Magi: Sindria's Prophet

By MoriMakesFanart

102K 4.6K 1.4K

I got Isekaied into Magi. Having read the complete manga many times I know what the future holds and there's... More

01 (Balbadd arc
02 (Balbadd arc
03 (Balbadd arc
04 (Balbadd arc
05 (Balbadd arc
06 (Balbadd arc
08 (Ship to Sindria
09 (Ship to Sindria
10 (Ship to Sindria
11 (Settling into Sindria
12 (Settling in Sindria
13 (Settling in Sindria
14 (Settling in Sindria
15 (Settling in Sindria
16 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
17 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
18 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
19 (Settling in Sindria -After Dinner
20 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
21 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
22 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3
23 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3
24 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Homework
25 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
26 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting
27 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting -And They were Business Partners
28 - Another meeting
29-Gender, Jewelry & Flirting p1
30-Gender, Jewelry & Flirting p2
31 Final Preparations/Denial
32 Announcement Arc: Sindria's Prophet
33- Announcement Arc- Sindria's Prophet
34- Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet
35 -Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet
36 -Announcement Arc-Sinbad's Prophet
37 (Eye of the Storm
38- (Eye of the Storm

07 (Balbadd arc

3.2K 158 34
By MoriMakesFanart

((CW//partial nudity))

~POV shift~
The sun rose. It was the an important day for Balbadd. As exhausted and injured as everyone was from fighting, they couldn't put off making the new government.

With the crisis over, they had all been able to sleep comfortably, and eat better. Waking up to breakfast at the grand hotel was more than a welcome change after having to eat scraps with the fog troop. Of course there's nothing wrong with eating within one's means, but King Sinbad had developed his palette to be used to more refined things and he wanted to share.

The King had a variable feast of a breakfast be made. It would be thanks for everyone's hard work, and would help prepare them for all of the work they still had left to do. The hotel staff were instructed to tell everyone.

Calm waves announced the arrival of his comrades as they joined him for breakfast. Relief was on all of them. It was nice to see everyone relaxed.

Best of all was seeing Aladdin up and about again. He enjoyed the food as he shared in boisterous conversation with his friends.

They talked of the day's plans. Most of them were going to the palace to help with making the new government. Morgiana understood her limitations in that respect so would be helping give supplies to people in need.

Everyone ate their full, and headed out.

All of this should have been encouraging, but King Sinbad couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. His Beautiful Prophet was missing.

"Ja'far, have you heard anything from Mori this morning?"

His General turned to him, "I guess I forgot to tell you. Lady Mori sent word that she wouldn't be able to join us. So I had some food sent to her room."

The King hummed at that. It was worrying, but she had said that they'd have plenty of time to talk soon.

If what Mori had said was true then she had been removed from her home by Fate. She must have been very confused. Mori had shown that she was able to push her own problems to the side in order to help with the Balbadd crisis. She would become a strong ally.

Now that she could actually take a break, she was most likely mourning the loss of her home. She said herself that she'd never be able to go back. If Mori didn't have a home or family then King Sinbad would fill that void for her just like he had for many others. He wanted to comfort her, but if the Prophet needed space then it was time for the head of the Seven Seas Alliance to do what he could for Balbadd.

The magi, and prophet had came to Sinbad as if gifts from Fate, but it was up to him to convince them to stay with him.

Aladdin was currently focused on Alibaba so as long as Sinbad kept them both happy, he could prove his worth to the Magi. Helping Balbadd reestablish itself was 3 birds with one stone since he could also secure another dungeon capturer to his side, and honor his mentor as well.

And yet, even though he had already won her over, he found that he couldn't shake Mori from his thoughts on the walk to the palace.

Sinbad had felt the waves around her the first time they met, and they were only getting stronger. Mori had an amazing influence over the course of Fate. With her knowledge she could figure out exactly how to shift things in her favor and she could even feel the waves to get the perfect timing. He could feel the shift in the greater flow of the waves with every change. It was amazing. She was amazing.

Mori had agreed to become his prophet, but it clearly wasn't enough. Why else would he still be so focused on her? Sinbad would need to gain her true loyalty. She could help him reach his dream or sabotage him, and he might not even realize she had done it. There was no way Mori would do the later -he could feel it- but it wasn't a risk he was willing to take.

