Mafia's Angel

By FlyingApsara

34.5K 2.5K 1.2K

He wanted to be Saved. He wanted to Save him. The Angel meets a Mafia in most unexpected situations. He was... More

Mafia's Angel
Mafia's Angel
Mafia's Angel. 4
Mafia's Angel. 5
Mafia's Angel. 6
Mafia's Angel. 7
Mafia's Angel. 8
Mafia's Angel. 9
Mafia's Angel. 10
Mafia's Angel. 11
Mafia's Angel. 12
Mafia's Angel. 13
Mafia's Angel. 14
Mafia's Angel. 15
Mafia's Angel. 16
Mafia's Angel. 17
Mafia's Angel. 18
Mafia's Angel. 19
Mafia's Angel. 20
Mafia's Angel. 21
Mafia's Angel. 22
Mafia's Angel. 23
Mafia's Angel. 24
Mafia's Angel. 25
Mafia's Angel. 26
Mafia's Angel. 27
Mafia's Angel. 28
Mafia's Angel. 29
Mafia's Angel. Epilogue.

Mafia's Angel. 3

1.2K 110 67
By FlyingApsara

Mafia'a Angel chapter 3

Tae came back to his penthouse much much late. He wasnt in a mood to talk to anyone. So he frowned to see Max sitting in his lounge.

"Am not in a mood to talk about anything. Leave". He turned to go to his bedroom but his hand was caught.

"Listen to me for once". Max said.

"Max. Go to your place. I am tired and simply not in a mood to talk. I got it you want to protect your brother so go and take care of him. I will ask the doctor to cooperate with you regarding all medical facilities. Thats what you want. So have it your way". He waved his hand to dismiss but Max was as stubborn as he was.

"Just listen to me once please. I wont bother you again". There was an edge in Max's voice that made Tae look at him. "I need your help"...

"Help in what? He is being treated in the Base hospitals. You want to take him out, i will support it. Hire any doctor you want. You dont need to worry about any financial support. Thats all i can do". Tae walked to his room but the door was held by Max.

"Please Master... Please. Help me save my brother. Please bring him back to life". He clasped his hands on his chest begging for help.

Tae pinched his nose in frustration.

"What you want me to do Max? You were right to say i cannot plant flowers on the path of stones. I cannot guarantee him a safe life. You are his brother, you know him best. You can take him good. Bring him to your home or any separate place if you want. Now i want to sleep. Please".

"I cannot do anything Master. I need you. Like i did back then. Only you can take care of him. Only you can bring him back. Please Master. I beg of you. Please". Max broke into tears.

Something Tae couldnt bear.

"The Fuck Max. I have been in a fucking meeting with those fucking shits. My head is bursting with all the load, and then its you. Okay tell me what you want me to do. But am telling you, once i take him in, you wont meddle in between. Got it"? Tae said in his stern tone and Max was all fast to nod.

"Call Tul. Ask him to bring Vodka. I need it badly. Am going to take bath". He went inside to get fresh while Max turned to call Tul..


"Soooo... This is all about him"... Tae held the paper with notes from Max. He had written everything he knew about Mew till he was 5 years old. His likes dislikes. His favorites. Triggers. His fears. Even allergies.

"Yeah. All that i know. I wont meddle in between you and him. Deal with him the way you think its better for him. I wont say any word. I trust you. I know you will do the best for him. Just... Dont hurt him please". Max said clasping his hands.

"I wont hurt him. But if its to make him strong. Maxin, you know what we do to live. Its all danger. A dark world where we survive every day. It was never rainbows and unicorns. Its always guns and smoke. It will be bloodshed as long as we are alive. If you think its too much of a risk for your brother, i will step away right now.

But i assure you once he comes back, he will be strong and confident. I will make sure he will never cross paths with any pain. I will protect him. I will provide for him. Do you trust me enough to let me take your baby brother under my wings"? Tae asked in a serious tone.

