part of the family..

By Skelly167

62.7K 1.7K 551

this is about how you the reader is apart of the sbi family dynamic. After your birth your mother got sick an... More

1. the very beginning
2. Blame
3. invisible
4. new brother
5. Take a look at my girlfriend!
6. Fundy?
7. first birthday
8. Sick
9. gone
10. brink of death.
11. tides of change
12. Sally?
13. X-Mas
14. Fundy's dream
15. Birthday preparations
17. a small realisation
18. that song..
19. Village
20. first impressions
21. Why?
22. Wilbur
all a dream
23. A brother
24. Hunting
25. a tiny bit of whats too come
26, the truth
27. A break

16. your party

2K 60 51
By Skelly167

Techno Wilbur 19
Y/n 15
Tommy Tubbo 12
Funnel, 3 (aka 15-16)

It was a long day, but, coming back from the forest made you feel, like something was missing..
You don't know what but you have an idea. Remembering your family made you feel sad, not knowing if they really left you behind made it worse. You don't know where they are or if they're even safe. You were always too busy too say anything. The townspeople made sure of it.
It worried you, not knowing if they were okay.

Pushing those thoughts aside you came back to your house, where Tubbo was.. doing something? Your not sure what but you could see the lights from inside glow through the windows cascading light across the dark and creepy forest that you use to find comfort in.

Going up to the door you knocked on it. You could hear the footsteps from inside the house come closer to the door.
When Tubbo opened the door he had a look on his face which was both filled with relief and panic.

Looking inside you seen a smashed vase in the corner of your eye, and the messy kitchen you only just cleaned this morning..  well Tubbo cleaned.

''Sorry! I tried making a cake then a crow flew the window and then I burnt the cake so I made another one- then I made a mess and the cake didn't rise properly and then someone came by saying they were looking for you and-''
You stopped Tubbo by putting your hand on his head ruffling his hair.

''Calm down Tubs. I can barely understand you.'' You said softly trying to calm him down.
Tubbo took a deep breath before continuing.

''Sorry I messed the kitchen..'' Tubbo apologised.

''Hey! Never apologise for being a good person.'' You said walking inside closing the door behind you.
''Now then, you can explain while we clean. Sound good?''

''Yes, oh! But first! Someone's here to see you!'' Tubbo claimed now bouncing up and down running into the kitchen.

You were about to follow but Tubbo then emerged holding someone's hand.
You'd recagnise that shy facial expression anywhere. Foolish. He was taller, much taller. His golden skin was as bright as you remember same with his emerald eyes. When he smiled nerviously you could see his sharp shark-like teeth.
They waved shyly holding a red bag in the other with a white ribbon on it.
''Hey N/n, sorry I'm late..'' He said shyly looking up to meet you.

Your face was priceless, at first you were surprised, confused, then bursting with joy. You smiled so much it made your face muscles hurt. You ran up, jumping over and hugged Foolish. He was taller than you now. Before you used to tower over him. Now he was taller, only by a little bit though.

''Gemstone! Oh, I missed you so much!'' You managed to choke out still hugging your childhood friend. Tubbo managed to slip away onto the couch while you two hugged.

Foolish picked you up off the ground holding you close and spun you around.

''You think I'd miss your birthday? I'd never!'' He spoke confidently.

''Thank you.'' You whispered into his ear. You missed your family, sure he was here but they weren't. You still worried for them. Still, he would do for now.

''Anytime N/n, anytime.'' He repeated softly trying to comfort you in his own way. You broke the hug and turned to Tubbo with a bag in his hand.
''Wow.. your wings.. they're so beautiful! They match you perfectly.'' Foolish complemented.

''You done yet? I though you were gonna kiss and I was gonna have to throw up my dinner.'' Tubbo joked, a smug smile on his face.
Foolish's face went red with embarrassment but you were used to Tubbos antics so you weren't as red.. still red but not that red, it was more of a pink tint.

''You done teasing? Or do you want to clean the kitchen by yourself?'' You asked

''I'd rather do that than watch you two.'' He claimed  confidently.

''I can take you up on that offer.'' You said knowing you've won.

''..fuck you..'' Tubbo muttered under his breath.

''That's what I thought.''

Foolish laughed from behind you two. You smiled thankful for him being here.

''Is Puffy and Dream here?'' You asked now curious about how their doing.

