Classroom Of The Elite x Oc

Galing kay alexkuhar360

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What happens when an American boy who has a passion for reading gets transported to a anime world he knows pr... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter: 30
Year 2 Announcement
Year 2 Prologue
Year 2 Prologue 2
Year 2 Chapter 1
Year 2 Chapter 2
Year 2 Chapter 3
Year 2 Chapter 4
Year 2 Chapter 5
Year 2 Chapter 6
Year 2 Chapter 7
Year 2 Chapter 8

Chapter: 31

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Galing kay alexkuhar360

Alex's Pov

After the crazy events of earlier I was walked back to my dorm still completely shell shocked from the information I learned today, my second year here is going to be ever crazier than the first one.

Since this school year is over we have until April 1st until classes start back up, this is honestly the first time the irony that the entire S-system misleading that happened last year took place on April first as if it was an April fools joke occurred to me.

This year I know the classes will be informed about the details right away but be dropped to 800 class points from the start.

While I was thinking about it, I wonder what class my "sister" will be in, I doubt Class D to be honest. If she is supposedly a spy being a Class D student would be a double-edged sword since it would limit your possible movements because you have to act like an idiot which might not be worth it even if it provides a good cover.

Next year Class D has enough wacky stuff going on as it is, I would personally think being in Class A or B would be the best plan.

To be honest I do not remember much about first year Class A and B other than who the two white room students are, for instance I don't remember anyone else specifically standing out or what their internal class politics is like.

On another note since the school year is ending Manabu Horikita will be leaving in a few days, I would want to go see them off but I wouldn't what to potentially change anything since it is a really nice moment for Horikita. I also have nothing to gain from it, my only goal regarding him was to get him together with Tachibana which I did perfectly.

With so much stuff going on at school because of graduation there wasn't really anything to do, so what did I do? As strange as it seems I spent my time refreshing my knowledge on the USS Enterprise CV-6, what can I say, the history of that aircraft carrier is essentially the history of carrier warfare in the Pacific during WW II.

As a short history lesson the Enterprise was awarded 20 battle stars during WW II, the most out of any American ship during the war. Not only that the ship was responsible for victories in many major battles during the hardest time of the war in the Pacific, even as the only functional American carrier in the Pacific for months. With a combination of luck and skill the ship was unequivocally the most influential navy ship during WW II, it evaded many attacks and always managed to survive.

The Japanese even declared her sunk three different times just to find out the ship miraculously survived; it was truly ridiculous.

Unfortunately shortly after the war the ship that at times almost singlehandedly stopped the Japanese was sold for scrap, even after shooting down 911 planes, sinking 71 ships, and damaging 172 more she was almost instantly put to the side in favor of carriers that would be able to support jets, the future of aviation.

At the end of the day though, the USS Enterprise was a ship and that is that, even if it is questionably one of the most badass ships ever.

Aside from my knowledge of historically World War II, I know pretty much nothing about Azur Lane lore other than Enterprise is OP, at least I think so.

To be honest I do not think that matters now though, this is completely different and will probably have no effect on whatever kind of person my aunt/sister is.

Another thing to take in is the fact that I am adopted in this world, I don't even know where to start thinking about that, will I ever see my parents again?

I couldn't help but feel sad about that, who wouldn't be, assuming they are on relatively good turns with them.

There is also my "mother" who seems to be some kind of spy handler who works as some kind of important American official in Japan. To be honest this is not the biggest surprise though, since World War II America and Japan have been on good terms since unlike WWI the US was committed to help their defeated enemies build back to avoid something similar to the rise of Nazi Germany. Up until relatively recently American has had a ridiculously large military presence in Japan, being closely related politically is a given.

Thinking about it logically it makes sense, Mii-chan isn't Japanese and she is here, Albert in Class C now D is part American part Japanese.

The fact that Mii-chan is Chinese means that under the right circumstances the Japanese government will allow foreign citizens to enter this school, which leads way to me and my "sister".

