Magi: Sindria's Prophet

By MoriMakesFanart

111K 4.9K 1.5K

I got Isekaied into Magi. Having read the complete manga many times I know what the future holds and there's... More

01 (Balbadd arc
02 (Balbadd arc
03 (Balbadd arc
04 (Balbadd arc
05 (Balbadd arc
07 (Balbadd arc
08 (Ship to Sindria
09 (Ship to Sindria
10 (Ship to Sindria
11 (Settling into Sindria
12 (Settling in Sindria
13 (Settling in Sindria
14 (Settling in Sindria
15 (Settling in Sindria
16 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
17 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
18 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
19 (Settling in Sindria -After Dinner
20 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
21 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
22 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3
23 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3
24 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Homework
25 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
26 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting
27 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting -And They were Business Partners
28 - Another meeting
29-Gender, Jewelry & Flirting p1
30-Gender, Jewelry & Flirting p2
31 Final Preparations/Denial
32 Announcement Arc: Sindria's Prophet
33- Announcement Arc- Sindria's Prophet
34- Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet
35 -Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet
36 -Announcement Arc-Sinbad's Prophet
37 (Eye of the Storm
38- (Eye of the Storm
39 -Eye of the Storm
40 -Eye of the Storm

06 (Balbadd arc

3.5K 147 38
By MoriMakesFanart

((CW/ partial nudity))

When we entered the hotel, the staff looked nervous. At least they recognized King Sinbad this time. Everyone knew about the battle at this point, and some of us had bandages, so there were no questions about our appearance.

Some mild pleasantries were shared while they secured their normal rooms. Ja'far added, "We'll be booking two more rooms as well. Both with 2 beds."

"Make that three rooms. Two singles, and one double," Sinbad corrected confidently. At Ja'far's questioning look he explained, "Mori deserves a room to herself, and we can't ask Morgiana to-."

"I don't mind sharing a room with Morgiana," I cut in. It might not be my money, but it still felt like a waste.

"I insist." His smile was unwavering, and being an actual King, Sinbad got his way -not that either of us understood why I needed my own room.

I decided not to look a gifted horse in the mouth. It was only going to be for one night anyway.

A group of maids came to escort us to our rooms. Masrur was with the others and would be able to get them in when they arrived.

Before we started walking, Ja'far turn to me. "Mori, you can give them your coat now so they can start cleaning it." He had a good idea -in theory.

Part of me was surprised that was something the staff of a hotel would do, but I figured he wouldn't have suggested it if it wasn't possible. All the same, "I'd rather wait until I get to the room."

"They will take good care of it and will return it to you." Ja'far must have caught my nerves and misinterpreted.

Again words escaped me, so I used my actions. I grabbed the collar of my hoodie with one hand and the zipper tab with the other. I unzipped my hoodie to the bottom of my ribcage. Nothing slipped out, but I was undeniably not wearing anything underneath.

"M-my lady!" Ja'far stammered.

The maids were equally shocked. Sinbad had that sparkle in his eye. I regretted all my life decisions. As a demi-ace I often forget that some people experience sexual attraction just because.

I zipped my hoodie back up quickly and repeated, "I'd rather wait until I get to the room."

There was the absolute shortest silence as Ja'far calculated what to do. He turned to one of the maids and requested a change of clothes to be delivered to my room.

I guess having money really can buy any service you want.

After the maid ran off, Ja'far apologized for not accepting my 'no' the first time, but still reprimanded me for not acting with better manners; he wasn't wrong. My shame lead me to the back of the pack as we started walking.

For the first minute we walked in silence. Then the waves began to pick up. The injured dungeon capturer joined me.

"You know, Mori," Sinbad still looked tired, but his smile shown like gold, "I had thought that metal was a small decoration. Is it a magic item? I've never seen clothes stitch back together like that."


Zippers weren't invented until the 1800's, and Magi seems to start at our equivalent of early AD to maybe the 1500's depending on the region, plus fantasy stuff -all pre-industrial revolution. This world didn't have clocks let alone the manufacturing technology to make a zipper...yet.

"Oh right." I slowed down a bit and put some space between us and Ja'far with the maids. The king matched my pace.

I explained about the interlocking teeth, and demonstrated a few times (but no more than 3in/7.6cm) before fully zipping back up. I ended with, "This is nothing. You wouldn't believe the technology I had back home."

