REVENGE of the EXes || A Lisk...

By FlowerXPotato

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"You mean a lot to me...." "As friends, right?" "As my life." "What does that mean?" "Should I have to spell... More

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙣 🅸🅳🅸🅾🆃 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙮
Ch 1- Lili is back from the States, ya'll!
Ch 2- Not them again!
Ch 3- He? How is he here?
Ch 4- Sorry, I am not your puppet
Ch 5- Same mistake, twice
Ch 6- Girls are bitches
Ch 7- Pluie
Ch 8- What does Eunha mean to you?
Ch 9- Chemistry
Ch 10- Fry his dick
Ch 12- Don't be so selfless
Ch 13- That's a lot to take in
Ch 14- That's your sister?
Ch 15- JKLM
Ch 16- Mission Impossible
Ch 17- Suspension
Ch 18- Cheating is okay?
Ch 19- Frenemies?
Ch 20- Frenemies to Lovers 🔞
Ch 21- Last day of Suspension
Ch 22- Day-out
Ch 23- Snakes
Ch 24- Revenge
Ch 25- Hug from the right person
Ch 26- Pairs

Ch 11- Project Problem

93 0 0
By FlowerXPotato

Rosé POV~

As I walked to the public library, I got a call from someone.


After she said 'that' that day, I have kinda been feeling bad about it. I mean, how would you feel if you get to know that your best friend likes your crush?

Nevertheless, we have been on good terms and I often tease her about Jimin. I'm pretty sure that everything will be fine, as long as she doesn't know that I like Jimin, too.

"Hey Seul!"
"Chae, what are you doing?"
"Meeting up with my partner. We have a project to do."
"Oh same! I'm actually with him right now. What model have you chosen?"
"Our chapter is Atomic Models. We still have to discuss"
"Lucky. Our chapter is molecular models."
"I guess."
"Anyways, bye. We still need to chose our project theme! 😌"
"Okay, Bye Seulgi...."

I walked into the public library and saw Jimin waving at me.

Well, he did show up. I was expecting him not to.

"So, which model do you want us to do?" he asked, as I sat down. After thinking for some time, I answered "Bohr's atomic model?"

Jimin shook his head. "I think Yoongi is doing that." Raising my one eyebrow I asked, "How do you know that?"

"Ummm... We are friends, you know? Plus his project partner is too loud, and she was yelling at him about their project."

"Uh, his project partner is my friend, JENNIE. Give her some respect."

"Oh okay. Now tell me what we are going to do" he instructed, impatiently. "Why don't you give me some ideas?" I countered back.

The shorty in front of me leaned back on his chair and started thinking. I skimmed through the chemistry books, wondering about the right project to select.

Just two minutes later, I heard a crash.

Great, so this guy still can't manage his clumsiness.

Jimin rubbed his head and got up from the floor. He steadied the chair and bowed low, showing that he was sorry to all the people at the library.

I feel jealous of the floor. 

Why doesn't Jimin fall on/for me?

My hands reached the pen holder to grab a highlighter, when my hands brushed against another soft hand. 


He immediately pulled back, and I saw his cheeks turning red. I was blushing too, but mine is excusable, right?

Jimin immediately interrupted me. "Let's go for Rutherford's model, hmm?" I nodded and turned to the pages about the chosen structure.

As we talked on the materials which we had to gather, I saw Jimin's eyes travelling to my shoulder. My whole body shivered as I felt something crawl against my neck.

Was it an insect?

I was about to yell, when Jimin placed his finger over my lips. "Don't shriek." I shut my eyes tightly. I felt his hand go till my neck, and damn, it was warm. The creepy thing was taken off my neck, as I saw him showing it to me.

"Are you afraid of spiders?" he chuckled. "Duh, Jimin. Name me someone who isn't."

I saw his mouth curling into a smile as he threw the SPIDER at me!

"Jimin, what the hell?! Why did you do that?" I shouted as I pranced around like a 5-year old. That shorty was laughing to no end! "JIMIN, I told you I AM SCARED of SPIDERS!!"

I'm gonna murder him, I swear. I don't care if I'm gonna die single or not, but this guy is so.... EVIL.

