Building on Dreams

By cpstabell

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Book 6 of the Dreamers Series, this story follows Greg and Susan as they get their lives back on track. After... More

Chapter 1 - Home Again
Chapter 2 - The Information of Dr. Daniels
Chapter 3 - Results of a Sunday Drive
Chapter 4 - Questions About Faith
Chapter 5 - Rhythm and Harmony
Chapter 6 - The Faith of Children
Chapter 7 - Planning a Secret
Chapter 8 - Memories of the Meadow
Chapter 9 - Mr. Levinson
Chapter 10 - Getting Ready for Thanksgiving
Chapter 11 - Thanksgiving Day
Chapter 12 - Thanksgiving Stories
Chapter 13 - Deer Hollow and an Ocean View
Chapter 14 - December Plans
Chapter 15 - A Stressful Evening
Chapter 16 - The Wedding
Chapter 17 - Chanukah
Chapter 18 - The Old Neighborhood
Chapter 19 - Chanukah with the Gaffneys
Chapter 20 - Travels for the Holidays
Chapter 21 - The Abernathy's for Christmas
Chapter 22 - Journey to Seattle
Chapter 23 - Talking With Michael and Rachelle
Chapter 25 - Sightseeing in Seattle
Chapter 26 - Rain, Fame, Fish, and Other Slippery Things
Chapter 27 - Whale Watching on the Sound
Chapter 28 - A First Anniversary and the Ride Home
Chapter 29 - Home Again
Chapter 30 - A Busy Month
Chapter 31 - Alphabet Cards
Chapter 32 - The Faith of a Friend
Chapter 33 - Plans for a House
Chapter 34 - An Idea
Chapter 35 - The Test Drill
Chapter 36 - An Unexpected Discovery
Chapter 37 - Exploring a Cave
Chapter 38 - Dinner with Friends
Chapter 39 - Schedules and Things
Chapter 40 - New Beginnings and Old Friends
Chapter 41 - Progress and Prayers
Chapter 42 - Lips, Secrets, Cabinets and Cement
Chapter 43 - Appointments and Plans
Chapter 44 - Memorial Day Weekend
Chapter 45 - After the Rain
Chapter 46 - The Notebook of Maxwell Tabor
Chapter 47 - Helping Family and Friends
Chapter 48 - Preparing for Babies and Brothers
Chapter 49 - New Arrivals
Chapter 50 - Blessings From the Lord

Chapter 24 - The Acceptance of Mates

45 1 0
By cpstabell

Susan and Greg showed themselves out the Cooper’s front door, over hearing what was promising to be a heated exchange between Michael and Rachelle already beginning in the kitchen as they left.

Susan arched a brow at her husband as they returned to their car.

“What do you think?” Susan asked him as they both got in. “As an impartial observer, how do you think that went?”

“I am hardly impartial, Susan,” Greg objected as he started the car and headed towards the area of town where they’d seen a few restaurants which were also in the direction of the sporting goods store Michael recommended.

“Maybe not, but you were the most objective person in that room,” Susan told him.

“That is most likely true,” Greg agreed. “The topics discussed today were highly emotionally charged for nearly everyone present, but none more so than for Michael and you.”

“It wasn’t, until I brought up the topic of the children,” Susan remarked. “I think Rachelle’s comments really surprised him.”

“More like shocked, in my opinion,” Greg told her. “I know you’ve tried talking to Michael before about how she treats Zackary with very little success, however until he heard his wife describing the measures she’s taken to excise you from their lives, my impression is he was completely unaware of it.”

Susan just shook her head. “I know I’ve tried to tell him that, and it sounds like Matthew did too. I didn’t know the extent to which she’s been interfering, but obviously she has … very actively. It makes me wonder if she actually did know I was alive, but was intentionally trying to keep them from finding out.”

“She might have, if she read your letters. And it does sound like she opened them in order to find the photographs,” Greg commented. “In my opinion, Rachelle feels very threatened by you.”

“She shouldn’t,” Susan said. “She knows Michael divorced me and I’m married to you.”

“Yes, but you must see that from her point of view, that is a relatively recent development. Much of the time this was actively going on, you and Michael were legally still married. She may have feared Michael would go back to you in the event you really were alive and did manage to return. So from that point of view, she did what she did to protect her relationship and her marriage to Michael, above all else,” Greg said. “Given that they seem to be well suited to one another and a good match, what I can’t figure out is why they didn’t simply talk to one another about it and work it out. I know that’s what I would have done.”

