For Thousands Years

By Triaane_

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Kayla "Celeste" Castillo was a worldwide known singer in 21st century. Everything in her life was in order ti... More

~00~ My own utopia
Character Information
~02~ Conversation
~03~ Arrival to Marquis Residence
~03.5~ Athella Past
~04~Rolling in her grave
~05~The dead person?
Hiatus Announcement
~06~ Night song
~07~ A precious being

~01~ meeting under sakura tree

486 12 0
By Triaane_

Athella pov

When I heard rustling in the bushes I wanted to turn around to see what it was but... I FORGOT I'M A CHILD!

???: "Whose mana are flooding.

When I heard the voice of a man I got goosebumps.

???:" Huh...What the child does in the forest?!"

'hmm... at this moment i'm lying on grass and looking at the stars if you ask.'

???: "The child... can think?! WHAT THE HELL "

At this moment the Man who was standing a few meters from me Has been found in front of my little face. The man had black hair and dark blue eyes he look like a god.

'KYAA... What are you doing sir?!?'

???:"I'm looking into your face, don't you see it, princess ?"

'what... you answered me now ? And what princess?! ahhh... I forgot this eyes.'

???:"ohh... so our little princess knows the meaning behind these eyes and you see this ring princess."

He showed me a silver ring with an emerald in the center. This ring looked like it was shining.

???: " This ring allows me to read in other people's minds but it has one weakness it can read in the minds of people in 2 hours after using it. Renewal takes about 7 hours"

'so this ring is magic tool'

???: "Yes...anyway how you end here princess."

'haaa... princess this princess that... you know i also have name'

???: " Ah... I'm sorry. What's your name kid"

'Athella ,and your name sir?'

???:" I'm Marquis Kylan Black , Princess Athella"

When he talked to me he took me up and started to go somewhere.

'wha-what are you doing!!'

Kylan: "i'm taking you back to the palace"

'you are crazy Kylan, you want me to die'

Kylan:"What do you mean by die?

'You seriously didn't wonder why I ended in the forest. It's not like you asked me why I'm here. Anyway my mom died after giving birth to me and my sister so my psycho father ordered someone to send me to the forest. Precisely he wanted to send my sister away but he couldn't.'

Kylan:"Claude did that?!? Heh... i know that he loved Diana more than his life but it's too much. Sending his own child to the forest ugh..."

'you know Claude?!?'

Kylan: "yeah... he was the one who gave me the title before I met him. I wasn't even a noble, I was just a commoner with a high mana amount."

'So you owe him a lot.'

Kylan: "Yes I owe him a lot. Without him my status wouldn't rise so dramatically but my status doesn't matter to me. I'm just happy to be able to protect people important to me. But Claude kept insisting to give this title to me. Even if he helped me so many times I still will not look at how he abandoned his own daughter."

'it's comforting to have people like that don't it.'

Kylan:"That's right but anyway what are you going to do?"

'You are asking a child what he is going to do. It's obvious I'm going to sleep and after that it's not like I can't do anything because I'm a child and....'

Athella:" kegh...cough"

Then i felt like my body started to get hotter and around me and Kylan tornado has been created

Kylan :" hey Athella don't pass out. Okay so I must take care of it."

Through the mist I was hearing Kylan who was talking, then I went into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I found myself in a crib. Around me were located some kind of weird pole. It looked like it created a barrier around me.

Kylan:" Did you wake up?"


'Kylan, what happened to my old clothes? I remember that i had white silk on me before and now i have dark blue silk'

Kylan:" when you passed out in this tornado some branches ripped your clothes. Thank god that you don't injure yourself and then I take you there.Also your mana still keep flooding around you so within these 3 days I was making enough durable barriers so you wouldn't use your magic accidentally. "

'What?!? My mana is flooding??"

Kylan:"Mhm, to this extent you can accidentally use some spells like tornado before"

'I'm that dangerous. and you told me before that you were making this pole for 3 days... soo i was sleeping so long?'
i asked him questionable voice in my mind

Kylan: "At first I thought that you died but it doesn't make any sense and when I ended this you woke up."

'Actually when I passed out I also was thinking that I'm going to die....Anyway where I am.'

Kylan: " You're in my tower where I do my experiments but don't worry I will not use you as a lab rat. And also I want to ask you Athella , you got this ring from Diana?"

