Red moon notice

By SaberTrueno86

491 121 910

"Mia!? Alice!?" He yelled getting up, he didn't even bring a torch, didn't even plan to stay out so late, squ... More

Ripped from me
It came in fives
Peppy partner
A woman's touch
In a castle of glass
A new leaf of respect
A hailstorm of gunfire
Riding shotgun
My partner
Dale Faust
Eddie's note
Bad omen?
Another murder
A possible copycat
Suspect in cuffs
Another suspect
Three sets of prints
Bad security
Not the cells in his brains
Not doing your job
Doesn't look evil
The boss
Two killers
An insult
Bird cage
One girl too small
Farewell cruel world
Red Notice
Women like her
Nosy press
The suit...
Behold its Alice
Unexplained attacks
We meet again


7 4 39
By SaberTrueno86

"-I'm going to have to put on my detective's hat again-"

"Good evening Miss Monroe, I hope you had a pleasant day at the office?" The valet asked as she climbed out of the vehicle.

"Yes Hank, thanks for your help" she said handing him the keys.

Tom watched this with eagle eyes, the man drove the Bentley off giving way to Adele who crossed the path to him.

"Join me?" She asked holding her hand out.

He got the idea and bent his arm so she could formally hook her hand into his elbow, then the two headed up the staircase to the front door, where seemingly a butler awaited them.

"I have a guest tonight Bernard, please ensure two seats are served" she said and he tilted his head gracefully.

"And to drink madam?"

She looked at Tom.

"I would like some whiskey if possible?"

"On the rocks sir?"


He nodded and opened the doors stepping back first allowing Adele to lead Tom in.

Stray in an alleyway... Meet the house of the Siamese cat, Tom felt like a wart in this place, and the hospitality was equal only to a five star hotel, only it had a proper mansion feel to it.

Adele adored her red it seemed, thick red Persian carpets wherever they could be sprawled and then of course the red carpet treatment went to the staircase leading up to a second floor, it was damn fancy, but seriously red.

Tom took his words back about her being lonely, all the men serving her here were handsome and young, he felt like the old dog from the pound between all this young meat, they must be meat to her right? It was clear she chose them for their looks.

In an exquisite lounge Adele took her coat off and held it to another young one ready to take it, after he left the now red dressed woman strolled around the room to a private bar.

"I hope this doesn't scare you Tom?" She asked seeing him watch the man disappear with the coat.

"I'll admit I didn't expect this, you truly have everything money can buy" he said poking a glass rose on a table.

She finished pouring the drinks then turned to him with the two glasses "Indeed I have, but there is still something I cannot find"

Tom watched her walk over to him slowly until she was close enough so her hand could hold his glass over.

"And that is?" He asked taking it, but his eyes over the glass scouted her flaming body, it couldn't be helped.

"Love, its something I learned money just can't buy, trust me, I know" she said with a seductive smile and sipped at her wine.

"So there was never a lie in that phrase after all"

"Indeed" she said holding a hand to the sofas and sat down.

Tom made sure he didn't sit too close, choosing the seat right across from her.

"Is there anything I should know Adele? I know its not polite to talk business in someone's private company, but I was curious?" He asked.

She sat back spreading her shoulders "Like what?"

"Maybe something that happened long in the past that might contribute to your latest stiff in the freezer?"

She frowned "Stiff?"

"Dead body?"

She laughed "Oh, well no, nothing that serious..." Her face clearly indicated she remembered something, this is what Tom was after.

"There was this one case... Kyle was his name, one of my sales representatives, he just went missing?"

Tom found a new area to scout in, the missing persons reports, it would most certainly be a nice new field to graze in if only there wasn't so little grass, one man isn't enough to flip the entire missing persons dockets box upside down.

"Tell me about him then?"

She rolled her eyes thinking "Well, not only was Kyle my sales rep, but I asked him to snoop around a little"

Tom sipped half his whiskey away waiting for her to elaborate, it was good quality liquor as expected.

"I asked to keep an eye on competition you know? Where do other jewel dealers get the stones from, especially the diamonds"


She sat forward leaning her elbows on her knees "Angola in south west Africa"

"I heard vaguely of the blood diamond business, it is illegal though, why ask Kyle to sniff there knowing its dangerous grounds?"

