How If (Dong Hua And Feng Jiu...

By sist_tria

41K 1.1K 644

How If the litle fox, Bai Feng Jiu want a room to prove her self that she capable to rule Qin que without her... More

1. The Begining
2. Boredom in marriage
3. Sensitive Child
4. It's been three days
5. Peace ?
6. Let's talk.
7. Trust
8. Ridiculous (part one)
9. Ridiculous (part two)
10. Consequence
11. Question.
12. Pray in shooting star
13. Male Weakness
14. Seduction Magic
15. Heartiness
16. Is there still love?
17. Compromise
18. Unexpected mission
19. The greatest debt
20. Taken a stand
21. Let's calm down for a while
22. Responsibility and Pleasure
23. Doubt
24. Cruel Mother in Law
25. War over woman's problem
26. Who is Dong Hua's Spoiled Child?
27. Punishment for The Lady (part one)
28. Punishment for The Lady (Part two)
29. Reunion
30. Strange Shadow
31. Life peacefully together in Bihai Changling
32. The Wedding
33. Ming Xia's family
34. Tempt Squad
35. Family and Friends gathering
36. Private and intimate
37. Baby for blackmail
38. Return of the crown princess
39. Show the fang, bite the pain
40. First time they met
41. Lust over woriness
42. The confrontation of the two wives
43. The point is to be fair
45. Suffering is not over
46. They're back
47. Why is she so depressed?
48. Give him a chance or test his loyalty?
49. It's not fair to them
50. Just give her a chance.
51. Just because I am jealous
52. Wellcome, Jian Yin
53. I am a mother of two now
54. I am your wife too
56. Before the war
57. The thing he was most afraid of happened

44. What actually happened

496 13 15
By sist_tria

Ming Xia combed her hair in front of the mirror. Her smile broke when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were red from falling in love. She fell in love with her own husband, Crown Prince of  Jiuchongtian.

Lately, her husband was very nice, her husband was so attentive to her. She was sure that the man still had to share his attention with the crown princess but she didn't mind it. They both have rights.

However, she believed Ye Hua's love is only for the crown princess. The man sometimes didn't not focus on their time together. Their interactions were minimal. More on the relationship of friends than husband and wife.

Ye Hua never asked her to have sex. The thing she missed so much. She didn't know what's up with her. Het passion was burning when Ye Hua approached her and she wanted more. It's impossible thing.

She still remembered Ye Hua's touch because of her magic. The man's chest was so firm with strong arms embracing her. Her tail weakened instantly when Ye Hua's entered hers. Her chest swelled, her head tilted up until her back arched back, while the blows down there were painful at first, but she enjoyed it too. The storm was getting quieter in the background. The dark sky turned into a bright light and her most magnificent form turned into an ordinary form.

The storm... the storm that ultimately resulted in this confusing relationship. Before the storm, their relationship was fine. Ye Hua, who at that time she knew as Hua Ye escorted her to the Northern waters. However, on the way, Ming Xia felt that Hongli's existence had changed. She was sure that, and Hongli's whereabouts were on a nearby island. Ming Xia was sure of it and asked Hua Ye to turn around.

At first Tao Wen refused, but Hua Ye convinced him. So, their ship finally docked to the island. Ming Xia came down carrying Biming then The two men unloaded some groceries to stock up on her.

"Are you sure about it? The island seems uninhabited."

"I am very sure, sir."

"Okay, I hope you're all right."

Ming Xia nodded. Hua Ye and Tao Wen sailed back. Ming Xia waited for Hongli on the island for several days. Sometimes, she manifested her mermaid form, swimming while teaching Biming how to swim. The baby's tail quickly materialized when he touched the water. Ming Xia also breathed a sigh of relief considering that she had to lock Biming's true form while on the ship.

They have fun as mother and son. Biming was getting smarter to babble. Its own entertainment for Ming Xia on a deserted island. Until the full moon arrived, Ming Xia in her mermaid form, breast feeding Biming on the rock. Her tail wagged in the lapping waves. She hummed softly, making Biming's eyes even more sleepy. When she was sure that the baby was asleep, Ming Xia plunged into the water, making a nest on the seabed for Biming to sleep comfortably.

She deliberately chose such a bottom depth because the waves were getting out of control. The deeper, of course, the more calm the movement of the water and Biming can sleep soundly. She covered Biming's body with seaweed to keep him warm. Feeling that the seaweed wasn't thick enough to protect Biming, she searched it again.

