Enticing The Bad Boys

By Emilia_Blaque

905 159 64

After loosing her whole Family, Vanessa Lilian Spade finds herself working as an Omega in a brand new pack! S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 9

35 5 0
By Emilia_Blaque

“Okay wait, can somebody please tell me... Why is MY boyfriend sitting here with another guy?” Keegan strides closer then leans against a locker, watching with raised brows. Visibly upset by this.

“Keegan, calm down. This is not what it looks like. Who the heck even told you I was here? I told you to wait outside for me, babe.”

“Your cousin told me obviously. And that's beside the fucking point, Falcon Dennis don't bend the damn question. What are you doing with that rotten blood?” He casted his eyes to Tycen who looks weak and exhausted. His head is against Falcon's bicep.

“Don't get disrespectful Keegan, stop acting like that. I'm just helping out a friend. That piece of shit I call a cousin beat him up for absolutely no reason. Why don't you come help instead of arguing with me Keegan?” He arched a brow in annoyance.

“Friend? Oh so you're cheating on me now? How conniving can you get. I'm not going anywhere near that, whatever ‘that’ thing laying down is. And don't think you'll touch me after rubbing up with that. Falcon, you're so unbelievable.” Rolling his eyes and fanning him off, Keegan walked out and slammed the door shut in rage.

“Keegan! Gosh, why's he being so fucking childish.” Falcon groaned, his boyfriend may be a male but he has the traits of literally a DRAMA QUEEN.

“G-go to him. Go and explain what happened. I-I don't want to mess up your relationship.” Tycen whispered and looked up.

Falcon's brows furrow, “What are you talking about? You didn't mess up my relationship. Even though technically, it's already dying. Keegan isn't that innocent. He knows I love him so...he plays with my emotions.” he looked down glumly.

“I-I'm sorry. This is all my fault.”

“Stop apologizing you didn't do anything. You're innocent. Stop pretending to be villain when you're not. You're a good guy.” He brushed his hair with his hand.

“J-just go to him, I'll be fine.”

Reluctantly, despite his better judgement, Falcon scooped Tycen into his arms as if he was a newborn baby and lay him on a bench. He winced and groaned in pain but said he was okay. After that, Falcon walked out in search of his so-called boyfriend.

Unsurprisingly, he finds him by a locker down a hall. His arms coiled around another guy, they kiss as if nobody can just walk around and spot them there. His heart clenched as he sees the sight, Keegan very much knows how much Falcons loves him and...plays with his emotions. Does and dates whoever he pleases, knowing fully that Falcon will always take him back. No matter how painful it is to watch the one you love, showing the love you deserve to another or others.

“Are we still up for tonight?” The other male whispered to Keegan.

Due to Falcon's heightened sense of hearing, he heard it lucidly from where he is standing.

“Of course we are, I'll come by after seven p.m. And remember, I like it rough. I love bad boys yunno.” Keegan stuck his tongue out at the guy who did the same thing, he took Keegan's tongue into his mouth and they french kissed like tomorrow doesn't exist.

Soon after he left and Keegan waved him goodbye. When he turned around he met a quietly standing Falcon Dennis. Looking at him, expressionlessly. Hands in his pockets, eyes bright and as sharp as knives in a restaurant.

His nose scrunched up, ‘Why's he here watching me? This idiot.’

He walked to Falcon and looked up at him, the difference in height wasn't too bad but Falcon is still indubitably and visibly taller than Keegan is.

“What are you doing out here? I thought you were cuddling with that rotten blood, worthless Omega.” Keegan said with raw, pure sarcasm lacing his voice.

“This is over. I'm done. Don't ever come to my house or call me. If you wanna be a male whore, go be a male whore THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME.” Falcon said with the most coldness one could ever hear, then turned away getting ready to walk off.

Keegan held his wrist back, “Woah. Wait a minute. Falcon, did you seriously just break up with me in the first week of school? You left me for an Omega, have you gone insane?”

