Silver Lining


185K 13.6K 1.2K

Secret Organization. White Star. Sealed God. They are all gone now. Peace has come again to the Western and E... More

Team Leader
Our Past
Our Past II
Our Past III
Raisa II
Raisa III
Jung Yeon Hwa
How Peaceful
God of Death
Cherished One
You Are Not Alone
Silver and Black
Little One
How Did You Know?
QnA Part 1
QnA Part 2
QnA Part 3
Deja Vu
The Present
Festival II
Festival III
The Butler and The Chef
The Lady
The Rose, The Lights & The Darkness
Special AU Part 1
Special AU Part 2
Special AU Part 3
Special AU Part 4
Side Story
New Moonlight
Zero Failure
Losing Her
The Diary
Puzzle City
The Heart and Soul
The Dukedom
His Guest
Kim Soo Yeon
The Night
The Sun
Her Guilt
The Roots
New Day
The Sea
World Tree


2.6K 222 29

Though the land was a shiver of white and the stars felt more distant in the coldness of winter, sunsets came in the kind of oranges that bring warmth to eyes and soul.

The sunset blossomed in the sky and shone its colors onto the land.

Its colors indicate the end of the day.

It's time for everyone to rest and return to their respective place.


The entrance door opened making the bell ring loudly in the quiet bakery as it was time to close the bakery.

"No wonder this bakery is so popular. All your recommendations are delicious."

"Thank you very much, sir. I will make sure to deliver your words to the owner as she's the one making those desserts. I am pretty sure, she will be delighted hearing your praise."

The innocent-looking employee gave a polite and grateful smile towards his final customer, the old regal adventurer who has a satisfied expression.

The elder looking at the counter where the young owner of the cozy bakery who is noticed his gaze.

The young lady bow her head a bit and smile warmly.

He turned his gaze towards the young man in front of him.

'What a youth.'

The adventurer smiled in nostalgia as looking at both of the young people.

"I will tell my other friends to visit this bakery once they come to the Roan Empire."

"How benevolence of you, sir."

"Hahaha. It's nothing! Then, see you around!"

The frightful-looking adventurer has turned to neighborhood grandpa as he's laughing powerfully.

His tremendous laughing unintentionally woke up the kitten siblings from their evening nap.

– Human! He's so loud!

The human in question just ignored the young child's voice in his head and just keep smiling like a good waiter until the elder leave the bakery.


The bakery's curtain closed by itself and the light turn on to brighten the dim room.


Then, the illusion magic which covered both the swordmaster and young master wore off revealing their signature black hair and red hair.

"Good work, Choi Han-nim, Cale. I am grateful for your help."

Raisa also praised the kittens on the counter who are stretching their flexible bodies by patting their cute little head.

"Thanks to your amazing magic, everything went smoothly, Little Raon."

Raisa caressed the little dragon's face affectionately.


Raon flapped his wings energetically with a big smile.



On and Hong walked towards the lady and jumped into her arms.

She's a bit flustered but just quietly adjusts their position to make them comfortable in her arms.

"Raisa Noona. I am hungry, Nya..."

"Me too, Nya."

"Sweet Raisa, me too."

Rasia felt guilty after hearing their weak voice full of hunger.

They hadn't taken a proper break since the morning because the bakery flooded with customers.

She couldn't take care of the children properly and only feed them with bread and warm milk as there was not much time.

"Same here. I am also hungry, Raisa."

Raisa turned her head and the sight of the Young Master Silver Shield plopped on the banquette seating made her feel sorry for him.

She also peeked over at the Korean Senior, Choi Han.

He didn't say anything but his black eyes showed a hint of fatigue.

'For a swordmaster to be this exhausted...'

The real reason for Choi Han being more exhausted than training with his disciple is the way Raisa taught him.

'She's merciless.'

To be accurate, his punishment for breaking her baking tools.

"Then, should we have an early dinner together?"

The averaging 10 years old children looked at her in unison with their twinkling big eyes.

"Korean meal?"

Even, the redhead sat properly from laying position and looked at Raisa with expectant eyes.

"Well, it's been a long time for both of you hadn't eaten a Korean meal...I guess that's our menu today."

Raisa answered his question while looking at her Korean fellows.

The fatigue on their face vanished right away.

Then, she put the siblings down gently and looked at their golden eyes.

"On, Hong, for the time being, play with Choi Han-nim."

She also looked at Raon's big blue eyes.

"Raon, you can play wherever you want except in the kitchen. How is it?"

Raisa ignored the blatant disbelieve gazes of two humans and one silver cat.

