Come Out It's Dark in There

By makandch3353

154 2 23

Haley had been through some tough times during her first year of middle school. As a result of them she sees... More

Second Warning
The Beginning
The New Girl
Dream 1
Bathroom Bullying
Dream 2
More Tomato Soup
Drama Club
Dream 3
Mr. Sheraz
Guilty Conscious
Final Dream
After the Story

A New Year

12 0 0
By makandch3353

    Beep beep beep beep beep beep! What the hell is that sound I thought as soon as I woke up. I turn to the left to see the pink Disney princess alarm clock had the time, 4:00, flashing on and off. Then, it had occurred to me today was the first day of 7th grade. And, I had to start getting ready so I wouldn't be late.

  I sighed as I got up from my bed to go to the bathroom. Where I would brush my teeth, floss, and brush the ever living shit out of my hair. I would usually be in a rush. However I caught a glimpse of myself in the small mirror on the medicine cabinet.

   "Damn, is it just me or did I somehow get uglier?" I asked myself. Now I'll be honest here I certainly wasn't ugly, just average. But, today my hair was ten times lighter than before. Making me look more like your average quirky female protagonist in those odd teenage dramas.

   Usually I would have probably stood still a lot longer to think about it. But, I still had to get dressed and the back to school pictures until my mom deemed them as Facebook worthy. God, sometimes I wonder why she even bothers to prove to her peers she was a great mom. I mean she ignores me until she needs me to do something. 

   To be honest I was thinking my mom would be my first target. But, it was too risky considering I would definitely have to report to the police if my mom was murdered. Plus I also needed her to drive me to the library every day. So either way I lose.

  Now I go back to my bedroom to change. And, I see my mom had already made my bed and picked my outfit. Which was a pink dress with white leggings. Yuck! 

   She clearly wanted to show off how she has a daughter that likes feminine things because the older folk say it's rare. Which it isn't. I see a lot of girls in my class wear bows, ribbons, skirts, and makeup. But, apparently our elders are more knowledgeable about that.

   After I got dressed I went to the kitchen where my mom hastily handed me my lunch box and told my to go outside. Once I got out the door I had to pose holding one of my textbooks in various positions. Until my mom settled for the one that I held the book to my chest. Then, I went one the bus and sat at the very back.

  The whole trip was long and boring. Though we had stopped at a new house that housed a Latina girl around my age. She was beautiful and definitely would be a hit with the popular girls so I didn't really think about her at all the rest of the trip.

   As we arrived at school, we all left the bus in a single file line and entered the auditorium. Where the a bald man would welcome the new and old students of Oakland Middle School, OMS for short. Then he would recite the same speech about the achievements of people who graduated here. But, you only really listened if something new popped up or you were the 6th graders.

   Finally the bald man points to the corner where the teachers were sitting and told us our home room teacher will take us to home room. Mine was the old English teacher Mr. Haas. And, he loved to make references to memes that were actually still popular according to the person next to me. 

   We mostly sat in home room for about ten minutes listening to the school rules. Until, Mr. Haas gave us our old locks and told us to find a locker near the classroom to fill any unnecessary belongings, even phones. 

   With in a heartbeat I went for the locker right near the door. So, I only had one locker right next to me. And, boy named Axel went for the space right next to mine. He attempted to make small talk with me which failed. I can tell this year is already off to a horrible start.

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