[★Fallen Stars★]

By Braggski

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The world is anything but a fairy tale. There are vicious monsters that plague the world's existence, the sou... More

Trailer [Light]
Trailer [Inferno]
Chapter 1 [Courtain Raiser]
Chapter 2 [Conclusive Trial]
Chapter 3 [Your Battle Is My Battle]
Chapter 5 [Power Beyond Oneself]
Chapter 6 [Yellow Flickering Embers]
Chapter 7 [Unravelling]
Chapter 8 [Battle Addiction]
Chapter 9 [Jötunheimr]
Chapter 10 [Takamagahara]
Chapter 11 [Sanctuary of a Garden World]

Chapter 4 [High School Never Ends]

121 3 0
By Braggski


[Chapter 4 - High School Never Ends]

[Season 1 - Reluctant Heroes]

As the "team forming" ceremony comes to a relatively positive conclusion, all the new students venture out into their designated dorm rooms. The two brothers of the newly formed team BEUL found themselves in one of these assigned rooms at the very end of the hallway of one of Beacon's corridors. Stepping inside, the brothers witnessed their new living situation for the next 4 years, hopefully, if nothing major happens. The room was quite simple, had two beds which were sufficient enough for a two-man team like theirs and a pair of shelves in the corner and... that's about it. What, did you expect something more? This is a fucking student dorm, be happy they have working plumbing. Oh, and there were two closets as well too, which was nice for later when they'll actually have clothes to put in them. Stepping into their dorm, the two brothers were baffled at the sheer luxury on display... Nah just kidding, they felt pretty nothing about the room.

Beryl: "Oh, so this is our dorm room? Cool, cool. Looks like a room."

Uller: "Keep off my side, slimy fuck."

Beryl: "Same to you, asswipe... Hmmm, yes... This room is made out of room."

Uller: "sigh... There appear to be no signs of intelligent life. I can't believe I have to spend even more time in the same room with this dust-huffing lemur..."

Beryl: "A what now? Well anyway, look, our uniforms!"

Located on the respective person's bed, were two neatly folded pieces of clothing: Beacon Academy Uniforms. How exciting! Yay! Black suits lined with gold, accompanied by a blue vest and a white shirt with a red tie. As every student is required by law- I mean plot to wear these uniforms, the idea didn't seem so appealing to the brothers, having to do something cause you were told to do it. And as so, they expressed their very appropriate and much-needed opinions to absolutely fucking nobody.

Uller: "...I have to wear these fucking rags?"

Beryl: "These are very clearly lacking in swag points."

Uller: "I wouldn't clean a fucking prison's bathroom with this shit."

While Uller continued trash-talking their new uniforms, as one should, Beryl took a picture of the clothing and posted it on his Instagram, gaining a plethora of likes instantly, like a fucking loser. Their bags were already delivered to their room so they did not need to retrieve them from the auditorium. With nothing else to do for the day except sleep and await the next day and classes, Uller took off his usual combat clothing, replacing it with orange baggy pyjama pants and a sleeveless shirt with the text: "RIP AND TEAR" written on it, plus his famous lovely hat. Beryl changed into a pair of boxers and a very loose white t-shirt that had in big bold letters written on the front "♥BEST GIRL♥" in black. Uller noticed Beryl's shirt immediately, and one could almost see a vein pop in his neck and steam rising from his head.

Uller: "...The fuck is that?"

Beryl: "Huh? My pyjamas?"

Uller: "...Take that shit off!"

Beryl: "NO!"

Uller: "TAKE IT OFF!"


While the two continued to make an absolute fucking calamity in the supposed "privacy" of their room, the walls were far from soundproof. And so, a certain team next door, unfortunately, heard most of their loud yelling accompanied by the sound of a chainsaw for a moment, glass breaking and a comically loud and long cat screams.

Weiss: "What's with that abysmal racket?!"

Blake: "Sigh, someone, go tell them to shut up."

Yang: "Wanna go check up on what they're up to and say hey?"

Ruby: "I guess...? They sound pretty-"



Ruby: "-busy..."

Yang: "Exactly!"

So the two half-sisters excitedly and reluctantly exit their room and take whole two steps to reach team BEUL's room, because it's right next to theirs, as we've said like, a couple of paragraphs before, idiots. Yang doesn't bother with the crude act of knocking and kicks the door open like a certain Big Bird. As the sisters enter the room, Ruby shrieks and blushes while Yang whistles while also blushing, when they witness half-naked Beryl being assaulted by a similarly half-naked Uller, his shirt being ripped into pieces and burned. But he wouldn't go down without a fight, and so he did the same to Uller's shirt. Yang whipped out her scroll to record the ordeal in 4K while Ruby desperately attempts to cover her eyes, rather poorly might I add. She still peeked through the cracks between her fingers.



