Monsters Among Humanity

By CrystallicWolf108

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The world can be a cruel place sometimes. Especially if your not a human. Meet Zephixa, a kindhearted lamia w... More

Part 1: Attack On The Lamias
Part 2: Growing Up As A Lamia
Part 3: Saving Up For Something
Part 4: Japan Trip
Part 5: Vampire Hunters
Part 6: Charlotte Mythic
Part 7: The Concert
Part 8: Return Home
Part 9: Catching Feelings
Part 10: Secret's Out
Part 12: Village In Danger
Part 13: Fight For Your Rights!
Part 14: Monsters And Humanity

Part 11: Into Hiding

86 1 0
By CrystallicWolf108

A few hours later in the city, which is now under lockdown...

The news is reporting the situation. Eventually, they get a knock.

News Reporter: And- Oh? Come in?

Midnight: *enters* Excuse me, forgive my trespassing, I'd like to report my view on this...

News Reporter: Well, alright then!

Midnight: Thank you. *sits down* Hello everyone. My name is Midnight, a veteran vampire hunter. I'm sorry about the chaos that occurred earlier. I'd just like to let you know, that me and my team are on it. Mark my words, Cassie will be dealt with within 48 hours. She is indeed a dangerous creature, like any other vampire. She has even corrupted others into trusting her and keeping her secret. Don't even speak to her. Don't panic, just stay in your homes, arm yourself if need be. If you've got garlic, great. Sharp objects? The heart. Firearm? Blast her head. In fact, if a civilian manages to kill her... I'll pay you a great deal, and I mean it. That's all I'm here to say. Thank you for your time. *gets up and leaves*

Midnight walks out of the news building, and down town. He knows where Cassie is headed, but doesn't want to go alone, as he knows strength in numbers. But before he can contact someone, his shoulder gets tapped.

Midnight: *turns around*

Heather: *leaning against a wall* Vampires, huh? Tough, isn't it...

Midnight: No, I don't want your filthy drugs. 

Heather: Oh chill out, I'm not selling drugs tonight. But you said you'd give Cassie's killer money, right?

Midnight: That is, if they get to her before I do. That bounty was mainly to turn the villagers on her to get her out, as people do value money. Trust me, I don't want vampires to destroy another good village. If they don't get to her, then me and a team of experts will.

Heather: Or... You can hire me and Derek. You saw the girl with her was a lamia? Derek hunts them. 

Derek: *walks out an alleyway, with a huge sack* It's true. I'm the lamia hunter. Your a vampire hunter. We both have a common enemy here. You get where I'm going?

Midnight: All the help I can get. If Zephixa isn't going to accept Cassie is evil, she may need to go to... Thankfully, I stopped her from reaching her fame quickly. *regretfully sighs* I got her publisher into a car accident so he wouldn't publish her work, as I know she would've credited Cassie for helping her. It was sad, but I had to. I don't want the public to feel sad at losing someone that was famous, so I decided it would be best to stop her from being famous, and break less hearts.

Derek: Real soft way of thinking about it, but whatever. You kill the vampire, I kill the lamia, Heather can tag along for backup, and your vampire hunting gang... They won't be needed! I'm stronger then all of them combined! It's just one vampire anyways.

Midnight: Fine. What's your plan?

Derek: Head over and shoot them in their house! And if their not there... We'll, I've got a backup plan that's SURE to make an impact...

The 3 get into a car and drive over. Meanwhile, in Joshua's basement...

Zephixa just had a massive anxiety attack, and only just stopped. Miyuki is crying. Cassie has a sad and blank expression, and has a feeling of defeat. Joshua is still trying to think on what to do, with a sad look to. Eventually, he comes up with an idea.

Joshua: *sighs* You outta find that witch... She may be your only hope.

Cassie: Reset my life again?

Joshua: I hope it doesn't come to that... I'm sure she has other ideas... But I think it may be wise to get to the forest. Zephixa... maybe you can find those lamias that survived.

Zephixa: W-Why? *still heavily breathing*

Joshua: Until Derek is dealt with, your not safe with us. I'm sorry.

Zephixa: I-It's ok... I understand...

Miyuki: W-What do I do?

Joshua: Go with them. They need help.

Miyuki: W-What about you?

Joshua: I'll stay. I'll hold them all off as long as I can, and get a letter to the police to appeal. Let's leave this rusty old basement now...

Miyuki: Finally, I hated eating all the spiders, they taste like shit... 

The 4 leave the basement. 

Joshua: ... Before you go, Zephixa... 

Zephixa: Hmm?

