Monsters Among Humanity

By CrystallicWolf108

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The world can be a cruel place sometimes. Especially if your not a human. Meet Zephixa, a kindhearted lamia w... More

Part 1: Attack On The Lamias
Part 2: Growing Up As A Lamia
Part 3: Saving Up For Something
Part 4: Japan Trip
Part 5: Vampire Hunters
Part 6: Charlotte Mythic
Part 7: The Concert
Part 8: Return Home
Part 9: Catching Feelings
Part 11: Into Hiding
Part 12: Village In Danger
Part 13: Fight For Your Rights!
Part 14: Monsters And Humanity

Part 10: Secret's Out

91 1 0
By CrystallicWolf108

Cassie: Cool view, isn't it?

Zephixa: Y-Yeah... Sorry if I seem nervous, this is just a big height for me.

Cassie: You'll get used to it, perfectly safe. I come up all the time, it's dead quiet!

Zephixa: *nods* Hey, just want to say... Going to Japan was the best decision I've ever made... Before going, I was always so... scared and anxious. I've always felt a scared feeling when trying to stand up against someone... When I yelled at Nicole in the cafeteria in high school, my heart was racing, and I didn't mean to look scary, as in the end, everyone kept away from me... Which is why I didn't feel like doing it much, I didn't wanna scare people away from me, and I had thoughts of being attacked by the police if I ever acted up... I don't like being yelled at, I really don't like confrontation... But, I realised that if people would keep using me as their punching bag, then I wouldn't feel any better. Then I went to Japan, and people were much nicer to me there! I found Miyuki, a fellow loner, and then I saw you in the toilets. You went from someone I was scared of, to someone I felt safe around, and someone who cared about me. I feel like I can tell you anything now.

Cassie: *blushes* I mean, you can... *stretches her arms* But I'm not as cool as you think.

Zephixa: When Charlotte asked me to perform, I felt anxious as hell, but... I wanted to do it. I wanted to take the step up, risk having a panic attack on stage, to help my confidence. You guys really didn't have to tag on, but you did. Even though being dragged on in front of everyone was scary, it felt necessary. I don't think I would've been able to stand up to those jerks yesterday if not for Japan boosting my confidence. I really thank you, Miyuki and Charlotte for everything... 

Cassie: Your welcome... *sighs* I regret shouting at Charlotte, that was wrong of me to do. Now she probably feels really bad...

Zephixa: I understand why you were mad... But nobody can control how they feel. And I've got some good news... *her tail wags a bit* I found a site to sell my manga online! And I'll publish it soon

Cassie: You did? That's awesome, I'm so happy for you! Your gonna be great!

Zephixa: Yeah, I'm going to keep my identity secret... Just for an experiment.

Cassie: Good call... I hide myself to this day. I used to hate myself for being a vampire. I always wished I wasn't... But hanging with you guys really helped me accept myself for who I was. Oppressing myself feels horrible, but I've come to accept I'm a vampire! And know what? If not for the consequences, I'd go in public and show my true self. Your great friends, and I uhh... wish I befriended you earlier. Still sorry...

Zephixa: *directly faces cassie* It's okay, please. I forgive you. Please, let's not discuss our school days... They were, well, awkward. 

Cassie: *looks back at zephixa* Yeah...

The two stare into each others eyes for a while, facing each over directly, slowly blushing. Zephixa gets a little anxious and looks down a few times, but then goes back to looking at her crush.

Zephixa: Can we just... stay up here for a bit? It's so relaxing being up here, just us...

Cassie: Yeah...

The two lay down for a while, still looking at each other, yet both being scared to make a move. Until...

Cassie: *her eyes suddenly get wider*

A pair of footsteps can be heard coming upstairs.

Cassie: *whispers* I hear people coming...

Zephixa: *whispers* S-Security?

Cassie: *whispers* Security wouldn't patrol an abandoned building. Hide!

The two rush behind the room of the entrance to the roof. Shortly after, the door gets kicked open, and Derek and Heather storm through.


Zephixa: *clutches her face in fear, and starts internally panicking and breathing rapidly*

Cassie: Zeph, quick. Hold onto me.