"I wanted to see how Dale Faust gets so rich but never seems to spend a dime" she said sipping away her vodka and standing to get another, she held her glass up as a gesture so he finished his whiskey as well.

Dale Faust... Obviously Faust jewels but its only called 'Fauzt' like Taghauer, American Swiss or Rolex, he was bloody rich having his own brand of watch going for at least two grand a piece.

"What do you mean he didn't spend a dime?"

"Of course you know how the smuggling operations work in Angola don't you detect... I mean Tom?"

"Not my field I'm afraid"

"The contact Dale had in Angola wanted merely five hundred dollars for that stone, Dale sold it for over a million"

The first thing that Tom questioned in his head is how would she know those exact numbers? Which lead him back to her sniffer.

"And Kyle managed to figure this out?"

"Yes, he told me everything but went missing a day after"

As Adele brought over the new glass of whiskey he smiled taking out his note book "Forgive me Miss Monroe, I need to put on my detective's cap quickly"

She nodded placing his fresh glass of whiskey down and took a seat.

Tom wrote only the basics, Train crash with two employees dead, Kyle... "What was Kyle's surname?"

"Anderson" she replied as her lips pucked to kiss the rim of her glass.

Missing persons reports for Kyle Anderson, then Dale Faust for interview, lastly he wrote down the year Kyle went missing which Adele gave him upon question.

"Thanks, I forget things easily if I don't write them down" he said pocketing the book and picking up the glass.

At that moment Bernard stepped in "Dinner is served madam"

"Thank you" she said getting up.

Tom followed her to the dining room where chatter went on at basic level, Tom restrained himself hard against digging for more information, it made things easier to allow her to do all the talking, but that had him lost in her world of how she climbed the steps of success.

"It wasn't always clear blue skies for me I suppose" she said as the meals were done "I had to fight sometimes, suffer, fall and get up"

"Its interesting to see you're this composed after all that, you settled into the hardships well" he said finishing his fifth glass of whiskey, the spinning in his head told him that should probably be the last one for now.

After her nod he rose from his chair
"Well I guess I should be going" Tom said checking his watch "Thanks for the meal, it was divine"

"You can stay over if you want? I have a spare room?" She asked still sitting.

Tom couldn't figure her plan, she was too damn kind and too much of a good host, it peaked his interest to find out instead why? She won't spread her legs to him right? Tom hoped she won't spoil the respect he has for her by dragging his drunk ass to the bedroom.

"I guess I can spend the night? Only I need a fresh set of clothes"

She stood up and walked around the table "That can be arranged, let me show you your room"

He followed her, glad she had that thought of a spare room... But he almost bumped into her when she stopped at the exit of the dining room.

"Or..." He watched her turn to him with a soft smile "You can join me?"

She asked first, how polite "Why would you want that? We barely even met?" He asked back looking her straight in the eye.

"Merely adult fun detective, ten years is a long time" she said turning to him fully.

"I would much like to solve the case of your stiff first" he said but she took half a step closer and leaned with her chest against his, looking up at him with her slanted seductive eyes.

"Stiff? Is that the only stiff that's been bothering you? I know men have needs, but so do us women... Just one night detective?"

Tom remembered how his late wife pulled this one on him, he teased her that time by stepping back and saying 'Maybe next time'

That made Leya angry and hiss 'You could have at least gave me a hug!'

Now with Monroe in front of him he thought to do the same, but he needed to show her respect and that he found her attractive by at least touching her shoulders.

Adele wanted to lean to him upon his hands on her bare skin but he slowly pushed her away.

"You're like a butterfly Adele"

She showed no anger, only curiosity.

"Sitting on a flower I'd like to watch you, and I feel I'll scare you off if I come too close"

She smiled and a soft red complemented her painted lips under her cheeks, she turned and headed for the stairs "Maybe you are the one I've been looking for"

"Am I?" He asked following.

Her playful glance made him chuckle.

"Yes, usually when I find a man attractive and do that to him he dives in head first... You know what head I'm talking about right?"

"I do..."

At a spare room she stopped and opened the door "You just showed restraint, I like that"

"I'd like to take it easy"

"By all means" she said and held a had to the room "In the bathroom there's some clippers and shaving blades, fresh night clothes in the cupboards, have a good rest"

"Thanks Adele"

Author's note

You think Adele will be angry at Tom for denying her? She's used to getting whatever she wants right?

Thanks for the read.

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