“Oh, that part’s easy,” Susan told him as they spotted a restaurant that looked good and Greg steered the car into the parking lot. “Michael doesn’t like to talk. He hates it in fact, and it sounds like Rachelle does too, which works out well for him most of the time I suspect. That’s one of the things I’ve always loved about you … from the first few days I got to know you in this life. You welcome any question and are willing to openly and honestly discuss anything. You have no idea how much I treasure that quality in you.”

“He did seem willing to talk to you about things today,” Greg commented.

“Because he knows me and he knows I would insist. I had some valid issues we needed to work through and he couldn’t reasonably refuse, though he did hope to deter me from getting into it too deeply by having both you and Rachelle there,” Susan said.

Greg arched his brow as they got out.

“Just one more thing about this before we go in,” Greg said.


“You said Michael doesn’t like to talk, and yet he and Rachelle were talking as we left,” Greg commented.

“Arguing is more like it,” Susan said. “That’s what usually happens with Michael when he’s passionate about something. He can’t simply discuss it. Instead, he takes things personally. He lets his feelings get in the way and before you know it, it’s turned into an argument. It’s very hard to work anything through when you’re yelling at one another.”

“Do you believe they will manage to do so before we return?” Greg wondered as he opened the door to the restaurant for her.

Susan hesitated, catching his eye as she entered.

“I hope so, Greg, I really do. Because if they can’t, I’m going to have to get involved again … and I really don’t want to have anything to do with his new marriage. Rachelle is welcome to him, as far as I’m concerned,” Susan said fervently.

“Well that’s good to hear,” Greg said with a smile as he followed her in. “How about we let them handle it for now, and devote ourselves to enjoying our lunch.”

“I think that is a very good idea. Plus maybe afterwards, we can look into a bike rack.”


            Compared to their discussion with Michael and Rachelle that morning, the afternoon was relaxing and enjoyable for Greg and Susan. Lunch was good and the sporting goods store Michael recommended wasn’t all that far away. They didn’t buy anything, but they did collect information on the various types of bike racks available, deciding that visiting more than one store before buying anything might be in order. They returned to Michael’s house mid-afternoon to find the children had arrived just ahead of them.

            “Hi Mama!” Jessie came running to greet them as soon as Matt opened the front door.

            “Hi Jessie,” Susan said. “How was laser tag?”

            “It was fun! Matt, Zackary and me got to shoot Josh and Brianna. And they didn’t even get mad!” she said with a grin.

            “I’m glad you had fun,” Susan told her. “Was she good, Matt?”

            “She was okay. I had to help her with her gun though. I think it was sort of heavy for her,” Matt said.

“Thank you for watching her,” Susan told her son.

“It’s okay, Mom. Dad’s in the kitchen. He said to send you back there when you got here.”

            “Okay,” Susan said, and she started to head in the direction of the kitchen with Greg following her.

            “Not you Greg, just Mom. Dad wants to talk to her by himself,” Matt explained.

            Greg arched his brow at him.

            “Then perhaps you can tell me where Rachelle is?” Greg asked.

            Matt shrugged. “I dun know. I think she’s mad at Dad or something. She left pretty much the same time we got here.”

            Susan looked back at her husband and exchanged a look.

            “Go ahead, Susan. I’ll stay out here with Jessie and the boys,” Greg told her.

            Susan nodded and continued on down the short hall to the kitchen.


            “Hi,” Michael looked up as his ex-wife entered the room.

            “Hi Michael,” Susan said, regarding him warily. “You wanted to talk?”

            “Yeah I do. I know that’s not like me, but I think it would be a good idea,” Michael told her.

            “You’re right, it’s not. But in this case, I agree,” Susan said. “Where should we begin?”


            Greg listed to the low voices coming from the direction of the Cooper’s kitchen. It was tempting to follow Susan and listen more closely just in case she needed his support, but on the other hand he also knew from experience, that when dealing with ex-spouses, sometimes a certain amount of privacy was in order. He talked with Jessie and the other children, hearing all about their laser tag adventure as the afternoon passed. Eventually Rachelle returned to the house and Michael and Susan were still talking.

            “You’re still here,” Rachelle commented as she came into the front room.

            Initially Greg assumed she was talking to him, but when he turned around, he could see her looking directly at Zackary and Matt.

            “Dad told us to wait in here,” Matt told her. “He’s still talking to Mom.”

            Rachelle arched her brow.

“I don’t know what could be taking so long. It shouldn’t take that long to explain things,” Rachelle commented to Greg as she sat down.

            “I imagine that would depend on what sort of things Michael is explaining and what sort of discussion his explanation would produce,” Greg replied.