"You are the same 6-year old Chae, aren't you?" he teased, as he wiped his tears, which was a result of him laughing.


"You do remember me?" I queried as I re-composed myself. His face froze and he started rubbing his nape. "Uh, no? I just um-imagined you as a well, -6 year old-?" Jimin stammered.

"Oh, by the way, I didn't throw the spider at you. It actually went flying over to the table behind you."

So I embarrassed myself for nothing?

I was about to pull this shorty's hair off, when I saw the librarian walked upto us. Uh oh.

Oh Namjoo seonsangnim glared at us and mouthed "This is a public library, not your classroom. Get out, both of you."

Great. We were just kicked out of the one place from which we could get some information.

We walked out, as I hung my head down with embarrassment. "What's there to be embarrassed about Rosé? Let's chillllllllllll" Jimin casually said. "Chill?" I eyed him "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, duh. We have more than a week to complete this dumb project, let's go enjoy!" Before I could answer, he whisked me away to the game arcade.

He was holding my hand......


I was busy drooling over this fact when his words finally brought me to my senses. "Which game do you want to play?"

I rubbed my nape. "I- I don't play games..." His eyes popped out of his face, "You are missing out on a lot!"

He walked upto me and ushered me to the air-hockey board. "Do you know this game?" I shakily nodded my head, "Yes, I played with Jisoo before, once."

"Good. Now defeat me."
"Stop ordering me around."
"That was an instruction."

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed a flat-top and gave him my best game face.

"Sike!" I yelled in joy as I defeated him. "That's so confusing. No one ever defeated me in air hockey. Except JHope." I boasted, "I'm an ace. Deal with it."

As we walked to play hand football, I kept teasing him about how he lost to a beginner. It reminded of the time when we used to pull each others hair and tease about how strong we were.

That doesn't matter since he doesn't remember me. Right?

My thoughts were interrupted when I got a phone call. Before I picked up the call, which was from Jisoo, I checked the time.

Holy moly! 8:00 PM?

"Yeah Jisoo, what's up?"
"What the hell? I will be there right now!"

I looked up at Jimin and whispered "I have to go. Mianhe." 

Saying thus, I rushed out.

Just why?
Why was Lisa in the hospital?


Jennie POV~

"I told you, let's do the Thompsons's Model!!"
"Well.... I don't wanna do it. What will you do, huh?"
"Fuck you Suga!"
"Gladly, with you. But you wouldn't have the energy, so no thanks."
"What the fuck, Yoongi?!"
"Are you just going to call me by my different names now?"

I sighed out of frustration. "Yoongi, Suga, asshole, whatever; just shut up!" He had the audacity to smirk "Sure. Do the project by yourself. I'm off to sleep."

"Why do you always want to sleep?" "Cuz I need sleep."

Glaring at him, I sneered. "Even I love sleep, okay? But for god-sake, we have a freaking project together!" "Geez, fine. But I chose the model."

I nodded.

If it was the only way I could make him work, so be it.

"What do you want to do?" I queried. At this point, I just wanted to get over it. He stood thinking for a while.

"How about the Bohr's model?" "BOHR'S MODEL?? That's so difficult, Suga!"

[A/N: Making the Bohr's Model was the most stressful thing for me. Don't judge.]

"Aw.... Is someone backing down?" he teased, bending down to reach my level. I slapped him hard on his head, "You are going to make the shells and atoms."

He grabbed my hand and slapped it away. "Why should I do all the work?" "Uh... You are not? I'm going to make the speech" I retorted, as I walked out of the building.

Yoongi sighed. "Where do you want to meet up?"
"JKLM Café?"
"Sounds good. I'm heading there."

I shook my head. "I will come in 5 minutes. I have to talk with Nayeon about something." I expected him to bombard me with questions, but he didn't. 
Good for me.


I literally ran into the transparent glass door, but re-composed myself. Walking in slowly, I cocked my head, searching for Suga.

There he was. Sleeping like a donkey.

But why did this donkey look cute?

Wtf Jennie? What is wrong with you?!

"Yah, get up, sleepyhead!" I yelled, as his eyes fluttered open. "Shut up, Jen" he yawned, stretching his arms like a gorilla.

