Magi: Sindria's Prophet

By MoriMakesFanart

102K 4.6K 1.4K

I got Isekaied into Magi. Having read the complete manga many times I know what the future holds and there's... More

01 (Balbadd arc
03 (Balbadd arc
04 (Balbadd arc
05 (Balbadd arc
06 (Balbadd arc
07 (Balbadd arc
08 (Ship to Sindria
09 (Ship to Sindria
10 (Ship to Sindria
11 (Settling into Sindria
12 (Settling in Sindria
13 (Settling in Sindria
14 (Settling in Sindria
15 (Settling in Sindria
16 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
17 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
18 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
19 (Settling in Sindria -After Dinner
20 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
21 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
22 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3
23 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3
24 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Homework
25 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
26 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting
27 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting -And They were Business Partners
28 - Another meeting
29-Gender, Jewelry & Flirting p1
30-Gender, Jewelry & Flirting p2
31 Final Preparations/Denial
32 Announcement Arc: Sindria's Prophet
33- Announcement Arc- Sindria's Prophet
34- Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet
35 -Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet
36 -Announcement Arc-Sinbad's Prophet
37 (Eye of the Storm
38- (Eye of the Storm

02 (Balbadd arc

3.5K 182 9
By MoriMakesFanart

Given the state of Balbadd, I didn't expect to get more than gruel or bread if I was lucky. It was a starving nation. Yet I found myself eating a meal with a little more substance to it. I couldn't call it delicious, but as the saying goes "hunger is the best spice." A part of me wondered if I'd get sick from eating the local food since my body wasn't used to it.

It was just me, and Ja'far. I could tell something was off, but I was too hungry to care. He kept his customer service face on the whole time. If I was in a more confident and mischievous mood I would have made myself difficult just to see how far I could push him. Instead, I expressed my thanks.

"You were able to find her!"

I almost choked at Sinbad's sudden entrance.

The king turned to me with smoldering eyes and a soothing tone. "It's an honor to meet the Beautiful Prophet again."

I was just lucky I was focusing on breathing and hadn't gone back to eating or I might have actually died from his flirty line. I had to remind myself that he never means anything he implies while flirting.

Not breaking stride, Sinbad put one hand on the table and leaned towards me. "It all happened just like you said it would: Prince Sahbmad's reveal to my conversation with Morgiana this morning." He gestured to his general, "Even Ja'far scolding me. So Beautiful Prophet, what's going to happen next?"

He was clearly expecting something great from me while I was too busy looking for the exit from his eyes.

'Prophet?' I repeated in my thoughts when I was able to form them again. Ja'far had called me one too. That meant they believed that I really did know fate at the level I did.

I looked down at the rest of my food with the sobering realization that I was being bribed -or at least buttered up. I was finally fully awake.

I had already slipped up and revealed something I shouldn't have. I'd have to be careful not to mention anything else involving the Sacred Palace.

I broke eye contact and answered, "I'm not sure how much I should say, if I'm honest," and saw Sinbad sit down out of the corner of my eye.

Ja'far cut in "Can you at least tell us if this idiot will get his metal vessels back?" Sinbad gave a complaint to the name calling but we ignored it.

"He'll get them back," I said. "The thieves that stole them will realize what they are. In a few days there will be a battle which will make it easier for you to meet. Most of the fight will be over by then, but he will have reason enough to use his Djinn."

Sinbad turned to Ja'far, ecstatic. "See? I told you there was nothing to worry about!"

Then he turned back to me a bit more seriously. "Now what's this about a battle?"

I shouldn't have said that.

I took a bite of food to stall while I decided on an answer. I wanted to help, but I really didn't want to mess anything up. This arc is critical for Alibaba's development. There was no way I was just going to give Sinbad the answers. I swallowed and answered his question with one of my own, "Have you told Alibaba yet that you think he should take over as king of Balbadd? I'm pretty sure that conversation is supposed to happen today."

The King of Sindria blinked at my question. "That was earlier today."

"Only a little before we found you, actually," Ja'far added.

That meant I must have slept past noon. I knew my sleep deficit was bad, but still...

I smiled. "Good. Supporting and guiding Alibaba is the right choice. He'll come to you when he finds his resolve. Your request for help from your alliance will also be important even if they end up not being needed."

"I see," Sinbad said with child like excitement before leaning forward and asking, "Now, about the battle-."

I wagged a finger at him. "Uh-uh. You'll be getting no more from me about the future. I can't let you mess this up because you want to play savior."

"But if I know, then I know I can-"

"Nope! You might be able to feel the waves of fate, but you will be able to do the most good with a supporting role."

"I see," he said clearly taken aback.

"Besides," I continued, "I think that amount is more than enough as thanks for the meal."

Sinbad watched me and hummed as I went back to eating. It was a bit uncomfortable, but I was almost done anyway. Besides, he didn't seem to actually be looking at me. It was like he was trying to see through me while organizing his thoughts. Ja'far watched both of us.

