Dream 2

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      "Haley," a voice called out to me. "Haley... Haley!" it said. Then, I was in a classroom. A tall blond curly haired woman looked at me.

      " Could you tell me what's the meaning of perplexed?" she asked. "Yes, Mrs. Sheraz, it means to be confused by." I responded. Why did that name seem familiar? And, why do I feel happy when I repeat it?

      "Brilliant, good job. You know you should join the Young Reader's club. We could use someone like you." Mrs. Sheraz gushed.

       That's right she was one of the only teachers who liked me. She even... Now we were at my locker. She looked different like she was losing some of her hair. I mean most of the students were assholes so it was probably stress.

        "Here ,darling, I want you to have this." she says as she hands me a worn book. This was the college book she gave me. While it would serve no use for a college I may apply to, it did have some nice stories and tips. I wonder where it is?

       "It was my college book. I actually wanted to be a writer you know. But, I could never manage to write a good book. When I heard you wanted to be a famous writer and I saw your work. Let's just say I knew you'd be the perfect owner of this book. May it's advice serve you well." she said. And, I nodded holding it tight.

        Then, I'm in my yard. I hear an ambulance in the background. I walk to my shed. I hear people crying and sobbing. It gets louder the closer I get to the shed.

        I open the door to the shed. And, I'm sitting in a chair right next to a bed where Mrs. Sheraz lay. She looked pale and she was missing all her hair. She woke up and looked at me. What happened to her?

        I'm now placing the book in a small wooden basket. "Please stay strong," Mrs. Sheraz rasps. 

       Then, I wake up. Tears streaming down my face. I don't know how long I laid there staring at the ceiling but eventually I got up. I had to know if that book was actually there or not.

      I slowly crept down the stairs. And, I went to the backyard. There I made my way towards the shed. As I opened the door it made a loud creak. 

      Then, looked for the basket. It was now covered in a enormous amount of cobwebs. But, I rummaged through it. I finally grabbed a hold of something, and sure enough it was the book.

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