Jerking his hand out of Keegan's grip he looks at him. “The Omega has a name, it is Tycen. I didn't leave you because of him. I left you because... Fuck. Isn't it obvious you sick bastard? I am tired of you treating me like a second option when I treat you like a motherfucking priority. I am a Werewolf, I have a heart and feelings. I'm not a toy you can fucking play with Keegan. And if I ever see you near him, you will pay the consequences. Now go.”

And just like that, he left. Leaving Keegan standing there dumbfounded, bewildered. He didn't expect Falcon to leave him, but he just did. Why? Was it because of that... That Omega.

Suddenly somebody bumped into Keegan making him snarl and turn around. He sees a quite pretty girl, she has black hair with neatly cut bangs and beautiful grey eyes. Who is she?

“Hi. I'm looking for Tycen. Have you seen somebody named Tycen? He has big blue eyes.” Vanessa inquired, worry staining her voice.

“Y-yeah. I think he's in the locker room with... With Falcon.” Keegan replied, she nodded and blasted off without thanking him.

“Discourteous child. So, she also knows that stupid excuse for an Omega? She smells like one too, but she's also an Alpha's daughter. I don't give a fuck, Falcon can't ever break up with me, he's mine.”

Glaring at nothing, Keegan turned around and walked away.

Vanessa roamed around the area, not knowing exactly where is the locker room and completely forgetting about the teacher and her club altogether.

She ceased walking when she turned a corner, she sees Falcon sitting down. He's... Crying? He has both hands holding his face, with her supervision she can see tears falling to the ground.

[That male slut resembling, irrelevant bitch must be somebody close to him then.] Akeyla said and Vanessa groaned.

‘Why can't you stop judging people? You're disrespectful.’

[And I sincerely don't give a fuck so let's go see what's up with this guy.] Akeyla howled making Vanessa huff and shake her head. It's hard having a wolf like her who has an unbridled mouth.

“Falcon? You okay?” In seconds she sat next to him, putting her hand on his shoulder with concern in her voice and expression. He sniffled.

“I... Really loved him, but... He keeps hurting me. I'm done, I can't deal with the pain anymore. I can't deal with him anymore. I'm hurt, but, it's the best decision.” He wiped his tears with his hands and nodded positively.

“I am not a relationship guru but, let me say this. If somebody can't see your worth, don't show them. Sometimes it's not about listening to your heart, it's about doing the right thing. I don't know you all that well but, Falcon, but I'm positive you're a good guy and you don't deserve this bullshit. He's not worth it.” She leaned back and smiled lightly.

“How the heck do you know this shit? Anyway, thanks Bling.” Falcon felt his mood lighten up.

“Don't mention it. Have you seen Tycen? His sent is still lingering on your body?” She sniffs him.

“Shit... We gotta go now!” He grabs her hand and dragged her into the locker room. Both barge in and meet Tycen now changed.

“Hm? Falcon, Vanessa. You're here.” Tycen smiled at them and held the straps of his black bag.

“What the...I just left you...and you. Okay. I'm glad you're now up and okay, I apologize for Ray. He isn't the smartest, he's a dickhead I know I know.” Falcon went and hugged Tycen, now being indulged in his delicious scent.

“Wait a minute. First of all, I am happy Tycen is okay. But. What the fuck happened? Y'all better not even come and lie to me.” Vanessa steps to the two, examining Tycen's body closely.

“Romayne Kensington beat me up again. Falcon saved me. Don't go start a fight Vanessa please.” Tycen moved out of Falcon's embrace and held her hands.

“Oh don't worry, I'll make sure to clean up the blood when I'm done feeding his face with my motherfucking fists.” She begins walking out, now enraged but Tycen pulled her back and hugged her. Not wanting her to and create trouble.

“Please don't go cause trouble. I am fine, Falcon saved me.” He said ever so softly and soothingly, she sighed calming down.

“Fine. Let's get out of here. And thank you Falcon, you're a lifesaver.” She flashed him a smile and walked out, Tycen turned and also thankfully smiled and waved at him before leaving with his best friend.