Thinking about it now that this world has become exponentially more complex than the Light Novel showed I can't help but wonder, what if Mii-chan is secretly a deep cover Chinese spy? I know my theories are wild and have no evidence but as a person obsessed with books and shows I can't help but think that would be a crazy plot twist down the line even I am confident that wouldn't happen.

While ruminating I got a text from Ayanokoji, it is very rare for him to text me.

"Can we meet?"

Thinking about why he would want to meet I was quickly able to come to a conclusion, this is about the time when Ayanokoji, Arisu, Sae, and Mashima-sensei will meet up. If I remember correctly Ayanokoji talked to Arisu's father and got information about how to fight back against Tsukishiro.

In short I am guessing he wants me to participate with them, as much as I do not want to go there now I had little choice.

With that I made my way to Ayanokoji's room to meet up with him, when I got there I knocked and was met by his usual face. He let me in and still didn't nt say anything, he really isn't a talker.

Once I was in the door he closed it and handed me a piece of paper, it seems like he might have bought into the fact that the school might be able to listen into our phones for audio surveillance which I initially put forward.

Looking at the paper it was the details of when to go to the reception room for this meeting, I did not realize that today is not the day when the event they will use as cover is, it is two days from now.

He didn't say a single word and I then left his room, to be honest I am thankful I do not have to do anything else today, I have a large amount of truths to grapple with when I get back to my dorm.

When I got back I spent the rest of the night thinking about stuff, my brain was so scrambled the concept of hunger slipped my mind completely.

Like that the night and next day went by unnervingly slow, all I could think about is how I would most likely never see my parents or older sister ever again. In this world my parents died in some accident and either my older sister never existed or died with them, I didn't know if I should mourn or not.

To me MY parents and sister are still alive in my world, but here they are dead and I have a new family, it is definitely very confusing emotionally, the reality of your family dying in any world is very depressing when confronting it head on.

When the day to meet with my senseis, Ayanokoji, and Arisu came I was definitely not in a very good state. I had large black circles under my eyes and my hair was messy and unkept.

A little before I had to leave I tried to make myself look more presentable, but unfortunately the results were.... Mixed.

Since the meeting is in the school building I had to wear my uniform, and I freaking hate it, neither green nor red are my colors.

I made my way there slightly early as to not be late and arrived right after Ayanokoji, he looked the same as ever.

When he saw me he must have noticed my deteriorating appearance because he tilted his head slightly to the side, I just ignored him though, right now I am not in the mood to have him finding out all my secrets since I am sleep deprived and in emotional turmoil at the moment.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence Sae and then Arisu and her teacher arrived, when Arisu saw me she looked at Ayanokoji questioningly but when she received no reply dropped the subject.

While we had been waiting Sae and Ayanokoji had some small talk, she was drastically more passive towards him than cannon because of previous events, but overall nothing big happened before our Class A friends arrived.

After they sat down and had a small back in forth Ayanokoji dropped his bomb on the two teachers.

"If I said that I'm the reason why Tsukishiro replaced Chairman Sakayanagi after being confined for suspected wrongdoing what would you say, Mashima-sensei?"

Obviously Sae and Mashima were surprised, I hadn't told her the details about what was going on that she didn't need to know. Compartmentalization is an important thing, telling her sensitive matters she has no need for only posses a risk to me in case she somehow gets caught.

After that Arisu proceeded to talk about the chess match before she prompted me.

"I can assure you the exam was tampered with; I think Alex would be able to explain better than I can."

With the baton handed to me I tried to speak as firmly as possible even though I am physically and emotionally exhausted.

"Tsukishiro made the exam with the intent to interfere from the start, when Arisu didn't get Ayanokoji expelled during the Class Vote Exam he knew he needed to get rid of the protection point. The entire mechanism of sending instructions to the participants was made with the intent to be manipulated, multiple times during the chess game I received spoofed instructions in my headset."

Both teachers seemed surprised by my new information but Mashima-sensei seemed unconvinced.

"If that is the case how did Class C now B win, surly that would cause drastic problems which would cripple your ability to play properly."

I wanted to end it my part quickly so I spoke bluntly.