It was sad that she was ripped from her home, but it was obvious in the waves why Fate had moved her. She was here for him. Why else would he find her as soon as she arrived? Why else would there be no way for her to return home? She may not have given details yet, but Sinbad was certain that in order to prevent the 2 catastrophes she had mentioned, Mori would need his help. Fate was directing her right to him, and him right back at her.

Even without her prophecies, being able to read the waves of Fate was an amazing ability. One that only Sinbad had until now, so he knew better than anyone the potential that ability gave it's owner. Mori could also use magoi manipulation, and was clearly hiding other amazing secrets.

Being a King, Sinbad was given a room in the palace all to himself to work. It was a privilege he was grateful for; his thoughts kept wandering. It wouldn't look good to the other's if they caught him spacing out. He had plenty of practice disguising it from Ja'far's watchful eye.

He was stuck on something he had thought earlier. He'd referred to those two as gifts. It wasn't right for him to view them that way, but how else was he supposed to view Mori other than a gift from Fate? He could feel in the waves that she was going to live out the rest of her days in Sindria with him.

The prophet was clearly the type of woman that responded to him, so it shouldn't take much more to bring her fully to his side. It might be underhanded to flirt with Mori to gain her loyalty, but the King of Sindria would do whatever he needed for the future of his country and his dream. Even if he didn't want her -and he did- her knowledge was something he couldn't afford to let slip between his fingers.

Besides, Mori's reactions were very cute. She got embarrassed easily even when putting on a strong front, so he couldn't help but tease her -it was almost an obligation. He'd be doing the world a disservice if he didn't do everything in his power to make her as endearing as possible.

The way she had responded when their waves aligned was also endearing. She might not have said anything directly, but every time their waves flowed together she acted confidently and flirted back.

Never had he imagined he'd meet someone else who could read the waves of Fate. Mori was someone who could understand his experience -someone who he could talk to about the waves and Fate. It made him want her.

After her wonderful display in the lobby, he had wanted to try out that 'zipper' with his own hands. And when she finally agreed to be his Prophet in such a flirty way, Sinbad had gone for it even though the waves weren't on his side in that aspect. Mori may have turned him down, but she'd be in his bed some day. They had an obvious chemistry; it was only a matter of time.

He'd have plenty of opportunities in the future. Mori, herself, said they'd have more time to talk starting that afternoon.

For now he would focus on helping build this new Republic of Balbadd. He was already working on making the proper arrangements for the new Republic to officially become a part of the Seven Seas Alliance. That would help when he'd visit the Kou Empire as promised.

He couldn't help but wonder how that trip would go. Would he really be able to convince the Kou Emperor to back down? He could always ask his Beautiful Prophet later.

But Mori had avoided the first good breakfast he had been able to provide for her. He had wanted to see her expression when she finally got to eat delicious food. Why had she chosen to eat alone? Would she really be available to talk later like she promised?

She couldn't be avoiding him. He'd only made one pass at her to join him in his room. She didn't seem offended by it either. Surely, she was just resting.

She had gotten worried on his behalf so this current problem was only a hiccup. There was no way she was avoiding him. It wasn't like him to worry about such things -especially not when the waves were on his side- and he had other things he should be focused on.

The King adjusted his posture before pulling out the next document. Thinking about her all morning was distracting him from the work he could actually get done. He'd have time to solve that problem after he finished.

"Excuse me, sir." One of the palace guards was in the doorway talking to Ja'far. "There's a girl asking for an audience with King Sinbad. She said her name was 'Mori?'"

Looks like his thoughts weren't without reason after all. He was being guided by Fate.

The guard was told to bring her.

Then the General turned to his King, "Sin, I know you've been flirting with Mori to win her over, but don't push it. She only just agreed to become your vassal. She's read Fate. She might be able to see right throu-"

Sinbad laughed it off. "It'll be fine. You know you can trust me."

It took a few minutes for the guard to retrieve Mori. Sinbad heard her thank her guide before he actually saw her.