She swam to the surface if only there was seaweed that went with the current and she could find it. It was when she heard the sound of the ship collapsing. Then, two people who threw themselves from the ship and were swept away by the big waves.

The storm was getting worse and the two men were dragged along, eventually separated from each other. As one of the men's bodies passed in front of her, Ming Xia recognized the man as Hua Ye. Ming Xia also swam after  the man who was unconscious. She swam with difficulty against the heavy current.

When she saw Hua Ye's body that was almost approaching the whirlpool, she quickened the movement of her tail. Sliding fast to grab Hua Ye's body, pulling him stranded on a rock. "Hua Ye... Hua ye..."

Huge waves hit their bodies. Ming Xia hugged Hua Ye's body to protect him. The reef, they were sitting on collapsed. Their bodies collapsed too. With all her might, Ming Xia still hugged and protected Hua Ye.

She was increasingly frightened and angry because nature was so mean to the good man who had helped her and her form changed. Her hair was getting lighter blonde, her skin was getting paler, her ears were getting more pointed, her watery eyes were turning bright and even a few fins were appearing on her arms.

She swam with new strength, looking for a safe place. She managed to find a rock and she dragged Hua Ye's heavy body with ease. "Hua Ye, I beg you.. wake up.. Hua Ye... Open your eyes."

The waves rolled toward them, ready to hit them again. Still hugging Hua Ye, Ming Xia curled her tail, flew upwards with full force and was finally able to calm the storm. She realized that as the sky gradually began to lighten. she let out a sigh of relief in the air. Especially when Hua Ye's eyes opened and made Ming Xia smile.

However, she did not know, that her appearance was able to bewitch the man. Lust dominated the man and finally tightened his embrace. the friction of their bodies made the man even more heated. Ming Xia could feel the scales in her groin opening while the man couldn't hold it in anymore.

Still in the air, the man fondled her. The waves that were getting quieter were like a bed for them. The man's scent was so intoxicating that even Ming Xia was lulled. Likewise the man who was drugged by her beauty And finally it all happened.

The man galloped at her, plunging her secale hole mercilessly. She screamed over the roar of the waves, arching her body backwards as if deepening the man's motion on her. Until, finally their bodies plunged, plunged into the water. Ming Xia's power was capable of making Hua Ye or Ye Hua able to breathe underwater. They made love all night. It don't know why she forgot herself. SHe even forgot about Biming.

They Woke up in the morning. The morning had come, and the storm had passed. The man's body was still on top of hers. The man moved slowly, but made her wince because the man's manhood was still inside hers and the scale hole was closing. She winced in pain. The man looked surprised at the woman below him and was even more surprised when he saw her tail, "You... ."

"Ough, it hurts."

The man looked down nervously. "This? O Heavenly Mother." He was getting more nervous looking at their lower body.

Ming Xia grimaced, Hua Ye's movements made it even more painful. "Could you take it out. It hurts!" Ming Xia hissed.

Ye Hua who was disguised as Hua Ye looked at her nervously. Then lowered his gaze to the parts of their bodies again.


"Oh, well... Sorry.." the man started to pluck.

"Ouch, heh."

The man's face turned red, he also felt pain. "Could you loosen up a bit? Your scales are scratching me."

Ming Xia took a deep breath and nodded, "I'll give it a try." She took a deep breath to relax herself. So that the scale opened and the man can be pulled out.

Hua Ye realized that he was completely naked. Then he looked around. The beach had calmed down. He couldn't find the wreck of the ship and that of his friend and turned to the mermaid who had started to sit up.

"Are you a mermaid?"

"Yes, it is me.

" "Then.. Biming..."

"He's also a mermaid."

"Can you explain what happened?"

Ming Xia sighed. "I tried to stop the storm with my magic, but it also bewitched you so..." Ming Xia stared at Hua Ye's bottom. Hua Ye swallowed hard, even more furious.

"What should I do now," the man sighed in confusion, staring intently at his palms. "What if you get pregnant?"

Ming Xia gasped, eliminating the worst possibility, she said confidently. "I won't get pregnant."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm still breastfeeding Biming. I also have difficulty getting pregnant. You can take it easy."

"What do you mean calmly? I touched someone else's wife and... "

"I love Biming's father. I will meet him and we will live together." There was a hint of emotion in Ming Xia's voice. "You don't have to worry. Nothing will happen."