Yang: "...I'm saving this for the dire times."

Ruby: "U-U-U-Um, what's going on here...?"

Beryl: "Help me! He's going to ra-"

And then Beryl got abruptly silenced by a sucker punch to the face, he did a dramatic and very athletic backflip in the air before painfully colliding with the wall. Uller took a deep breath and exhaled in relief for finally acquiring some peace and quiet. Beryl, who was now splattered against the wall like a fly, groaned before pulling himself from the concrete, the imprint of his body embedded into the wall. The future generations of Beacon students would never know the history behind the mysterious imprint...

Beryl: "Ugh, immeasurable pain... JOKES ON YOU! I... HAVE A BACKUP SHIRT!"

And like a wizard, Beryl pulled out yet another t-shirt from... Oum knows where and puts it on without missing a beat. The shirt was black, had short sleeves and a bold text that read as such: "THE CUM SNATCHER". While the white-haired boy proudly presented his new shirt, the three remaining occupants of the room stared at him as one would at a monkey at a zoo. Ruby laughed nervously, not knowing what to think nor say to that while Yang took another picture and loudly laughed at the tussle, and Uller looked like he was just about ready to remove a bitch from the Kingdom of Vale's census.

Uller: "...Wonderful, I give up."

Ruby: "It's uh... UNIQUE!!"

Yang: "... PFT HAHAHAHA!"

Beryl: "SILENCE, UNCULTURED PIGS! I look damn gorgeous!"

Uller merely grumbled under his breath, mumbling a billion profanities a minute in different languages while reaching into his bag to pull out a new shirt since his old one has ripped thanks to his eccentric and most likely high brother. The new shirt looks practically similar to the previous one, a sleeveless shirt, but this time the shirt had a large red heart with a small lowercase "no" inside. Yang also takes a pic of this, while simultaneously dodging a small fireball thrown at her, while Ruby stifles a laugh and hides behind Beryl, who unFORTUNATELY received the brunt force of the attack to the face. A small bell sound can be heard in the background as Beryl fell to the ground, his head smoking and slightly burned

Beryl: "Oi! You nearly hit my perfect anime main character's hair!!"

Uller: "Yes, that was the point idiot."

Beryl: "I barely felt that!"

Uller: "I'll burn you like a shish kebab and put a metal pipe through your ass."

Beryl: "Bitch you'd have to catch me first!"

Yang: "So the same old same old with you two?"

Beryl: "Yeah pretty much."

Uller: "Sadly."

Ruby: "You guys don't get along much, do you?"

Uller: "What?! NOOOO, how could you possibly conceive such a thought?! We absolutely perfectly completely 100% love each other!"

Ruby: "...Really?"

Uller: "...Did you leave all your brain cells in your dorm or something?"

Yang: "Hey c'mon now, be nice."

Uller: "no."

Yang: "Welp I tried."

Uller: "No you didn't."

Yang: "Touché, hot stuff."

Beryl: "Anyway, wassup?"

Ruby: "Not much, we were just wondering what all the noise was about. Guess we found the source."

Yang: "Hehehe, your fashion sense is even worse than Ruby's."

Ruby: "Hey!"

Beryl: "Stop arguing, that's our thing! ALSO! I'll have you know I am a professional at wearing drip."

Yang: "Really? You're dry as fuck my dude."

Uller: "Well anyway, it was nice to see you again, actually I lied it was not. Fuck off you eyesores."

And so the hate-filled sun quite literally kicked the sisters out of the room and slammed the door shut in their faces. Ruby jumped a bit into the air in shock of Uller's pretty rude actions, while Yang anticipated the rough treatment and left to go to sleep. Uller dusted his hands and decided to turn in for the night by brushing his teeth, using the toilet and locking his hat onto a chair with multiple chains. Beryl, being his usual stupid self, didn't really give a shit and just hopped onto his bed, set an alarm on his scroll and with the power of his overpowered semblance turned off the lights for the night.










Uller: "THE... WHAT?!"

Beryl: "Oh boy what a wonderful morning!"


Beryl: "Well, actually, it's about giant horse CONCH. Pervert~"

Uller: "..."


Uller: "Ah, good morning dear brother."

