Bts sickfics, hurt & comfort

By jiminietsuki

29.4K 689 111

standalone fics where the boys get upset, hurt, sick & care for each other! tw will be mentioned as we go, a... More

Pandemic (Jin)
Deadlines (Yoongi)
Crowded (Jimin)
Lost and Found in Translation (Namjoon)
Ship Wars (Jimin & Jungkook)
Under (Taehyung + OT7) p.1
Under (Taehyung + OT7) p.2
Sunshine (Hobi)
Power's Out (Jungkook)
Close Call (Hobi & Yoongi)
Years (Taehyung)
Pink (Namjoon)
S'too hot (Jimin)
They can't know (Taehyung)
Shoes (Yoongi)
Peaceful (Hoseok)
Call 112 (Namjoon)
Spiked (Jungkook)
Bad Day (Seokjin)
Guilt (Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin)
In dreams (Yoongi)
Karma? (Hoseok)
Doll, p. I (Jimin)
Doll, p. II (Jimin)
Fall (Yoongi)
Target (Namjoon)

Does it hurt? (Jin & Jungkook)

1.4K 39 7
By jiminietsuki

tw: blood, vomit, graphic depiction of injury

cw: talk about death as a theme, natural disasters and trauma responses


Jungkook's POV.

It's a quiet afternoon for the maknae. The schedule called for all of them to have a costume fitting at the company after long hours of rehearsals, but Jin's and his aren't ready and he gets to stay behind and rest for once. Jungkook played a few games on his computer, even finished a load of laundry he'd been putting off for a while, and now he thinks he might just nap. He can faintly hear the sound of the tv running in the background as his oldest hyung watches his favourite reality show. The noise is comforting and lulling him to let go slowly. He falls asleep with a smile.

He doesn't know how much time has passed when he sits with a jump upon hearing what sounds like a large vehicle outside. The noise is strange and Jungkook is half-asleep so he frowns. What time is it? He can hear his hyung laughing in the living room when he realises that the noise isn't going away. It's like a train is approaching them at full speed, but he knows there are no trains nearby. The youngest member is still sitting at the edge of his bed when a loud detonation is heard through the neighbourhood. He barely has any time to react and then everything is shaking. He's up and dashing towards his hyung before he processes that it's an earthquake.


"-Jungkook-ah! Earthquake! Where are you?!"

The maknae remembers how strong the earthquakes were in Japan the last time they visited and how thankful he was that Seoul rarely gets anything even close to what they had experienced. However, today, the ground is shaking under him and shaking the whole dorm with it. The way to the living room has never felt so long, but that's probably because it's never been so hard to reach. Books and other random items keep falling from their shelves, frames throw themselves off the walls and shatter on the floor across the room. It's been more than 5 seconds and everything is still moving. He really just needs to get to Seokjin and get cover, this is the strongest one he's ever seen and it doesn't feel safe at all. He slips on the wooden floor as he runs down the corridor towards his hyung, finally reaching the doorway.


"Oh my- Jungkook-ah, you're ok! We should-"


**time skip**

Dust. It's the first thing that Jungkook is met with. It's on his tongue, and blocking his nostrils -and when he tries to breathe it's burning down his throat with every cough. He opens his eyes to find that they're covered in it too. Not that it matters, his whole face is. When he finally manages to see something, it's grey and he can't make out what it is for a solid few seconds. Soon enough, he realises that he never moved from the living room of what used to be the dorm, and he cries out. This wasn't supposed to happen.

His forearms are red and grey, thick blood and debris coating his usual golden skin. He doesn't remember laying down or most likely falling, but it's clear from his position that either of these happened. He reaches for his phone in his pocket and finds that the screen is badly damaged. He can't click on the home button or access any of its functions because of it. What now? Jungkook is alone and barefoot, he doesn't even dare to look at what he knows to be deep cuts. Everything stings and burns and he can't breathe without feeling like he's turning into ashes.

He forces himself up on all fours. Jungkook is dizzy and in pain, but a thought won't leave him alone and it's eating him up inside. He remembers being a few metres away from his hyung. He vividly remembers calling out for him before... nothing. And Jungkook is terrified. He's scared to death because what if it's too late? If that's the case, does he really want to see his hyung's body like that? But if it's not, what if- what if he leaves him to die because he was too much of a coward to face the possibility. No, he needs to move. He needs to find him. Seokjin-hyung, where are you?