Joshua: I just want to say... you'll always be my beloved daughter, no matter what anyone says. You belong here, and I really wish you could stay. I... don't know if I'll be here when your back, so I just want to say... Thank you for being in my life, raising you has been great. *hugs zephixa*

Zephixa: *hugs Joshua back* I l-love you... Daddy...

Zephixa, Cassie and Miyuki then rush out of the garden and straight into the forest. Joshua then writes some letters, and rushes to put it in the mail, then rushes back in. Suddenly, he gets an idea.

Joshua: Charlotte Mythic... She could help! *googles her name*

Charlotte is streaming live.


Charlotte's viewers are mixed. Some agree, but some are saying she's corrupted.

Charlotte: I actually didn't know she was a vampire! I just thought she was the cool, emo girl! I've always wanted an emo girl on stage! And know what? She still IS a cool, emo girl, just a vampire too! I'm back in America now, and tell you what... I'M GOING TO HELP HER, CUZ IM A HACKER AND KNOW HER ADDRESS! YOU CAN'T STOP MEEEEEEEE!!! *runs out, then walks back in* ALSO BYE AND THANKS FOR WATCHING! *ends the stream*

Joshua: Wait, she's coming?! She's gonna get hurt... I'll wait for her arrival, and keep her safe.

Meanwhile in the forest...

Zephixa: Alright, so the river is here... this is where my biological mother gave Joshua me as an egg, apparently...

Cassie: Ok, follow the stream!

The 3 run along the stream, and continue searching for any signs of a witch or other lamias.

Zephixa: This is taking forever...

Cassie: We have to keep going, or our lives are over...

Suddenly, Miyuki starts rapidly breathing.

Zephixa: ... Miyuki...?

Miyuki: Nonono... WHY... AGHHHH!!! WE'RE LOST!!!


Miyuki: I... NOOO!!! *runs away, terrified*

Cassie: WAIT! *reaches out*

Zephixa: S-She's gonna get badly hurt on her own!

The two start looking around for Miyuki as well. Around an hour passes, and still nothing. Eventually, Zephixa collapses and sobs again.

Cassie: Zephixa?! 

Zephixa: I-I don't know... is this a lost cause... I can't keep going... and I'm worried about Miyuki, she just... ran.

Cassie: *sighs* Let's rest... I'll build a shelter with some wood, and start a fire...

The two make a small wooden shelter, start a fire outside, then get under the shelter. The two snuggle each over for warmth, with Cassie wrapping her wings around Zephixa, and Zephixa wrapping her tail around Cassie gently. They blush, but stay together, and shortly fall asleep.

The next morning, they wake up... in a cave, underground, on a bed? And a... lamia greets them?

Lamia: Oh look, your finally awake!

Zephixa: I... huh?

Suddenly, Miyuki rushes in, leaps on the bed and hugs the two.

Miyuki: BESTIES!!!

Zephixa: Miyuki! Your ok!

Miyuki: *starts purring*

Cassie: So... how the heck did we get under here?

Lamia: Well... It's all thanks to your cat girl friend.

Miyuki: Basically... First, I'm sorry about getting overwhelmed... I was just so scared of the dark woods, and... I didn't want everyone to die, as my brain kept telling me... I ran off in a panic, bit after a while, I stopped... I ran from you guys. But then, I saw a cave in front of me... I walked in, and saw the most beautiful sight, even more then a chest of catnip! It had lamias and vampires, co-existing in a nice community! A witch, too, and she was really funny! I told everyone about you guys, and suddenly, they all left and went around the whole forest for you!

Zephixa: You... I... thank you so much... Your a life saver.

Miyuki: A few guys wanna meet you! Come on, let's go! *gets off the bed, grabs zephixa and cassies arms, and pulls them off*

The three walk outside.

Miyuki: *calls* KISSAIA!!! THEIR AWAKE!!! MEOW MEOW!!! PAY ATTENTION TO ME- I MEAN THEM! Damn cat instincts...

Kissaia hears and slowly slithers over... She survived the attack from Derek, but she lost her eye, which is now bandaged. She was traumatised from the incident, even 20 years later.

Kissaia: Wow... Here you guys are... Heh...

Zephixa: H-Hey, my names Zephixa! I haven't met a fellow lamia before...

Kissaia: Yeah, I heard you were raised among those... humans... and now your here. Your wearing covers, show me your eyes... *pulls off zephixas sunglasses and looks her in the eye*

Zephixa: Uhh...

Kissaia: Oh... oh my... Your... Your Nesusi's child... Shame she couldn't raise you... But it's great your alive...