Sinbad had a look about him; he was definitely plotting. "Would you tell me about your home sometime?"

Again my knowledge was the most valuable thing about me.

Ja'far glanced back at his King. He knew what his master was planning, and so did I.

"I don't know, King Sinbad." I played coy. "Why should I tell you something so valuable for free?"

He played along, and let his shoulders drop in fake disappointment. "So you still think I'm a scoundrel? I'm even paying for all of your expenses."

I hummed. "As I remember it, you agreed to supply those things in exchange for learning my name and my predictions to help save Balbadd."

He didn't look like he had been caught in the act. This was definitely being used as an excuse to bring up going to Sindria again. And this time I wasn't nervous.

I continued, "I did my part. Don't tell me you want to change the terms now that you won't be getting anything else out of it- like a scoundrel would," ending with a teasing tone.

He directed all his charms at me. "What if I want to make a totally new agreement?" It should be illegal for this man to smile while making eye contact. "Have you given it more thought? Coming with me, and becoming the Prophet of Sindria?"


"I have." I couldn't hide my smile if I tried, so I broke eye contact and watched those in front of us. "But I won't make my final decision until I hear what you plan on offering in return."

The dust had barely started to settle in Balbadd, yet the two of us were already trying to make good on the seeds we planted when we first met. We both wanted the same thing -even our waves were flowing together.

"Oh?" Sinbad was being as playfully as I was.

I felt his hand hit at my elbow then slide down my arm until he got to my hand. His fingers curled around mine and he brought my knuckles up towards his lips. My eyes followed our connected hands; the sight lead me back to his eyes.

As soon as our eyes met he stopped us walking -putting all of my attention on him- and said, "I promise as the King of Sindria, if you bless us with your prophecies, you will want for nothing."

Did he really need to use seduction whenever he wanted something from a perceived woman? It was affective and heartless. Since I knew his character so well I decided to view it as proof that I held value to him.

I know how to control my expression when I need to, but I can't seem to keep from blushing when Sinbad is involved.

I answered him with a smile, "What more could I ask for, my King?"

Sinbad's offer was about what I had anticipated. I'd be supplied with housing and food, and if I asked for something he'd get it for me as long as it was within reason. It would be like being a child living off of their parents with no disposable income of their own -and I wanted to be able to live as an independent adult. When my 'prophecies' run out some time in the next two to five years, and I loose my worth to him, how will I survive?

It was too early to push for more. I had time to figure it out. At least, I'd have two years of guaranteed security.

Sinbad's smile went from controlled flirty to prideful as he got what he was after. "Now you really are MY Beautiful Prophet." His grip tightened on my hand and he got us walking again. He seemed lighter on his feet as he guided me hand in hand.

My free left hand flew to my face. I couldn't tell which of us I was more embarrassed for. I needed something else to focus on if I was going to survive his flirting. "I don't know how you're standing right now with all of your injuries -let alone flirting so hard."

He laughed at my reaction. "Are you worried about me?"

"Of course." I kept my eyes trained on the people in front of us. His blood was still on my clothes. It hadn't even been a day since he got those injuries, and yet I could feel through the bandages that the hole made by the ice spear was gone. "You literally couldn't stand on your own earlier. You may have mastered multiple Djinns, but you're still human."

"If you're that worried about me, perhaps you'd like to look after me yourself." He pulled my hand closer to him again and of course the rest of me came with it. My shoulder bumped against his arm.

He easily countered my attempt to damped the mood. He was definitely too smooth.

"Watching you sleep does not sound like a good use of my time." I made a point of denying his risque implications.

The idea of personally making sure he rested wasn't bad -I was into domestic stuff like that- but he obviously meant it in the most flirty and perverted way possible.

Sinbad gave one last attempt to seduce me. "Since you're finally on my side; I was hoping we could get to know each other better."

He had to be in pain with those injuries -even with magical treatment. So even if I ever was interested in a one-night-stand it definitely wouldn't be with someone in his condition.

I removed my hand from his and put more space back between us. "We'll have plenty of time to talk later."

Sinbad still had a playful tone but it was softer. "Is this another prophecy?" At least he knew how to take a hint.

I answered without looking at him, "Yes, actually." He accepted my 'no,' so I felt like rewarding his good behavior. "Starting tomorrow afternoon we'll have plenty of time to talk." Sinbad was smart; he'd remember what I told him the previous day. The Kou Fleet would be arriving by this time tomorrow. There would be plenty of time to talk on the ship to Sindria.