Then Ming Xia moved her hand. Biming that slept in the air bubbles collected in the waters. The woman grabbed the baby and immediately nursed him.

"Hua Ye! Hua Ye!"

They both turned to the source of the voice. "Apparently Tao Wen has found you." Ming Xia dove into the water and prepared to drown.

"Wait! Xia Ming!" The man called her.

"If you feel I have to take responsibility. You can look for me to the west sea!" He shouted.

"Thanks, but I don't think it's necessary." Ming Xia drowned herself. From deep in the water she could hear Tao Wen screaming, surprised to see Hua Ye's condition.

Yes, she still remembered that. If it wasn't for magic, Ye Hua wouldn't be able to touch her. All would not be possible without magic. This child in her womb is the result of magic. And Ye Hua noticed her only because of these kids. She sighed. There's no love. Her hopes were in vain.

"A concubine seems to be being seduced by the king,"

Ming Xia flinched in surprise when Bing Bing suddenly appeared behind her.

The man laughed mockingly, "If your charms are that great, you should have ordered him to impeach his first wife."

Ming Xia became even more furious, "You've made enough of me a shield for power! I didn't think that you were the same as my brother!"

Bing Bing gripped Ming Xia's face. "I wasn't like this at first. It was your brother who made me like this!"

"And you followed him willingly!" Ming Xia shouted defiantly.

"You've started to dare me! How long do you think you'll last in this position? You said I was using you. Just look at you! You used the child in your womb. As long as your position is strong, you should ask for more."

"I'm not you, greedy one!" Ming Xia slapped Bing Bing. Bing Bing slapped Ming Xia in turn, the woman staggered with ringing in her ears and collapsed holding on to the table, trying to keep her stomach from hitting it.

"Listen! You're getting bold! What do you think will happen to you if I don't offer you a marriage while you're being paraded in the west sea! You're the Princess of an enemy clan who was finally caught and that crazy prince protected you by just hugging you when they threw stones at you. Stone! What happens if we don't come and offer a solution. And this is your payback, Ming Xia?"

"I don't want any of this!"

"But it's happened! You have to keep playing." Bing Bing tossed a packet of powder at Ming Xia and said, "Mix this in the crown prince's drink. Only this can speed up our efforts."

"I will not!"

Bing Bing raised his hand again. Ming Xia's eyes were closed, preparing to receive the blow. But she didn't feel anything. Bing Bing endured the punch, controlled his emotions and clenched his fists. He just walked out after punching the wall near the door.

Ming Xia burst into tears. She felt another strong contraction and stumbled over to the drawer where she had kept her medicine. She took a sip of the medicine then reached for the bed, lay there catching her breath.

The pain was still in her face and her heart. She never even thought that the man that she loved so much could be so rude. He used to be so gentle. So indulgent. She was even willing to wait for the man on a desert island because She was sure that he would come.

When the man finally arrived with a group of soldiers, she was overjoyed. She hugged her lover, introduced him to their son. A proud smile spread across the man's lips as he lifted their son up high, showing it off to the troops. "This is my son!"

The soldiers cheered.

They swam towards the other side of the island at that time. Ming xia did it happily. Biming alternated in her arms and Hongli's. They supported each other, especially Ming Xia, who was sometimes tired from breastfeeding Biming. Ming Xia was not aware that at that time, two fetuses had already formed in her womb. Several times she passed out on the way, and they just thought she was just exhausted.


Dong Hua seems to be right. A woman who is not aware of her own abilities is far more dangerous than a woman who is full of experience. That was why Dong hua locked onto Feng Jiu's seduction power. Otherwise, how many times had Dong Hua had to kill the man who was attracted by Feng Jiu's seduction magic.

I tell the truth that happened between Ye Hua and Ming Xia. Ming Xia's character is actually good. She was just a tool used by her clan to gain power. She is also naive when it comes to love. She was good at seducing man and it into twenty pregnancies but she was also too easy to seduce. That's why she ends up falling in love with Ye Hua just because she was given so little attention. However, so are women. They must have felt given a chance and asked for more.

I hope you enjoy this story. Thanks to the new subscribers who are reading this story in a marathon even though this story is still full of intrigue in Jiuchongtian.

Omicron has pushed my country back even more. So, I hope readers always take care of their health. keep your distance, always wash your hands with soap, eat fruit and vegetables, exercise.

please, vote or comment. 🙏

stay healthy.🙏

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