My Yellow Person ✅

By Pink2Jai

155K 6.8K 1.1K

After many attempt Mr Guntithanon had finally arrange the marriage of his first son, Sarawat who just turned... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 2

5.7K 266 38
By Pink2Jai

The lift was big enough but still Tine moved and tried to stand far away as if he wants to hide into the deepest corner inside the lift. While Sarawat stood tall facing closed the doors right in the center. Tine couldn't believe that he was someone's fiance now and that to Sarawat Guntithanon's. The engagement ring he wore suddenly felt heavy on his finger at the thought. He long before stop expecting to get engaged with any alpha man or to get married to someone. He long before stop believing that someone will want him as a partner. Most man desired for beautiful, delicate, thin small looking omega unlike someone like him When his Father got the proposal from Guntithanon's to have Tine's hand for their elder son Sarawat, his father didn't seems he would reject it, obviously Tine understood the prospect. Afterall its The Guntithanon's they were talking about. He's going to be Sarawat Guntithanon's wife in about two months. 'Tine Sarawat Guntithanon, Oh God!!' he suddenly felt his name like it was sacred to take and somehow it was.

Tine was well aware that he was giant with big size man to be someone's wife. Since he was a kid, he grew up facing sneered comment and bullying just because he was too tall, too broad shouldered, too manish for an omega, not so delicate some even called him ugly for his bunny teeth and made fun for having small nose. As the years passed Tine finished shedding all his tears believing nothing can be done to change his unconventional look. In the end he become well aware and accepted the way he looks and didn't wish in his life to have someone's love and have his own family, yet being a sole child to an old family. He still tried. He did it only for his Father happiness and it failed three times until Sarawat. Tine father was old and the family business was modest with his hard work since decades yet not enough in this new industrialized world.

Tine had done his research after Guntithanon's sent their marriage proposal for him to his father. Before the announcement Tine couldn't care less about who was Sarawat and he had nothing to do with Guntithanon's. He and his Father was happily living their life and he was content with his teaching job in Aunt Jenny's Primary School.

Tine wanted to cry when Sarawat pictures popped up on his search engine for the first time. He felt like a circus act for betrothing to Sarawat. The alpha man was so beautiful, gorgeous where he was so ugly and giant to be his wife. He knew the tabloid and news people would make them into this 'love is blind' shit for the world to see. He would become a humiliation for Guntithanon and for his father after marriage. But anyway it was bound to happen wether he marry to Sarawat or anyone else as it was written in his destiny to happen if ever he get married to anyone.

The thought brought up an image of his old crush Bright in his head. Tine had imagined marrying Bright many times when he was a kid, teenager and Now sometime he imagined having kids and living fluffy life with Bright. He was content having Bright just in his head. Bright was his first crush afterall and he still like to get drifted in to fantasy world when he read romance novels. Tine jolted out from his thought when he heard Sarawat asked him "Why did you agree on this... whole prospect?". Sarawat asked Tine abruptly vanishing his fiance's train of thoughts about his crush. Sarawat voice was smooth and almost inaudible. Tine blink twice and asked "What?" Tine replied but quickly palmed his mouth. His voice came out sultry as if he moaned at the thought of his crush Bright.

Sarawat turned his whole body towards Tine put his hands inside his slack pocket and stare the man. Tine find the man standing in front is more handsome up in close view. Sarawat was wearing a red button-up making his golden skin shinier Sarawat quietly began again "You know what I mean Tine... Money?, Fame?, Planning on digging my fortune.. Baby?". Tine was about to opened his mouth to reply but shut it after hearing endearment which nobody ever called him with . Tine heard his inner voice 'Don't get him upset with your stupid mouth Tine. It is no use to play push and pull with this man.'

