Rich Kim & Barber Jung

By Jackoverland1

7.9K 583 144

What will happen when the rich ceo of the Kim company goes to get his haircut done but his usual barber is on... More

Intro N Stuff
Mr. Kim
Mr. Jung
First Meetings
Second Attempt
The Next Day: Hoseok
The Next Day: Taehyung


576 49 19
By Jackoverland1

Darn I feel so stupid, for a person who can be quite literal at times and likes to make sure the time-lines are correct and make sense and likes to put in detail (probably a little more than needed at times), I effed up🤦‍♀️ it's a major timeline mess up but nothing too major that I can't fix with a bit of added lines and conversations between Hoseok and Jimin, I actually did edit a small sentence in the last chapter of 'The Next Day: Taehyung' when he had the flashback when HE was in 1st grade, the part where one of his friends told him who Hoseok was. It's about their age gap, but I can easily fix it, I did make it seem like they were both in the 1st grade because that's what I intended until I looked it over and just now realized they both can't be in the same grade if they both have a few years age gap, I just wanted to let yall know I edited a chapter and republished it incase anyone got a notification and thought I updated a new chapter.

Sorry this was probably nonsense to y'all but I just wanted to explain why and clarify that I edited a chapter I had already posted a while back and incase anyone did notice my mistake I wanted to fix it before I looked stupid and inaccurate, but enough of that, so without further ado, here goes the next chapter you all have been basically begging me to update because I was taking too long which I apologize for lol.


Hoseok had woken up at almost noon the next day do to him falling asleep real late and being exhausted from the last two days events, he just laid in bed without any type of emotion as if he didn't have any reason to get up and go on about his day, he really didn't though, aside from going out to look for his dog again, it's not like he had any friends or family to do anything with or anything to do in general, he'll still wait a couple more days to go job hunting though, he wouldn't want to go to any interviews or start another job in this state any time soon, and with Mickey missing it might take him more than a week or so than he predicted to get better since she was basically the light of his day and was always there for him when he needed comfort to feel better when he was in his dark stages or whenever he just broke down even for a day, and plus she kept him busy with taking care of her so he didn't stay in bed all day when he wasn't occupied at work, but now he might just do that since she's not here and since he has no job anymore until he actually goes out to look for her.

Today though that's all he wanted to do was lay in bed and not give a care in the world and do nothing but cry and sulk to himself all day, but thinking about Mickey, he didn't want to let her down and leave her out there all alone like he is now, he couldn't do that to her, so he gave himself no choice but to go look for her because what if she was as scared as he was when he's alone or maybe she might be more scared since she's actually lost, alone and probably hungry.

He sat up in his bed not bothering to stretch or wipe his face before he sluggishly swung his legs over the edge of the bed putting on his sandals and walking to the restroom to do his business, after using the restroom, brushing his teeth and attempting to wash his face with only a splash of water he came back out and picked an outfit to wear for when he goes out to look for Mickey, he loves fashion and likes to look his best but whenever he's in this kind of state he doesn't care what he looks like, he pulled out a pair of grey sweats and a yellow tshirt and set them on the bed, he then looked back at the shirt and grabbed it throwing it back in his closet, yellow was a more bright and happy color and that's totally not what he's feeling now, instead he grabbed out a black tshirt and a navy blue Hoodie before putting it all on along with his red converse, he's not sure if he matched or if he looked good since he also didn't do his hair and just ran his fingers through it but that was the least of his worries right now.

He walked out of his room after grabbing his phone and keys and went straight to the door not caring about eating either, he put his hoodie on over his head as he walked out the door as if trying to hide himself, he unlocked his car door before opening it and getting inside, he closed the door and let out a sad sigh as he slumped in his seat, he stayed like that for a few seconds with his head resting back and his eyes closed before he sat up straight and started his car, he sat there looking straight at nothing in particular before he noticed his vision started to blur, he quickly wiped his tears that he didn't even know he was shedding and sniffled making sure his vision was clear again before putting his car in reverse and pulling out of the driveway.

He didn't know which way he should go this time so he just went left, letting his hands control where they want the wheel to go or turn as he kept glancing out his windows on either side of the car hoping to spot Mickey somewhere, he didn't drive far yet, maybe about 5 blocks so far, he was driving at a slow pace but fast enough not to look like a creep spying on someone, slowing down occasionally when he passes any ally ways or small spaces she might have wondered in to.

He saw a few people outside as he drove around the neighborhood but was too nervous or scared to bother anyone or ask if they had seen her at all, he hated that he was like that, always keeping to himself and not being the social type, always hiding or shying away when it looks like someone is about to approach him to be nice and say hi or just start a simple conversation, he only went up to those people the day Mickey ran away and asked them if they saw his dog because he was in a bit of a panic, but now he doesn't have the courage which makes him feel more lowly and pathetic about himself.

The same goes with the redhead girl from his now previous job, she approached him first seemingly to be friends and he wanted nothing more than to run and hide away before she could approach but he had no choice giving that they were stationed next to each other only a few feet apart, and good thing she was his only neighboring coworker since he was at the end station closer to the managers office, but the good thing was that she wasn't so bad, she too considers him a friend just like Jimin does while he himself doesn't know what that title is giving that he never had any in his life so he doesn't seem to accept their friendships because it's all new to him.