Excuse me? Who the hell gave him the right to call me Jen?

Grumpily, I sat on the chair in front of him. "Where are your books?" I questioned, placing my chin on my upturned hands. 

He raised one of his eyebrows. "What do we need my books for?" "To research, hello?"
Was this guy a dumbass or something?

"Oh, that. I have my phone." Saying that, he fished out his phone from his pocket. "Search up what you want and note it down. I'm going back to sleep."

I pulled him by his ears. "No, you are not. You are going to search on how to make the atoms &shells and the materials required for it."

Noticing my angry glare, Suga nodded and started searching. I opened my chemistry book, which I had brought with me, and started skimming through the pages while jotting down the important points.

I was busy scribbling down in my notebook, when a waitress came upto us. "Sir, Ma'am, would you like to order something?" Me and Suga simultaneously nodded. I was about to give my order, when that bastard beat me to it.

"An iced Americano for me. This girl in font of me would like a hot chocolate."

Okay, did he just read my mind?

Me and Yoongi were actually doing a better job than what I had expected it to be. I was sipping my hot chocolate when I felt a soft cheek on my left hand.

My left hand was stretched across the table while I was writing and well, Yoongi decided to use it as a pillow.

I swear to Jisoos Christ that I wanted to jerk my hand away, but I let it be there. Even I have no freaking clue why?!

My mind then went to my draft of the speech and I was happy on the progress I had done. Because I had no hope from this sleepy dumbass anyways.

I gave a couple of yawns, but I was really tired. I had been playing games with Jisoo, yesterday night, till 1:45 AM. and my amazing mom woke me up at 7:00 AM. 

Lucky me~

My head felt heavy and I fell asleep on my open books. 

Not exactly realizing that my right hand was atop Suga's left hand. Pretty sure we looked like a cat couple, right now :|

[A/N: Something like this but they are holding hands and THEY ARE YOONGI and JENNIE]

Ring! ring! RING!

Thanks for ruining my sleep....

"Ne, eomma?" I answered the call from my mom.
"Jennie-ya, where are you? Are you okay?" I heard my mother's worried voice from the other side. "Eomma, gwenchanayo..."

"It's already very late! I don't want you to be wandering around so late. Come home quickly" my mom instructed, with clear authority in her voice. 

"Ne, eomma."

I groggily rubbed my eyes with my non-occupied hand and pulled the other hand away. Yoongi's head fell on the table with a bang, and that's how he woke up.

"Geez, Jen! My head is valuable." I rolled my eyes. "What does it even contain to be called vAlUaBlE?"

"Anyways," I started as I stashed the book in my bag "I'm going home." "Okay, bye. Get lost" Suga retorted, as he walked out of the café.

"EXCUSE YOU? Where are your manners? Aren't you going to ask me if you can walk me home?!" I yelled behind him, as running to catch up with him.

Yoongi gave me a poker face. "So you want me to drop you?" I shrugged, "Of course not. I was talking about your manners."

And I left.

Pfft, who wants to walk home with him?

I called Jisoo while walking home. Thankfully, she was not busy.

"Aren't you going to do your project with V?"
"I don't really care about that guy. He doesn't reply to my texts, so...."
"That's good right? Who wants to work with those idiots anyways?"
"Krronika. Plus, sometimes I really wish that my online friend was in our university."
"His name sounds too foreign, so don't even think about it."
"Thanks Jen. You are such a good friend."
"I get it Jisoo, no need to pour your sarcasm."

Disconnecting the call, I walked a bit more. There, from a distance, I saw someone walking into an alley.


Being 100% sure that he didn't live here, I followed him, slowly, and stood at the end of the dark street. I switched on my camera flash, and dimmed it, so he can't notice there was someone there. 

My eyes popped out when I saw Sehun grabbing a girl and inject an injection into her. The girl looked awfully familiar.

I know those bangs.....

Oh my.


I yelled my heart out, "I'm going to chop off his dick and fry it for doing such a horrible thing to Lisa!"


Oh, my lovely Sehun. You are messing with the wrong girls.....

Sorry for being MIA (again!)

Kisses and Hugs,


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