By guardian_ace1

7.7K 693 935

The omega Zhao Yunlan is just graduating at college and have planned his goal in life. When the inevitable... More

A Tragic Love
His Alpha
His Crazy But His My Bride
The Crazy Dance
Guard Him Like A Hound Dog
Waking Up In You're Arms
Part Two Honeymoon
Being An Omega
My Little Revenge
Coming Back Home
Big Surprise Or Big Problem
You Make Me Glow
A Shocking Revenue
Having Fun Under The Sun
Don't You Dare
To Drive Or Not Too
Someone Took Him
Help Me
The Truth Revealed
Happy Ending

A Lovely Honeymoon

447 36 41
By guardian_ace1

     Yunlan  can't  believe this the first time he will step at this country. Such a beautiful  place full of love and very peaceful.

   That time it's  snowing making the place more enchanting to see. Shen Wei  was satisfied seeing the sparkle in his wife's eyes. That he really love this place. They came to a hotel near the eiffel tower so Yunlan can see it's  beauty.

   Yunlan can't  help himself to awe how magnificent the hotel is everything shinny and gold and at the large window you will see the eiffel standing straight and tall. "Xiao Wei! I want to go there now!" His pleading to Shen Wei  like a little  child. Jumping around him.

   "Aren't  you energetic? I thought you would throw up on me at the airplane?" Yunlan pout. "It was just.......the journey was long and I  get dizzy! But now seeing this place I want to tour it and see everything! Come on?!"

   Suddenly  Shen Wei  pulled  him dangerously near him, pressing each other's  body. Making Yunlan swallowed hard as his cute, brown eyes blinking non stop. "Don't  you want to stay  here for a little while to have some fun?" While running his fingers on his face toward his  back. As Shen Wei kiss him on the nape earning Yunlan a moan.

   Suddenly  he saw lust in his husband's obsidian eyes. Gazing at him from head to toe making Yunlan shiver in his hold. As  his brain went downward when Shen Wei  start kissing his red, plump lips. "Wait Wei! Mmmph...." Making Yunlan melt to his hold. He didn't  notice his the one now  pulling Shen Wei  toward the bed.

   While helping him take off his clothes. Shen Wei  bare chest was so warm and wide making Yunlan drool on it. But his gazing was interupted when Shen Wei  pushed him on the bed and hovered over him. Making him moan load as he made love to him.

   In an hours, Shen Wei  pulling him non stop to a beautiful spot to take a pictures at the eiffel tower. The place is crowded, "Come on slow pock!" Shout Shen Wei.  "And whose fault is that?! You kept thrusting to me non stop! My butt ached!" He shout making passerby look at them wierdly.

   Shen Wei  shut him up with his hand, "You really have no shame!" He smile at his pouting wife. And pulled him to every beautiful scenery at the eiffel tower. Where you can see all over the city of Paris, the city of love.

    Yunlan  notice many lovers and newly wed came to the eiffel tower to take pictures or kiss there. Making him red as they ride the elevator toward another floor. "Will Xiao Wei  kiss me too?" He wonder. But when the elevator open again, there group of  children with their teacher came,  pressing him near Shen Wei.  "Whatta?!!!" Shen Wei  quickly shield his wife from the other by embracing  him. But their both prize grnd at each other making Yunlan gasp.

    The children looking and giggling  at them.  Yunlan went red. "! It's  not nice to look at others like that!" The teacher scolded them. As they came to their destination and the elevator open. The children quickly dashed out leaving the teacher shouting at them not to run.

    "Children they're  cute!" Said Shen Wei.  When Yunlan notice Shen Wei  still embrace him. He  cough to indicate him to let go. But still Shen Wei  won't do it. When suddenly two alphas ride beside them. There Yunlan notice Shen Wei's hands tightly hold him. The two alphas looking at them and can't  help to chuckled.  "Newly weds!" As they notice their rings on their fingers.

    But that didn't  bother Shen Wei  he still hold Yunlan as to say to the two alphas. Yunlan is his. Yunlan was mortified a little  and hide in Shen Wei's chest. As the two alphas leave when the elevator open. Yunlan pushed  Shen Wei  away. "Why your  so possessive of me?! And stop pressing that to me!" He whined.

   "Don't  you know what's  that two guys thinking of you?!" His hsband explained. When the elevator open again. Yunlan quickly got off making Shen Wei  followed  him instead. Yunlan walk fast because his still angry at his husband  and didn't  know he got lost in the crowd.

   He tried to find Shen Wei  but he was gone. "Stupid Wei! Where  are you?!" He walk from here to there just to pass by alphas whose ganging up on a small omega. He tried to ignored it but when the omega whimper.  He can't  stand it, "What do you think your doing?!"

   He shouted at the alphas and pulled the omega behind him. "Would you look at that?! One omega for the prize of another one!" Yunlan got angry, "Where not some meat that you can easily eat! Right?!" As he look at the omega behind him but was gone.

   "What?! He left me?! That traitor!" Suddenly  his thinking break when the alphas laugh. "Look what happened  you let our prey  get away!" They suddenly  towered over him. Yunlan still stay firm and ready to fight. He was startled when another alpha hold him from behind suprisingly.

   "Get off me!!!" He shout. The alpha behind him smell him. "Look guys he smell delicious!" Yunlan struggled from his hold and knocked him off with his head as he head butt him from behind. Making the nose of the alpha behind him bleed. "Wow! We got a lively one here!" As they gang him up.

   Meanwhile Shen Wei  was looking for his wife when he saw an omega running his way, "Please help! There's  another omega being held by them!" Shen Wei  quickly run toward there just to find Yunlan being held up by the alphas and almost teared his clothes off.

   Shen Wei got angry and  didn't  wait for a minte and shoved and punched the other alphas. Seeing the alpha whose hovering over him got distracted, Yunlan kick him on the balls. Making him fall flat on the floor as he scream in ache. "No one touches me without  my permission!!!" Yunlan shout and swing his fist.

   When the police arrive and round up the alphas  gang. Yunlan and Shen Wei  being treated by the paramedics inside their van. "Are you alright?!" Shen Wei  caress his face. That's the only time Yunlan cried. "No! I got scared! That alpha have touch my chest!" The paramedics whose looking at them. Leave for awhile so the newly wed can talk.

   Shen Wei  hugged  Yunlan, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have taken my eyes off you! Where did he touch you?" Yunlan pointed to one of his nipple. Making Shen Wei  suddenly pulled up his shirt and rub it gently. But he suddenly suck it. Yunlan crying stop, "Xiao.....Wei....not here..." But Shen Wei  still suck and lick it making Yunlan  red. As he tried not to moan, feeling that warm tounge tasting his sweet bud.  He didn't  notice he held Shen Wei's  head. Pressing it more to him.


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