He just kept driving around the neighborhood making sure not to miss a single block or alleyway before he ventured off to search the neighboring neighborhoods, after about half an hour of searching, when he made it through searching the second neighborhood he drove through he decided to park his car by a park parking lot, he sighed before he sat up in his seat and took his keys out the ignition and sluggishly came out of the car before locking it, he glanced around before putting his hoodie back on over his head and started walking away from his car to search for Mickey, hoping he could spot her better if he walked and could take his time looking through spaces and all instead of have to worry about other cars behind him or people looking at him funny for driving slow thinking he's a perv or something along the bad lines of stalkery.

It was pretty chilly out since it's mid January, some people still having their Christmas decorations put up, one or two people in the neighborhood taking theirs down, he didn't pay no mind to anyone or the pretty decorations, I mean how could he, he's not in the right state of mind or in any kind of good mood to even care about things like that, instead he notices the chill in the air, a kid who just tripped and scraped his knee and started crying, a begger getting rejected for money... and a stray dog looking starved and dirty... he started tearing up at that, thinking, what if he never finds mickey, what if she turns out like this dog across the street, starved, lost, somewhere she doesn't know... and alone... he sniffled wiping his eyes and nose before he continued walking at a surprisingly normal but still slow enough pace on the sidewalks looking back and forth searching for his dog, after searching a few more neighborhoods and places nearby he would think Mickey might have gone to he started making his way back home to rest a bit more since it was now almost half past 4.

Around the same time Hoseok had just drove off to head back home after a few hours of searching for Mickey, just a neighborhood away from where he was, there was a dog, scared and lost looking for her owner, and the dog so happened to be Mickey, it's like they just missed each other, as Hoseok got back in his car and started driving off, Mickey started making her way into the neighborhood he just left to get back home which was a few miles away maybe about 3 or 4 give or take.

Mickey was walking down the street sniffing everything as she passed by hoping to find something to eat but to no avail, then she heard someone walking up behind her making her quickly turn around and growl with her tail between her legs coz she was scared, the person then spoke calling to the dog
"Hello there puppy, are you lost?" The young man said as he slowly tried walking up to her but she ran a few feet away before turning back around and looking at him with a bark
"Its okay puppy I won't hurt you, come here" he said with a smile to look as nice as he could to the dog but she wouldn't budge
"Where are your owners little doggie huh? You look well kept like you belong to someone, are you lost?" He said as he crouched down waving his hands for the dog to come to him but she just looked at him taking a step back again
"I know" the man said and reached into a bag he was holding taking out a container
"You must be hungry, here, have some food" he said opening it and holding it out infront of himself urging the dog to come.

Mickey started sniffing the air and the man noticed
"Come on, I know you want some, it's still a little warm since I just got off work" he said, Mickey just looked at him and the food in his hands before very slowly walking up to him with much hesitation, soon enough Mickey was now a few inches away as the man just smiled at her, Mickey looked at him and then the container wanting to eat the delicious food that smelt so good, the man was gonna move a little forward to give the dog the food but it scared her making her take a few quick steps back
"Oh no I'm sorry little doggie, here eat" he said setting the container down making the dog cautiously walk back up before she sniffed at it and started eating while keeping an eye on the man.

She finished the food not noticing how much closer the man got or that he was even petting her since she was so hungry and paid more attention to the food, she was about to run again but the man was quicker and snatched her up into his arms making her go crazy
"I'm sorry I'm sorry don't be scared I won't hurt you!" The man said as he held her tight so she won't get loose, but then she ended up biting his hand making him let her go as she fell and started running away
"Ouch, geez, I was just being nice" the man said to himself with a pout as he held his hand and watched the dog run away before he bent down and grabbed his container putting it back in his bag and sighed
"Oh well, at least it ate the food" he said and started to continue his walk back home, not noticing after he walked a block or so that the dog was now following him.

This same day Taehyung woke up feeling refreshed as always, he got up and got ready in the bathroom with whatever he needed to do before he came back out to get dressed and head down to eat breakfast chef Kim made, after he was done eating he said later to his dog and headed out to his car to head off to work.

When he got there he sat down in his chair and opened his laptop to check the email his ex secretary sent him for his schedule for the week, he had a lot more planned than he expected for this up coming week, he groaned because he had three meetings today and no secretary to assist him for the day or to take notes
"If only that stupid girl wasn't so slow" he said to himself before groaning and putting his thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose slightly massaging it with his eyes closed trying to think of any alternatives or anyone else from his employees he could use to assist him for the time being till he gets his new secretary.

His fingers stopped their movements before he looked back up at nothing in particular and went in his desk pulling out a peice of paper with a smirk on his face, he then set the paper down and started to tap his right foot on the floor and forefinger on his desk in thought before he reached for his office phone pressing numbers before someone almost immediately picked up.

Hello sir
"Come to my office, you will assist me for today and most likely till I find another secretary, quickly finish up your tasks or let someone else finish them for you and go get me some coffee, you have no more than 20 minutes" he said in the phone before he just hung up without letting the other person respond, he just sat back in his chair and sighed
"Today's going to be a long but hopefully exciting day"


Hello everyone!! ^♡^🤗 I apologize for the long wait and I hope you liked the chapter! I also wanted to remind everyone to read my bio because it seems no one has read it yet so if you would please read my bio so you would understand why my chapters are taking longer to update that would make me feel much much better! In the meantime, I hope you all are having wonderful days and nights! ^□^

Also! Comment here if you want me to add in the other members! I wasn't planning on adding all the members but if yall want me to I'll try to add them in, they all just won't have major parts.

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