''Nope, just me. I wanted to come back for your birthday. Dad was agenst the idea so.. I ran.'' Foolish said shyly.

You laughed walking past him and into the kitchen. Where, there was icing and cake mix everywhere. Even the cabnets had cake mix on them.

''Tubbo what happened?''

''There was a crow..'' Tubbo muttered.

Your ears perked up at the mention of a crow, Foolish noticed and laughed.

''Did it have a letter?'' You asked more forwardly.

''Um, yeah, but it flew away out the window.'' Tubbo said now walking over to Foolish.
''What's so good about crows?''

''Y/n can talk to crows.'' Foolish said blankly. Tubbo's eyes widened and he stared at Y/n then to Foolish and back to you.

''Why didn't you tell me!?'' Tubbo yelled at you now knowing you are definitely a Disney princess in disguise.

''Well the crows are gone.. so I tried not to think about it.'' You said giving them a sad smile.

''What do you mean gone? Last I checked they wouldn't leave the roof of your house till you woke up.'' Foolish said laughing at how annoyed Wilbur Tommy and Techno would get having to clean up bird poop off the porch.

''Last Ms McCoy checked you straped yourself to a tree because you didn't want to leave.'' You fired back.

Foolish's face turned an even brighter red from before while Tubbo laughed.

''Seriously?'' Tubbo asked, and just by looking at Foolish's red face he already had his answer. Then he continued to laugh at Foolish.

''Do you have a crush on my sister!?'' Tubbo screetched now connecting the dots.

''No!'' Foolish said defensively. ''Just as a friend I-I mean I don't hate them, I like them but not like that-Like just as a friend-''

''Oh don't Pull an Adrien Agreaste on me!''

''Isn't he from Miraculous Lady-''

''Hey! You have a crush on Y/n! And don't you dare try to deny it!''

The two went on and on debating on if Foolish actually had a crush on you. It was actually quite entertaining. Their quarreling went on for a while and now they were debating on who would be the best match for you, and who you should marry or what kind of person you should marry.

They both continued to argue like the children they were all while you cleaned the kitchen. It was a relief to have Foolish here, even if he wasn't staying long.. you missed him, like how you missed everyone. He was the first friend you've ever made. He was important to you.
It is nice having him back.

You managed to clean the entire kitchen before they stopped yelling. The cake they made looked to be bought from Ms McCoy's small store.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was. And looking in the trash there was a box that the cake could fit in so, you guess they did.

''You two done arguing yet?'' You ask making them look at you then the kitchen and finnaly realise they've been fighting for over an hour.

''Y/n! It's your birthday, why are you cleaning! He was supposed to do that!'' Tubbo claimed crossing his arms.

''What?! Why me?''

''Enough, I want cake.'' You told them. They both smiled probably sick of fighting themselves and they both went into the kitchen to get the cake.
You sat down on the couch, when they came out they had a two layer cake, poorly decorated in frosting and had an overload of rainbow sprinkles.
Yeah wasn't the best, the cake itself was store bought but they definitely decorated it themselves.
There were three candles in the centre of the cake all lined up.

They both sang happy birthday to you while bringing over the cake and placeing it on the coffee table infront of you.

''To~ You~!'' They both sang the last few lines before you blew out the candles.

''Wait!? OH My God Wait! Hold up!'' Tubbo spoke up suddenly.

Foolish and Tubbo made eye contact before running across the room and getting their bags and running back.

''Here, I got this for you.'' Tubbo said handing over the bag he was holding pushing Foolish out of the way.

You smiled and opened the bag, inside was a brewing stand and a letter. You wanted a brewing stand for so long, you read all the books Techno had on them, then read more books on the ingredients themselves. You've always been interested in the Nether, but you don't have a portal. So you couldn't go.

''I know you read a lot on them, so I got you one!'' Tubbo said confidently.

Then Foolish handed over his gift. Opening the white bag Foolish gave you, you pulled out a letter. Opening it, it was from Puffy, Dream and Foolish.

''Dear Y/n,
Hello, it's me Puffy, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your birthday, but when you wake up and read this I do hope you get back to your usual self soon and don't push yourself too hard.
Love, Puffy♡

Hey Y/n,
I know we don't talk too much but Foolish has a crush on you and wanted me to write something for you too, so,
Get well soon,

Dear N/n,
I miss you, I hope you like my gift it took a lot of begging to get Dream to write to you too. I'm sorry I left, mum had her own plans to travel but,
I'm here to stay, I ran away to stay with you, I'm sorry I couldn't do it sooner.
I hope that's okay but I no longer have anywhere else to go,

Yours sincerely,

Just reading the letter warmed your heart. It was so sweet. And I know if Tubbo was reading it he'd scream at the top of his lungs, 'I knew it!' Because of what Dream wrote. The fact that Dream even picked up a pen to write to you made you happy.

