Monsters Among Humanity

By CrystallicWolf108

1.6K 22 3

The world can be a cruel place sometimes. Especially if your not a human. Meet Zephixa, a kindhearted lamia w... More

Part 1: Attack On The Lamias
Part 2: Growing Up As A Lamia
Part 3: Saving Up For Something
Part 4: Japan Trip
Part 5: Vampire Hunters
Part 6: Charlotte Mythic
Part 8: Return Home
Part 9: Catching Feelings
Part 10: Secret's Out
Part 11: Into Hiding
Part 12: Village In Danger
Part 13: Fight For Your Rights!
Part 14: Monsters And Humanity

Part 7: The Concert

76 2 0
By CrystallicWolf108

It's the day of the concert. Zephixa, Cassie and Miyuki are headed there, and on a subway. Their all sitting on a bench. Zephixas tail is taking up a lot of floor room...

Zephixa: Whew, it's been a long week... it's finally come down to this...

Cassie: You feeling ok? I know it's been though thinking, and doing your manga at the same time... but I've had fun. I really hope today helps your confidence get better...

Zephixa: Me too... I know I can't live being anxious forever! Today, please help me. I'll be in front of thousands of- ... people... uhhh...

Cassie: Take some deep breaths Zeph, we signed up for this remember? Don't wanna waste all that time you spent off your vacation, right? 

Zephixa: Yeah, your right, I just need a bit of rest to calm my nerves... I sleep a lot, it really helps me calm down... *closes her eyes*

Cassie: Well if you somehow can sleep on a subway, sweet dreams.

Miyuki: She can sleep on this tough thing?

Cassie: You sleep on literal garbage.

Miyuki: Hey, we all have our prefrences

Somehow, Zephixa managed to fall asleep quickly, and ended up leaning on Cassie's shoulder in her sleep.

Cassie: *starts blushing and covering her face* Uhhh- Help- what do I- do I keep her- uhhhhh-

Miyuki: *takes a photo* Hehehehe!

Cassie: *closes her eyes blushes even more* D-Delete that!!!

Miyuki: No. *smirks*

Cassie: *groans in embarrassment and frustration*

A while later, the train stops at their location. They wake Zephixa up, then get off the train and go over to the area where the concert is being held, to the entrance. A masked security guard with sunglasses blocks the way.

Zephixa: Hey... We're going to feature in one of Charlotte's songs. Can you let us in please?

Security Guard: Oh really? Prove it.

Cassie: Wow, she doesn't even inform her own guards, sheesh. *pulls out a card that proves their entrance*

Security Guard: My bad, I apologise, do come in.

The 3 enter and go over to a back room.

Charlotte: YOU MADE IT!!! I was scared you'd all sleep in!

Cassie: Well, Zeph sorta did fall asleep on the train... *blushes slightly remembering that*

Charlotte: Well either way you made it! Ya made it, ya made it! *starts dancing, then stops* Oop, just practicing my skills! *walking backwards* So, it will open in an hour, do what ya like for- *bumps into a wall* Ow... Do what you like for the concert, until it's your time. Practise last minute? Go for it. Get stuffed with snacks? Do it, but don't be sick in my concert, now! 

Miyuki: Woo, free time! *goes into another room*

Cassie: I'll look around and get myself familiar before it becomes a shitshow. *leaves*

Zephixa: *lounges on a couch*

Charlotte: *sits next to zephixa* So, are you excited?

Zephixa: I mean... I'm really nervous, but I'm also hoping to overcome my fears, I'm sick of even talking about them... I also hope this helps people see non humans as equals. Just in case one day more races that aren't humans come to love among humanity, and not just be seen as monsters! I'd really like to see peace... I believe humans are just scared of us, not cruel. 

Charlotte: Alright, I see! What do you plan to do after?

Zephixa: I wanna publish my manga. I've been talking to my publisher I just found in Japan, and we might actually be able to make this work! I'm really excited to get my work out... I really hope I do well, so I can get my imagination out for the world to see, and people can stop hating me...

Charlotte: I don't get why people hate you for being a lamia, your damn adorable!

Zephixa: *flustered* Uhh, thanks...

Charlotte: ... *suddenly, her voice becomes less cheerful* You know... I didn't actually want to become a singer.

Zephixa: *taken aback* H-HUH?! But you seem so... passionate! I watched a few of your songs in my spare time and, the amount of action you put in! Especially your music videos!