"I told Ayanokoji it would happen and we made a work around, as for how I knew, I cannot say, but I can assure you that he will only grow more desperate to expel Ayanokoji. Believe it or not, but it is not an exaggeration to say next years special exams are being planned with that in mind specifically. The only thing I have left to say, is that the next Island Exam with turn into chaos, so don't be surprised when the school turns into a war ground."

With that I left, I don't particularly care about the meeting to begin with other than I basic part, in all honest I wish I declined going. All it served to do was expose my existence to Mashima-sensei, the more people that know I know things the higher the chances problems arise is, and right now I have more problems than I can handle.

Ayanokoji's Pov

After the foreboding words Alex said he left, the teacher left behind were dumbstruck, it is surprising to see Chabashira-sensei so caught off guard since I am positive they have some kind of cooperative relationship but it appears she didn't know anything about this specific topic.

As Arisu started Fufuing Mashima-sensei started talking slowly.

"How does he know about these things, I understand if it is Ayanokoji-kun, the target and Sakayanagi-san, the chairman's daughter; but he is an American student here on a special program for foreigners, there is no way he can have such in depth data as to know there will be another island exam your year will be going on."

It is true that the information he has access to is incredible, I have a few theories as to how, but since I have no proof or evidence they are only theories. I also learned some interesting information, another island exam, huh. He also said the exam this upcoming year will be designed to expel me, it seems obvious, but it is a step further than having White Room students try to expel me in normal special exams.

Fighting people from that place will be difficult as it is but fighting the exam itself only makes it more difficult. While pondering Arisu broke the awkward silence.

"He also told me my father would be suspended months before it happened."

After that bombshell everyone looked at her shocked, there is no way he could know that kind of information without some kind of outside contact, on the cruise he played it off as a deduction but that combined with all the other information means that he somehow has outside contact.

Somehow he is in contact with someone who knows a tremendous amount of data about this school, the White Room, and many of the students here. Realistically thinking there is only one logical solution.

Alexander Smith is definitely working for the US government, but they should not know about the White Room either, perhaps a wealthy American investor in the White Room?

Without more data I cannot narrow it down any more, Arisu probably already made some kind of similar deduction, our teachers don't know enough of his other exploits to come to that conclusion but are not far off I am sure.

Mashima-sensei spoke again.

"There is no way he can know that without breaking into the school computer network or the Chairman's office, both of which are highly unlikely, maybe some kind of outside contact?"

While he was talking Chabashira-sensei noticeably flinched, we all saw it were wondering what she knew, under scathing glares she broke her silence.

"Two days ago his mother came to visit the school."

This was very surprising, especially for me, I though "that man" was one of the only people with that much power, but his mother could do the same? Arisu was the one to speak.

"Why was she allowed onto school grounds, there is supposed to be no contact?"

Chabashira-sensei looked really scared, conflicted, and confused but eventually answered.

"His mother is a very influential American official here in Japan, as a foreign citizen, especially an American it was impossible to refuse her. It seems whatever they talked about greatly impact him since it looks like he hasn't slept since."

It was clear that he was very agitated and grumpy today, very unlike his usual calm and quiet self, the last words he said made it seem like he wanted to be anywhere but here and after they were said he practically ran out.

Mashima-sensei then spoke again.

"His name is Smith, right? I do the paper work for international students and another American is coming next year with that same last name? Do you think it might be his sister?"

Arisu spoke up.

"Fufufu I see, it all makes sense now, he must be worried about his sister, it is no surprise. Who would want their beloved younger sibling to come to a cruel school like this one, it isn't exactly where you go to have fun."

Both of the teacher quickly looked to the side, they no doubt realized that if it was them they might not want their loved ones to face the cruelty of this school, it was a good job of Arisu to get the teachers to drop the topic.

I have no doubt in my mind that Arisu and I both know the reason Alex was so jumpy was probably not that.

With that our meeting continues and we reached an agreeable conclusion.

I wonder if Alex's sister, if she is his sister, will be as key of a player as him; no doubt if he is connected with some group sent here for something related to this school or White Room students she will be as well.

The End

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