Magi: Sindria's Prophet

Da MoriMakesFanart

102K 4.6K 1.4K

I got Isekaied into Magi. Having read the complete manga many times I know what the future holds and there's... Altro

01 (Balbadd arc
02 (Balbadd arc
03 (Balbadd arc
04 (Balbadd arc
05 (Balbadd arc
06 (Balbadd arc
07 (Balbadd arc
08 (Ship to Sindria
10 (Ship to Sindria
11 (Settling into Sindria
12 (Settling in Sindria
13 (Settling in Sindria
14 (Settling in Sindria
15 (Settling in Sindria
16 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
17 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
18 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
19 (Settling in Sindria -After Dinner
20 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
21 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
22 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3
23 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3
24 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Homework
25 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
26 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting
27 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting -And They were Business Partners
28 - Another meeting
29-Gender, Jewelry & Flirting p1
30-Gender, Jewelry & Flirting p2
31 Final Preparations/Denial
32 Announcement Arc: Sindria's Prophet
33- Announcement Arc- Sindria's Prophet
34- Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet
35 -Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet
36 -Announcement Arc-Sinbad's Prophet
37 (Eye of the Storm
38- (Eye of the Storm

09 (Ship to Sindria

3.1K 138 28
Da MoriMakesFanart

~POV shift~
King Sinbad was stuck awake lamenting that he wasn't able to check on to his Prophet. Mori had stayed hidden in the sleeping quarters since they left. From the little anyone did see her, she wasn't well, and refused most help. They didn't know what illness she had -Sinbad hoped it was just stress induced- but they had been able to pass her pain killers without her making a fuss.

When Mori had first let them know she was brought there against her will, he had hoped that it was a welcome change, but of course it wasn't that simple, and she was clearly grappling with guilt after what happened in Balbadd.

Sinbad knew what it was like to loose many important people and your home all at once, and to bare the weight of many lives. He hoped she would feel better in a few months. It had taken him a year to feel like he could return after the Fall of First Sindria. It was a shame though. He had been planning to take her with him to the Kou Empire. If nothing else, King Sinbad had wanted to introduce her to the rest of his Generals before leaving for the Kou Empire.

There was no way to know when she would be ready to appear before anyone again. At least she would be in his care.

Mori had told Aladdin that she couldn't read Fate anymore so her predictions were going to become less accurate as they changed Fate. She was signing on as his Prophet, but this might not be cause for concern. The Fate she had hinted at was a bleak one; if things stop lining up with her predictions it should mean they had avoided that Fate. Even if this made her less useful in the long run, Mori could also feel the waves of Fate, so he had no intentions of ever letting her go even after she ran out of prophecies.

This was just another reason why he needed to gain her loyalty. How else would he be able to keep her from leaving once she could no longer act as his Prophet?

When King Sinbad had started his journey, and even before he had captured a single Dungeon, helping people came first. Their trust and loyalty were rewards, but he didn't go out of his way for people in order to gain those things. He really just wanted to do everything in his power to help. Watching Alibaba and Aladdin - and even Mori to an extent- had reminded him of his past self.

As his powers and responsibilities grew, Sinbad had started doing things the other way around. As a King, he couldn't afford to help everyone unless he could find a way for it to benefit him or his country. His end goal was still the same, but he couldn't deny that the way he treated people was changing. That was probably why Mori had called him a scoundrel. She had said it with a joking tone, but it was clear she didn't trust him fully. She read his Fate. How much would he change before achieving his dream?

Even knowing exactly the type of man he was, she had chosen to put her faith in him and become his vassal. But how much did she actually know? She said she knew how he would die. Was he just a dead man walking to her?

Mori was resting across the hall, but she might as well be on the other side of the world. There was no way she would let Sinbad talk to her like this. And he couldn't just enter that room with the other 2 sleeping in it.

Ruminating wasn't going to help him sleep and the waves of Fate were picking up for some reason. The floor boards in the hallway creaked. Sinbad wasn't so stripped down to be a problem, and he knew there was no need of his Djinn, but he did tie his hair back and slip on his shoes before leaving his room.

More light filled the hallway than there should have been. The bow side door was open. The waves were leading him that way as well.

