Arrows To Ashes ➳ Stiles Stil...

stilinskisexual द्वारा

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"I thought the masked ninjas with the swords was enough." Coming back to Beacon Hills wasn't the initial pla... अधिक

Back To Beacon
South America Of France
More Mistakes Made
You've Lost Enough
20 Questions
Fool Me. Fine.
Constant Bickering
Never Say Never
48 hours
Move Away
Our Goodbye
My Version Of Fine
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Down And Dirty
Road Trip
Three Truths
Pack Reunion
Nothings Changed
!Book Five!

Pack Support System

1.3K 41 27
stilinskisexual द्वारा

I took a lot of joy in dumping Peter Hale's body and chaining him down to the back of a transport van. Slamming the doors shoot to hopefully make him slightly deaf felt even better. Farewell, asshole.

I let a laugh slip and Braden quickly glanced to see if I was kidding or not. Nope. I loved doing that.

I watched Argent whisper with the Calaveras and it looked exactly like a gun deal. Boy, do I wish it was a gun deal. When he returned I had already guessed what had happened.

Wasn't a gun deal.

"You're joining them?" I pointed at the leader of the Calaveras. "Them? Her?"

He nodded and continued to hold his lower abdomen in pain. "It's temporary Skyler but yes. I am."

And to think I left France just for Argent to leave me. "Can I come with you?"

Argent shook his head and I grunted knowing that was gonna be his answer. "I brought you here to protect your friends. Not to continue with me. You're not an Argent Skyler but you are better. Remember that."

Argent and his inspirational sayings. Guess we know who Allison got her deep and meaningful sentences from.

My finger slightly skimmed over my ear where my recent tattoo was. "We protect those who cannot protect themselves."

"But if anyone tries to hunt you–"

"Stay one step and ahead and hunt them first. Got it," I nodded and took a long stare at Argent. I really was gonna miss his stupid sayings. "Not going forever right? At least be back for when I graduate from hell."

"I'll be back Skyler," he answered and then held his stomach in pain. I'm gonna murder, Peter. "Then when isn't clear. But you take care of things."

"I'm not you," I sighed already feeling the pressure. "I can't be there and give good advice. What if I don't turn up on time and someone dies? Oh my god, what if my emotions get in the way! This is why you can't leave. Please don't go. Argent or not I need my uncle Chris."

"No, you don't," he shook his head and pulled me into a light hug. Wow this was becoming consistent. "Skyler whatever happens I'm proud of you and I'm proud of us."

"You got my message," it warmed my entire heart. "Couldn't even call back. You know we have service here?"

He laughed and my heart got warmer. "Come on,
your friends are waiting for us." He nodded his head over Scott and the others.

When we did the Calaveras immediately joined us from behind and they all suddenly understood the situation. Well, at least part of it.

"There's enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back," I commented trying to ease into the conversation.

"But be careful," Argent added and then the Calaveras got closer. Scott noticed.

"You're really going with them?" Scott questioned Argent's decision. I questioned why I couldn't come.

The Calaveras is in the hands of a woman. A woman! This is like my ultimate dream and I can't pursue it because of what? Highschool? Friends? Pffft.

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago. They'll leave you alone. All of you. But only if I help them catch Kate," Argent summarised the situation.

"What if you can't?" Kira asked.

"I'll find her," Argent confidently stated. "Someone has to."

Just annoyed it isn't me.

He nodded at the group and then turned to me. Oh, how I hate goodbyes. Should be good at them by now but I don't tend to learn.

"Until we meet again Silver," I pushed my hand in between us ready for him to shake it.

"I trust you here Skyler," he reminded but I'm still gonna be sour about him not letting me go.

"Yeah, I know." Guess I'm just that amazing. He went to shake my hand but I couldn't take holding back my emotion and went in for a hug. "I'm proud of us Uncle Chris."

Sure she is too.

"I'll be back," he repeated and it took me a few seconds to pull out of the hug.

When he began to walk away I joined the other side of Scott. But I waved continuously until all the Calaveras were off into their cars.

And now Derek was going. Derek was alive too. Still couldn't wrap my head around that one. I also couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I missed Derek naked.

Naked! Like full nude. What a sight it must've been.

The only thing Derek did was smile and share a nod with us all. So I decided to give him a big and embarrassing wave.

I'm gonna miss the mysterious scary handsome man from the woods. The subtle goodbye suits him.

"You think he's coming back?" I whispered to Scott.

I don't think he was coming back. I don't know if Scott was okay with that. I don't know if I was okay with that.

Scott stared down at me and...stared. That projected exactly how I felt.

It's Derek. I'm gonna miss Derek. Mysterious murderous man in the woods. The man who knows what to say in every situation. So long Hale.

"What about you? You gonna be okay?"

He didn't answer but he just stared. Huh, same. "You?"