He looks around for a few minutes to find his bearings. Where am I again? From what he can see, he's barely moved from where he was, and can only guess that he had tried to run to his hyung. There's broken glass all over the place along with plaster and wood, and he realises that some of the walls collapsed. The couch is hanging into a hole in the middle of the room, merging their apartment and the one below into one. Seokjin had been watching his favourite show, that meant- Jungkook looked down with dread.

He carefully crawls towards the opening, debris cutting through his palms as he moves. One thing was sure, he needed to get down there. It's not like he was some kind of secret agent and could tie a rope around something to ease his way down, and for all he knew his hyung might already be out of time. Jungkook slowly gets up on his feet and feels the blood rush to his head when he does, wincing hard. The maknae knows what he needs to do. He apologises out loud to no one and everyone, and closes his eyes before throwing himself forward.

The landing is painful as he crashes on his left shoulder with a gasp. The breath is knocked out of him and he chokes on dust for what seems like an eternity. Then the pain comes rushing back and he's blinded, screaming and kicking as he holds onto his left arm with the strength he has left. Jungkook isn't sure if he passed out, but he opens his eyes at some point without realising that he had closed them. He looks around, desperate for a sign. His dry eyes lock on the hand of a man sticking out from under the debris. He throws up almost instantly.

Jungkook screams at the silence that swallows him in this destroyed apartment building. Tears fill his eyes and he's struggling to catch his breath as he spits out. Ironically enough, it seems to be the sound of him giving it all up that stirs Seokjin out from his unconsciousness. At first, Jungkook isn't even sure if he's actually hearing his voice through the wrecked space or if he's making it all up. He really thinks he's lost it, but then the older man calls for him one more time, louder.


"H-hyung? Where-"

He finds Jin as soon as he turns around, following his voice. The man is behind him, laying on his back, eyes locked to the ceiling and trying to look back at him as he speaks. Only his upper half is visible -not even all of it, if he's honest. Jungkook can't see anything past his shoulders. He freezes at the sight. Relief and terror crash on him violent waves, pulling him under. Hyung is alive, but hyung isn't ok. Hyung isn't dead, but hyung might die soon. The cycle goes on like a broken record in a broken mind.

Seokjin's POV.

The oldest member turns his head left and right but he can't see Jungkook from directly behind him. He still can't believe that an earthquake destroyed the dorm like that. I hope the others are ok. His thoughts are wandering, imagining the worst and the youngest doesn't sound too good which doesn't help. He's wheezing and he can tell from the little yelps that hiccup their way through his cries that he's in pain. Jin calls for him again and again, and it's only after a few seconds that he hears the ruffle of clothes indicating that Jungkook has heard him and he's moving closer.

When the maknae finally appears in his line of sight, Seokjin's lips part in shock. Jungkook's face and hair are painted grey from the incident and the side of his head is matted in dark blood that runs down his neck. His left arm is bent at a weird angle and the maknae cradles it with his other hand, which has glass sticking out of it. Does he even know? Jungkook's eyes are worried and unfocused, and Jin really wonders if the youngest is aware of his injuries since he's so focused on him.

"Jungkook-ah? Are you-"


"I'm here, it's gonna be ok."

He doesn't even believe it, but the lost eyes staring back at him make him promise the impossible. There's a chance that Jungkook can make it out alive and he'll be damned if he doesn't do everything to guarantee it. He's surprisingly calm in the current situation but he won't complain. So what if he can't feel anything past his waist? Jungkook is alive.

"We need to get you out from under there... I mean I- does it hurt? Of course it does-"

"Kookie, I'm ok, really. What about you?" he asks, voice cracking a bit due to his newly found difficulty at drawing a deep breath.

"Ah... 'm ok. Shoulder really hurts but everything else just burns y' know?"

"What about your head? And your hand?"

"My head?" Jungkook repeats, disoriented. "What's wrong with- oh shit, there's glass in my hand!"

"No don't-" he tries to warn, too late. "...take it out. Ok, alright. Just- wrap it around with something, you shouldn't have taken it out like that."

"Sorry, hyung..." replies the maknae with a pout.

'It's ok, Jungkook-ah." he gives him a small smile.

