Hazy Shade of Winter [ON HOLD...

بواسطة TheQuietHufflepuff

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Adriana was born on October 1, 1989 like 42 other children. Like the others, she was far from ordinary. She... المزيد

Aesthetic and Playlist
Playlist II


121 1 0
بواسطة TheQuietHufflepuff


Klaus and Adriana sat at a booth in Stadler's. Adriana silently played with her French fries.

The manager approached their booth and looked at Klaus. "You need to get out. You smell and you're frightening my clientele."

"How dare you," Klaus said. "I am a member of the Royal Family. The three of us are." Klaus' arm was grabbed and he grunted.

"You are not members of..."

"He's touching my inappropriately!"

"I told you once, I told you twice!"

"He's touching me!"

"Get out!" The manager threw Klaus out, and he hit the ground with a thud.

Adriana sighed and handed the manager a five dollar bill. "That should cover it."

The manager looked at the five. "Thanks, Miss."

Ben watched as he leaned against the outside of the restaurant.

"Don't come back till you can pay your damn bill!" the manager yelled, turning to Adriana. "You can come by any time. That money covers the two of you. He needs to pay."

Klaus stared at a pair of white pumps. "Chanel."

A white-haired woman gasped and lowered her sunglasses. "Oh, you poor thing. Let me help you up." She offered her hand and Klaus stared at her with wide eyes. "Oh! Oh!"

"Thank you."

"Come with me."

"Okay." The two started walking.

"I'll take care of you."

Ben frowned. "Seriously, Klaus?"

Adriana rolled her eyes and found an old dance studio. She smiled as she took off her shoes and sat on the floor to stretch herself out. She began doing pliés and arabesque, then did a battu before smiling.

"Still got it," she said softly.


Klaus was led to the front of the room by the elderly woman. He waved his hands and began levitating, and the crowd to applauded.

"Thank you," Klaus said.

Ben held Klaus in the air. He turned Klaus in the air and began grunting under Klaus' weight.

"Okay," Ben said.




Klaus grinned and sat up before he stood. He threw petals behind him.

Ben was on the bottom of the level. He looked at a girl across the way and smiled, but she obviously didn't notice; despite her book.

"Everybody duck!" a man cried.


Adriana signed one final paper, giving her ownership of the abandoned studio she'd found almost a year before.



Klaus rose from the water and his followers covered him with leis as they crooned.


Adriana danced around her studio with a smile.



Klaus' followers murmured.

"Now, steady," Klaus instructed as he was touched. "Hands off! Just let go... Just... form an orderly... Destiny's Children!" Everyone gasped and raised their hands. "Let us all commune with music." They placed their hands near their heads and whistled a single note.

Klaus quickly crawled through the crowd and once he'd passed them, he ran to the car which Ben was standing by.

"In the car," Klaus demanded.

"What? Why?" Ben asked. "Where are we going?"

"Away. Hurry. Quick, quick, quick, quick."

"Away where?" Ben wondered as the two got in the car.

Klaus let out a sigh. "To see an old friend."

"You can't just run out on them."

Klaus turned the engine. "Yeah, watch me."


Lila pressed a small hot poker to Diego's wound and he let out a gasp and screamed.

"Shh. Don't move," Lila ordered. "This thing is very finicky."

"What happened?" Diego asked as Lila continued patching him up with cotton balls and the small hot poker.

"I saved your stupid life."

"Were you following me?"

"Uh, hey, how about a little gratitude, knife boy. If it wasn't for me, you'd be dead. That's twice now, by the way."

Metal clinked before Diego asked, "Where are my clothes? The hell happened to my clothes?"

"I said don't move!" Diego started sitting up and she pressed the small poker into his skin, causing it to sizzle and he let out a cry of pain before passing out with a moan. "There. That's better."

Energy whooshed behind them and Five and Adriana appeared.

Five sighed. "Oh. He isn't dead."

"Disappointed?" Lila inquired.

"Oh, to see you? Always." He picked up a couple pieces of gauze and handed one to Adriana.

"So much hostility in such a tiny package," Lila commented as Five put the gauze to his neck. "Did you cut yourself shaving? I could teach you to shave like a big boy."

Five sighed. "No, Ana and I just ran into an old family friend." He bandaged up Adriana's neck. "Are you okay?"

Adriana nodded. "Yes. Thank you."

Diego snored softly and Five turned to where Elliott was still tied up and asked, "You two didn't untie him?"

Lila glanced up. "Were we supposed to?"


Vanya drove along a dark road as I Don't Care What They Say About You by Mack & Gwen played.

Headlights caught her eye and she stopped. The Swede dressed as a milkman walked towards her after cocking his gun. The bushes rustled and the other two Swedes appeared. The three began shooting and Vanya pressed the accelerator, gasping as she got shot at. She gasped again and drove the car into a ditch. The engine sputtered and stalled.

