Trails To Happiness

By Taboojinx

1K 79 17

Dean saved Sam from an abusive John Winchester when they were young, and took his baby brother to Bobby's whe... More

The Winchester Boys
Raised By Bobby
The Bee Tattoo
A Wedding Date
The Rich And The Ranting
Just Met Jess
Home Sweet Home
Something Borrowed, Something Blue
A Sheriff And A Hunter
Lil Bro
Meaning Of Family
Seven Years
Always Right
An Awkward Dinner
A Visit And A Break-In
Darkness Upon Thy Door
Back At It
Yellow Eyes
A Call Home
Speed Demon
Thank You ~ The End

Revenge And Protection

28 2 1
By Taboojinx

(Narrator POV)
Dean had spent about five minutes getting Baby out of the ditch after the demon left and he got off the phone with Sam.

He was back on the road, but he wasn't even sure what the plan was since they had no means to kill the demon.

Right as he was thinking about how far behind Azazel he'd be in arriving home, the phone rang.

Dean answered without looking at the ID, and found that it was Meg on the other end.

"I have a confession."

"Oh geez, this should be good."

There was a relatively long pause and suddenly Dean really felt the seriousness that had been in her tone when she spoke.

"When I first became friends with Sam, I was working for Azazel."

He didn't know how to feel at first, not quite believing the words as they left her mouth.

"What?" Dean questioned her with barely contained rage.

"Let me explain, please." Meg actually pleaded with him and went on when he didn't stop her. "At first, I worked for him. Then I met all of you and you treated me like I was really family, despite the fact that I was a demon. I fell in love with all of you in different ways."

Dean didn't say anything as she worked to be able to say what she wanted next.

"You may not feel the same, but I think of you sort of like a brother who annoys the crap out of me." She said sincerely.
"I couldn't betray any of you, especially not Sam, Jess, and Benny. So, I quit helping and refused to do his bidding anymore. I don't know why I wasn't punished, but all that happened was that eventually some other lackey showed up to tell me that they had given up coming after Sam."

There was another long pause, as Dean absorbed all of this information and tried to decide what it meant after everything.

"I would have warned you if I knew." She promised him.

He took a moment for a calming breath so he wouldn't say something he'd later regret. "Why are you telling me this, Meg?"

"Because I don't want secrets, I want forgiveness, and most importantly... I think I know how to kill him." The demon explained.

Dean froze for a second at the last part, and he just stared at the road ahead of him for a few moments.

"I'm listening."

"There's a gun that's rumored to be able to kill most supernatural creatures, including demons. It's called the Colt and you're going to be heading right through where it is." Meg informed him.

"Text me the exact location." Dean partially ordered, too tired and tense to give a crap about manners.

"That's just the thing, it was also rumored to have been stolen by a nest of vampires." Meg sounded like she was cringing a bit at that part, but Dean just sighed.

"Send me the location." He was used to this kind of inconvenience happening at every turn.

"Are you suggesting that you'll take out a nest by yourself?" She sounded incredulous, but if anyone could, it was Dean Winchester-Singer.

"I don't have to take out the nest, I just have to get the Colt." Dean reasoned with her.

"If you say so, Hunter-Boy."

There was another lull in the conversation as Dean thought over what he wanted to say to her about her working with Yellow Eyes.

"You're gonna have to tell everyone else and earn back trust accordingly, but this is a good start, Demon-Girl." He took a second before making his tone more sincere. "Thank you, Meg."

"No problem, Dean."

They hung up on each other and she texted him to let him know where this gun was supposed to be.

It was a 19 hour drive from Nazareth to Sioux Falls, and after he killed the demon, Dean would have to turn right back around to go take care of everything with John.

What fun this week was going to be.

He played music loud and blasted the A/C once in awhile to help keep him alert (he was up against a group of demons and his two brothers who could drive in shifts, so he was going to be the most exhausted for sure).

Eventually, he got to the area that the Colt was apparently in. He quickly checked out Samuel Colt's secluded house, but found nothing so he moved on to the nearby nest.

Dean managed to make an effective distraction nearby with some pig's blood (from the local butcher) and firecrackers for the noise element.

He watched from afar (after sufficiently  blocking his scent) as most of the vampires funneled out of the nest at lightning speeds.

With a large group away from the home base, Dean snuck into the building they were camping out in. He crept around the few vampires who hadn't left, and found the Colt in only a matter of time.

He was creeping back out when a board under his foot creaked with unfortunate loudness. The couple vamps left in the room shut up and went toward him.

It was a slightly unpleasant fight as he chopped off their heads at alarming rates. They weren't very experienced, and so the fight ended quickly.

With them taken care of, he rushed to leave before the others returned to the nest. Thankfully, he made it to his car in time and managed to speed off before any of the remaining vampires knew he was there.

Back on track and with the Colt in hand (not literally), Dean blazed his way back onto the highway with hopes that he wasn't too far behind.

His phone rang again and he answered anxiously. "Yeah?"

"Hey, it's Meg again. I need some help." She greeted and he could hear fighting in the background. "Some demons have come to pay us a visit, and I need you to send me the picture of the demon brand."

"What? Why?"

"Crowley and I are gonna use it, so we can exorcise all these demons at once."

She said it like it was the most simple thing in the world, and not at all a crazy plan.

Dean supposed that crazy was relative.