They are having the same thought.

'Shouldn't Choi Han/I play with the children and not the otherwise?'

Well, it couldn't be helped as she already witnessed Choi Han's skill in the kitchen.

Raisa straightens her back and stares at the young master.

The curled silver eyes meet the nervous reddish-brown eyes.


"Help me prepare dinner, Cale."

Raisa walked towards the young master and stretched out her hand to the redhead.

She held his hand firmly and pull him to stand up.

"You are not thinking I am going to do it alone, right?"


"Now, let's go! Children, play carefully! Especially Choi Han-nim!"

Raisa pushed Cale's back towards the kitchen's direction while advising the others to be careful.

The redhead just does nothing and lets his body be pushed by the lady.

Raisa gave the kitchen apron to Cale as soon as they are in the kitchen.

"What are we going to make?"

"Before that, tell me about the children's likes and dislikes when it comes to food. Do they have an allergy to certain ingredients?"

It's the precaution and consideration of Raisa towards the little helpers that lifted her burden today.

That's why she asked the guardian of the average 10 years old children.

Raisa tied her hair again to make sure it was not going to hinder her cooking later.

At the same time, she 'observed' all the ingredients she has to use to make a dinner for 3 adults and 3 growing children.

Raisa didn't even realize the russet eyes eyeing her every action.

'Jung Yeon Hwa is still Jung Yeon Hwa.'

Team Leader of the Healer Team, Jung Yeon Hwa is someone who is hard to approach at first because of rumors circulating her.

Expectations and greed of the others always follow her.

The reason is that she is the youngest multiply abilities user.

Her abilities are all-around abilities that can be used in combat and to treat patients.

Many people tried to get her on their side when she entered the company.

Of course, most of them just wanted to use her to get a higher position and recognization.

Still, she's kind to the others.

The rare kindness you couldn't find in the environment where humans' ugly sides are shown just for one's own survival.

'Even though, she's a bit scary like Soo Hyuk hyung.'


Raisa snapped her finger to wake up the young master who hadn't realized he used one of his famous abilities.

The russet eyes blinked a few times.


"You did it again, Team Leader Kim. You have been doing that a lot these days. In the past, you didn't lose your concentration that long."

Cale looked up and saw the perfectly tied ash-browned ponytail.

Raisa has already started arranging the kitchen utensil neatly.

Then, the redhead opened his mouth

"'s your fault."



Cale wearing the apron quietly while ignoring the glare shot by the lady.

The more time he spends time with Raisa, the more frequently 'Record' is activated by itself.

He used to hate how the 'Record' works.

But, he didn't hate it now.

He's okay now.

Cale looked at the annoyed expression of his working partner.

"For answering your question, Hong and Raon have similar preferences. The boys like something sweet and also meat. They are quite picky eaters as they rarely eat vegetables unless I told them so."

The 21 years old young master's forehead crumpled a bit as he's thinking about how to change the bad habit of the 10 years old kitten and 7 years old black dragon.

"On also likes something sweet but not as much as them. She also eats vegetables very well. Her favorite is creamy stuff like Rose pasta."

"She has mature taste."

"That's rig―"

Before he could finish his words, Cale noticed something in the moonlight eyes of the lady beside him.

It's indescribably warm.

Raisa also has a wide smile on her face.

Cale turned his head away from those burden eyes and change the subject.

"So, what will we make? Choi Han and I can eat anything by the way."

"Hmm...sweet, meat and creamy. Most Korean meals are not creamy...I guess I will make Rose Tteokbokki for On."

"You have Garae-tteok?"

"I even have gochujang and gochugaru. Also, Kimchi is a must for us, Korean."

The young master's reddish-brown eyes widened while the lady raised one of her eyebrows.

Cale didn't expect Raisa to have many Korean ingredients and side dishes.

"Don't tell me you hadn't any Korean meal for the three years you are here."

"I did have Pajeon (green onion pancake) made by Beacrox before..."


"Ron's son and also Henituse Chef. Let's start right away. We can't starve the children, Raisa."

Raisa nodded her head and handed a knife as well as a bowl of meat to him.

Cale skilfully cut the meat into chunks while Raisa washed the vegetables.

There's only the sound of cutting and the water running in the sink in the kitchen.

Raisa doesn't need to advise or said something to Cale because she believes in him to do well.

Also, they are not the type to make an empty conversation.

The tranquility suits them more.

Like a typical Korean does something in a swift, Cale and Raisa finished preparing the dinner around 40 minutes.