"What were you saying? You were... asking? About... something?" he furrows his eyebrows in confusion. So does Seokjin.

"Your head?"

"What about my head?" the youngest asks, almost amused.

"Hum, it's bleeding quite a lot -I thought you knew?"

He's met with silence as Jungkook raises his injured hand once again and pokes around until his fingers come out coated with blood. He stares at them in confusion, and touches the wound once more, grimacing with a delay. Jin eyes him with growing concern. Jungkook is alive, but there's something definitely wrong with him. He's about to be reminded again.

"Hyung? Does it hurt? Sorry, it obviously hurts, doesn't it? You're stuck under a wall after all-"

"Kookie? It's the second time you ask me that question."

"No? Of course not! I'd remember."

"Oh, sorry, maybe hyung misheard you.", he decides to lie.

Time passes and Seokjin tries his hardest to stay positive. He hears some sirens once in a while but they seem so far away. He knows that his dongsaeng is struggling with the same problem as neither of them have dared to mention the other members or the collapsed room around them. The maknae's memory seems as jumbled up as the dorm, and possibly as destroyed as Jin's body most likely is under the rubble. Every once in a while, the youngest asks him if it hurts, and he denies it politely. He knows that Jungkook isn't strong enough to move him from his position and that is why he has vowed himself to distract him for as long as he can.

Seokjin is scared to his core. He doesn't want to imagine the life that lies ahead of him if he survives today in his current condition. He's been able to feel one of his feet for a few minutes and it only sends him shocks of pain through his crushed muscles and nerves. His hands are numb under the weight of the wall and his belly has started to cramp up. He can barely breathe as it is. Really, Seokjin isn't too hopeful. That's why he tries to argue when a bloody Jungkook gets to his feet and motions to lift the wall off of him.

He doesn't manage to stop him in time -how could he, and before he knows it he feels the weight being lifted from his chest. He manages to pull one of his arms out before Jungkook drops it back on him. The two men cry out and curse as it collapses back down, digging further into Seokjin's skin. He blacks out from the sudden weight crashing onto him, and when he wakes up again, he finds that Jungkook has fallen to his knees, both eyes closed and head lolling forward. He doesn't respond when the older man calls his name.

He stretches and manages to reach him, cold hand grabbing a bandaged, bloodied one. Jungkook's head snaps up in his direction. His eyes are wide, full of tears and remorse. Jin knows that his initial screaming caused that reaction. He sighs. There's no avoiding the elephant in the room, Jungkook probably made it worse. The prolonged eye contact shares what neither of them can say, and conveys yet another message: "thanks for trying, and I forgive you". He feels Jungkook's grip tighten.

"D-do you think the others 're ok?"

"I don't know, Kookie, but I hope so."

He makes a mental note that Jungkook's stuttering and slurring is getting worse. Had he been in another situation he would probably be rushing him to a medic or even the hospital, but right now he's thankful to see the maknae alive. Funny how natural disasters change your perspective of urgency. Jungkook just stares back at him in silence. He really doesn't want to let on how much pain he's in, even if he knows that the maknae can see it in his eyes. At least they're still open, he tells himself.

"Can you sing something for hyung?" he finds himself asking after half an hour passes in silence.


"Sorry, it's stupid... It's just, I love your voice, can I hear it-?" he stops himself from saying it but he knows that Jungkook understands. One last time.

The maknae's voice reverberates through the damaged apartment and Seokjin lets himself melt into it. He recognises the tune that Jungkook's humming as Je te laisserai des mots. Neither of them know French so he doesn't bother with lyrics and the oldest thinks it's probably better than hearing Jungkook forget the lyrics of their own songs. They stay like that for a while, just the two of them against the word.

Jungkook's voice has become quieter until it can barely be heard, and Seokjin makes sure to squeeze his hand every time it grows too quiet. It's worked so far and he swears to do it until he physically can't. His own chest is sending him spikes of pain and his leg is in flames, but above the wall all he shows is a smile. Stay strong for him, then the others can put him back together. Jin can feel how clammy and cold his own fingers are, he knows that none of this is a good sign.