The blond men walked closer.

Vanya got out of the car and ran through a cornfield as the Swedes stalked her. She paused and waited in silence. She heard a loud rustle close by and began running again. The Swedes shot at her as she ran.

She came upon a gun in her face and was surrounded. She stood and one Swede fired at her, but Vanya used the sounds around her. She destroyed the bullet and knocked the man down before her running resumed.


Elliott ate a bowl of cereal while listening to the radio.

An alarm buzzed red and Elliott informed, "Hey, we got one." He slid his chair closer. "Hey, one of those machines you asked for is going crazy?"

"Which one?" Five questioned as Adriana came to his side.

"It's the, uh, atmospheric radar."


"I don't get it. What are you tracking? A hurricane? A storm front?"

"Sound waves," Five and Adriana answered.

"Ana, do you want to come?" Five asked.

Adriana nodded. "If I may."

"Of course you can." He took her hand and the two disappeared with a crackle of energy.


A man left a bar and another stood with a sign that read 'THE END IS NEAR'.


Luther jogged on a street and boy one cried, "Yeah!"

"Yeah, King Kong!" boy two yelled.

Luther smiled at the boys, then noticed an African American woman. He  tripped on the sidewalk and realized the woman wasn't Allison.

He got up with a chuckle. "My bad."

"Dipshit," boy one taunted.

The boy's words momentarily made Luther think of his younger sister.

"All right. Carry on." Luther jogged away.


Vanya sat silently in the cornfield, hearing two approaching footsteps.

Five and Adriana appeared and saw the brunette girl. He pushed back the leaves and greeted, "Hi, Vanya."

"Who are you two?" Vanya asked as she stood.

"I'm your brother and she's your friend."

"I have a brother and a friend?"

"Look, you can either stay here and wait for the IKEA mafia to come back to kill you, or you can come with us."

"Wh... Why are they trying to kill us?"

Adriana met her eyes. "'Cause you aren't supposed to be here."

"In Dallas?"

"No," Five answered. "In 1963."

The three walked through the cornfield, coming upon something surprising.

"Holy shit," Vanya said.

"Yeah, pretty wild. It's good to see your powers are still intact. Let's go."

They walked through the large crater.


Jack used a sewing machine as he muttered, "Goddamn sequins drive me nuts." Luther entered the room and a dog whined. "Ah, there he is. Want me to scramble you an egg? You need protein after a run like that."

"Uh, no, I'm... I'm fine," Luther told him as he got a drink.

"Well, you need to eat something. I need your head in the game for the fight tonight. I got a lot of heavy hitters putting up a lot of dough." The dog let out another whine.

"What? Yeah, of course. You know, just," he let out a sigh. "You know people, right? Well, you know, guys in the department. Guys that are good at tracking people down and whatnot?"

The dog whined yet again and Jack asked, "Who needs tracking down?"

"It's just somebody  thought I'd never see again. Turns out maybe she's not gone, maybe I just haven't found her yet."

"Well, give me a name, I'll see what I can do."

"Yeah? You sure?"

"Can't have my number-one guy moping around like some sad puppy." The dog whined again. "Come on, give me a name."

Luther clicked a pen, wrote down a name on a napkin and handed it to his boss. "Thank you, Jack."

Jack studied the napkin which said 'Allison Hargreeves'. ""Hargreeves." What is she, your ex?"

"S... Sorta. Y-Yeah. Sure."


Allison stepped out of a taxi and looked at a house. She rang the doorbell and stood back.

No one answered, so she went around back and stood in front of a pool.

"Klaus?" she called, seeing him laying on a pink float in the pool.

Klaus slowly sat up. "Allison?" She let out a gasp. "Allison!"

Allison hopped into the water as Klaus exclaimed, "Oh my God!"

She gasped and let out a laugh. "Oh, it's really you. Oh, my God. Oh, it's been so long."

"Ana and I thought you were dead. We thought we were the only ones left."

"I know. Me too. Is Ana here?"

"She ditched me shortly after we arrived in Dallas. I think she has a dance studio now. I think it's called Libertatea dansului which she told me means Freedom of Dance. Oh, God, sit down, sit down. We have so much catching up to do." He led her to the edge of the pool.

"Yeah. I mean, you want to catch me up on how you ended up in a place like this?" She hopped onto the edge and Klaus sat back on his pink float.

He laid back. "Oh... you know, dicks, drugs, debutants. My holy trinity." Allison laughed. "But, yeah, it's been a wild run."

"Klaus, you started a cult."

""Cult" is a very negative word, Allison. We prefer to call it "an alternative spiritual community.""

"Mmm. Nope. You definitely started a cult."

"All right, all right, all right. Enough about me. What about you? What have you been up to?"

"Uh, well, I'm living in South Dallas, working as a civil rights organizer."


"With my husband."