I didn't answer. I wanted to, but I couldn't. So I shrugged and glanced at Malia smiling with Stiles.

No. I wasn't okay watching him smile with a girl he brings into his room to talk crime with a constantly bicker over little things.

But I'm okay with knowing where I stand. As Scott's immature friend who once knew Stiles before he decided to shield every emotion from me.

And then it suddenly hit me. "Oh my god, what are we gonna tell Coach?!"


I hid behind Parrish as we entered the station. "Okay. So whatever you do. Don't move."

When we entered the area Parrish moved. Not only did he move he grabbed me by my shoulders and spun me to face Dad. Oh god. I am going to die.

"I said don't move why did you move?!" I squeaked and Parrish laughed completely abandoning me.

I thought me and handsome had a good thing going on too.

"Hey Pops, Daddio, father," I coughed on that last one. "Miss me?"

"Get the hell over here," he grumbled and held his hands out to welcome me into a hug. "You smell like crap."

"It's my natural scent," I grinned hugging him tightly.

Wow. And I'm not dead yet. The old man's going soft.

I managed to get a glimpse of Malia being welcomed into a hug with the two Stilinskis. I don't know if I'm okay but I'm okay with that not being okay. I think I think that? Right?

"You're grounded until your bones go brittle."

"I know."

We both laughed and I hugged him tighter mostly because what I just witnessed slightly hurt more than I wanted it to. I think Dad knew too.

"I'm just glad your okay," I heard Sheriff say and then turned to Dad and me. "All of you." He reached over pulling me into a light hug. "Good to see you Sky."

I'm glad I was still important to him in the same way.

"You to Sheriff," I smiled widely when we parted.

"Hey, what do you say we get outta here, get something to eat?" Stilinski suggested and I believe my stomach danced to that.

"Great. I'm starving," Stiles pumped a fist in the air.

"Name it and I'm eating it," I added with a solemn nod.

"Okay," Dad smiled and we all began to walk towards the door.

Well, I was, until I felt something strain against my wrist. No.

I spun my head and saw a handcuff attached to my wrist and attracted to the metal bar on the table then looked at Stiles who was in the same situation.

"Yo, Daddy?" Stiles called trying to escape.

I kept yanking on the handcuffs and stared at the two grown old ass men who were being this petty. I need my food!

"So Malia?" Dad acted oblivious to my current situation. "What's your favourite food?"

My jaw physically dropped. What a backstabber! Wow, Dad how low of you. When he's back here I'll make sure his bones go brittle.

"Uh, pizza," she stared back at us with an uneasy smile and carried on walking.

"Guys? Still here!" I clanked on the metal. "Malia?!"

"Dad?" Stiles called as they began exiting the area. "Bring me back a slice?"

"Bring me back curly fries!" I yelled hoping they heard me. "Oh and a chainsaw!"

"Seriously?" He asked and I shrugged yanking back on the cuff.

"I have a right to freedom," I pulled on it harder only for it to result in red marks on my wrist. Great.

This could be interpreted in two very wrong ways. Either one seems to give me more substance to my apparent prude personality.

"Aren't you trained to get out of these situations?"

"Yes, when I'm not under a bunch of legal observers," all the deputies chose to ignore us including Parrish. "And if I did get myself out I wouldn't be freeing you."

"Wha-why?!" He half-yelled sounding offended.

"I have no reason to."

"Now that's just plain rude," he grumbled taking a seat on the ground. "What happened to not guilty?"

"What happened to every Skyler for herself?" I retorted and he laughed. Genuinely laughed.

I missed this. I missed a lot of things. I now had a feeling of certainty about my home and where it was but it didn't stop me from missing the beginning of Junior year. Halloween. Allison.

I yanked on it one last time and then gave up sitting on the dusty floor. It's like all those life-threatening events would build up my stamina.

"Skyler," Stiles sounded as though he repeated it.

"I'm totally failing my PSAT's," I sighed leaning my head against the handcuff.

He laughed again and I smiled watching him laugh at me. With me or at me, I honestly couldn't care. Stiles was laughing while I was with him and I missed it. All of it.

"We just got back from almost dying and you're thinking about PSAT's?"

Absolutely. What's Highschool without all this major unneeded stress?

"Yes. You're not?!" I asked in shock and he didn't answer. But he didn't deny it which meant I was right. Like always. "Mhmm, that's what I thought Biles. Smart yet so stupid."

"Annoying yet still speaking," he muttered and I winked.

I took another hard yank on the handcuff and instead the table moved and some object made its way to fall on our heads.

Stiles exaggerated a few groans but he may have just got a lot of paper cuts.

"This is why you're failing your PSAT's," he groaned using his free hand to rub his head.

"Sorry I was just trying to free myself from the torture of sitting next to you," I shrugged and grabbed a pen off the floor. "Are you ready to witness something amazing?"