Zephixa: *clutches onto cassie*

Cassie attempts to leap onto the next building, but her foot gets grabbed and pulled back by Heather.

Heather: Not so fast.

Cassie: GET OFF ME!!! *kicks heather in the leg*

Heather: *stumbles back, but regains her footing so she doesn't fall off the building* You little-

Derek: *shoves heather out the way, and points his rifle at zephixa, who is hiding behind cassie* Well well well... We finally meet face to face.

Derek approaches at the two, and essentially is making them get closer to the edge which would go to a road.

Zephixa: W-Who a-are y-you? What do y-you want? 

Derek: The names Derek. Derek Hunter. Now, you may not recognise me, but trust me, I have quite the history with your filthy race.

Zephixa: W-What?

Derek: Oh come on, didn't that pathetic nature activist tell you about what I rightly did, and how you got stranded where you don't belong? 

Zephixa: ...!


Zephixa: Daddy... Why did you bring me here to live with humans?

Joshua: *sadly sighs* Well, it's a long story... didn't wanna tell you but, I knew you'd ask sooner or later. You see, I took you in because your mother... she was in a river, dying. She saw me, and told me to take care of you when you were just an egg... *pauses for a bit, then decides to explain* We used to have a group of hunters, who'd go around getting food and sometimes hunted for sport. One of those hunters was a ruthless man, and when he discovered a group of over 50 lamias, he shot them, and the rest of his men shot too. He was the only hunter to survive,  but around 40 lamias died, and the survivors went into hiding... we could never find them. Your very lucky your mother was able to get to me. But the hunter is in jail now, so your safe. I'll protect you from any more threats...

Back to the present.

Zephixa: I-IT WAS YOU?!

Derek: Oh, he did tell... I was worried nobody would tell anyone about my brave actions! Even if their tainting it and calling me the bad guy...


Derek: Bah, poppycock! Lamias aren't people, their monsters! If you ain't a human, you don't matter. Your weak, just look at you! Performing on some nonsense stage for a weak minded, worthless cause? Come on, I thought you lamias were meant to be smart... Eh, doesn't matter, it'll make killing you easier... 

Zephixa: *shivering in fear* S-Stop! J-Just because I'm not a h-human, it d-doesn't mean I'm a m-monster... W-What do you have against us?! Why do you like hurting us so much...

Derek: Already told you, your weak and inferior to us! But lemme tell you... You ain't the only one who knows what it's like to be alone, to be ignored ALL YOUR LIFE. Neglected by your OWN FAMILY! No matter how hard I tried to fit in the crowd, I wasn't even given any attention... I felt like a worthless sack of shit. But then one night, I got so sick of it all, I took it out on a wild rabbit. It felt great. To be stronger then something, to overpower something. I practised hunting more animals, and it was fun. I felt and got stronger, and I finally managed to fit in somewhere. In fact, I became one of the strongest hunters in the village, I was better then all those idiots who ignored me! I got respect, and I got to shoot animals whenever I wanted. When I shot those lamias with the others, it felt like the next step of being a hunter. And I was the only one who survived, which says a lot about me doesn't it?!

Cassie: *stands in front of derek* It does! It shows your a selfish, heartless monster, who is also a SMALL, WEAK MAN who finds pleasure in hurting DEFENCELESS CREATURES in order to make yourself feel BIG AND STRONG.

Derek: *growls* You don't tell me who's weak or strong, GET OUT OF MY WAY! *shoves Cassie to the side with his rifle*

Heather: *grabs Cassies arms as she stumbles back* You stay here and watch, it's fun to watch shit unfold, trust me.

Derek: *eventually, he gets right towards zephixa, and lifts her up by the neck* I could shoot you, but nah, that would be too painless... YOU ESCAPED ME FOR 20 YEARS. YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN CRUSHED UNDER MY BOOT AS AN EGG LIKE YOUR SIBLINGS! NOW, FEEL WHAT I DID... AND FALL FROM GRACE! *throws zephixa off the building*

Zephixa: *screams in terror as she cries* AHHHHHHH!!!