It's not much longer before he can feel Jungkook's hand getting limp in his hold. Panic rushes through him and he calls his name once, twice, thrice -but the maknae just keeps on humming. It's more like mumbling at this point, and soon enough the song completely stops. Seokjin watches helplessly as Jungkook slips into unconsciousness, falling forward like a rag doll next to him. The older man never lets go of his hand -if anything, he holds onto it tighter as everything in him crumbles.

Seokjin can't help but think that maybe this is what's best for Jungkook, and he hates himself for it. At least he won't see when... The maknae's chest is rising and falling slowly and that fact alone is all he cares about. Now that he knows that the youngest can't see him, he doesn't try to put up a mask and groans in pain. If Jungkook were awake right now, he would see the blood that paints red Seokjin's lips when he starts coughing not long after.

He can feel himself shivering and he lets out a bitter laugh. Looking up at the ceiling is getting old, pins and needles wrap themselves around his arm. If Jungkook could see him, he'd cry at the sight. Reality is dark around him and his thoughts are macabre, but Seokjin is still calm, and he holds his hand. Jungkook is safe next to him: the boy just seems deeply asleep, like Seokjin would find him every morning for the past years. He can't help but smile at the maknae, proud of all that he has achieved and glad to have him by his side right now. At that point, the sound of people calling for them, like any other sound, doesn't meet his ears. He doesn't even notice the silence. When the oldest member's eyes slip closed, his own limp fingers are still wrapped around the younger's, and they remain entwined until the two of them are found in that very position.

Namjoon's POV.

He's pacing around the lobby to pass the time. The telephone service isn't reliable and he has found that calling Jungkook and Seokjin doesn't bring him any answers. The other members are done asking questions because they find the silence too loud, and they're stuck at the company as the highway has been damaged. It's been a while since their manager has driven out to the dorm to check on the two others and they can't do anything until he's back. He had never realised how thankful he was for technology.

Taehyung is just spacing out and he hasn't said a word in about 40 minutes. Namjoon doesn't know what to say to make him feel better. Other idols are gathered around them too, trying to contact their families or their friends, but none of them are missing a member of their groups. Bangtan is missing two. It's stupid really, they were supposed to be showing up together today, but random circumstances had made it impossible for the oldest and the youngest members.

Jimin seems convinced that something bad has happened to them. He has begged and begged their security to let him go, but every demand has been refused. With the lack of a communication network they can trust, they'd rather keep them together than lose a member out there. They're informed after a while that the earthquake has been strong enough to destroy buildings. While the company's skyscraper still stands tall, they're afraid for their home. There's no way to confirm or deny that it's been damaged.

Namjoon doesn't know how to make Yoongi feel better. His hyung is fidgeting and he doesn't dare to talk to him. He can tell that he's about to snap, everyone can. The glare he gave a poor intern earlier is proof enough, she was just trying to offer him some water. Yoongi is worried and he's not good at managing his stress, Namjoon pities him a bit but he's not faring that much better himself. Jin or Jungkook's antics are normally enough to distract him in situations like these but... don't think about them. Surely they would get an answer soon.

Hoseok's hand on his shoulder makes him jump slightly. He turns around to see an apologetic smile adorn the older man's face. The dancer has been quite silent since it started. The earthquake in itself had scared him enough and he was exhausted before they even realised that they couldn't reach their two missing members. The added stress had dug some creases in his cheeks as he pressed his lips together tightly. Namjoon was thankful for the small touch, a little silent support for him and a reminder that he could rely on others to go through this. None of them should have to suffer alone. He hoped they wouldn't have to suffer at all, but fate had decided otherwise.

When their manager steps foot in the lobby, all of them stand up on cue. Hours have passed, and seeing the man walk in the room on his own is like a bucket of ice thrown over their heads. Namjoon gulps down at the implication of his lone presence and his eyes remain glued to the manager, as if the two other members would suddenly appear next to him if he stares long enough. His mind is overflowing with thoughts and he can't decipher any of them, but the general idea is that he feels very small right now. He's Namjoon, RM, the leader of an internationally acclaimed kpop group that everyone knows the name of, but his friends might be gone and there's nothing he can do. Not knowing, or knowing that it might have happened two or three hours ago when life just went on here, drives him completely mad. It's less than 5 seconds since their manager showed up but Namjoon's world might as well have stopped.

"No-" Yoongi lets out.