He could see Max thinking hard. Yes it was a hard decision for him. It wasnt about himself. It was about his brother. His long lost brother.

Tul  patted his shoulder in encouragement. A sign to be with him. Max closed his eyes for once and then open again.

"I trust you Master". Max said in a firm tone. Tae smiled proudly. He knew Max was strong.


The next few days were hard for a impatient person like Tae. For years he only spoke of guns and daggers and now he was here coxing a sulking and pouting boy for not bringing his favorite Teddy Bear.

It took a lot for Mew to open to Tae. He was still scared, so Tae would keep a distance with him. He would not invade his personal space. For the first two days, Mew would straight away throw everything that Tae would bring for him.

But he opened up a bit to see Tae all sad because Mew threw away the plushies Tae bought for him. Mew bit his lips before standing up. Tae was sitting on the chair near the window. He stood up too to see Mew approaching him. He saw Mew went to grab the plaushies he threw and held them on the bed.

Tae looked at him from the corner of his eyes hiding his smile. He didnt want Mew to shut himself again in the shell.

They didnt speak anything till the visiting hours were over and Tae left the room making sure Mew had his dinner and he was constantly guarded.


"Yes Maxin". Tae lift his head up signing a file in his office.

"How..". He gulped a lump.

"Come. Sit". Tae closed the file, gesturing his PA to take it and close the door.

"He is bit better. We have shifted him in a private room for a few days until he is comfortable around me. He has started to open up a bit but am not imposing. I give him space and margin. Am waiting for him to trust me. He is responding to medicines. But again there are a few trigger alerts that we need to work". Tae told everything calmly.

"Can i...".

"Not yet Maxin. He still cant get over the fact that you left him. Even if we told him that you wanted to buy food for him. His mind is stuck. He thinks if you had not left him, he wouldnt have to suffer it all. He is accusing you of everything that he faced.

The doctor told me that he had been sexually abused since he was 10. And then raped multiple times since he turned 13. He is 18. 5 years of hell. First the people in the orphanage and then when he break away from the aweful place, he was targetted multiple times since he had no one to support him. 

This particular incident happened after 2 years of his peaceful life. Peaceful i would say when an elderly couple took him in. Surprisingly, even after all this shit in his life, he managed to study. And now he is an engineering student at full scholarship.

One of his friends or classmates you can say, let him live in his old apartment out of pity or a payback for his help in studies.

Am not in a favor of Mew living alone again. I was planning to bring him to my apartment at the Centuria. What say"? Tae turned to Max and just looked at him. As he expected Max was crying in pain. For every word, every suffering his brother lived. He was blaming himself too. Only if he had not left him. 

"It wasnt your fault Max". Tul came too. He was a witness of how Max had cried in these past days.

"Am not blaming you Max. May be Mew wont too. But at this time you can say its his inner child. Speaking about his fears how he survived his childhood. Lets make sure he starts trusting us and then we can open up all. Hmmm"? Tae came too patting his back.

It was all about family.


"What happened"? Tae aaked Mew who was sitting with head low. For the first time Tae had seen Mew sad after them talking for a few days.

"Nothing". Mew didnt reply much. He didnt eat ramen too.

"Wont you share with your friend"? Tae asked with a little smile that perked his interest.

"Friend? Are we friends"? He said and Tae swore he never saw anything more glittering than those eyes.

"Ofcourse we are. Why would anyone bring your favorites if not friends". He said.

"Ohhhh". Mew smiled a bit. "I... I dont like here". He said with a pout.

"And what you want then"? Tae probbed.

"Cant i go back to my place"?


"But Mew doesnt like here". This time Tae held his heart. Seriously. Mew was looking so cute with a pout and he could see his eyes misty.

"I know Mew doesnt like here. But we wont go back to your apartment. I.. I actually wanted to talk to you". Tae said in a calm tone not to scare him.

"Talk to me about what? Am i dying"? Mew said with his wide open eyes.