I was grateful that King Sinbad let me end the conversation. He walked next to me silently the rest of the way. It was strangely comfortable to have him right there. The calmer waves were nice too.

I was dropped off at my room first and asked if there was anything else I needed or wanted besides the change of clothes that was on it's way. Sinbad was already trying to prove that I would "want for nothing." It would be better for me to accept the offer as a show of faith. After thinking it over for a moment, I asked for writing supplies.

My room had multiple windows that let in a lot of natural sunlight during the day. There was a large bed with a canopy. Everything was covered in ornate patterns. It was a beautiful room. I might be more of a character artist than a background artist, but if I had the materials I'd be using the room as reference.

Some maids showed up not long after I had finished looking around the space. They delivered the promised clothes, and 6 blank scrolls, a cloth pull-string bag, a few quills, a few bottles of ink, a cleaning clothe and a bottle for water. It was far more than I expected. I went behind the half wall and passed them all of the dirty clothes I had on.

Instead of putting the new clothes on right away, I decided to wash up in the room's bathroom. Given the historical setting I really wasn't expecting much, but god bless anime contrivance. Sure, there wasn't running water, and I still had to use a chamber pot, but the soaps, conditioner and lotions provided were practically modern. India might have had the start of modern shampoo 3000 some years ago, but that wouldn't hold a candle to this.

I had to be frugal with the water since I only had one large pot of it, but I managed to achieve a near normal level of clean.

I caught my reflection in a mirror I only just noticed. Was this wish-fulfillment? Or just anime? My proportions felt the same, and that was definitely my bone structure. But seeing my breasts have some lift without a bra on was weird. I even ran around earlier without these lumps painfully bouncing around. It was unsettling, but extremely convenient.

This couldn't be real life. Maybe I was in a self-indulgent fanfiction. I laughed at the thought.

I shouldn't stand around naked. It was time to put on my new clothes.

As someone who grew up in the preforming arts, and did historical reenacting (gov funded & SCA), I knew I could figure out how to put on whatever they had supplied me -I just wouldn't necessarily know the proper names for things.

There was a white tunic, an over skirt, and a long cloth that reminded me of a cloth belt more than a decorative sash. They probably got me such nice things because I was a guest of a King.

The tunic was tight in the usual places though. I didn't have any pins, so I had to leave the top unfastened. When tying the belt it pulled the front together more so the makeshift v-neck wasn't as exposing at least. The skirt was too long so I had to fold the top. If it wasn't for the cloth belt securing both tightly to my waist none of it would have fit.

When I looked in the mirror I couldn't shake the feeling that an up-do would compliment the outfit. Luckily, I know how to put my hair in a bun with nothing to hold it. It wouldn't stay if I ran around, but I foresaw a lot of sitting down in my future so that wasn't a problem.

My flip-flops didn't exactly complete the look, but whatever.

Staring at my reflection gave me an odd feeling. I had worn similar enough clothes before as a reenactor, but I wasn't reenacting or dressing up for the fun of it. Clothes like these were going to become my new normal.

And if I wanted my original clothes to last, I'd have to pack them away and never wear them again. I wasn't ready to visually discard my home yet.

I felt tears forming.

The Balbadd arc was technically over, but that didn't mean I had time to mourn yet. This wasn't just mourning my home. Thinking about my original clothes brought up the memory of Sinbad collapsing and bleeding on me which lead to the memory of people bleeding out on the street.

If only I had acted sooner. If only I hadn't taken as long to accept that I'm here and should live in the present. I vowed to not allow anything like this to happen again.

I started thinking about the future. It was easier than mourning.

In the manga it states that the time between the end of the Balbadd arc and when King Sinbad returns from visiting the Kou Empire is six months, and that that was four months since the last time Alibaba saw the king. I couldn't explain it, but I could feel that fate would flow like in the manga instead of the anime in at least this aspect.

Knowing I was going to be basically useless as a prophet for six months didn't sit well with me. I needed to think hard about the future and what I could do to change it -as well as what I shouldn't say. I had already promised that I would explain about the 2 times the world would almost be destroyed. The second time was Sinbad's fault. Could I really tell him this early that he would choose to destroy the world in the pursuit of his own greed? I didn't think so -especially not with David practically watching everything Sinbad does.