Klaus let out a gasp and whispered, "You're married?"

Allison chuckled. "Yeah."

"Who is this lunatic?"

She let out a laugh. "His name is Raymond Chestnut. Ray."

"Yeah. Wait, is he locked up right now?"

"Yeah. How do you know that?"

"Yeah, yeah. We did time together." he chuckled. "Wow. Small world."

"We organized a really big sit-in at a lunch counter today."


"And then Ray got arrested on some bullshit charge, and... I can't get him out."

"Hello. Why didn't you just rumor him out?"

"I haven't used my power since..." She remembered using her power on Vanya, then getting her phone slashed. "I couldn't speak for a year."

"Ooh. Ooh, I'm sorry, Allison."

"No, it's okay. I actually really like who I am without it. Everything I have, I've earned, and it feels really good. You know?"

The siblings exchanged a smile.


Pedestrians spoke indistinctly as a woman in red heels and a blue dress walked. She stopped to check herself in a store window and entered a pet store.


A boy tapped on a giant fish tank.

"Fish don't like people tapping on the glass," the Handler told him as a puppy barked.

"Why not?" the boy questioned.

Birds tweeted as she replied, "It agitates them. Makes them nervous." She walked towards the boy and crouched next to him. "Life is tough enough being so small... in a world filled with predators... just waiting for some bigger fish to come along and gobble you up." She let out a chuckle.

"What's that on your head?"

She touched her wound. "It's called a bullet wound."

"From what?"

"From getting shot in the head."

"Is the bullet still in there?"

She let out a soft laugh. "Fragments of it are, yes."

"He." He stood and began tapping the glass again.

The Handler stood and whispered in the boy's left ear. He glanced at her as he peed his pants and ran out, causing the bell to jingle.

She crouched near a tank and watched a treasure chest open and close.


"We'll see you next week," a man said as the door shut and locked.

Odessa walked up and sat next to Allison before asking, "How's Ray holding up?"

"Ray is Ray," Allison answered.

"When's he gettin' out?" a man wondered.

"I'm working on that."

"We need to postpone the sit-in."

People muttered and Allison protested, "No way."

"Excuse me?" another man questioned.

"Kennedy arrives in five days. We have to take advantage. We can't wait."

"I don't know," Odessa admitted. "Something doesn't feel right without Ray."

"Ray would want us to move forward."

"Did he say that to you?" a man asked. "Those exact words?"

"He didn't have to. Because this movement is bigger than all of us. Even Ray."

"Mmm. I'm calling it. We postpone." Allison scoffed. "We postpone."

"Why don't we vote on it?"

"We're not voting on it," another man told her.

"Why the hell not?" Odessa inquired.

"Because that's not how this works," the man who'd decided to postpone the sit-in said.

"You trying to tell me how this works? In my own damn beauty parlor? What... you about to start coiffin' hair, too?"

"No, ma'am."

"I didn't think so." She looked back at Allison.

Allison stood. "Look, we've been organizing this sit-in for months." She made her way to the front. "When Kennedy gets here, so do the camera. Now is the time to show the world what it is really like for us down here." Murmurs of agreement sounded. "And to show the police that we will not be bullied into submission. We will continue to fight for equality, even in the face of persecution. With or without Ray. Because we're ready." She walked to the back of the room slowly. "All in favor?" Hands raised as she passed.

Odessa stood. "There it is. "Behind every man..."" She patted Allison's shoulder and walked away as people spoke.


An officer stood at the front desk and the light flickered. His sandwich suddenly had finger marks and he questioned, "What in tarnation?"

The sandwich began levitating and he stepped back. The sandwich was thrown and hit a door before a typewriter started clacking.

The officer slowly stepped closer to investigate.



OR . . .


The officer darted off.

Ben walked towards Klaus as he said, "Don't gloat."

Klaus blew at him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever."

"You," Ray stated, locking eyes with Klaus. "You got me out?"

"I told you I had friends in high places."

Ray's shoulders relaxed. "I don't know what to say."

"Don't say a word." He stood and held his arms in front of him. "Anything for family, brother."

"Well, okay."

"Yeah!" Klaus hugged Ray.

"We are all brothers beneath the skin."

"No." Klaus stepped back. "No, literally." He pulled off his sunglasses. "You're my brother-in-law."


Klaus chuckled. "Yeah, man." He clapped Ray's shoulder. "Family barbecues are about to get real weird." He tapped Ray's chest, laughing softly before walking away. "Later."

Ray stared after Klaus, still standing in the middle of the hall.


In ballet, arabesque is a position where the body is supported on one leg, with the other leg extended directly behind the body with a straight knee. The standing leg can be straight or in plie, but the back leg must always be straight.

Battu is a classical ballet term that means "beaten." Any step in classical ballet that is made more technically difficult by adding a beating of the legs in the middle of the jump or step is considered battu.

Plié is to bend

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