The night air wasn't chilly by any measure -they were definitely getting close to Sindria. The sky was mostly clear too with a nearly full moon. One would be hard pressed to find better conditions for navigating at night. Past the sails, Sinbad could see clouds in front near the horizon. They would definitely reach their destination the next day.

Fate was always on Sinbad's side; Mori was leaning against the bowsprit. He'd recognize those legs anywhere. If she was up and about, she had to be feeling better. Just in time too.

Something was off about her posture. When she turned to face him he could tell something was wrong. She didn't respond to his call either.

Sinbad had an arm around her before she had a chance to fall. Her eyes were open but unfocused, her face was flushed, she was covered in sweat, and her breathing was strained. The metal circles she normally wore weren't on her. He put his hand on her forehead -she was burning up. How had she gotten this far with a fever this high? Why didn't those two notice how bad she was?

Sinbad scooped her up and started walking towards the door. Mori seemed to melt into his arms. Her breathing got a little better. That was good at least.

Did she catch this in Balbadd? Again he told himself it was brought on by stress. If she was actually ill then he could loose her before they ever reached his country. No. She would be fine. He could feel it in the waves. She was supposed to live by his side.

Where to take her was a question for barely a second. If she really was sick then she needed to be kept away from others to keep whatever it was from spreading. Sinbad was the only one in his room, so his would be best for quarantine. Sure, they should have done this sooner if they knew she was unwell, but better late than never.

The sight of Mori exhausted in his bed was one he was looking forward to, but not like this.

After making sure she was comfortable Sinbad went to look for whatever medicines they had brought on the trip. He knew they at least had painkillers that would lower her fever.

Who was it that packed the medicine towards the bottom of the bag?

He heard the bed creek and the covers move. Was she awake or moving in her sleep?


Sinbad was by her side in a flash. Checking on her took priority.

The light was dim but he could see she was shaking. She looked very small curled up like that, and she was already small. Mori barely reached his shoulder when standing.

Had she been like this the whole time? This was much worse than what those two kids had said. At least he could comfort her now.

Sinbad sat on the side of the bed. His right hand gently caressed her hair. There was a hitch in her breathing at his touch.

Mori opened her eyes and looked around for the source of contact. Her night vision didn't seem that good. Once she noticed him she reached out one arm. Her hand latched onto his knee, and pulled herself up against his thigh.

Sinbad had lamented for most of the trip that he couldn't console her. Yet, now that he could, he couldn't shake the sudden wave of guilt. Mori was at her most vulnerable and she clearly wanted comfort. If he could be the one to bring her peace in this moment, it could be exactly what he needed to win her loyalty. Fate was giving him every opportunity he needed as it always did. It wasn't like him to feel guilty about this type of thing -not any more.

Would it be alright to do things like he did when he was younger? Mori had read Sinbad's life; she could read into his actions even if he didn't try to use this to make her trust him. But he couldn't just watch her suffer either. What if he helped without her knowing it was him? He could comfort her without gaining something from it. There was nothing to gain anyway because he already had as much as he could get for the time being, and pushing could backfire. He wouldn't have to consider it a lost opportunity, right?

Mori pressed her forehead into him. Her hand trembled. Another sob escaped her along with some garbled words he could barely make out. She was pleading to be forgiven for something. Mori was definitely struggling to cope with guilt.

Speaking would instantly erase any question in who he was so he kept quiet. Sinbad moved his hand to her back and started rubbing circles into it. She didn't get shocked this time.

After a bit, Mori grabbed his hand as it passed her shoulder with her free hand. He let her interlock their fingers. Her hand was warmer than normal -he had noticed when they first met that she had cold hands.

She definitely wanted comfort.

Would holding her help? The way her grip on his leg tighten felt like she was holding onto him for dear life. Sinbad decided to take that as consent. If she gave even the smallest sign of discomfort, he'd leave.

But before that he'd give her some painkiller to help with her fever. She was weak so removing her hands was physically easy, but emotionally taxing. Mori wined in disapproval, but didn't fight it -she couldn't fight it.

Luckily Sinbad was able to find the medicine quickly this time. After mixing it in a cup of water, he brought it over to the bed. Mori barely reacted when he lifted her into a sitting position. She drank the medicine without complaint, but did have a coughing fit afterwards -it was notoriously bitter. At least she had stopped crying.