Zephixa: Do you... uhh... hate me? *fidgets with her fingers*

Kissaia: No, no. Your a victim too, along with your friends... Humans, I used to think they were hot shit. But that was me being childish... Those hunters, really destroyed my faith in them. And hearing what the cat girl said... Almost everyone treated you like shit. 


Zephixa: I know... but humans aren't all bad! There's Joshua, the serpents shack people, Charlotte...

Kissaia: You've got a few good ones in your life, but you've got a lot of shitty ones.

Cassie: Kissaia, I know your bitter... and I know your glad to see your dead friends daughter... But... Do you know where Witch is? We need her help.

Kissaia: I get it, I'm doom and gloom, sorry...

Cassie: No no no... I understand what it's like to be you... *pats kissaia on the back, and wraps her arms around her* Do you feel ok?

Kissaia: N-No... *tears come from her eye* I just miss life as it once was... When I wasn't scared... 

Zephixa: I'm sorry you dealt with that...

Miyuki: *picks up something from her pocket, and hands it to kissaia* Fresh fish, for you! *smiles*

Kissaia: Thank you... *eats it* Anyways, Witch is over there in the hut thingy, Eva's in there too. I uhh... wish you luck.

Zephixa: Thanks... Also, Kiss... what was my mother like?

Kissaia: She was kind, loyal and determined. She'd of loved you... Now, you need to see witch.

The 3 go over to the witch hut, and enter. Inside is Witch and Ava.

Witch: Are my eyeballs deceiving me? Or is that Cassie, all grown up?

Cassie: Yeah, meanwhile you haven't aged a second. Hey there, these are my friends by the way.

Zephixa: Hey... *waves*

Miyuki: Hi! I like your hat! So... pointy... and those ribbons, can I flick them?

Witch: *takes off her hat and puts it in her cauldron*

Miyuki: NOOOOOO-

Witch: *pulls it out, and pulls it apart, revealing she duplicated the hat* Have a copy, kitty girlie. *throws the copy at miyuki*

Miyuki: *holds the hat close*

Zephixa: *sighs* So, do you... know?

Witch: Yes, I know everything! I see everything! Plus Ava told me too...

Cassie: ... *a tear rolls down her cheek* Change us into humans.

Witch: WHAT?

Cassie: The route of our problems is that we're not humans... Two of us are being hunted because we dare be different, and Miyuki may well be in danger in the future... You changed my identity and it worked for a while. You can surely change our race, RIGHT?! *more tears come down her eyes*

Witch: Well, I can... But there's no way your going down the path I almost did.

Zephixa: Huh?

Witch: Now, a quick thing... I'm roughly 400 years old, anti ageing potions and all. I got fascinated in mixing things, and I began making potions, but due to the witch trials, I kept them secret. Till one day, I was about 18, this bitch who's named I forgot decided she'd randomly accuse me of being a witch. She was right, of course! But it felt like a cop out, to be "exposed" in such a stupid way! But unluckily for them... I knew I'd be found out one day, so I drank a few potions. I survived the drowning, and in the burning? Heh, I faked my death. I pretended to disappear into flames, and went into the forest and made a little hut. At first, I thought I was horrible for practicing witchcraft, and felt like I'd never belong... But then, people came to me sometimes, and asked for help... and it felt like I belonged, that people mattered! They thanked me, and called me... a hero. I've saved many vampires lives the same way I did yours, you know, and other people too! I've cured illnesses in ways no human could do! I helped make this place for creatures to live, I dedicated myself to helping people, and it was what I liked doing! It made me proud of who I was, despite what those people told me. You all should be too! I've seen your lives, you've all made mistakes but you make up for them! I'm proud for sure!

Zephixa: *nods* She's right, Cassie... Remember what we talked about on the roof? On how you mentioned you weren't ashamed of who you were...

Cassie: I know, Zeph... *more tears and her voice gets sad* but I'm gonna die if I go back because of it... I wanna be proud and not give a shit! But it's hard, when the punishment for being myself is death. I just don't know what to do... Witch, can't you please do it? Make me a human? If Zeph and Miyuki don't wanna be humans, good for them... But I can't survive out there as a vampire! And I couldn't bear to change my identity and start again...  *sits down on a chair and starts crying into her hands*

Zephixa: *hugs cassie* We'll get through this... I promise... The decision is your own, just know that I'm here for you.

Cassie: *wraps her arms around zephixa and sobs onto her shoulder for a few minutes*

Suddenly, Zephixa's phone abruptly rings...

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