the past ❤︎︎NARUSASU❤︎︎

By _tonxieko

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this is a alternate universe where Sasuke married Naruto and had..... Menma Uzumaki. Menma goes back in time... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

976 27 8
By _tonxieko

Sasuke looked at the clock which read 11:00 am. He sighed knowing that the two boys he's meeting up with, are probably still in bed. Sasuke made his way over the Narutos apartment knowing that he'll have to wake the two up.

Once he arrived he knocked on the door which made it crack open.

Of course he left his door unlocked.

He sighed and pushed open the door more then it already was. He saw Menma laying on top of Narutos chest and both were snoring. He stood in the doorway starring at them not wanting to move them. He smiled to himself before moving farther in the apartment. He then grabbed a pillow and slammed it against the boy.

"Ughhh I'll get up in about 5 minutes." The boy said as Sasuke pulled him off of Naruto. "Get up!"  Sasuke finally pulled the boys grip off Naruto. Naruto was still sound asleep like nothing happened.

"GET UP DOPE." Sasuke slammed a pillow on to the blonds face who then awoke and slapped  Sasuke on his right cheek. Naruto just stared at Sasuke with no expression on his face. It was almost like he hated Sasuke for ruining his beauty sleep.

"Oh, hey Sasuke." He then gave the raven haired boy a light smile, got out of bed and rubbed the spot where the blond had slapped him earlier.

"Sorry for slapping you, it just not my fault that you woke me up like a mad man." He scoffed walking off with Menma to the kitchen leaving a red tint on Sasukes cheeks. He hated this, this feeling he got every time he was with Naruto. It gets worse and worse the more he sees the blond. No matter what he does to try and take it away, or try and like Sakura he just can't, because he knows that he'll always have this feeling.

A sudden scream came from the kitchen causing the raven to snap out of his thoughts and turn toward the annoying sound.

"YOU HAVE NO FOOD! IM STARVING! AND YOU HAVE NO FOOD!" Naruto rubbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly trying to calm the little boy down from his outbreak.

"Let's just go get something to eat." He then turned his gaze towards Sasuke who was already looking at him. His blue eyes stared at him hoping Sasuke would back him up, Sasuke looked right back at him. He just stared at Naruto not saying anything.

"Right Sasuke?!" He smiled at Sasuke who was still looking at him. He finally snapped out of it with embarrassment.

"Yea, yea of course." He said, trying to get those thoughts out of his head.

"Ok that settles it! We are going out to eat." Naruto smiled with joy while rushing over to the bathroom.

"Give me 5 minutes to get ready!" He slammed the door shut causing the sound to echo through the tiny apartment. Sasuke looked at Menma with a are you kidding me face while Menma just shrugged.

"Don't look at me."

——-<3 ———

The morning air was enough to wake the three up. They all walked down the streets of Konoha scanning the area for places to eat. It took a while considering that they all wanted different things to eat. Menma then feel to the ground due to the "lack of food."

"so....hungry." He rolled over on his back and then started pouting and fake crying for food.

"GET UP UR EMBARRASSING YOURSELF!" Naruto then picked up the boy and stood him back on his feet while the boy just started at him in annoyance.

"Maybe I wouldn't be such and embarrassment if I was feed this morning." He turned his back to the blond making Naruto frustrated. The arguing started between the two.

"HEY!" Sasuke slapped the side of their heads causing the two boys to snap out of the bickering and look at each other.

"Both of you will just get hungrier if you stand here and argue like that all day! Now let's go eat because I'm hungry." A smile grew on Menmas face as he turned around and walked in the opposite direction of the other two.

"He's a lot like you y'know." Naruto stared at Sasuke as a light smile appeared across his face, trying to recall what Sasuke just said. "I know that teme."  Naruto then started walking the way the boy ran off until he turned around to look back at Sasuke. His hairs flowing with the wind, and his eyes are sparkling in the sunlight. It's like the sunlight searches for him

"He reminds me of you too." He continued to smile as he turned around calling after Menma. Sasuke stood there, his hair flowing in the wind showing more of his face, and watching Naruto run after this kid. He smirked an followed them.


They all arrived at a small cafe in the center of town. It had a couple of wooden tables, booths and flowers in each one. The kitchen was opened to a bar so you could see what the chefs were making and smell the food being made. It was a cafe Naruto loved but Sasuke hated due to the aroma in the room.

"Cheer up. You wanted food right? Well this is food." He walked over to the booth sitting himself down next to Menma.

"I hate places like this." Sasuke mumbled a few other words under his breath before he finally sat down across from Naruto and Menma. He observed the two boys and their most alike features. How Naruto had three whiskers on each cheek and Menma had two. How Menmas eyes were blue like Narutos but a little darker. But that hair, where does he get that raven colored hair from.

"So what do you guys want to eat. Since both of you were soooo hungry." Naruto looked between the both of them until someone came to take their order, then his gaze turned towards the waitress. He turned his head back around giving both the raven haired boys a death stare.

"I don't know." They both said shrugging, unsure of the their answer. Naruto just looked at the waitress with smile.

"Give us a minute."

Sasuke couldn't even focus on the menu, or the food. He was just going to order some rice, cause he was having trouble on what to decide. He kept thinking of Menma. He couldn't figure out why he felt so comfortable with him. It scared him a little.

The waitress came back to their table after a while asking for their orders once more. Naruto ordered a bowl of miso ramen then looked at the other waiting for their answers. A few seconds passed before Naruto felt uncomfortable in the silence.

"Why don't you two order?!" Naruto said aggressively under his breath. Sasuke ordered then waited for Menmas order.

He didn't say anything.

"Do you still not know what you want!" Naruto said yelling now at his son. Menma shook his head aggressively. Naruto was steaming and Sasuke could tell the waitress was uncomfortable.

"Just get another bowl of ramen." Sasuke said before the girl walked off in. Sasuke sighed as he watched the two argue but not feeling motivated enough to break it apart.


After the little outbreak at the cafe, they all left with a full stomach. Naruto and Menma started bickering about random shit. Sasuke just stared at the two and realizing how much Menma is like younger Naruto.

How does Naruto's wife deal with this all the time!

They made their way back to Naruto's apartment because they had to get the book lady Tsunade gave them last night.

Once the books were retrieved, they made their way over to the training grounds to try and figure out how the boy traveled back in time. The two older boys wondered what the future was really like considering that Naruto's son is with them right now.

As they walked towards the training grounds the little boy stopped in front of them causing the two others to stop behind him. His gazed turned towards a empty grass lot that was to the left of them.

"What's wrong Menma." He felt a hand wrap around his shoulder as he continued to stare at the empty, lonely, grass lot.

"That's where my house is." He pointed where he was starring at causing the two to turn their heads.

"And it's where I last saw my parents." He sighed looking at the ground thinking of the scene that happened before he vanished. He felt arms wrap around him in comfort.

"It's ok, we will get you back to my future self!" Naruto unwrapped his arms from the boys chest and pointed a thumbs up at him.

"I promise!" He showed the boy a toothy grin causing the boy to giggle a little. Sasuke just stared at the two as he felt the feelings inside him arise.

"Well we can't just waste our time standing here. Let's go!" The blond grabbed the boy and walked towards the training grounds while pulling the boy behind him. Sasuke lightly chuckled before following the two.

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