Tae was dumbfounded for a moment and then.. "What?  Oh no... No no not at all. Where did it come from? Why would you die"? Tae said in a single breath.

"Then what do you want to talk about"?

"Well... Its... Tell me Mew. Do you trust me? Even if 1% do you"?

"Uhm.... I... I dont know. May be". Mew said in an uncertain tone.

"Oh. Okay. Understandable". Tae said and fell silent.

"Is friend sad"? Mew asked after a moment of silence.

"Umm yes i am. I thought may be you could trust me". Tae said.

"Am scared". Mew said as a matter of fact. "But i dont dislike you". He added giving Tae a hope to talk.

"Can i sit with you"? He pointed to sit on the bed beside Mew that he simply nodded.

"Look Mew. I wont hurt you. I wont break your trust. I know its hard to trust someone. But please, i want you to trust me". He softly held Mew's hand. He fell stiff for a while before thinking on his words.

True. Tae did everything to cheer him. He bear his mood swings. He never scolded him. He brought his favorites. It wont harm to listen to him first. Right.

"Tell me what you wanted me to listen to". Mew asked Tae who took a deep breath.

"Your previous place isnt safe for you to live. I am sorry, but i went to see that place. Its almost a slum area. No guards, no security. And the management didnt treat you good. Right"? He asked in a soft tone and didnt pesture when he saw Mew biting his lower lip.

His blood boiled again but he calmed himself as he reminded himself of what he did to them.

"I want to take you to my place at Centuria. You must have heard the name".

"Haaaaa. Centuriaaa. Its sooooo expensiveeee". Mew exclaimed in shock. His eyes were wide in excitement.

"Dont think about expenses. Its my own so you dont need to worry about it. Tell me will you come with me"? Tae asked again.


"But what Mew"?

"Mew would be alone there".

"No. Mew wont be alone there. I will be with Mew. Also, Mew will study in University. Make friends. Enjoy life hmmm"? Tae coaxed him but Mew was nervous.

"Mew doesnt want friends.". He said fiddling with his fingers.

"Why dont? Do they bother you"? Tae was concerned.

"They... They..".

"They used you"? Tae came to a conclusion. And Mew only proved him right buy lowering his gaze.

"Did they touch you? Did they harm you"?

"They... They would say i..i need to pay them because sometimes they would help me with". Mew murmured. Tae felt his blood boiling again. Damn this world is so cruel. Everyone talks for benefit. No doubt Mew took time to trust him.

"Okay. We will change university, you will study in a new place. I will make sure no one will bother you". Tae said in a firm tone. Mew was just looking at him. His eyes were searching for anything that he could hold not to trust Tae. But he got no reason.

Over the years, he had met so many people. He had trusted them easily. Just over a smile. And they broke him to core. Sexually, physically and not to mention the verbal abuse. He had spent countless nights in his room, curled and crying in the corner.

He saw how people treated him like trash. And now there was a person, a stranger a week ago. He took care of him. He made him smile. After so many years he had calm and peaceful nights. Only because Tae helped him. He didnt promise him anything. He didnt ask anything from him. He knew all his favorites and the private VVIP room was decorated with plushies and books just because Mew loved.

No one ever took care of Mew like Tae did. Why? His heart was signalling him not to trust him. Not to fall again. But he was tired. He was weak. He needed someone. A shoulder to lean. A hand to hold. An embrace to gather him.

And Tae was there.

Tae saw him, his lips quivering. He saw Mew scooting a bit close to him until he put his head on Tae's shoulder. Tae didnt move. Didnt do anything. He let Mew cry for the last time. He carefully gathered him in his arms and let Mew shed all his burdens. He made Mew comfortable around him. He secured him, and that was enough tor Mew to breath a sigh of relief.

Tae smiled at the boy curled in his chest. Sleeping sound.

"Sleep Mew. I will never let anything break you". He tucked him in the bed with his plushies and went out to talk to the doctor about his discharge papers.


Happy Reading.
Comment and like if you feel like.

Love you all. Tabbz

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