            “I asked him to finalize the child custody arrangements outlined in their divorce settlement,” Rachelle said. “Sharing fifty percent custody should mean Matt stays with you fifty percent of the time.”

            “What about Zack?” Matt asked. “He already lives with Mom full time. Is Dad trying to negotiate more time with him too?”

            “Unlikely. We both agree Zackary is better off living with your mother,” she told Matt. “From what I’ve seen, I don’t think your mom is arguing about that.”

            “I doubt she is,” Greg agreed. “However I believe Susan had some additional issues she wished to discuss with Michael. That may be what is taking the time.”

            Rachelle looked questioningly at Greg. “In that case Matt, it’s probably okay for you to wait in your room.”

“Yeah, okay,” Matt said and he led Zackary and Jessie back towards his bedroom.

            “What kinds of things does Susan want to discuss?” Rachelle asked Greg once the children left the room.

            Greg regarded Rachelle’s expectant expression cautiously.

“I believe any issue my wife wishes to discuss with her ex-husband is between the two of them. After a twenty year marriage which abruptly ended the way it did, there could be any number of open topics they need to work through.”

“Don’t you know what they are?”

“I could guess, but that’s all it would be. Susan will tell me what she wants me to know, or what she thinks she needs me to know,” Greg told her.

“And you trust her to do that?” Rachelle asked.

“I do. Susan has never lied to me,” Greg said.

“I doubt she could. If Sue has a fault related to honesty, it’s a tendency to be too honest,” a man’s voice said.

Greg and Rachelle looked up as Micheal and Susan joined them.

“A tendency towards honesty is not something I would fault Susan for,” Greg replied firmly.

“I would, but especially when she doesn’t know the difference between honesty and indiscretion,” Michael told the other man.

“Personally I find Susan’s openness and willingness to talk about things refreshing. It’s a characteristic of hers I value greatly,” Greg insisted.

Michael raised a brow. “Really? Personally I prefer someone who knows when to talk and when to keep things to themselves. Rachelle excels at that. As a consequence, we rarely argue about anything. Sue and I used to argue all the time.”

“It’s what makes us such a good fit, Michael,” Rachelle said as she came to stand beside her husband. “It’s one of the reasons I love him.”

“I’m glad you do,” Susan said. “Greg has been known to keep a secret or two now and then, but generally he’s open enough to tell me he’s doing it. I can’t tell you how much I value that trait of his.”

“Really?” Michael asked. “That’s what you like about him?”

“Among other things,” Susan said.

“Then it seems like you and Greg are a good fit too,” Michael commented. “I wondered about that when I saw you both on Moreno Island.”

“How’s that?” Greg asked the other man.

“I wondered if you’d change your mind about being with Sue once you’d married her and been together a while,” Michael explained.

Greg turned to look at Susan as he went to stand next to her, opposite the other couple. “I have never had any doubts about my decision to marry Susan. The longer we are together, and in the short time since we married, my sense that she is the right woman for me only grows stronger.”

“That’s good to hear,” Susan told him. “Because I feel that way about you too.”

“I’m happy for you, Sue, I really am. I’m glad you found someone who likes those things about you,” Michael told her seriously.

Susan smiled. “Thank you Michael. Does anyone know what happened to the kids? Weren’t they just here?”

“I sent them to wait in Matt’s room,” Rachelle told them.

“What are they doing?” Michael asked.

 “I think Zackary wanted Jessie to help him look through his story books to decide which ones to bring home,” Greg said.

“Matt’s probably helping him too,” Rachelle commented. “He’s got a stack of old books he wanted us to send to you, but books are too heavy. They cost a lot to ship, so we suggested he and Zackary go through them while he’s here, and then decide.”

“Probably a good idea,” Susan said.

“Are you finished?” Greg asked his wife.

Susan looked back towards Michael. “For now. We both have some things to think about. We’ll probably talk again before you and I go home, but for today we’re through.”

“Sue and I were thinking though, that maybe it’s time to do something more fun while you’re here than to spend all our time in heart to heart discussions or making difficult decisions. After all, I don’t think the kids should be having all the fun,” Michael said. “Do you agree?”

“I do,” Greg said. “Do you have something in mind?”

“Have you ever been to Seattle before?”

“I have, but it’s been years,” Greg told him.

“And I know Sue hasn’t been here in a long time either. What do you say we spend tomorrow and Sunday playing tourist and showing you the sights?” Michael suggested.

“I think that’s a very good idea,” his wife agreed. “Greg? Susan? Does that sound good to you?”

“It does,” Greg assured her. “Susan?” he asked turning to his wife.