When Kylan was talking to me he got closer and he waved the necklace with ring before my face

'First yes i got this from mom and second give me this back'
i said angrily in my mind when something started to broking

Kylan:" CALM DOWN!!! I will give it to you"

When I cooled down Kylan handed my necklace back to me and we returned to our talks.I think even if I didn't know Diana very well I still feel my bond with her. Maybe it was because she's my mother in this life but i don't know. Also maybe because she was one of my favorite characters in wmmap.

Kylan: "You know you're sometimes like Diana when you are angry but still more like Claude but..."

When I heard that name I clenched my little hands. I think Kylan saw that so he stopped talking about Claude.

Kylan: "Cough...okay so Athella I want to ask you. What do you think about being my disciple also if you want I can adopt you but not at this moment because your power is much more than destructive and it will be dangerous not only to you but also to another human being."

'I also know that. This power is dangerous. There are two options about which I think at the moment ,first don't use it but this is impossible and second learn how to use this power."

I said with sadness in my mind

'So okay I will become your disciple Master'

I think with confidence

Kylan:"You mustn't call me master, Athella. you can call me Kylan or ....hmmm maybe uncle if you want of course. I don't want to force you also Athella what do you think about adoption?"

'I think it's too early. What about adoption when I learn how to control my magic?"

I said excitedly. I'm sad because my mom died not long ago but I can't do anything about it. life goes on and i can't stop in the place i think i will protect athanasia even though she will deal with it without me. She can always count on me.

Kylan:"That's good plan because i think my wife is still in depression after losing our child"


Kylan: "Don't worry I told servants to look After her.Actually I told my wife about you and what happened to you.....ehhh..... she started to buy you many clothes even if i told her i will not take you to our mansion at this moment because you have mana problems. But the first time after our child's funeral I saw her smile.

I think she will like you very much, Athella. Even if I worry about her, I hope that I will see her smile many times in the future. Also yesterday was the first time when I was scared because of my wife when I told her what happened to you. Then she wanted to kill your father."

'She sounds like a good person doesn't.'

Kylan: "She's very kind"

~2 Years later~

It has been two years since I got reincarnated. Currently I study how to control my magic. Also in my free time I read many books to learn more about wmmap world.

Today Kylan said that he has something to do so he will go to the tower after 3 hours. Actually I have been so bored that I readed all the books Kylan brings me.

'hmm... I will go out but... Kylan doesn't allow me to go... okay i will come back before Kylan returns to the tower.'

I decided happily and when I walked out of the tower. When I got out of the tower I rushed quickly to the edge of the forest. By the way, this tower is found in the center of the forest.

Kylan got this tower from Claude because he helped him with Anastasius. Anyway when I arrived at the edge of the forest I saw the beautiful sakura tree.

Immediately I ran over to this tree. Then I saw the boy who was crying. He was around the age of 5. The boy had white hair and he was dressed like a noble.

Athella:"whwat happwend"

'haa... my pronunciation is still bad but what can i do i'm just 2 years old child'

When I was absorbed in my thoughts the boy turned to me and he said.

???:"*sniff sniff* What is a child doing here?"

'OMG he's so cute but wait he looks similar to one character from wmmap....hmmm WAIT'

Then i looked at this boy eyes

'OMG it's Ijekiel no wonder why Athy in manhwa says he's cute. But seeing a crying secondary male lead it's truly a blessing.'

Ijekiel: "*sniff* so you asked what happened to me right?"

I nodded on his question then he patted me on my head. when i felt his warm hand on my head i felt like my cheeks became hot but then i remembered that i don't have a ring or something else to hide my eyes.

'ahhh... I'm screwed. i must have hope that he don't tell about me anyone'

Ijekiel:"you're kind kid. You know my mother died and I'm sad because of that."

'So Ijekiel's mother wonder why we don't hear anything about Ijekiel's mother in manhwa. I feel sorry for him because he lost his mother at this age. I also lost my mother but I don't know her at all but Ijekiel has time to get closer to his mother.'

Athella:" Even if youw mothew died you should remembew that she will guawd you. even if you don't see hew. The person who died will nevew disappeaw if we remembew about them."

(Even if your mother died you should remember that she will guard you. even if you don't see her. The person who died will never disappear if we remember about them)

'It's like Diana even if she died ,she still guarded Athanasia and Claude.'