Beryl nearly died to a bullet shot right between his eyes by Uller with the big iron on his hip. Luckily, Beryl is literally too fast to care about death and manages to activate his aura in time to dodge the oncoming lead. As the two got ready for the day by performing the basic human needs and common cleaning rituals, they got dressed and took one final look at their room and noticed how barren it was. The walls were... well, there were nothing on them, no posters which were really fucking rare in a teenagers room and the shelves had no books on them, which wasn't that surprising, not sure if Beryl can even read...

Beryl: "...Wanna decorate?"

Uller: "...Yeap."

And decorate they did! They both first did the tedious tasks, or rather Uller decided, such as rearranging some shelves and other furniture, cleaning off dust and stocking the closets with their clothes. Uller unpacked the books from their bags and alphabetically put them on the shelf. He placed various books and mangas within the shelves, such as Shakespeare, to make it seem like they are smarter than they actually are, and Vinland Saga and Beastars right next to it, as they so belong. The most important book, however, he took extra care with. It was... The Holy Thighble. A religious book solely dedicated to worshipping a woman's thighs. A masterpiece of literature, even Beryl read it at least once a day, and Uller seriously doubted if the fucker could even read.

Beryl meanwhile took it upon himself to perform the more enjoyable decoration, which was to hang the posters around the room. Some were of their favourite bands and independent music artists which included but were not limited to Sabaton, Avenged Sevenfold, JVG, Samuli Edelmann, Amaranthe, Jonathan Young, Caleb Hyles, Studio Yuraki, RUSTAGE, Divide Music and Riverdude Covers. But those weren't the only type of posters he hung on the walls. Oh no. You see, both brothers were waifu connoisseurs at heart, and as such there were plenty of normal posters and NSFW posters of anime girls to go around. To name a few of them, there were: Erza Scarlet, Lucy Heartfilia, Captain Mizuki, Tatsumaki, Fubuki, Leone, Mereoleona, Vanessa, 2B, A2, Kongou, Maki Oze, Hibana, Maki Zenin, Nobara Kugisaki, Koneko Toujou, Akeno Himejima, Gawr Gura, Keanu Reeves and Gordon Ramsay (which was placed above Uller's bed, as his mentor).

Beryl: "And... DONEZO!"

Uller: "Huh, it doesn't look half bad. Also, why the fuck did you pack so many hentai posters?"

Beryl: "Because we horny."

Uller: "We?"

Beryl: "WE."

Uller: "...Oui? What are you, French?"

Beryl: "Oh yeah... time for class!"



And like that, Beryl was no longer there, as he usually does. Gone in a flash of unparalleled speed that only the light itself could match. He left Uller in the dust, and he wasn't happy about the fact he just got ditched by a trigger-happy, cocaine-addicted overly hyperactive troll. Clenching a fist, a vein appears on Uller's neck threatening to burst, but then instead of punching the ever-loving fuck out of a poor innocent wall, he lets out a long exhale. This wasn't the first time Beryl just fucked off and Uller was already far too used to his brother's bullshit.

Uller: "sigh... ei jumalauta..."

With literally nothing else to do, Uller was going to attempt to catch some more z's, since he was so rudely interrupted by the sounds of a horse coc- I mean, horse conch documentary... Fortunately, or rather, unfortunately, whichever way you look at it, the commotion coming from the dorm room next to his prevented him from embracing his warm, sweet bed. And boy were the phrases thrown around... suggestive...

"Not there Ruby!"

"It doesn't fit!!"

"Weiss, stop hogging everything!"

"Blake, the bed is not a scratch post!"

Uller: "...What in the holy name of Matti Nykänen is happening there... yeah... fuck all of that..."

Deciding not to intrude nor investigate on whatever the fuck was going on inside, Uller silently walked off in a general direction he hoped the classes were at to begin his stay at his Hero Academia- wait, shit wrong show, Uhm, his Beacon Academia... yeah that was really lame, just cue the timeskip already.


Well, whichever way Uller picked was clearly the wrong way. He's been walking through the hallways of Beacon Academy for... a good dozen minutes. And let me tell you, those minutes were the most boring minutes of Uller's life. They however weren't as painful as listening to Beryl 24/7 but they sure as hell were boring alright. The man had about the same sense of direction as Zoro, he somehow managed to end up in the courtyard once, underground by some incubation chamber, in Ozpin's office where the man in question wasn't, and even in some hellish landscape called RWBY Chibi. Uller's failing sanity aside, as he kept walking through the halls, he suddenly heard a booming yell come from behind him with students jumping away from something.

Uller: "What the fuck is with this school? This shit feels like the damn Ashtray Maze! ...sigh, where's Ahti when you need him..."


