🌙✨🌩💫⚡️Little Inazuma⚡️💫🌩...

By hwimss

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READ "KATANA" BEFORE READING THIS BOOK. ~~~ Zella Mikio is the daughter of a deceased pro. She's made it her... More

Chapter 1 - Dear diary
Chapter 2 - Entrance exams
Chapter 3 - My hero academia
Chapter 4 - Happy first days
Chapter 5 - Zella Mikio: Origin
Chapter 6 - Combat training
Chapter 7 - The USJ part I
Chapter 8 - The USJ part II
Chapter 9 - Morning workouts
Chapter 10 - English class
Chapter 11 - War?
Chapter 12 - Destiny
Chapter 13 - Routines
Chapter 14 - Sports festival part I
Chapter 15 - Sports festival part II
Chapter 16 - Sports festival part III
Chapter 17 - Sports festival part IIII
Chapter 18 - Maybe I'll get famous...
Chapter 19 - Sweets
Chapter 20 - You've got a friend in me
Chapter 21 - Internships
Chapter 23 - Zella's Bizzare Adventure
Chapter 24 - Snow haired girl
Chapter 25 - Gone

Chapter 22 - Copyzuma vs Hero Killer

29 1 0
By hwimss

We turned our heads as we heard a loud crash.

"Cousins, you get people to safety using super speed. Bakugo and I will see what caused the trouble." Jeanist said and Neito and I were quick to run off and do as told.

"THIS WAY!" Neito shouted to guide people in the right direction. But we tried to stay calm, we can't afford to panic.

I locked eyes with my cousin right after putting down a kid next to his older sister.

"Run that way. Go." I said to them and then ran to Neito.

"Neito, what about Izu... I'm scared for him."

"I'll handle this. You go to the location."

"But Jeanist said-"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT JEANIST SAID!" he snapped before running off and then being back in an instant.

Growing up together, Neito's had a lot of time training with my quirk. He knows how to use it almost as well as I do. He'd just moved someone out of danger then got back to me as fast as I would've done it.

"Look, 'zuku could be in danger, and there's no one I trust more than you to help him."

"Okay..." I nodded and took a deep breath. He copied my quirk once more before I ran off to the location Izuku had sent.

And when I got there a few seconds later, I certainly didn't expect to see my three friends and a pro hero all on the ground bleeding.

I was horrified. But what really sent shivers down my spine, was the ice cold look the villain responsible for it gave me. He threw a smaller knife my way and if it weren't for my super speed, it would've went right in my chest.

"Another one? Great." he sighed. I snapped out of it and quickly made my way to the guys.

"You guys fine? No, of course you aren't, why would I ask that? Oh, God..."

They didn't say anything, just held their hands out for me to grab and nodded.

"We trust you..." Izuku said right before passing out. I held back my tears and grabbed their hands to copy their quirks.

"Hang on, guys."

It was too dangerous to try and get them out of here. If I leave for even a second, he'll kill them. And I can't carry all of them.

Think, Zella. THINK.

I shot ice his way but he dodged it effortlessly.

"Don't let him..." the pro hero coughed.

"...get your blood." and then he passed out too. Todoroki and Iida were still fighting for consciousness.

Don't let him get my blood...

I made it my goal to first remove all of his weapons. I rolled my neck and my eyes met with his, going into game mode.

"He paralyses you by ingesting your blood..." Iida said with a strained voice. My blood? It was boiling right now, how dare this lizard looking idiot hurt my friends?

"I'm getting you out of here." I said and looked back to the villain. He smirked and pointed a sword at me.

"And how do you propose you'll do that?" he asked.

"Oh, I'll tell you how." and with that, I went into super speed.

I needed him to be 100% focused on hitting me, so I ran in an unusual pattern. He tried throwing his weapons at me, but obviously he couldn't hit the white blur I'd become.

"First, you're going to be confused. You'll have no idea where my body is."

When I knew his eyes were fixated on me, I put my training with Best Jeanist to use. Very discreetly, I drew out strings from his clothes and laced it with lightning. I also connected individual lightning bolts to each of his weapons. At least those I could find.

My running came to a halt and I stood behind him.

"Second, I'll remove all of your weapons. Then I'll give you a big fat shock using the strings of your own clothes."

Just as he raised his arms, I did that too. Only I pulled them back down with force and the weapons connected to my lightning scattered all over the place.

Now weaponless, the infamous Hero Killer stood in front of me wanting to rip my head off.

I locked his arms to his sides using those strings, keeping him from moving, sending shocks of lightning through them so he'd weaken as well.

He kicked a knife my way but I caught it right as it was going to hit my face.

"Impressive. But I'm not done answering your question, Stain." I said with a smile on my face. I twirled that knife around my fingers as I walked closer to him.

"If you haven't figured it out yet, I can manifest the quirks of other people. So you know what I'm going to do next?" I bent down to his level, remaining eye contact while giving him a small cut with the knife. He didn't even flinch.

I stood up and tilted his head up with my finger.

"I'm gonna give you a taste of your own medicine." he gulped.

"You're twisted." he said and gritted his teeth.

"Why you did ask me a question. I'm simply answering it and following through." I licked the blood off of the knife, making his body hit the ground and eventually he passed out too.

I threw the knife to the ground and rushed to my friends.

"Hey, hey... please wake up." I whispered and gently slapped Izukus cheeks.

"Todoroki? Iida? Are you guys awake?" no answer. I needed to get them to a hospital fast.

I stood up and wiped my face with my arm. Then I held my hands out to wrap them in lightning. I had no idea if it was going to work but it was worth a try.

I tried picking them up, even though I can only do that with limited materials and weights, with the same thoughts running through my mind.

You're going to heal... The hospital will heal you... you're going to be fine...

When it didn't work, I deactivated my quirk and proceeded to pick Izuku up.

"Z-Zella?" I heard him say weakly as I readjusted him on my back.

"Izuku? Oh, thank God you're awake. Don't worry now, I'll get you-"

"But I... I feel fine?" he said, almost sounding confused. He got himself off of me and I couldn't believe it.

When I turned around, all three of them looked so much better. Still got a scratch or two, but they could stand and walk.

"You're... you're alright." I sighed and smiled at them with tears pooling my eyes. Izuku was first to hold me closely while softly crying into my hair.

"Thank you... thank you, Micky. I thought we were gonna-"

"Hey, don't say that. It all worked out, didn't it? I'll always look out for you." we pulled away and smiled at each other.

- - -

I didn't have any big injuries so the hospital only did a quick checkup on me. I went back to Best Jeanists agency with Katsuki and Neito.

We got lectured of course, but he couldn't really be mad at me since I saved their lives. Plus, it was nothing compared to the lecture I was about to get from mom.

"Alright, I'll see you." I waved Katsuki goodbye as I opened my gate.

"Good luck with your mom." he chuckled.

"I could say the same to you." I giggled and pointed to his front door, where Mitsuki was standing with her arms crossed and the mom face expression.

When he looked back at my direction, he only saw my front door close.


Came to you with               And loving you was easy
a broken faith                     It was you leaving
Gave me more than           that scarred
a hand to hold         
Caught before I hit the ground         
Tell me I'm safe,
you've got me now

- K. Koda                               - T. Hagakure

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