to shake. I went to shake her hand but instead I was pulled into a hug. I felt a hand on my stomach and i jumped back, startled.

'i'm sorry for startling you, but i realized you were expecting!"

my face flushed and I nodded.

"Yes, i don't know how to tell uh.. BK. How did you know?" she shook her head at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

" just mother's intuiton, I have two sons myself by my late husband, may he rest in peace.." I gave her a sad smile. she just shook her head and continued.

"i know you sense some apprehension from BK but they aren't at bad as they seem. they have a good heart, they've just been through some things. they'll warm up to you soon enough. BK isn't the big and scary persona that they put on."

I wasn't sure about that. i watched her kill my boyfriend...

nevertheless, her calm words eased my nerves.

"Thank you Miss London..." she laughed out loud and waved her hand.

"Just call me lauren, i'm not that old!" I chuckled a little. she seemed to snap out of ther laughing trance and spoke again.

"Master wants you down in the dining hall. you should get freshen up and come downstairs. I'll be back for you momentarily." Master?? what the hell.. I just nodded.





When Onika stepped out of the room for the first time, she was in awe of how beautiful this mansion was. It had a dark and creepy aesthetic to it, but it was classy and elegant at the same time. Lauren had come back to her after a few minutes. She had rushed back downstairs to go do something.

She wasn't sure what, but Onika shrugged it off. She finally got to the dining room and stood in awe.

There were tables upon tables, and the floors were marbled. It seemed like they had guests over for family events.. in the center of it all was a gorgeous lamp filled up with greenery. lights cascaded down from the high cielings.

Lauren led Onika up the stairs to where BK was. They were sitting at the end of a circular table, seemingly waiting for me. Onika sat down, taking in their appearance. BK nodded at Onika.

Onika waved slightly and gulped.

BK had on a black dress shirt with a some black slacks. On BK's wrist was a blindingly bright watch, the diamonds accessorized the simple outfit. The multiple peircings on their ears were all adorned with some type of exotic diamond. their hair was pulled back into a slicked ponytail.

Onika felt terribly underdressed. she spoke, not wanting to be rude.

"Thank you for the dinner, you have a gorgeous home.."

Beyonce nodded at her and smirked, she liked the compliment, or maybe she just liked hearing it from her.

"Thanks. Eat your food before it gets cold." Onika started to eat.

It was silent for a while, with Onika sneaking glances at Beyonce whenever she could. However once when she stole a glace at her on too many times, she was shocked to find eyes staring right back at her. This went on for a while until Onika diverted her eyes and took a sip of her drink.

Beyonce sat up, deciding to finally adress Onika for the first time since the initial thank-you.




BK's stare was so intense that I felt like I was being watched from all around. They looked so good tonight though. I was eating the chicken alfredo that was presented. Whoever made this knew how to cook. Everything tasted delicious.

I diverted my eyes from her and started to take a sip of my drink. That's when BK finally decided to speak to me. They rested their big hands on the table, clasping them together, showing off the many rings on their long fingers. They tilted their head at me and smirked before speaking.

"So Mink, when was you gon' tell me you were pregnant?"

They stared at me with a look a couldn't quite pinpoint.

I froze.


3,155 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝘿𝙎


𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 3𝙧𝙙 𝙪𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮!

















(i hope yall enjoyed this long ass chapter, i think we covered some ground and added more depth to onika and lara! please excuse any mistakes! )

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