Cassie: NO... *snarls and suddenly, she grows her wings fully, knocking Heather off her* NOOOO!!! *jumps off the building and flies down after zephixa*

Heather: W-WHAT THE SHIT?!

Derek: *gasps* SO SHE'S A MONSTER TOO...

Cassie: *uses her telekinesis to pull zephixa up to her and so she manages to catch her*

Zephixa: C-CASSIE?! *looks* W-WINGS?!!? 

Cassie lands with Zephixa in her arms. As she lands, the public immediately starts starting at her, taking photos, gasping and talking gossip.

Cassie: ... *her face becomes horrified, as she has pure fear in her eyes as she covers her mouth* Oh shit... 

Suddenly, Midnight comes from the crowds, with a stake in hand.

Midnight: Everyone, stand back and please calm down! Leave this to the professionals, this vampire won't harm any of you once I'm done.

Cassie: I wasn't harming them anyway! LEAVE ME ALONE!

Midnight: Don't try to con me with your lies, I know what you want is the blood of innocents, you are corrupting others into following you! *pulls out some little garlic gas bombs from his pocket, and chucks one at cassie*

Cassie ducks away.


Midnight: Ah! I see you've found yourself corrupted... A shame, you were such a respectable girl. Don't worry, once she's done, she will torment you no more! *pulls out another* Stand aside!

Cassie: *grabs zephixa* I'm about to practice city flying, hold on!

Cassie flies into the air, with the people around staring and some following and throwing things at them.

Midnight: *gets in a car and drives after her*



Zephixa: SORRY, SORRY... *ducks her head*

The two continue to lowly fly, with Midnight's car.

Derek: ROUND TWO! *fires his rifle at them, but misses and hits a civilian instead*

Heather: Missed. By the way you shot an innocent.


Within minutes, the news is shown all over the city. People rush inside for shelter, with some "brave" (I mean stupid) people chasing after the vampire. After a while, they manage to find Joshua and Miyuki, who gasp in surprise upon seeing them.

Miyuki: G-GUYS?!

Joshua: What on earths going on? Cassie, why do you have wings?

Cassie: I'm actually... a vampire... I'll explain later, we need help!

Joshua: For a ride home? I don't think Zephixa can fit in a car...

Zephixa: Actually, my van is actually right next over here...

Zephixa's van is actually right near them.

Cassie: What a coincidence!


Zephixa: It alright, just get in the van!!! Daddy, please drive!

The four get in the van and drive, and the traffic is surprisingly quiet, until a black car (Midnight's car) pursues them.

Miyuki: This is so crazy!!! W-What happened?

Zephixa: *rapidly breathing* W-We were on a roof, a-and Derek came and p-pushed me off the roof!


Zephixa: YEAH... CASSIE SAVED ME, BUT IN TURN EXPOSED HERSELF!!! *tears well in her eyes* AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!

Cassie: No... it's my own fault... I was the one who bought you up there and put you in danger from him. He escaped from prison and he wants you dead... Midnight now knows I'm a vampire and wants me dead, the public know and want me dead... *jumps* GRANDMA! SHE'S IN TROUBLE!!! *phones her*

Ava Sidero, Cassie's grandmother responds.

Ava: Yes, I'm aware... I'm going into hiding and I'll find the witch again! I'm ok! *hangs up*

Cassie: The witch... JOSH, GET TO THE VILLAGE!!!

Suddenly, a bunch of cars try to stop Joshua from driving. Midnight yelled that the vampire was in the van, and so everyone is trying to stop it.

Miyuki: Shit shit shit... How are we gonna get out of this? I'm scared!!! *clutches onto cassie*

Cassie: ... Me too...

The van does a U-Turn and goes a different route. After a while, Midnight eventually stops chasing them. The van makes a drive through the city, and after over an hour, they get to the village.

Joshua: Everyone in my house, NOW!

The 4 get out of the van and rush into Joshua's house, lock all doors and windows, and head into the cellar. Joshua's TV is currently on, and ends up changing to an emergency alert about Cassie being a vampire, which is full of bullcrap on how she's "dangerous".

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