I felt the current around us grow, and wondered what he was planning.

"Are you ready to tell me your name, or should I keep calling you 'Beautiful Prophet?'" Sinbad voiced.

I blushed a little at the nickname again. There wasn't really a way around it anymore. "Hmm. " I really didn't think I could handle hearing him say my name.

After a moment the King of Sindria almost looked nervous. "Are you going to charge for your name??"

I wasn't expecting that reaction and laughed, "Maybe I should if I'll get to see more expressions like that." I put down my utensils and pushed my plates to the side -I had finished my food anyway. "I had just been considering whether to tell you my full or nickname, but now I'm curious what my name is worth to you." I rested my head in my right hand.

The king's shoulders dropped, but he seemed a little amused by my antics. "Are you always this difficult?"

"Nope," I said with a smile, "Only with scoundrels."

"Oh? So you think I'm a scoundrel?" Sinbad crossed his arms, but his smile grew.

Ja'far was beginning to look done with the whole situation.

"Yes," I answered, "I know every significant moment in your life from the moment you were born to how you die. I know how underhanded you can and will be, so I have every reason to call you a scoundrel."

"Now I'm even more curious."

"Well, I can't say I'm not tempted to tell you one of your own secrets, but..." That would definitely be a bad idea. I didn't need him thinking I was antagonistic towards him.

I lifted my head from my hand. "How about this?" The inevitability of working under him was becoming clearer, but I wasn't going to just follow his lead or tell him whatever he wanted. "If you can make sure that I have food and housing while you're here, then I'll help save Balbadd." I was gonna do that anyway and he knew that, but he also might see this as an opportunity to tie me to him, and that was what I was really after. I didn't want to resort to seduction unless I had to; that would be a battle I'd definitely lose.

Honestly, I wanted to run and hide from him knowing who he would become, but if I could influence him and maybe change the ending a little then-

"Tell me your name first, and I'll agree." Sinbad had that know-it-all in-control look.

One does not simply get away from Sinbad once he targets you.

I broke eye contact. "Fine. I don't know how comfortable I am giving my full name so just call me 'Mori' for now," I relented. I preferred my nickname anyway.

My left hand that was on the table was suddenly covered in warmth and I turned to see Sinbad holding it with his own.

"Mori, when we finish things here in Balbadd, come with me to Sindria." His eyes were serious, and I couldn't look away. That was far more than what I had asked for.

"I'll think about it," was what I answered, but I knew I'd be going to Sindria. It just didn't feel safe openly agreeing with any of his requests.

"Thank you," Sinbad said, giving my hand a squeeze. He let go and stood up. He stopped near the door and looked back at me. "As long as I'm in Balbadd I'll take care of you."

The deal was sealed.

As Sinbad stepped out, Ja'far offered to guide me to my room so I could get situated, and I agreed.

Since Sinbad had joined the fog troop, his group seemed to have moved out of that grand hotel. I had guessed as much when reading and watching the series. Why else would they stop using a fancy room for their meetings, and start using that run down one with just a small wooden table?

The room I was given was, understandably, a small one. The bed wouldn't be comfortable by any measure, but at least it was actually a bed. There was a dresser and a few candles. There was a small window in the middle of one of the walls.

As I sat in my new space, I was stuck thinking about my name. My parents named me "Morgan" because it was an ungendered name, so would hopefully lead to more job opportunities, and also because they both liked the tales of King Arthur.

Morgan le Fay is different in every version of the legend. First being good to morally gray to being evil in later tellings. All the same she was gifted with magic and prophecies. Some scholars even think she might be a reference to The Triple Goddess Mórrigan, a goddess of war and fate, said to favor the best fighters, and give prophecies. As time went on, she lost believers and her powers diminished.

Just like her, I found myself giving prophecies to a great warrior king. The Mórrigan was also said to have married two great kings of legend and gave them prophecies that helped their kingdoms rise, but the implications to the king I was dealing with was too embarrassing -and Sinbad never falls in love or gets married. My feelings were my own problem.

~POV shift~

Not long after securing the prophet to their side, King Sinbad and his generals regrouped. How were the injured healing, how were the resources holding up, had Aladdin's condition improved, was Alibaba still acting like he had already lost, etc -they got caught up on the state of things.

"Oh right. Masrur," Kind Sinbad addressed the general that had been missing earlier. "Even more of that girl's predictions came true."

The redhead just looked on with a "Is that so?"

Sinbad was carefree. "It is. And she gave us good news. It looks like the thieves that took my metal vessels will be returning them soon."

"That is good news."

Ja'far clarified, "Yes, but she also said that you wouldn't get them back until some upcoming battle happens."

Sinbad hummed, "That is true."

"Can we really trust her?" Masrur asked.

Sinbad nodded. "I've felt it since I first talked to her. She's someone who will listen to me."

Masrur and Ja'far shared a silent conversation. This "prophet" was just another woman who was under their king's spell.

"She even knows about the waves," Sinbad added to himself with a far off look.

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