"-We need to talk." is all that the older man tells them, dragging them into a conference room. "I'm sorry for taking so long, most of the streets have been closed down to local circulation. It's awful out there-"

"-Nim..." Namjoon begs him to cut straight to the point, for all of their sakes.

"Right, sorry. I'm not going to sugarcoat things, there's not much left of your dorm.The east wing of the building gave way and the flooring between the two levels completely collapsed. There are casualties. The reason I couldn't come back is because I wanted to be able to tell you something -anything, when I did." he says grimly. "It took a really long time to locate them but at last we did. The both of them were together, they were being extracted from the rubble and moved to the local hospital when I left."

"So they're alive?" asks Taehyung with a hint of hope.


"But?" adds Yoongi.

"...But they're in critical condition. Seokjin-ssi was found trapped under a wall. The paramedics told me that internal bleeding is his biggest problem at the moment. He wouldn't wake up..." he admits, looking at his shoes.

"And Jungkook?" enquires Jimin, voice trembling.

"He was also found unconscious. A few broken bones and cuts here and there but they're mostly worried about his head injury. He shouldn't have been so unresponsive apparently. They're both in medical care right now at least, and we know where they are..."

"When do we leave to see them?" replies Namjoon, his heart breaking.

"You can't- I'm sorry." the boys try to cut him to argue but he's fast to continue. "There are a lot of injured people out there and the hospitals are full, we can't guarantee your security if  you go in these conditions. We also don't want to attract any unwanted attention to them, I'm sure you understand."

Of course they understand. They understand that it's not fair. Namjoon just nods in reply. He doesn't trust himself to answer their manager and it seems like a shared feeling between the members as silence overtakes the room. The man quietly leaves, and doesn't come back until way past midnight. Half of the members have fallen asleep sitting up, the others are too preoccupied to rest. One thing is sure, none of them are leaving the conference room before they know if the two other members are safe. Their manager drops in a nearby chair, coffee in hand. It's been a long day.

They're updated on Seokjin's condition first. They're told about his spine injury and his ruptured spleen. Then they listen as the man describes the many broken bones in his torso and legs. They weep for him and for them too, because he'll live but the odds of a  full recovery are low. When the manager says that they revived him twice they aren't even surprised. Namjoon really wishes he could hug his hyung. Why Seokjin-hyung?

Then they're informed about Jungkook, about his many superficial injuries which would heal quickly, and his brain bleed that required him to be put in an artificial coma until the pressure in his skull lowers. A cut on his hand has been glued shut and his dislocated shoulder was put back in place, but the brain is a tricky thing. Namjoon sobs when he hears the possible aftermaths of his haemorrhage. They need a lot of luck. Please.

Taehyung requests more details about the state of their dorm, and about where and how the members were found. They cry at the material loss when their manager shows them a picture he took earlier that day. Years of memories... He then shows them a picture of two unconscious men holding hands, one is face down in the debris, the other is laying on his back. Both are covered in dust, and it takes them a second to recognise their members. When he explains that the firefighter had taken the picture to identify the bodies before realising that both victims were indeed alive, Yoongi runs out of the room in tears, followed by an apologetic Hobi.

The following day, the network is up and working again and they facetime with a drowsy Jin through their staff's phone. They need to convince him more than once that he has actually survived. When he apologises for being relieved when their maknae passed out back then, Namjoon simply doesn't reply. He listens to him explain how he thought that the youngest would most likely rather be dying himself than watch him die slowly... Namjoon just cries. A few days later, they're finally allowed to visit the hospital. The sight of Jungkook covered in tubes scares Namjoon more than he can ever admit and he decides to stay with Seokjin instead.  He looks so small in the hospital bed and the image burnt in his mind is simply wrong. Sorry Kook-ah. The oldest is due for another operation and the youngest still has yet to wake up: the hospital has become their new home.

It's another week before the maknae wakes up. Seokjin is by his side when it happens, next to an emotional Namjoon. Funnily enough their hands are entwined again, and the leader thinks that perhaps this is how they are meant to live their lives: hand in hand, the seven of them. Luck is on their side. It takes months for them all to recover both mentally and physically, but they're all alive and together. Jin will probably limp forever but he can walk and that in itself is a small victory. And when Jungkook gets a headache once in a while, the members help him rest. The new dorm is bigger than the last and it feels strange, but they'll create new memories in it -just like we always do.

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