When he laid her back down so he could put the cup away she grabbed at his clothes. Mori's eyes were open but she definitely couldn't see well since she was looking off to the side of him. It did sting a little that he could be anyone, and she would have the same response.

The waves were making him anxious. It felt like she could disappear.

Her grip didn't have any strength so her hand slid down the cloth. He caught it and held it while he reached with his other hand to put the cup down. He had to make sure she knew he wasn't going to leave her.

Sinbad sat on the side of the bed as he removed his shoes and hair tie. When he let go of Mori's hand, she just let it drop and didn't move. This wasn't good. Hopefully, she was just waiting to see what he was doing.

Mori made a small sound in surprise when he lifted the covers and pulled his legs underneath. As soon as he had settled down next to her, she reached out to him again, but no longer had the strength to pull herself to him. Sinbad pulled her into his arms for her and she melted there just like when he carried her earlier.

"" Mori's voice was so weak he thought he had imagined it.

Sinbad held her tighter in response. Even if he could be anyone from her perspective, he wasn't just anyone. He was the only one holding her.

He could feel her strength draining by the second. Checking her with magoi manipulation didn't reveal anything good. If she hadn't wandered onto the deck, and if he hadn't followed the waves to her- He didn't want to think about it. He had finally found another person who could feel the waves of Fate and he might loose her to illness just like he had lost his mother.

The Rukh would help Mori pull through. It had to. Fate always sided with Sinbad, so as long as he stayed near her she should recover just fine. He had felt in the waves that she was going to live the rest of her life in Sindria with him. There was no way he was going to let some illness take her from him.

Sinbad got up a few times to get her more water and medicine. If nothing else he had to keep her fluids up. Some of the best doctors and magicians were in his country. If she could hold on until they reached Sindria then they could help her.

By the time the sun peaked over the horizon Mori's breathing had stabilized and her fever broke. She had survived the night. She would be fine just like he knew she would. The relief washed over Sinbad with the waves, and he fell asleep with his Mori in his arms.

Sinbad woke up to the sounds of someone hissing his name. What did Ja'far want so early in the morning?

"Sin, what is this?! Why is Mori with you?? How could you do this??" The General was whisper yelling.

His words made Sinbad's eyes open. Mori was in his bed? That would explain the comfortable weight on his chest. No wonder he had slept so well. The previous night came back to him; it would have been better if she was with him for more enjoyable reasons. A quick glance assured him that her condition was still stable. "Quiet down. You'll wake her up."

Ja'far had his head in his hands. "Can I actually trust either of you? You both said you would behave yourselves and I find you like this?" He glared daggers at his King, "She only just became your vassal. What sort of-"

"I found her sick on deck in the middle of the night," Sinbad explained the situation to his friend, "So I can assure you that nothing happened."

"Why are sleeping in the same bed?" Ja'far was not backing down. Mori might still hold this against him, and, "What if you get sick too?" His voice cracked at the end.

Sinbad would never get sick because 'idiots can't catch colds.' The King might be a genus but he was also undoubtedly the biggest idiot Ja'far knew.

The Prophet gave a groan and buried her head into the chest acting as her pillow. She gave it a squeeze too for good measure; it was like she was telling Sinbad to go back to sleep. This was definitely a good morning for the King.

He looked up at Ja'far with a smile, "I'll be out in a few minutes. We can talk then."

The General left lamenting his choice of master.

Now that he was awake and alone with Mori, Sinbad had a decision to make. To wake her, find out how she's feeling, and explain that he took care of her, or not?

He looked down at her sleeping face while weighing his decision. Mori looked a little different without those metal circles. Now that the disturbing sound was gone she looked more content. The way she clung to him in her sleep was very endearing. He'd have to find more opportunities for her to do so when she was awake.

She didn't look to be in pain and she felt a little warm but not as feverish as before which were both good signs.

If he were to wake her up then what was the point of keeping quiet the previous night? She needed more rest anyway and he definitely didn't like the idea of being called a scoundrel again.

Sinbad did his best to wiggle out from under her. She gave a sleepy groan of disapproval and he had to agree with that sentiment. Mori's movements shifted her hair. He never noticed that she had pierced ears. It was probably because she wasn't wearing earrings.