Charlotte: Yeah, it's because I'm trying to at least, y'know... shoe in the stuff I wanna do. I actually wanted to be an actress, ever since I was a little girl! But my parents... they wanted me to be a singer. They were musicians themselves and very rich! Although they couldn't sing well... So once they had me, they pressured me to be a singer, even though I wanted to act. They wanted me to do what they couldn't... I had to give up my acting dreams to make THEIR dreams sort of come true. So when I'm singing, I try to add some of my own acting elements, to spice things up... a desperate attempt to compromise... *sighs* 

Zephixa: O-Oh... I'm sorry... 

Charlotte: It's ok... I mean... I do love my fans! *her high energy seems to return to her* So even though I'm not too happy with myself, at least I can make others happy! *smiles and pats zephixa on the head* Now I gotta prepare... you do some too! *runs away*

Zephixa: *thinks: "She... never wanted to be a singer, but an actress? But she was so happy... it was all a mask? I really hope I don't have to give up my dreams like she did... I feel bad for her, she deals with problems herself, yet she puts on her energetic attitude and tries to make her fans happy, and is trying to help me despite barley knowing me. What a nice girl... I should go practice."* *slithers off*

A few hours later...

The concert has been going on for a while. Now, it was almost time for the final song, which would involve the three. They were all in the room, getting ready.

Zephixa: Y-You guys ready?

Miyuki: Yeah! I practised my moves... very carefully...

Cassie: Yeah, just lemme... *puts her facemask on* For reasons.

Zephixa: Good idea!...

Cassie: You seem nervous...

Zephixa: I am, but come on, I gotta do this! Besides, I'm not actually on stage... I'll be fine!

Cassie: Well, let's do our best.

Charlotte: *yells from the other room* Get into positions, I'm going on stage! 

The 3 get into their positions, in front of a camera. Charlotte rushes onto stage, with tons of  sparks and flames coming from the stage to make a dramatic entrance.

Charlotte: Y'all ready for my final song tonight? It's a new one!

The crowd roars in excitement!

Charlotte: Settle down, I know you all love my songs, and they all love you too! But I wanna give a bit of a speech first!

The crowd doesn't stop, in fact they get louder.

Charlotte: Guys, be quiet so people can hear!

The crowd continues yelling in excitement.

Charlotte: FUCKING SHUT UP!!!

The crowd goes dead silent.

Charlotte: See? That wasn't so hard! Anyways, before I was rudely interrupted by people, looking at YOU, DAVE. *glares at a random person in the crowd* I just wanted to say, this song was dedicated to a friend, and an upcoming legendary manga artist. I really hope to show how great this world is, and how diverse this planet is with its creatures. Alright! *claps her hands and whips out her microphone* Now it's time! 

Charlotte starts singing her new pop song, which starts off lower in energy (I can't be arsed to come up with lyrics). About 30 seconds into the song, it gets more loud and energetic, and one screen lights up. It shows Cassie.

Cassie: *mutters* I'm first? Damn... ok I've never danced in public before... *starts dancing rather elegantly*

About 60 seconds in, Cassie puts both her arms and hands out, and as she does that, two more screens light up, the left showing Zephixa and the right showing Miyuki.

Miyuki: *starts dancing wildly like a crazy person, which earns some chuckling from the audience*

Zephixa: *she feels a shiver go down her spine, but she does her best and pretends that the camera is off, and by doing so, she begins to move around in a unique type of elegant dance only a lamia could do with their tail, and as she does it, she gets more comfortable, and even smiles*

The crowd cheers seeing the two actually on stage. She actually did it. Zephixa and Miyuki then grab Cassie's hands, who pulls them in closer, and they begin to dance together, with even Miyuki slowing down to fit Zephixa and Cassie's more elegant style. 

At the prison...

Heather: *watching on her phone, with fellow prisoners* Wow, you actually got one, huh? *has an expression of shock on her face, but is also impressed* They can live with humans... 

Suddenly, Derek Hunter walks over...

Derek: What's all this fuss about- *sees the screen*

The screen shows Charlotte singing loudly, with Zephixa and Cassie dancing together, holding hands while spinning around, and Miyuki adding support by running around while doing her own solo dance.

Derek: ... *clenches his fist* MOVE OVER! *shoves some prisoners out the way, and looks at the screen* What the hell is this?! I KILLED MOST OF THOSE BEASTS 20 YEARS AGO, AND THE REST WENT INTO HIDING! NONE WOULD'VE GONE TO FUCKING HUMANITY! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Heather: Dude, chill out before the guard confiscates the phone again.