Tine took a deep breath and answered honestly as he backed himself until his shoulder blades pressed on the wall of the lift "I don't have any option to even reject your father's decision? And the prenups everything sounds... fair to me".
Sarawat flatly stated "You understand The paper said that your family fishery business would be transferred under Guntithanon's Corp. And My Father asked to give him a heir within the first year of our marriage". Tine shrugged it and respond "I think having your father and your expertise in our business would certainly help my family's business to expand and runs smoothly. I'm not a fan of business but I want it to grow and expand because I know my father cares about his workers and their families. He's feeding them for ages. And the second... I um... I...think... one year is good enough for us to warm up and......".

Sarawat watch Tine with his wide eyes while Tine cheeks turned pink from pale. Sarawat walk extremely close to Tine and said with a nod "Alright!". Sarawat was an inch shorter than Tine but that didn't seem to be bothered any of them. Sarawat had beautiful brown eyes almost like an dark chocolate it fit so well with his brown hair. He did look like a proud lion as his family who consider century-old and seems to have some kind of magical powers in their blood. Tine swallowed hard standing up this close to Sarawat checking him out. Feeling his warm minty breath on his neck. He... he should feel awkward... For almost inspecting his new fiance straight on his face. Yet he didn't though. Tine once again jolted on his spot when he heard Sarawat murmured "You're still very young, Tine...". Tine blinked at that and replied truthfully "I.. I don't think so I'm twenty-eight. And according to the rich legacies enthusiasts I'm still in my marriageable age. And I'm old".

Sarawat suddenly had a ghostly smile on the edge of his lips he again stated "You're still young. I bet you can still find someone who is more suitable enough". Before Tine could respond to Sarawat the lift hit the ground floor and Sarawat walked out first expecting Tine to follow him behind. Tine, being Tine followed and muttered at his last declaration. "Sarawat You saw me right?" Tine jogged a little until they walked side by side. Sarawat respond as a matter of factly "I do and I don't deny that you're quite a Giant Bunny looking Man". The words from Sarawat didn't hurt him as much it used too. At least he was honest and didn't say he has an 'unconventional' look.

Sarawat walked out of his building and until they were outside away from crowd. 'Ugh!' Tine hated how hot the day got, he felt worse as he wore a jumper for God know what reason. Sarawat suddenly stopped on his track and faced Tine. The sun was kind, it shone directly on Sarawat head. Suddenly the man was looking more handsome under the natural light for Tine eyes. Sarawat began "Well Tine are you not going to ask me why I agreed?". Tine blink again he had thoughts about it but none of it made sense. So he replied the most understandable reason according to him "You're getting old?".

Sarawat chuckled and Tine froze 'Gods those lips?!' Sarawat quietly said "Not as old that you're not rejecting me" After saying Sarawat smile quickly disappeared and his look turned into serious he continue "Truly fiance, all this QnA's will make our ordeal honest". Tine didn't understand which part of being honest Sarawat meant. They practically had files of each other now But he still took his suggestion and ask "Why Did yo...?". Sarawat didn't even bother to let Tine finish his question. Clearly wanted to let this out from his system out and open since their meeting ended he honestly admitted "I took over my brother's position so that he can leave and marry the love of his life. And I fucked my own sister since I was fourteen".

Tine took a moment to digest the truth. He didn't know the information circulate years ago about Guntithanon's siblings was true or made-up. He was close enough to Aunt Jenny. He did heard about the scandalous affair about Guntithanon's siblings it happen within their small circle afterall, every rumour, ridiculous or not was always floating around. After a while Tine quietly and calmly said "So the rumours were true after all". Sarawat replied almost resigning about it "Yes, so you heard about it". Tine still stood tall in front of him not feeling particularly anything. He should be surprised and disgusted by him but Tine expression was calmed. However for Tine it felt like just a statement got confirmed when Sarawat himself shared it with him. He was just glad Sarawat was honest about it. At least Sarawat Guntithanon decided to trust him.

Don't forget to share your thoughts ❤️💛and happy birthday to me. Thankyou for staying with me and supporting my books ✌️🥳

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