Earrings were another good gift idea for welcoming his Beautiful Prophet to her new home. He was already planning to get her a new wardrobe, so a few accessories would be a normal addition.

The King put the rest of his clothes back on, then his metal vessels and other adornments, and left to find out the current state of things. At least he had gotten some sleep before having to take up his responsibilities.

~POV shift Mori~
Where the fuck had the comfy warm thing gone? And why had Ja'far and Sinbad bickered so loudly that I could hear it from my bed? -Not that I paid any attention to what they were saying.

Now that I was awake though, I realized that the "comfy warm thing" I was missing was probably the Sinbad I clung to in my dream. I always get cuddly when I'm unwell so giving myself a dream like that was par for the course.

I forced myself up and realized I didn't recognize my surroundings -and not just because everything was blurry without my glasses on. I definitely did not know this room. I could still hear the waves though and the room was swaying lightly, so I was obviously still on the ship.

The room only had the one bed. There was some kind of large wooden furniture nearby. A desk or dresser maybe?

I felt light headed.

Seriously, though... How did I get here? I had basically spent the entire trip in one room and it wasn't this one.

I remembered waking up in the middle of the night, I had felt the worst I had all trip, I went topside... Oh right. I fainted and Sinbad someone caught me. And then they took care of me even though they didn't have to... And they comforted me. That was probably why I had a dream like that.

I thought all of the passenger rooms were divided evenly though. Who was so privileged that they got a room all to their-


Next order of business: getting back to my room to get my glasses and other belongings.

I looked to the floor just to make sure I had left my flip-flops in my room. I was greeted with a blurry empty wood floor. Even without glasses I'd be able to make out if my shoes were there.

I made my way to the door with decent coordination.

The hallway was dim like normal. I had expected that, but I had forgotten how much worse my night vision is without my glasses. I really couldn't tell which end of the hallway was the door to the bow and which was the main deck.

This was fine. I could figure this out. The door placements weren't perfectly symmetrical so if I went to the middle of the hallway I should be able to figure it out without having to test the ends and risk looking like a bigger idiot than I already was. Technically, I could use the room I came out of for reference, but those thoughts brought my fever back. It would make my room the one to my left on the wall across from me though. I decided to call it "Fate" that I opened the correct door on the first try.

Since no one else was around I took the opportunity to wipe down and change clothes. There was no way I was going to continue wearing the clothes I had sweat in while I was so sick. Now that I was sure my fever had broke, I was back in my hoodie and shorts.

I just sat on my bed in a daze; I was so drained. I needed food or more sleep or both.

I heard shouting, but nothing I could make out. Then the distinctive sound of a stampede. I didn't move and waited for some clue as to what was going on -I didn't have the energy to move anyway. Had a south seas creature attacked? I hadn't heard splashing.

The door to the passenger rooms was opened. The runners went down the hall and the door to the room I was sitting in was yanked open.

Aladdin and Morgiana stopped in the doorway when they spotted me. I saw Alibaba run past behind them.

"Miss Mori! You're back!"

I nodded. "What's going on?"

"We're packing," Morgiana answered simply.

There's only one reason they'd be packing.

Aladdin excitedly added, "Mr. Ja'far said we'll reach Sindria soon. You can see it clearly!"

I packed my things too.

Those two asked me how I was feeling. They had been really worried about me. Now that I wasn't as sick, my

thoughts didn't have that cloud hanging over them. I could see how even though I wasn't close to anyone in this world yet, that there were still people who would care about me.

I definitely wasn't fully better, having been sick for so long. As soon as we'd get settled in, in Sindria I'd go back to sleep. I'd have to leave exploring to after I was better.

The kids finished packing before me and ran out with their bags. I grabbed some food before joining them. The one good thing about this not being a super long trip was that not all of the bread was hardtack.

((Hardtack is a bread that is rebaked multiple times until it is hard as a rock. This helps kill anything that could grow mold. Hardtack is normally for very long trips at sea where you can't just go get more food. It is not eaten on its own because it's so hard. It is put in soup or other liquids to soften when eating. Yes, I ate hardtack when reenacting. It tastes like the stalest bread you can imagine and saps flavor from everything it touches, but it is filling. Soup with hardtack is what I drew Mori and Alibaba eating in the previous chapter.))

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