“It does to me too,” Susan said. “Do you have any ideas about where we should go?”

And the four of them sat down and began to make plans for how the two families should spend their time over the next two days.


On their way back to their hotel after supper with the Coopers that evening, Susan looked at the list of tourist spots they and Michael’s new family planned to visit over the next few days. All of them were very public venues, most located near the very heart of Seattle.

“What are you thinking, Susan?” Greg asked as he saw her studying them so intently while he drove.

“I’m wondering if going to some of these places is going to be a problem for you,” she told him frankly. “Don’t you usually avoid going to public areas with crowds like these places are likely to be? I mean, you’ve avoided airports since we’ve been home … and these places are likely to have bigger crowds than that.”

“Here I have, but you know we did do some sightseeing in Sydney before we came home, and it was very enjoyable,” he reminded her. “We did encounter a few crowds, but it was not unmanageable.”

“Yes, but that was in Australia. Not quite as many people seemed to recognize you there as there they do here,” Susan commented.

Greg shrugged. “We are doing what we need to do support our family … including our extended family, which includes your boys, Michael and Rachelle. If we do encounter crowds, we’ll manage it … somehow. But my experience has been, fans are less likely to approach me when I’m with those who are clearly family. There is something about the presence of children which deters them.”

Susan nodded. “I hope you’re right … but just in case you’re not, I wonder if we should say something about it to Michael and Rachelle?”

“When?” Greg asked.

“Maybe tomorrow morning, before we go,” Susan proposed.

Greg looked at her oddly.

“What?” Susan demanded.

“Susan … what do you suppose Rachelle’s reaction is most likely to be if you try to explain to her I am a celebrity?” Greg asked.

Susan looked at him in non-comprehension. “If I try to explain to her you are a celebrity?” she repeated. “You mean that you’re an actor?”

“Not specifically … more that I am a person who is likely to be recognized in public places,” Greg clarified.

“What?” Susan said, looking at him in confusion.

“I don’t think Rachelle recognizes me, Susan,” Greg told her. “I don’t think she knows who I am, beyond the name we’ve told her and the fact that I’m your husband.”

“The name we’ve told her … you mean Greg Gaffney,” Susan said.

“No … we’ve introduced ourselves as the Abernathys. I suspect that as far as Rachelle knows, that is who I am: Greg Abernathy, your husband.”

Susan blinked. “Michael knows who you are … so does Matt … and Zack does too. Even Jessie knows you’ve been on TV, Greg.  Your name is a household name all over this country. I expect even people who didn’t watch your show as religiously as I did growing up have some idea who you are.”

“Perhaps, but not everybody … and based on her reaction, I suspect Rachelle is one of those people who doesn’t,” Greg told her sincerely.

Susan nodded. “I suppose there could be some people who don’t know; whose taste in entertainment falls outside the sort of things you are typically in.”

“I expect there are a good number of those people,” Greg assured her.

“Okay … so …?”

“So … what do you believe Rachelle would say, a woman who is more than likely one of those people, who is also convinced you are a liar and tend to exaggerate things, if you were to try to tell her I’m somebody famous?” Greg asked.

“Oh … I see what you mean,” Susan mused. “She probably wouldn’t believe it … and it would probably only add fuel to her argument with Michael and the children.”

“More than likely,” Greg agreed.

Susan sighed. “So what do we do? Say nothing, and hope for the best?”

“That is what I suggest,” Greg told her.

“Humm,” Susan said thinking.

“Do you have some concerns about that?” Greg asked.

“Yes and no. I know I’m less likely to be taken by surprise by it than I used to be … but I can’t say it’s something I know how to handle if it happens,” Susan confided.

Greg smiled. “Most of my fans are very nice people, Susan. They are typically content to introduce themselves, perhaps say a word or two or to ask for my autograph. That is all. I don’t think it’s a major reason for concern. Rather, it is probably best if we don’t think about it and focus instead on having a good time and enjoying ourselves.”

Susan nodded and smiled. “Okay Greg. I’m sure you right,” she said with a hint of tension in her tone.

“I am. Relax, Susan. I expect we’ll have a very fun day tomorrow. I think the children are looking forward to it … and I am too. Let’s try to enjoy their company and make the best of whatever situation arises.”

Susan’s smile grew brighter again as she considered what her husband was saying. “Of course, Greg. I’ve got to stop thinking of you like that, or I’m going to be the one asking for your autograph instead of someone from the crowd.”

“And if you do, I’ll be happy to give it to you,” Greg told her also smiling, recognizing Susan’s expression for what it was: that of an adoring fan living a life she once thought was nothing but a dream.


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