There were roughly two years until the dark spot would form in Mognostadt, and Aladdin would agree to tell all of the leaders the story of the previous world. It was hearing that story paired with his savior/god complex and greed that sent Sinbad down the path of using David, and breaking into the Sacred Palace.

There was a chance to prevent Aladdin from telling that story, but if I couldn't then I'd need to influence Sinbad enough that he wouldn't make the same decisions.

I'd have 2 months to try to bond with Sinbad before he'd leave for the Kou Empire. Would it be worth the risk to try to go with him? Only 2 years until the turning point isn't a lot of time.

The memory of Sinbad calling me "amazing" made me think that I had a chance to become someone he'd trust. At least I had already been making some kind of progress on Plan B.

Plan A was making sure that Sinbad and co would arrive at Mognostadt before Aladdin would make the deal with Kouen. Depending on how early they got there, they might have to deal with the Reim's airships and bombs. Reim might have decided to join the Seven Seas Alliance right before the battle, but the Reim technology had caught everyone off guard.

I actually knew how blimps and those explosives worked. Hell, with the magicians working in Sindria, all they'd need would be the knowledge of how the natural world works and they'd be able to exploit it much better than Reim by combining science with their magic.

I had been a teacher for six years, a draftsman in tech for four years, and grew up in a science household. so I knew I had what was needed to bring this world into the modern era before Sinbad would in the manga.

But should I do it?

Sinbad had seemed interested in the technology of my world when I explained zippers. I could probably sell some of my knowledge. Then I'd be able to save up, so I'd be able to survive after running out of prophecies.

I pulled out a scroll and made some test marks.

Where would I start explaining the science behind blimps? How air isn't one thing? Would it be worth explaining to not use helium since it's flammable? Do I bother explaining the periodic table of elements? The affects heat has on air currents and weather? What about the flight mechanics of bird wings to make gliders or planes?

I'd make it easy to understand later. For now I would write as much as I could remember. I left blank spaces here and there to go back to so I could fill in whatever I'd forgotten -I definitely didn't leave enough space in a few spots. I also made many diagrams.

Isekai, or anime magic? Whatever it was, I adjusted much faster to using a quill pen than I anticipated. I had experimented with dip pens before and even made my own out of bamboo for a class, but I was never this fast or clean.

The ink was slow to dry, so I let the scrolls hang off the table as I progressed along it.

When I got stuck on how to explain something, I switched scrolls and wrote down everything that had happened and changed since I was Isekaied. It would help me figure out how things might change in the future. I didn't write down anything about the future directly just in case.

This also gave me an excuse to draw for the first time in days. Since I was Isekaied 4 days ago, 2020 October 3rd, that meant it would be the 7th back home. I was missing all of the October art challenges.

"'Remember Oct 3rd.'"

I couldn't help but laugh. Fullmetal Alchemist had been a major hyper fixation for me back in middle school when it first came to the states. I even had 2 state alchemist pocket watches with that exact phrase etched on the inside.

Now that phrase had a whole new meaning for me.

I made a note to recreate all of my favorite stories if I could find the time -or at least write down as much as I could remember.

I switched to writing about weather patterns.

The longer I wrote the easier it got. It still took a while with my poor night vision, but eventually my eyes did adjust to the light. I was on a roll or 4 (scroll pun).

These scrolls were like a science fever dream. I even made one on biology and atoms and stuff.

*Knock knock*
I was surprised that someone was visiting so late. But then I could see the door very easily from the desk.

I quickly turned to look at the windows. Sure enough, I had done an all-nighter. That would explain my growing headache.

Maids were at the door. They returned my clothes. Most of the blood was out of the hoodie, but there were still a few spots along the seams where the stains didn't fully fade. You wouldn't see them unless you were looking for them though.

The maids also told me that King Sinbad had a large breakfast prepared for everyone.

I wanted to go -really- but the Kou fleet was coming and I wanted to pack ahead of time. I asked that they send my apologies and requested food be brought to me instead.

My hands were shaking. Was it emotional or just physical exhaustion? I hadn't slept for 2 days in a row.

I packed my clothes while I waited for the scrolls to dry more. It was nearly mid morning by the time the ink dried so I could finish. I left the room with everything I owned. I didn't plan on coming back.

I couldn't find anyone until I left and saw Morgiana helping give out food. She let me know that everyone else was already at the Palace. I had been afraid that might be the case. I didn't know if I'd be allowed in, but I made my way there.

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