Red moon notice

By SaberTrueno86

491 121 910

"Mia!? Alice!?" He yelled getting up, he didn't even bring a torch, didn't even plan to stay out so late, squ... More

Ripped from me
It came in fives
Peppy partner
A woman's touch
In a castle of glass
A new leaf of respect
A hailstorm of gunfire
Riding shotgun
My partner
Dale Faust
Eddie's note
Bad omen?
Another murder
A possible copycat
Suspect in cuffs
Another suspect
Three sets of prints
Bad security
Not the cells in his brains
Not doing your job
Doesn't look evil
The boss
Two killers
An insult
Bird cage
One girl too small
Farewell cruel world
Red Notice
Women like her
Nosy press
The suit...
Behold its Alice
Unexplained attacks
We meet again


18 3 18
By SaberTrueno86

"-Wasn't that an educational corner? -"

Tom tried his best to keep a composed stare at the papers in front of him, the eight cylinder bellow of Angela's car constantly announced its power and Tom wasn't the high-speed-pursuit enthusiast, he'd rather watch other people race at breakneck speeds and risk their lives, just like NASCAR.

The case about Kyle was cold, the last lead was his feedback to Adele and from there on no one else saw him, it was a head scratcher.

He sighed closing the file but blinked when that very same sedan of last night turned and headed straight up where they would be going.

"That's it!" He yelled pointing.

"What!?" Angela said looking.

"That's the car that Moe was in last night before he got killed!"

"Open with that line next time Snyders!" She yelled gearing and aiming for her siren button, but he grabbed her arm.

"No! No sirens! Just follow him!"

"What!? You just identified him as a car used linking to a murder! I'm going to chase this oinker!"


The light went green and she sped off but the Charger fishtailed violently leaving a plume of smoke behind.

Tom grabbed the panic handle gritting his teeth "What a bloody waste of rubber!"

"Government issue remember!" She laughed.

They seemed to be catching up to the sedan but as it cornered a clear indication of smoke from its tyres told them they were running.

"They're running!" Angela yelled.

"No they're not! Just follow" Tom said not wanting to accept this chase is going to happen.

"They're running Tom!"

"They're not!"

"Oh~ up- yours-!" She yelled slamming the button.

The sirens wailed around them and the car lit up with blue, Angela geared down twice and yanked the emergency brake, the car slid sideways as she floored it hard and lined it up again to tail the other car.

"Bloody Hell MacMillan!" Tom yelled.

"I showed you I can drive and my handbrake works! Wasn't that an educational corner!?"

"This isn't NASCAR dammit!"

"No it isn't! Its a little scarier than that!" She yelled grabbing her radio mic "What's the street and direction!?"

Tom scanned quick "Willowson road south west!"

She keyed the radio and yelled into it "All call signs this is detective Angela McMillan! I'm in pursuit of a black sedan that was involved in a murder! Heading south west on Willowson road! Speeds are way above the limit and climbing!"

Tom clung for dear life as they serpentined between traffic "This is dangerous!"

"Its not! I know what I'm doing! Stop underestimating me!" She barked back.

"Pedestrians Angela!"

"That's why I have my sirens on dammit!"

The car swerved right and she followed with her sideways smoking slide, her glance then asked him the new direction.

"Now turned south on Mable road!"

They both saw the movement in the car ahead, Tom rolled his window down and drew his firearm, Angela had the radio again.

"Gun! Suspects are armed!"

Tom aimed at the muzzle of the machine gun and waited, the man stuck his head out and looked over the iron sights of his weapon when Tom fired and hit him between the eyes.

The weapon fell from his hands an twirled to them, hitting the headlight of the Charger in the pass by, as the driver ahead drew his dead buddy back into the car Angela slammed the brakes.

"What the Hell why are you stopping Angela!?" Tom yelled hopping as the car came to a screeching halt.

She threw reverse and backed up.

"MacMillan! The suspects are that way!" Tom yelled furiously but she stopped and jumped out, Tom only placed a hand over his eyes.

Angela took out a napkin and lifted the machine gun by its barrel, then brought it back to the car, in the rear she had a large brown evidence envelope and slipped the weapon inside, then joined Tom again, but she didn't continue the chase.

Her left arm on the steer and her right on the seat, Angela had her bottle blue eyes stoutly on him, he gave her that same leer back.

Then she looked down to his hand clasping the pistol, rattling from adrenaline overdose, finger still on the trigger.

Forgetting his trigger discipline for that instant made him lift his finger and rest it on the slide, now Angela looked at his eyes again.

"This isn't Iraq Snyders"

He shunted the papers off his lap and climbed out "Bloody Hell! The Hell with this MacMillan!" He screamed tucking the pistol back in its concealed holster.

She climbed out after digging in her purse then joined him, resting against the side of the car and lighting up a cigarette.

"Why did you stop!?"

"Don't be an idiot Snyders there's blood on the road for DNA analysis and we have a confiscated firearm that we can track to a possible buyer!" She yelled back.

Tom saw the tip of her cigarette also quiver as she brought it to her mouth, she took a long drag then without first blowing the smoke she continued yelling.

"You did a good job! I would have chased that swine till the ends of the earth! But you just made our lives easier! Good shot by the way!" She said with a tremble in her throat.

He brushed his hand through his short cut hair then took out his whiskey for a deep drink.

"MacMillan...?" -kssk.

A response finally came on the radio but her eyes went wide and she sagged them behind a palm, Tom saw her face go red.

"Who was that!?" He asked wondering to himself why no one even responded over that radio yet.

"I... Well I..."

"Creeky moses MacMillan! Only your second day in Oklahoma and already you get to chase badguys? I think we should come over!" -kssk

Tom frowned at her, that man's accent was similar to her redneck ramble she likes to use every now and then, Angela seemed embarrassed out of her mind.

"The radio was still tuned in to Blue fields" she said.

Tom wanted to laugh but snorted instead "So we never even had backup coming?"

She shook her head.

"Channel 45 MacMillan, stay safe okay?" -kssk.

She bent into the car and changed the channel to 45, then she stood up and held the mic to him "Want to report this?"

Tom was smiling at her red face, she looked sweet like that, not the NASCAR racer she was earlier.

He took the mic from her and she turned away, he looked at her as she secretly scolded herself and decided to keep his partner's little mishap quiet...

"All call signs look out for a black Jaguar sedan, suspects armed and dangerous and is linked to a murder, last known direction south on Mable road"

Tom gave the license plate through then dropped the mic on the seat.

"I'm sorry" she said knowing they were practically running to their deaths.

"Don't be, you stopped the chase remember?" He said giving her a pat on the shoulder, this little mistake she made seems to bother her a lot.

"Hey!" He said and she looked at him "Let it go, let's call on forensics to swap the blood then check the serials on that weapon?"

She nodded and turned to walk "Snyders..." She said and he stopped.

"What's up?"

"You mind driving?" She asked holding the keys to him.

He stepped away from the car and gave it a good look, its blue lights still flickering like a Christmas tree, then he shrugged.

"Nah, this car fits you Angela, you should drive it"

She tilted her head.

"Its loud, just like you, it smokes like you do, and its got attitude... Kinda like my partner" he said smiling then climbed back into the passenger seat.

Angela stood blushing for a few seconds watching him in the sideview mirror, despite the fact that he's a possible suicidal maniac that fought in Iraq, this man has a heart after all.

Author's note

Oh so she could drive after all LoL...

Thanks for the read peeps

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