"Okay, but you'll need the magic that's in it for it to work. Maybe carve it with a knife that has the magic since you can't really forge a branding iron quickly."

"Sounds good. Can you send me a picture of the symbol and the instructions for the spell?" Meg asked.

"Yeah. You're so lucky I remember the recipe." Dean mumbled the last bit.

"I am truly blessed." She replied sarcastically.

"Everyone alright?" He changed the topic for a second to make sure his family was still in one piece.

"Peachy." Her tone was still sarcastic (as usual), but it was still true which was all he had needed to know for peace of mind.


They hung up again, and Dean quickly went through the bag sitting on the front seat where he threw the brand after getting in the car.

While keeping his eye on the road, Dean took a picture of the symbol and sent it to Meg and then he made an audio clip explaining the spell so he didn't crash again while trying to tell her what to do.

Talk-to-text caused too many typos for such an important moment.

After one in the morning, he got a call from Cas telling him that his new niece had been born (named after Castiel, Meg, and Mary) and they spoke for awhile about what had happened on both ends.

It was stressful, but also helpful to talk about.

Eventually, they said goodbye since Cas had some stuff to take care of before the next hoard of demons.

After many more hours, he got a text (around lunch time the day after all this started) that Sam had just gotten home and Azazel was almost there too.

Dean broke many more traffic laws after that, and was lucky enough that he'd be pulling in not long after Yellow Eyes.

(Time Skip)
Sam made it home and had just enough time to meet his new daughter before Azazel was making his appearance in the yard.

"Come on out, Sam! If you make it easy, I won't have to kill everyone else!" The yellow-eyed demon bargained.

The next couple minutes consisted of him trying to convince Sam to come outside and surrender.

He was ignored by everyone in the house, and so he signaled for his demons to make their move on the home again.

Right as they all moved forward, Dean made his way up into the driveway.

A large group from inside (Sam, Ellen, Jo, Rowena, Benny, Meg, Gabe, Pam, and Crowley) came to fight the hoard of demons as Dean stepped out of the Impala and into the sunlight to take them on. Everyone else stayed inside to help protect Jess and the kids.

People were shouting exorcisms everywhere, now that Meg and Crowley were safe and Azazel couldn't escape through those means anymore.

Vampires also joined the fray of demons soon enough, and so heads were being cut off as well.

For a second they had an upper hand, but then Azazel used his power to knock them all over and give the monsters the higher ground.

The tables started to turn after that, and Dean quickly started sneaking his way around so he could get a good line of sight on Yellow Eyes.

However, right as he lifted the Colt to fire, Azazel noticed him and flung him back against a tree. He hit his head on a branch as he was tossed back violently.

Everyone else was quickly pinned in some fashion, while the people in the house looked out the window in worry. Knives were put to the people outside to keep them from speaking, and the speakers were cut off by Azazel before they could be used again.

The demon started to make his way up to Dean, who was struggling against the invisible binds. The gun laid at the base of tree, out of reach.

"You are once again the main thing between me and what I want, so I'm afraid that you're going to have to die." Azazel said with a manic grin and an angry glint in his eyes.

"It's so funny, Dean. You spent your entire life doing things for your family, and I'm the main reason you've had to. I killed Mommy, I killed Daddy, and I'm going to use little brother to his full potential." Yellow Eyes chuckled as Dean looked to the ground, letting blood drip from his head down his forehead.

"I'm the reason you became hunters, I'm the reason you had to do so much for Sammy, and I'm going to be the reason you failed to protect them all." He leaned down and grabbed the Colt to point it at Dean as the man looked up again.

"You are truly such a failure Dean. Couldn't avenge Mama Winchester, couldn't keep Johnny-Boy alive, and you couldn't save the rest of your family." The demon laughed and gestured to where all the family members outside were being held at knifepoint.

"You'll die knowing that everything you did to protect Sam was a waste." He taunted one final time and went to pull the trigger.

Out of nowhere, his arms were grabbed and pulled away harshly by the semi-translucent hands of a woman.

Mary Winchester's spirit yanked the demon so he wasn't so close to her oldest son.

Dean fell to the ground and Azazel dropped the Colt in shock. Mary smiled at Dean and nodded her head slightly to where Rowena's eyes were glowing purple.

He smiled at the witch and then at his mother, before scrambling to stand and get the Colt. His face went blank again and a glare filled his eyes as he looked at Azazel.

Lifting the gun back up onto the shocked demon, Dean made eye contact with the yellow eyes that had taken so much.

Everyone stood frozen, holding their breath.

"Nothing I did for any of them was a waste."

The bullet was fired and twirled it's way to Azazel in a glowing shot. It made impact right on his chest and he began to glow brightly.

For a moment, all stood in shock as the great demon fell to his knees and then onto his front, dead.

Bobby and Cas came out of the house in a hurry to start reciting the exorcism (since the speakers were busted) now that the big bad wasn't around to trap them.

Mary walked to Dean and leaned up to kiss his forehead with her hands on his shoulders.

"I love you, my dear." She said to him and he choked out an 'I love you too' before she continued. "Thank you for taking care of them all."

Mary smiled at him one more time as she backed up, sent Sam a smile too, and then her spirit slowly turned to glowing mist that went floating up into the sky.

Dean just stood in shock before he lowered himself to the ground in exhaustion. It was really over, and they could stay home.

They had won.

A/N Yay! We're mostly done! There's just the epilogue left!

Hope you enjoy and keep reading.

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