Derek: Oh don't you worry I'll be confiscating that phone. *snatches it and walks away, causing the prisoners to groan in annoyance* There's a neko too, disgusting inferior lifeforms... I'll-


A bunch of prisoners (including Derek) get into a fight to get the phone back. Meanwhile, back on stage, the song is about 2 minutes in. The 3 dancers separate and go back to solo dancing. Charlotte suddenly gets filled with excitement while singing, and ends up rushing through the curtains, and the screen shows Charlotte rushing in, grabbing Zephixa's hand and dragging her on stage, all while singing at the same time.

Zephixa: WH-WH-WHA?!

Cassie and Miyuki rush on stage after them.

Zephixa: *confused as hell, and has a really anxious expression, looking at all the people in the crowd, staring right at her* Uhh... *slithers over to charlotte*

Charlotte: *right as she slithers, she holds zephixa's hand, and she sings about accepting these creatures as fellow humans*

Zephixa: *goes along with Charlotte, dancing with her, trying her best to smile while having to hide her extreme anxiety*

Miyuki: *holds her hand out*

Cassie: *holds miyukis hand, then holds zephixa's other hand*

After a bit more singing, Charlotte ends by yelling.

Charlotte: From this day, there's no difference between them and us! 

The 4 end in a pose. The crowd cheers, and Zephixa immediately rushes back inside, with Cassie and Miyuki following. Zephixa immediately starts rapidly breathing and sweating.

Zephixa: Ohmyohmyohmy... W-What the... I mean... uhh...

Cassie: It's ok, Zeph... Breathe in and out, the cameras are off. We're back in private... *sighs* I didn't expect that to happen...

Miyuki: I mean, I get what she was trying to do, but like... that was a bit extreme! I didn't personally have an issue being on stage, but I know Zephixa gets really worried and scared easily...

Zephixa: No, c-come on... Surely I learned from that, to be more confident... I better have... *breathing heavily*

10 minutes later, the concert ends, and everyone walks out of the stadium. Charlotte then rushes in, all excited.



Charlotte: ... What?

Cassie: Did you have to literally go inside, grab the girl with social anxiety, and drag her ONTO STAGE WITH A MASSIVE CROWD? You could've done me, or Miyuki, yet you picked Zephixa, WHY?!

Charlotte: I... I just wanted to help her! She... I know she has anxiety, but I thought dragging her on stage would help her deal with it better, as... it's a stressful situation, but life is full of them, and well I just got really excited... I thought it would help her overcome her fears, just in case she faced crowds again! Besides, I thought it looked really cool when you were all on stage! Everyone loved it, and you all did so well! She especially! But I know I pushed her... sorry... 

Cassie: Oh don't apologise to me. Apologise to Zeph for pushing her way too far.

Zephixa: I-It's ok... I signed up for this so I could deal with it better... I guess I should've just handled it better. Please don't argue, guys...

Charlotte: Your payments on the desk. I don't know if you'll want to see me again, but if you do, you can contact me by email. 

Miyuki: *grabs the money* It's for us, guys!

Charlotte: Bye, have a nice holiday!

Zephixa, Cassie and Miyuki leave the concert, leaving Charlotte to reflect on her newest song, and that she may have gone overboard. Meanwhile, at the exit...

Visitor: Wooo, I'm the last person out!

Security Guard: Indeed you are, young man. Now, please go.

Visitor: *runs off*

The security guard then walks off to their car. They then take off their mask and sunglasses, revealing that the security guard was actually Midnight in disguise, who then starts to drive off.

Midnight: That was an entertaining concert. Even as a security guard, I got to watch the final song, which... it had good intentions, but there are some flaws. But I'm still awfully suspicious about that Cassie girl... from the garlic incident, her weird behaviour, masking her mouth up constantly... I've followed her around for a while and things are adding in my favour. I think it's a bit weird that they'd have a human as one of the dancers, when Zephixa and Miyuki were non-human sentient creatures, couldn't Charlotte of fit the human role? Awfully suspicious, isn't it? Since she's now debuted in a concert, she may get popular, and if she gets too popular, I won't be able to keep an eye on her properly, and if she became famous and turns out a vampire, then killing her would cause too much civil unrest... I must reach a conclusion about her on whether she's a vampire or not, and fast. 

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