Uller: "a hwhat now-"

Uller doesn't even have time to say a cat, as a literal group of various coloured blurs rammed into Uller at the speed of sound and promptly picked him up and kidnapped him. Surprise surprise, it was team RWBY and turns out they were being late for class Uller included since they were in the same class as other first years. Oh, and did I mention the guy was being carried under Yang's arm? Yeah, the blonde is STRONG strong, nice.

Uller: "Oh I don't have to walk? Sweet."

Ruby: "Oh man oh man oh man, we're going to be so late!!"

Weiss: "It's because SOMEONE just had to decorate now!"

Blake: "Less talking more running!"

Yang: "Mornin' sunshine."

Uller: "Ah yes, it certainly is morning... wait... Yang?"

Yang: "That's my name, you want an autograph!"

Uller: "Yeah I know dipshit, why are you carrying me like an old sack of potatoes?"

Yang: "Cause you looked like one."

Uller: "...Touché, bitch."

Yang: "Love ya too!"

Ruby: "Guys! Class first, flirting later!"

Yang: "Class, no. Flirting, always!"

Uller: "This is still more tolerable than listening to Beryl exist in the same space..."

Ruby: "By the way... where is Beryl? I thought he would be with you, you know, annoying you."

Uller: "Even with his presence not present, I feel him mocking me... He pissed off with his dumb fuck "GoDsPeEd" and probably popped back home to grab a slice of pizza. He's most likely already in the classroom or rather he better be."

Ruby: "Oh yeah, he's a speedy one."




Team RWBY with the abnormal addition of Uller made it into class just in the nick of time before the bell rang. Although they all took a seat in the same row, there was a vacant seat next to Uller. Lifting an eyebrow at the fact that his gremlin of a brother was somehow missing even with his near lightspeed means of travel.

Uller: "Where the fuck is that flashlight..."

Professor: "Greetings class, my name is Professor Port! And today, we are going to talk about-"


Beryl: "HELLOES! Sorry, I'mlategotlostwhyaretherenomapsinhereIactuallyendedupinsomedarkcastlewithsomedarkdisneyqueenlookingassthingyanywayIhopeI'mnottoolateOhHeyUllerhow'sitgoin-!"


Uller: "Slow the fuck down and be fucking quiet!"

Beryl: "Ah, mybadIwasjustreallystressedsinceit'sourfirstdayandIamalreadylatetoclass-"

-BONK x2-


Beryl: "But you're also yel-"

-BONK x3-


Beryl: "Hey-"

-BONK x4-

Beryl: "OW!"

-BONK x5-


Port: "BOYS!"

Beryl / Uller: "NANDATO?!"


Port: "There's a class in progress here!"

Beryl / Uller: "Okay, and?"

Port: "And you're interrupting it!"

Beryl / Uller: "...And?"

Port: -anger- "sigh... just be silent okay?"

Beryl / Uller: "Oke."

And just like that, the commotion came to an end as the two brothers quieted down and Professor Port was allowed to continue his oh-so-interesting and action-filled lesson about himself in his harem protagonist years.

Port: "... Anyways, as I was going to say... Monsters! Demons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!"

Nobody gave a shit, which was a given, considering listening to the great tale was as interesting and life-fulfilling as watching grass grow. Except for Weiss, cause Weiss is a good girl that likes to make notes about lessons that don't matter. Meanwhile, Blake was reading a book, hardcore smut most likely, like the fucking pervert that she was. Yang was talking about random stuff with Uller, possibly something about alcohol or lighting the sun on fire and Ruby was cocking about with Beryl, no thoughts, head empty.

Port: "Uhhhh... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses.. wink."

Yang: "haha... ha... yeah this feels wrong..."

Uller: "Damn, how shameless, how bold, just straight-up acting like a pedo in class."

Port: "Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world! That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy..."

As most students truly began turning Port's lessons into white noise and started to do whatever they could do in the classroom, meanwhile Ruby and Beryl switched from balancing pencils and apples on their noses to doodling. Their artistic (read: autistic) talent was truly incredible as evident by this beautiful drawing below this line of text.

They are born artists, truly what a blessing to have these two fuckers as classmates. They were truly "built different".

Uller: "More like built incorrect."

Beryl: "Uller stop breaking the fourth wall."

Uller: "No. This shit took more than a year to get done, I will do as I please."

Beryl: "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Uller: "You wouldn't get it."


And then the universe imploded and the show known as RWBY was no more.


Sadly though, this never happened and we are still here, just to suffer. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... Anyways, as Port's """""""""lesson"""""""""" continued as background noise, Ruby and Beryl continued fucking around while Yang and Uller continued talking and arguing on what the best brand of vodka was.

