Trails To Happiness

Autorstwa Taboojinx

1K 80 17

Dean saved Sam from an abusive John Winchester when they were young, and took his baby brother to Bobby's whe... Więcej

The Winchester Boys
Raised By Bobby
The Bee Tattoo
A Wedding Date
The Rich And The Ranting
Just Met Jess
Home Sweet Home
Something Borrowed, Something Blue
A Sheriff And A Hunter
Lil Bro
Meaning Of Family
Seven Years
Always Right
An Awkward Dinner
A Visit And A Break-In
Back At It
Yellow Eyes
A Call Home
Speed Demon
Revenge And Protection
Thank You ~ The End

Darkness Upon Thy Door

25 3 1
Autorstwa Taboojinx

(Narrator POV)
Dean spent the entire night doing research and going through what John had already found on the yellow-eyed demon.

He had escorted John out of the house and then followed him to the motel to collect the evidence that this demon was going after Sam.

Dean had called in at the garage and then called Cas to explain and ask if he could pick up the kids from school. Then he came home, and (after scouring the house to make sure John hadn't planted cameras, bugs, or otherwise tampered with the place) he got to searching.

Much to Dean's upset, it looked like the man was telling the truth.

There were a bunch of people who had their mothers die in their nursery just like Sam, almost exact duplicates of what happened that night. A large group of them had weird things (like psychic visions) happen to them shortly before their families were killed mysteriously in the same way as their mothers.

After that, the people disappeared and left everything in their lives behind.

Dean spent hours doing the needed research and found an old book that mentioned some kind of antichrist being made through the trial of a large group shrouded in grief.

He didn't even realize how late it was until Castiel came home with the kids, and immediately sent them upstairs so he could talk to Dean.

"Is it true?" He asked as he approached his husband who was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, surrounded by paper and books.

Dean nodded slowly and his words were muffled slightly by his hands. "Yeah, I think so."

Cas came around the couch and moved some papers around so he could join on the couch beside Dean. He grabbed the part-time hunter's hands and pulled them away so he could look in his eyes.

"Dean?" He asked tentatively while holding the other's hands in his own.

"I hate him, Cas."

Dean looked sad, scared, and angry all at once, and Castiel didn't need to ask to know who he was talking about.

"But if that demon is going after Sam, and also Jess and DB, I need to kill it." Dean continued on and Cas nodded slowly.

"Even if it means working with John?" He couldn't help but ask his beloved.

Dean looked like he'd tasted something sour at the thought, but then his expression cleared again.

"I'd do anything for Sam." He said simply because it was one of the truest truths in the family.

"I know you would, Dean." Cas assured with a smile, knowing already that his husband would fight an entire apocalypse for his little brother.

Castiel never minded because he loved how protective and loving Dean was. His husband would also do anything for their children and for Cas himself, because he could never let his family be in any kind of peril.

"I'd feel awful leaving for however long it took to hunt it down." Dean said with a deep sigh.

"I know that too." Castiel grinned.

He leaned to the side a bit to kiss Dean on the cheek. Cas knew that he'd never convince Dean not to feel guilty about leaving, but he could at least put his mind a bit at ease.

"Dean, one of the many things I love about you is how much you love and care for all of your family. I understand if you need to go and protect Sam and the others. We'll be here when you get back, and you won't have to leave again." He reasoned.

Dean took a deep breath as he thought over the words Castiel had just said.

"What if I don't come back?"

The words were spoken quietly and with a touch of fear that pulled Cas's lips into a frown.

"Dean, do not say such things. You will come back, you always do."

"But what if this time is different?"

"It won't be."

Cas sounded so sure and determined to believe his own words that Dean had to let it go (at least for now). Of course, Castiel would worry for Dean while he was gone, but there had never been anything that Dean couldn't do when he put his mind to it and Cas had faith that this time was no different.

"I'm not sure what to do." Dean admitted as he gazed to his side at Cas.

"I will support you no matter what, but I think you should speak with Sam." The florist advised and Dean knew he was right.


"He will not be pleased."

"No, probably not." Dean chuckled a bit at the flat tone that Cas had used, but grew serious again as he pulled out his phone.

Castiel rose off the ground to get Dean a drink (since he had clearly not been taking care of himself while he was absorbed in reading), and give him some privacy with his brother over the phone.

Dean called Sam and told him all about what was going on, which caused the younger brother to immediately announce that he was coming over.

Sam hung up, and then was knocking on the door five minutes sooner than he normally would have taken if he came from his own house.

Clearly, he had broken some traffic  laws.

Dean proceeded to show Sam everything that he or John had found on the situation, and Sam read through it quickly.

When he was done, the man collapsed backward on the part of the couch he'd been sitting in.

A moment passed before he spoke. "I've been having that dream about Jess again."

That was all it took for them both to know that the research was true. In the hunting life there were no coincidences, which meant that the dreams were some kind of psychic vision.