( Sunday _ Midday )

“Falcon, it's fucking Sunday and Tycen and I are heading to the damn pack house.” Vanessa grumbled over the phone and kicked a random rock. She gave Falcon her number Friday evening before she left. As of now her and Tycen are heading to the pack house. The Alpha called an emergency meeting.

“Sheesh, calm down Bling. Just chillax maybe it's not even something that frickin serious. And, ermm, where's Tycen? Can I speak to him?”

“Did I not tell you to stay away from my best friend?”

“Vanessa. I'm just checking on him, calm down okay.” He rolled his eyes, even though she couldn't see him doing that.

“Falcy wants to speak to you.” She handed the phone to Tycen.

“Hiii. What's up?” He smiled.

“Hey kiddo, how are you doing?”

“Not bad. I'm fine even though a bit nauseous, but I'm good.”

“Alright. Don't go getting pregnant now. Take care of yourself and hit me up if you need anything at all okay?”

“I won't get preggo Falcon. But I'll call if I need to chat to you, bye bye take care of yourself now.”

He hung up and gave Vanessa the phone, she slings an arm over his shoulders and they made their way to five-floor pack house.

Both made their way to the back and meet everyone lined up and waiting for the announcement that he deems so frickin essential. They got in line, standing at the back. Glares are thrown at them constantly.

“Settle down everybody. Line up and keep quiet.” Alpha Xavier spoke, bickering and gisting ceased immediately and all eyes moved to the stage like platform he is standing on.

“Members of the Black Crescent Pack. As you all know, my son over here. You're Alpha-to-be has recently returned from training camp. To celebrate this, a Welcome Home Party will be held on Wednesday.

“So, you all need to get ready. I will hire some orchestrators and you all will be helping out. That was not a request either. That is all, you may now get back to your pack duties.” He waved his hand dismissively and began talking to his Beta Donatello.

“Tch. If I talk he'll kick me out of this pack instantly. I'll see you later Tycen, take care, I have dishes to go wash UGGGHH.” She hugged him and groaned as she walked away leaving him still standing there awkwardly.

He is worried, he has club Monday evening. While Vanessa's club is being kept only on Friday and Tuesday, his is being kept Monday, Wednesday and Friday...and he doesn't want to miss going there.

He made his way onto the platform where his Alpha is standing and coughed to gain his attention. Donatello and Xavier turned with supercilious looks.

“G-good afternoon. Alpha Xavier, I'm afraid I can't help out on Monday. I have club a-and my friend, Vanessa also has club.” He nervously said and chewed on his bottom lip nervously.

Xavier eyed him and said, “Are you disobeying an order Omega? Do what you're told and don't plague me. It's bad enough a disappointment such as yourself in a pack such as mine.” he dismissively fanned him away.

“But Alpha—” He was cut off by a growl that came from the Alpha, he whimpered and bowed in submission to the top hierarchy.

“I said, go find something to do and don't pester me. I don't have time to listen to your fuckery. You are dismissed, go and find something constructive to do with your time, Rotten blood.” He once again faced Beta Donatello.

“But that would mean missing club, I don't want to miss Club. Alpha can't you do something?” Tycen is still obstinately trying to make the Alpha exclude him from pack duties. They always give him the most heavy things to lift, when they know fully well that he is just a human....

“Hey!” Donatello yelled, his eyes turning yellow as his gaze shifts from the Alpha to Tycen. “The Alpha said no, what is your problem rotten blood? Go away and stop bothering the Alpha!”

“But I—” A growl cut him off.

Donatello began approaching him, he screeched in fright and stepped back. Missing a step and falling back but arms caught him just in time before he could fall flat to the ground so that the Beta who is worse than the Alpha could catch him. He held onto the person's body for support, the person has some quite sinewy arms and biceps.

“W-what... W-who...?” Tycen pulled himself up slightly, the person now holding him by the waist. He looked up and his eyes went unexplainably wide when he saw that it was.... Romayne.

Sorry for the unintentional hiatus. I'll try and make Chaps more lengthy for whoever reads.

*Ignore Typos (~‾▿‾)~*

  ~Sinful Saint~

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