When I told him that ,he started to cry. Ijekiel was crying for around 5 minutes then he started to talk to me.

Ijekiel: "*sniff* how do you know that she will guard me"

Athella:" Becwows she has the son whose she want to prowect i think."

'AGH i hope that he understands what i meant'

Ijekiel: "Seriously. Promise me"

He looked at me with stars in his eyes and he give me his hand to make pinky promise with him

'So cute'


I made him a pinky promise and I sent him a warm smile...but he still was still holding my pinky finger.

Ijekiel: "An-And promise me to met me again in the future my lady!!"

Athella: "Okay ,One day i wiiw met you agwain, Also i want to ask whyw arew you herew."

When i asked him this he take his hand and told me with his sad voice

Ijekiel :" You know when my mother died my father didn't care about her death when i asked him 'What mother means to him' he looked at me with shocked eyes and he didn't say anything so i rushed away from the mansion"


Athella:" youw know you shoulwyn't run away from your home. Everywone goingw throughw griefwt diffwrentw. "

(You know you shouldn't run away from your home. Everyone goes through grief differently.)

'Even if Roger Alpheus is a greedy man, I think he has a bit of empathy towards his own child.'

Ijekiel:"but still he shouldn't cry over his own wife?"

Athella: "thanks godw he didn't kill no onwe becawuse of thatw"

I whispered but I think he heard that.

Athella: " So i will gow now"

I said when I started to go towards the tower when I felt someone hand on mine. I got scared and when i turned around i saw around Ijekiel something shining after this disappeared Ijekiel fell down. After this happened I ran with all of my strength back to the tower.

'I was so stupid i remembered that it's dangerous for me to be beside other humans but still i approached Ijekiel and now thanks to me he can die. I must find Kylan'

When I arrived at the tower I saw Kylan who probably was searching for me. He looked at me with his worried eyes.

Kylan: "ATHELLA. Where you been."

He asked me when he hug me tightly.

Athella:" i was bowed so i go out fow while... sowwie Kylan.*sniffle*"

(I was bored do i go out for while... sorry Kylan)

I told him when I started to cry in his arms.

Kylan: " You know it's dangerous for you to go out when you can't control your power."

Athella:"*sniff,sniff* Kylan please help him"

He released me from his hug and asked me.

Kylan:"About who you talking about"

Athella:"I metw a boy undew the sakuwa tree and he saww my eyws. When I wanted to go back he catwched my hawfnd and he fell on the grwund.*sniff* I didn't wwatn to"

(I met a boy under the sakura tree and he saw my eyes. When I wanted to go back he catched my hand and he fell on the ground)

Kylan:" that's why i told you to not go out...haa okay Ellie told me what's the name of this boy."

Athella: " Ijekiel Alpheus. Twhis boy hwas name Ijekiel Alpheus"

Kylan:"WHAT... haa seriously the Alpheus heir. but what Alpheus heir was doing here."

He told when he touched his forehead.

Kylan: "Okay Athella i will go help this boy and you will go quietly to your room okay?"

Athella: " you talkiwng to me liwke to thew childw and of coursew i will go to my room"

Kylan: "Even if you have mentaly 21 you still are 2"

Athella: "Okie Okie now go pwese"

After this Kylan goes towards the sakura tree. He knows this forest better than me so I think he will find this easily.

Kylan pov

After my talk with Athella I headed directly to the sakura tree i knowed about which she was talking about because in this forest there is just one tree who was this species. When I was in place I saw the child on the ground. I immediately bent down towards the child and I checked his condition.

'Uff... this child doesn't do anything dangerous to him. I would have problems if something happened to him when I carried him to his home but i see that Athella sealed his memories but it's about who...hmm'

I looked deeper into this spell and I found out that this spell is a seal who sealed his memories about his meeting with Athella but this seal is weak it can be broken within 15 years maximal.
'Okay kid it's time to take you home'

I thought when I picked up Ijekiel from the ground and I teleported myself in front of Alpheus mansion. The guards who saw me immediately asked me to give them Ijekiel so I did that. when i was about to go i told them.

Kylan:" Say Roger that he must guard his son more"

And then I teleported back to the tower where Athella was waiting for me.


Hi i finally ended this chapter i hope you will like that and there i place Kylan and 2 years old Athella look

Athella 2 years old:


This pictures don't belong to me. I take them from Pinterest. Credits to orginal authors

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