He looked so uninterested. Huh, tough crowd today. I began using the pen to attempt an escape in my handcuffs. It was however useless, as I expected.

"Houdini is having some performance issues," he used his sarcastic tone to mock me.

"At least I'm trying Biles," I threw the pen at him and grunted. "By the way, my performance issues are non-existent. Seriously, you should see me in bed."

Then we both froze. It's really amazing what my mind can come up with in the worst situations and then continue to proceed with words that should not be said.

"Do you enjoy making everything awkward?" He asked and I sighed leaning back against the table.

"Do you enjoy me making everything awkward?" I questioned.


"Then yes," I confidently stated. "I do."

"Really?" He asked in a flat tone. 

"God no. It's like no matter the situation I have to make some stupid comments that should never be mentioned."

"You do do that," he lightly laughed and then copied my movements by leaning against the table.

And by that motion, I think he thinks we're gonna be stuck here for a while.

And by the paper clip hiding under my shoe, it means I get the choice whether this lasts long or not.

"So..." I mumbled breaking the silence. "Wanna play twenty questions?"

He raised his eyebrows staring at me. And then he smiled. Dammit, Biles.

"Skyler, you are one dangerous girl."

And then I began my questions. I guess that paper clip was resting underneath my shoe for a while.

Everyone's gotta be a little selfish sometimes.


"Then Stiles said that Scott and Kira were stuck in Mexico which was why they missed the game. Uh, so we went down to Mexico to drive them back from Mexico and that's why we all missed practice. Cause..." Liam paused and turned his head to me. I silently urged him to carry on. "We were all in Mexico."

I have never been more proud.

He turned his head back to me once more and I nodded my head proudly while chewing on my lip.

Trained him well.

"You took Kira on a date to Mexico?" Coach directed his question to Scott.

"It was our first real date," Scott defended.

"In Mexico?" Coach questioned.

"They wanted to do something special," I added slightly raising my hand. I then felt the wrath of Coach so put it back down. "It was very special."

Coach nodded. "Okay. I believe you."


"Really?" Liam's voice cracked.

"Absolutely not."

I may have slightly flinched.

"But I've had experiences south of the border that would knock the genitals off you boys. And Jenson, "He quickly added and I nodded grinning.

"Still, let me be clear to you three. This kid's the best talent I've seen in years. So he's your responsibility now. You four are gonna stick together. Especially you Jenson I need you looking after these idiots. You're gonna look out for each other. And you're gonna have each other's backs. You got it?"

That sounded more like an order but we all shared a glance. That sounds like torture. I never wanted kids. Not now!

"We got it," Scott nodded.

Huh, all three of us looking after one puppy freshman. This could go wrong in so many ways. Many many ways.

I'm still working on saving Scott's ass. And a Liam on top of Stiles constantly yammering with his sarcastic commentary.

I can't wait.


"Again," I urged and let my claws slip out. Parrish tried once more and nothing happened. Nothing.

"This is pointless," he heavily sighed and went back to his documents.

"It's progress," I attempted on making this situation better. Wasn't working. "Yeah, completely pointless we should give up and never lose sleep again."

Then Lydia entered with a book and three hot chocolates. "This used to be on a hard drive. Drink."
She placed a hot chocolate in front of me.

"Marry me, Lydia Martin. You won't regret it," I immediately took a sip and was now more tired than ever. "Forget I said that. I'd leave you at the altar."

"No one is sane enough to marry you, Skyler," she laughed and then turned to Parrish.

I'd be sane to marry me! On second thought I couldn't even handle myself while overthinking. Might have to check back into Eichen to search for insane tributes.

I was too busy closing my eyes to understand the conversation.

"Eventually decided it might be a good idea to have a hard copy around," Lydia continued and I watched Parrish examine the book.

"So we put it in a book. Well, Lydia and I did since we're the only two smartass women who can understand Latin," I proudly stated waiting for Lydia to give me a high-five.

She shook her head at me in disappointment.

"Wow. Talk about mean."

"What is it?" He asked opening it.

"It's called the Bestiary," I sleepily added. "Whatever you are, it might be in there."

"We'd like to help you figure it out," Lydia said and Parrish stared at her with a questionable look.

"Yeah, team Skydia helpin' out handsome," I winked at him and then began resting my head on my hands.

"What about Skyler? Whatever she is should be in here right?"

"Wrong," I quickly said. "I know most, and by that, I mean like a quarter, of the book now because of how many times I looked through it and there was no mention of hot fire girl who loses memory every time she fully transitions and takes away pain through gold lines on her veins."

"You just had to add hot on there," Lydia scoffed.

"You know it," I clicked my tongue and pointed in her direction. The fact that she refuses to marry me shocks me. "So Parrish. Ready for what will feel like an eternity of finding out who or what you are?"

"Not really," he nervously laughed and I nodded.

"Good neither were we."

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