Final Dream

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       I was standing in a dark room fumbling for the light switch. Aha! Found it! I flipped the switch, now covering the room with a dim yellow light.

      I could now see there were people sprawled around the room. Some had a red liquid surrounding them. Were they dead?

     "Yes," a voice answered, "you shouldn't be that surprised though. I mean you wanted this right?" 

       Then, a beam focused on me and I could see my hands and lower arms were covered in blood... "Look behind you!" the voice bellowed. 

       I was scared to do what it asked... but curiosity got the better of me. For awhile I didn't see much but the silhouette of someone... possibly a girl around my age. Then, a beam focused on the spot...

      "Veronica!" I cried out. "You monster!", I yelled. How dear they hurt her! "What do you mean I'm the monster. Your the one with the blood on your hands?" the voice responded.

      I... I wouldn't do this though... Why would I hurt her? "You wanted everyone gone didn't you? That would mean Veronica right? Unless you want to take that back?" the voice hissed. I do...

     Suddenly, something starts wrapping around my face and neck. It started choking me and scratching my face.... Was this what had to be done? "Yesssss," it hissed.

     So, I took the punishment... until I started blacking out. I hear Veronica's voice call out, "Haley please stop... *beep* get out the door and call that number! *beep* needs help... Please stay with me!"  She's alive... and what door? 

       I didn't have to wait long ,though, to see it appear right in front of me. I then grabbed whatever was on my face and neck and pulled it off. I rushed to open the door which showered me in a warm white light.

       When I came to I saw I was in a room... on a bed... right next to Veronica. She seemed to be crying and I reached out to her. Wait why were they all red? As I asked myself that I was bombarded with a huge burning sensation at my face.

       "Ouch!" I yelped. Veronica looked up her eyes were a slight red... How long had she been crying? She immediately grabbed me and pulled me close.

       "God damn it never do that again! I thought I would lose you!" she cried. These words gave me a sense of comfort... Was I actually alive?

      "Thankfully you are.. I don't know how I'd be hear without you." she said. "We just met though" I mutter. "And, I wouldn't trade those two weeks for anything else cause..." "I love you." I finished. She nodded.

        "Oye, la ambulancia estará aquí pronto, hija!" her grandma said while entering the room. "Llámalo. Todo está bien ahora." she responded. "¿Estás seguro?" her grandma asked. "Sí, podríamos arreglarla ahora." she said.

        "You know this effects me right? I should know the full extent of what's going on!" I shouted. "Yeah, no, this is what you get for making me worry. Abuela, just do what I said okay and I'll get her fixed up." God I could so kill her right now.

         Her and her grandma walked out. Then, Veronica came back with a first aid kit. I winced as she tried to clean my face with some alcohol pads. 

         "Come on, if you don't get it cleaned now, I'll have to use the stronger stuff. And, you and I both wouldn't want that" she said. "Use that stuff then. Cause I'm not a baby!" I whined. "I'd beg to differ on that one" she mumbled polling out a small bottle from the kit.

        I screamed as she applied that stuff to my face. And, she gave me a cross between a sympathetic and an I told you so look. Then, she wrapped a cloth bandage from my chin up.

        She tried her best to avoid both my eyes and mouth. Though, she had to cover my left eye a-bit due to there being scratch marks there. She was now putting the stuff she had pulled out back into the first aid kit. 

         She kissed my forehead lightly as she went to put the kit away. I smiled back. Maybe this would be the starting of something great....

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