"On, Hong, Raon, Choi H―"

The sight of two kittens and a little dragon jumping up and down on the swordmaster's body who be laid on the floor made the guardian of the children speechless.

They looked like they just defeated a villain.

Then, four of them turn their heads toward the young master in unison as they noticed his presence.


"Is it already done, Nya?"

"Done, Nya?"

As the guardian knight of his got up from his position, the children bombarded him with questions while circling him.

Cale just patted the averaging 10 years old children's heads to make them quiet and gave them a short answer.

"Yes, let's go. You too, Choi Han."

"Yes, Cale-nim."

The young lad smile beamingly and followed his liege like what happened just now was an illusion.

Playing with a group of ordinary kids might be bearable but two young beast people and a young dragon were another story.

However, Choi Han looks fine after rolling on the floor with three strong children.

'What a scary protagonist buff...'

Then, five of them walked into the kitchen while Raisa set the table.

Choi Han's black eyes enlarged as he saw the meal he hadn't seen for several centuries.

"Have a seat, Choi Han-nim."

Because of the overwhelmed feelings, he hadn't realized he was the only one who hadn't sat yet.

He thought it was better to sit first, if not, he's not confident enough to suppress those feelings.

As he sat at the table, the familiar spicy, sour, and strong smell welcomed him warmly.

'Kimchi jjigae...Not just that. Doenjang jjigae, Bulgogi, Gyeranjjim, Tteokbokki and more...'

Choi Han could see various Korean dishes on a table.

Then, metal chopsticks came into his sight.

"Have a great meal, Choi Han-nim. Don't hold back, Cale and I made a lot. On. Hong and Raon, you guys too."

"I will eat a lot, Sweet Raisa!"

"Thank you for preparing these, Nya."

"Thank you, Nya!"

A young dragon, a dark red-haired little boy, and a silver-haired little girl smile beamily holding a spoon and a fork as they haven't learned how to use the chopsticks.

There's no hesitation in their action.

They eat the unique meals in front of them that they assumed the three adults in the room's hometown food.

However, the Korean Senior didn't move his hand.

Raisa and Cale looked at Choi Han's expression carefully.

The lady was already heard a bit about the swordmaster's circumstances and how he's in this world while teaching the young man in the kitchen today.

The young master is also reminded of the content of 'The Birth of Hero' novel that he hasn't looked into for a long time.

It's about the life of a Korean high schooler who arrived in the unknown world and lived in the Forest of Darkness for tens of years.

"Jung Yeon Hwa-ssi."

"Yes, sir?"

Jung Yeon Hwa who is inside Raisa's body straightened her body unconsciously after being called her real name, especially by someone who is older than her.

"Thank you."

"Ah, it's a natural thing to do as I know you are not going to accept payment for today's help. Please help yourself, Choi Han-nim."

"It's not that."


A pair of black eyes full of gratitude meet the widened silver eyes.

The starless night eyes reminded her of someone who is like a friend and Sunbae that she lost a long time ago.

"Thank you for taking care of Jung Soo and Rok Soo. Also, Lee Soo Hyuk."

The reason Choi Han hasn't touched the food yet is because his nephew once removed's memories appeared in his mind.

The memories were about 20ish Jung Yeon Hwa who was always brought dishes for the Attacking Team and sometimes both Attacking Team and Healer Team would have meals together.

Having warm homemade meals together is something that is hard to gain at that time.

Still, it's possible thanks to Jung Yeon Hwa who is always worried about the well-being of Lee Soo Hyuk's Team who is continuously having instant food.

Cale who looked at his loyal guardian knight also reminisced about the past.

The swordmaster looked at the lady with eyes of appreciation.

'He sounds like an uncle. Well, he is.'

Then, the russet eyes stared at the flustered face of the lady.

'I am the one who should be grateful to her the most.'

Jung Yeon Hwa continues the tradition between both teams after the devasted accident to have a meal together even though Kim Rok Soo, the current Team Leader of the Attacking Team always refused to participate.

Yet, she still gave him side dishes to him every so often.

At that moment, he opened his mouth.

"Let's eat. Food is getting cold."

Choi Han and Raisa glanced at him and smiled while taking their respective cutlery.

The dinner has finally begun once they put the food in their mouth.

"Strong Choi Han! Eat this! This delicious."

"What is this, Nya?"

"Rose tteokbokki. It's a rice cake with rose sauce."

"It's a cake?!"

"Cake, Nya?!"

"It's not that kind of cake..."

"Raon. Hong"

The small dining room which is always quiet now full of children's energetic voices and laughter.

At the end of the New Year Festival, the memories of the past are etched in their mind.

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