When Mori walked in she was wearing an outfit that Sinbad had never seen before; she was even wearing her hair differently. She wasn't showing off her legs which was a real shame. On the other hand, that neckline was very alluring. Seeing her in clothes he was more familiar with was a good feeling. He wondered what she would look like dressed in the fashion of his own country. King Sinbad made a mental note to buy his Prophet a new wardrobe as a welcome gift -she was going to be living the rest of her life in Sindria after all.

Sinbad stood to greet her but before he could make a move she asked, "So when are we leaving?" Mori had an air of excitement but was still a little nervous. The waves were swirling around her.

She looked cute so full of energy, but Sinbad had no idea what she was talking about. He started to cross the room from the desk while giving her the smile that won him hearts across the seven seas. "Good morning, MY Beautiful Prophet." Her blush was the best reward for his efforts. When he got close enough he reached for her hand. "It's a shame you weren't able to eat with-"

Ja'far raised his arm to separate them.


"Sin, what did we just talk about?"

Ja'far was scolding him, but all Sinbad noticed was the look Mori was giving his General -like he was her hero. That wasn't right.

Mori touched Ja'far's arm tenderly. "I'm okay, Ja'far. I know exactly what type of man King Sinbad is since I've read Fate. I'd never take his flirting seriously." She said it with a smile, but her words stabbed at Sinbad's heart for some reason.

Ja'far lowered his arm and reconnected his hands in front of himself in his normal pose. "Then does that mean...?" Ja'far's obviously relief was growing.

Mori nodded, "I'm not some naïve teenager who would fall for a known womanizer."

How could she say that when she responded to his flirting in such adorable ways?

She placed one hand over her heart. "And I promise, if he does ever cross the line and upset me, I won't hold it against his citizens. The sins of a King are his own."

Ja'far looked on the verge of tears, "My lady, you are too generous."

Wasn't Ja'far against Mori yesterday morning? What was causing the sudden change? It was nice to see them finally getting along, but..

Sinbad tried to pulled her attention and change the subject. "Mori, you said something about leaving. For where exactly?"

"Sindria." She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

It was great that she was so enthusiastic to go, but there was so much yet to do in Balbadd. How could she think they'd be leaving already? Was this something in the fate she read?

She looked between them confused. "I know I told you the other day. Don't tell me you forgot??"

Ja'far asked for both of them, "What are you talking about?"

Mori's tone turned serious. "Two days ago I told you that a Kou fleet would be coming today."

She had said that. The hair on Sinbad's arms raised. With everything that had happened the day prior he had forgotten.

"With Balbadd in it's current state, you know this will be dangerous for any members of the old regime."

She was right.

There was shouting down the hall.

Mori sighed, "Looks like I took too long getting ready." She suddenly looked very tired.

They all stood at the port watching the fleet on the horizon.

"Why would they do this?" Alibaba was still too naïve.

King Sinbad explained, "They must have had their fleet dispatched here from the beginning. They wanted to take advantage of the uprising by forcing us into submission." Even without Mori's prophecy he should have been able to predict this after seeing how involved the Kou Empire was in Balbadd's down fall.

He could feel Mori watching. Her focus shifted to each person before they started talking. Was she reading the waves, or was this a part of the fate she read directly?

Alibaba turned to him, "Yeah but, the uprising was suppressed."

"Even so, it's not as if there's a new government yet." Ja'far stepped closer as he joined the conversation. "And if they insisted that Balbadd is currently without one, you couldn't disagree."

Mori was watching from behind the General. Her expression was blank. She glanced at Alibaba and then focused on Sinbad.

The young ex prince clenched his teeth in frustration.

"Alibaba." King Sinbad took it upon himself to help him. "You must make preparations to leave this country as soon as possible. The first thing the Kou are likely to do is take the entire Royal Family into custody." He continued to explain how the Kou Empire was most likely going to kill Alibaba and others as symbols or just take over completely.

It was a hard truth.

"No way... You're saying I should run away?? Abandoning this country and all it's citizens??"

One that Alibaba was clearly not ready to accept.

"That's right."

Alibaba starting ranting about his goals and dreams -everything he wanted for his home country. King Sinbad could understand him. He had wanted the same for Parthevia when he was young.