They weren't going to agree to anything just yet, but there would definitely be some precautions taken that wouldn't have been taken before.

High alert was the new constant.

(Time Skip)
It was 11:00pm three days later, when Sam called Dean in a panic.

"We need to come over. I had the vision again, but I was awake this time and it felt different. Can we come?" He said in an anxious voice

"Yeah, you can come over here, but be quiet because the kids are already asleep." Dean told him.

He and Cas had been sitting up in bed talking when the call had come in, and the kids were already asleep.

However, they weren't sleeping as they usually would be, but instead all of the girls were having a 'sleepover' in Claire's room while the boys were having a 'sleepover' in Jack's.

None of the kids knew exactly what was going on and their parents had tried to keep them as calm as possible, but they were safer and easier to get to fast if they were in groups.

The kids didn't seem to mind the new arrangement too much (especially Claire because she had some inkling of what was happening, despite them trying to avoid it). Hopefully, the boys wouldn't mind it too much if DB was bunked with them too.

Sam (looking stressed), Jess (looking tired), and DB (looking asleep) showed up not long after the call and moved their way into Ben's room with an air mattress (it wasn't good for Jess's back, but the guest rooms were too far away for optimal protection and Ben hadn't gotten his queen-sized bed yet).

Jess seemed very exhausted, but she was also understanding of what was going on. It wasn't Sam keeping her up anyways, it was the little pineapple (that's the fruit Jess's pregnancy app was comparing the baby to, anyways) that was using her strong little legs to play kickball with her mom's bladder.

Why'd Jess have to marry an ex-soccer player?

Anyways, the family members all settled in after slipping DB in with the other boys (who had vacated the air mattress and were now stealing space in Jack's queen-sized bed).

The night went on relatively peaceful for awhile, the beds were comfortable (even for Jess because they'd added a foam mattress-topper type of thing) and the only sounds were the crickets outside.

There was a light fall breeze going on, and everyone was getting a good bit of sleep under the covers, despite the past days stress.

Suddenly, a piercing scream broke the peaceful silence of the night and Dean was leaping out of bed with Cas following closely behind.

"I'll get the kids, you get Sam and Jess." Castiel said as he made his way to do just that, and Dean followed the instruction and raced his way to Ben's room.

Claire woke as well, and herded her sisters out of the room the second she heard her Papa speak. All of them rushed to the boys room as Jack opened the door.

Meanwhile, Dean reached the room his brother and sister-in-law were in, and tried to turn the doorknob. He flinched back as his hand was burned, but he didn't let it stop him as he rammed his shoulder into the door.

It broke the doorjamb after a time or two (sorry Ben) and Dean rushed in the room to see Sam fighting with a mystery man.

Jess was standing right next to the door with a burnt hand and blood running down her throat and side from two not-too-deep cuts. Her night shirt appeared slightly singed, and the air mattress seemed to have deflated and burned from some fire that was now gone.

Dean grabbed Jess quickly, and pulled her out of the room as gently as he could while still moving fast. "I'll help Sam, go!" With that reassurance and her two children on her mind, she listened and rushed to where Cas was peeking out of the other room, waiting.

Sam and the man were still fighting, and right as the stranger pinned him to the wall, Dean rushed in and slammed his side to tackle him.

The men all fought, but the brothers' opponent was too strong. He flung them both to the ground and stared down at them with a smile.

Yellow Eyes.

Dean pulled a black and green gun out of his waistband and aimed it at the man who laughed (even Sam looked incredulous at the action).

"Bullets don't work on me, Sunny." The demon taunted with a grin, but Dean didn't even blink.

"Who said anything about bullets?" He asked and pulled the trigger of his odd looking gun.

Holy water shot out in a high-powered stream to shoot the demon right in his sickly yellow eyes.

The demonic creature let out a shout and grabbed his eyes while Dean kept dousing him in the holy water. Thoroughly distracted, he didn't notice when the older brother nodded to Sam who began reciting an exorcism.

Suddenly, the man fell to his knees and opened his mouth to release the demon.

Black smoke came out and filled the room in a writhing mass before he shot out of the partially opened window in an angry tendril.

The man fell to the ground, the human unfortunately dead from his time as a demonic vessel. An unpleasant call to Jody would have to be made soon.

The boys just lay there on the floor for a few seconds, panting from the adrenaline and the difficult fight.

Dean and Sam eventually helped each other up so they could go check on the rest of the family, but for a split second they just looked at each other in silent conversation. Finally, they both spoke at once.

"We're going hunting."

A/N Hello! Hope you liked that one even though it's kind of rushed toward the end.

I thought the idea of attacking a demon with a water-gun was enjoyable, so I did it.

By the way, Yellow Eyes was in a different vessel for that first fight. His main appearance is the vessel for the rest of the story.

On a note unrelated to the plot, I gave the older kids queen-sized beds because I think it's kind of a waste of money to buy like a bajillion different beds depending on the kid's age.

Anyways! Hope you liked it and will continue on!

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