''Do you really not have anywhere else to go?'' You asked Foolish more seriously this time.

''No.. Mum.. she left me and Dream with our dad.. he isn't the nicest of people.. Dream let me run. He even helped me pack.'' Foolish said sadly.

''Your always welcome Foolish. It's not like Phil is here to object anyway.'' You claimed smiling. You looked back inside the bag.

Reaching your hand inside you bag you pulled out something small. It was a small red velvet box. And when you pulled it out Tubbo gasped.

''Hey! It's not like that!!'' Foolish yelled at Tubbo.

''Yeah you wish it was!'' He yelled back confidently, which made Foolish shut up.
You laughed and opened the box.

Inside was a bracelet, it had ruby and emerald designed on it, and was clearly very expensive.

''Foolish! Where did you get this!'' You asked picking up the expensive bracelet with care.

''We traveled to a few places this was from a place called Smp Earth.'' Foolish claimed remembering the place himself. The place was finnaly peaceful, its known to have wars with other contenants inside itself. There's a place called the Arctic Empire that had taken over the world for about an hour before a trial had held place and it was all sorted out.
You've never been there before.

''Thank you Gemstone'' you thanked him

''Hey, what's up with you calling him Gemstone?'' Tubbo asked sitting down on the couch beside you.

''He gave me the nickname N/n, so I gave him the nickname Gemstone.'' You said confidently using a knife to cut the cake, you handed the first slice to Foolish then to Tubbo, and finnaly yourself.

The two joked for hours, yelling and fighting along the way but the fighting was always short-lived. You enjoyed it, finnaly having someone of your past here with you. You were happy beyond words could ever describe.


It was getting late, and Funnel was waiting by the window for Shadow to come back. Techno was sitting on the couch reading a book while Tommy was probably with Wilbur outside.
It wasnt too dark outside but the sun was setting. So it would get dark very quickly and Funnel was waiting for her crow.

'' you doing alright Funnel?'' Techno spoke quietly.

Funnels ears dropped slightly.
''I don't think so..''

''Oh? Wanna share?''

''I don't like dresses.. or how all the girly cloths look on me.. it feels wrong to wear all that stuff.. I don't like my name.. it's all too.. feminine for me.. I don't know why..'' Funnel spoke quietly, not entirely sure what to think of herself.

''Have you tried calling yourself by a boys name?'' Techno asked trying to see if he can help Funnel in a way that he failed at helping you.


''Alright, how about I start calling you by a boys name, you can start wearing mens cloths if you want, I'm sure Wilbur or Tommy won't mind.''

Funnel smiled already thinking about it.

Looking up at the sky, her tail began to wag from side to side uncontrollably. Techno knew what it ment.

''Crow?'' He asked in a joking manner watching as his neice smile brightly from ear to ear. She immediately opened the window letting the crow inside.

The crow flew in fast, dropped to the floor and panted tiredly. Funnel was a little confused as he'd never done that before. The crow had a letter gripped tightly between its claws, as if it was scared to let go.

''Shadow! Can I have the letter?'' Funnel asked excitedly, reaching her hand out only for the crow to step back flying to the top of the bookshelf in the corner of the room. Then it cawed loudly.
Neither of them understood crow. But Techno's voices did..

Dead.. kill.. gone.. dead.. get Phil..  abandoned.. left.. gone.. blood.. sick.. death.. Phil.. blood.. kill.. dead.. gone..

Those words repeated in his head and he understood what they ment.
Your dead. Your gone.
How was he gonna tell Wilbur..


Hey guys, I hear your enjoying this.
But I have difficult decision..
Pick one,

A) Wilbur


Also I hope we can all agree we miss Technoblade already.
I for one am very sad, I have relatives who have lost their battle to cancer too and its devastating so if people need it I'm free to talk too nomatter where you are in the world.
Wether it be about problems or just to be there♡

Remember those you have lost will always be alive in our hearts and memories we make with them

I hope you guys are doing well, and staying safe.

Bye~bye Lovlies~

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