"I'm not running away." Alibaba reached for his broken metal vessel. "If they try to force me, then I'll just fight!" He drew that now useless knife and pointed it at the fleet.

Talking with him was going nowhere, and it was clear that it would take too long to get Alibaba to see reason. The best thing King Sinbad could do to keep him safe was to knock him out. He stepped forward and raised his hand behind the teen.

But Alibaba was missing from his strike.

Mori had yanked Alibaba out of the way. The quick glance of eye contact made it clear that she knew exactly what King Sinbad was going to do. This was the moment she was watching for. She had to have read this as a part of Fate.

And then all of Mori's attention was on Alibaba. "Do you know who's leading that fleet? Because I do. It's Ren Kouen, master of three Djinn." Her voice was strong and clear.

Sinbad couldn't see Alibaba's expression, but he could see him tense up. If it really was Ren Kouen that would mean trouble. Why had she stopped him? If he had knocked the boy out they'd be able to guarantee his safety. She wasn't acting against him, was she?

"I said I'll fight!" Alibaba restated his position.

"You haven't achieved full body Djinn Equip once and your metal vessel is broken!! How do you expect to fight him??"

Sinbad could see what she was trying to do, but how could she think she would succeed where he failed?

Alibaba went quiet and then started to turn towards Sinbad.

Mori continued before he could say anything. "Don't you dare ask King Sinbad for help in this. Do you want to start a war between Sindria and the Kou Empire? I thought you wanted to avoid meaningless blood shed."

Alibaba froze. She was forcing him to accept his actual abilities. If a person can't accept where they are then they will struggle to grow.

"You can't protect anyone if you're dead. I've read a future where you are able to help protect Balbadd and the world, but you have to leave now if you want a chance of realizing that future."

Alibaba was quiet, and after a few moments sheathed his sword. "Damnit!"

Mori stepped back and let Alibaba leave.

Aladdin followed after his friend. "Let's go tell Morg!"

"Yeah. Then I'll need to go pack everything." Alibaba sounded frustrated but he had accepted the situation.

Mori had gotten Alibaba to accept it. She hadn't gone against Sinbad; she filled the gap in his ability to solve this without violence.

The Prophet sighed, and turned to her King. "I knew you were going to try to knock him out, but I really hoped that you would try talking to him more instead." Mori bemoaned while massaging her temples. "Please learn that you don't have a right to bypass other people's consent."

Sinbad was definitely not ready to suddenly have his behavior critiqued.

Mori continued, "Whenever something doesn't work out the way you want, you always turn to violence or seduction. If you weren't so charismatic, powerful and lucky, you wouldn't have made it this far."

Ja'far piped up in agreement. "His rash behavior has caused countless headaches!"

"When is he going to start acting more like a king?" Mori responded back. It was almost word for word something Ja'far had said the day all of his metal vessels were stolen. Had she read that and mimicked Ja'far on purpose?

"That's it exactly!" Ja'far agreed with the Prophet.

It really was nice that they were getting along. But the way Mori smiled at Ja'far just didn't sit right with King Sinbad.

"Well, Mori," Sinbad tried to cut in nonchalantly, "with your help I'm sure I'll be able to avoid such situations in the future."

Both looked at him as if he had three heads. It was like they were saying with their eyes than nothing could 'cure' his behavior.

At least Mori was looking at him again.

There had to be something he could say to bring the mood back up. "Oh!" Sinbad realized what she had meant the previous day. "When you said we'd have plenty of time to talk, you meant while on the ship to Sindria."

She blinked and then realized what he was referencing. "Yes, that's exactly what I was saying!" Her smile was more than encouraging.

"So," she put one hand the strap of her bag, "when are we leaving?" and quoted herself from her entrance.

A normal person might have found it unsettling how Mori responded to things that hadn't happened yet. Sinbad wasn't normal; he was special. These moments where it was undeniable the that she could read the waves and fate were his favorites. They were encouraging that he had someone he could rely on to fill the gaps in his judgments, so he could make his dream a reality.

((That's it for the Balbadd arc. I'll try to get everything caught up to where it is on tumblr and AO3 (Ch23). That might not be tonight though.))

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