Port: "...Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter', he told me..."

Ruby continued giggling like a child in a candy store and Beryl was chuckling under his breath, ominously. Despite being a considerable distance away from a certain white-haired heiress, the girl in question looked like she might pop a vein.

Port: "In the end, the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high, celebrated as a hero!"

She crunched the pencil she was holding into atoms as Ruby and Beryl continued messing about, clearly getting on her nerves. Although Ruby didn't seem to notice and Beryl... well if he did notice, he sure as hell didn't give a shit.

Port: "The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honourable!"

Yang and Uller were now engaged in a gruelling arm-wrestling competition, which happened to slightly break the desk underneath their arms.

Port: "A true Huntsman must be dependable!"

Ruby and Beryl were now both asleep, leaning onto one another as they dreamed of drowning in cookies and ice cream respectively.

Port: "A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!"

And now Uller, Beryl, Yang and Ruby were playing poker against one another with Blake being the dealer, she even had a fake moustache on. Yang was currently in the lead with a shit-eating grin on full display and multiple ace cards falling out of her sleeve, Ruby was attempting to read the rule book while unconsciously chewing on some cards, Beryl was some-fucking-how playing with Yu-Gi-Oh! cards and Uller fell asleep with a card tower on his head, courtesy of Beryl.



Ruby: "uuuuuh... GO FISH?!"

Uller: "Zzzzzzzzz... Draw four.... zzzzzz"

Blake: "You're all so fucking bad at this game..."

Port: "So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Weiss: "I DO SIR!"

Port: "Well then, let's find out if you can put your lien where your mouth is! Go ahead and gear up, then face your opponent!"

And with an HMPF, Weiss fucked off to change into her "combat skirt" and grab her rapier. What a noob, needing her weapon to do cool stuff. The remainder of the team RWBY and team BEUL all stopped playing cards to instead focus on the upcoming fight. Blake pulled out a flag with RWBY on it, some-fucking-how, don't question it, Yang and Ruby both had those big oversized gloves you see at baseball games with a capital W on it, Beryl somehow managed to rob an entire store of Weiss merch, completed with a bodypillow, a cap and a t-shirt, which he, again somehow, managed to forcibly clothe Uller with. Waking up from his tranquil slumber, Uller noticed what he was wearing and promptly burned them to ash, much to Beryl's comical cries of protest. Weiss returned, fully equipped in her combat uniform, she didn't even bother starting to question where Beryl got... those things, or even how. Instead, she focused on the closed cage in front of her and the armed Port who was more than ready to let the captured beast out.


Blake: "Fight well!"

Uller: "Die."

Beryl: "Die, but with style!"

Ruby: "Please don't die... Anyway, YEAH REPRESENT TEAM RWBY!"

Weiss: "Ruby! Be quiet, I'm trying to focus!"

Ruby: "Oh... uhm, sorry..."

Beryl: "Don't worry about it, she's a Tsun-Tsun."

Uller: "Never say that near me again... Also, please proceed with the dying part, faster please."

Weiss: "Shut up you idiots!"

Uller: "You cannot hope to command me albino bitch."

Port: "...Alright then... Let the match... BEGIN!"

And with those words the fight began, Port slammed his axe-musket thing into the lock of the cage breaking it upon impact and allowing the Grimm inside to be free and begin its assault. The Boarbatusk wasted no time and immediately charged at the first person it laid its eyes upon. That person in question was Weiss who responded by bending her knees and with a steady stance, changed the Grimm's directory while also jumping out of harm's way. Lifting herself from the ground, she found herself in a staredown with her adversary, both studying each other while mentally preparing for the next move.

Port: "HA HA HAAA! Wasn't expecting that now weren't you!"

Ruby: "Hang in there Weiss!"

Beryl: "C'mon Weiss, beat its furry ass!"

After a few gruelling seconds, the Boarbatusk began to charge towards Weiss who with a genius thought, also charged at the Grimm. A brilliant strategy if Beryl says so himself, however, it didn't work well for Weiss, who would have thought. She's not the main character. So her rapier managed to get stuck between the boar's tusks, effectively rendering it fucking useless. Weiss, being the big-brained individual she is, didn't use the dust loaded into Myrtenaster's chamber, instead, she played a tug of war with the Grimm. That too didn't end well for her as it threw the sword from her and to the back of the classroom.

Beryl: "She's screwed."

Uller: "Boring! More blood, more screaming, more... anything really..."

Ruby: "Don't give up Weiss! Go for its belly, it has no armour there!"

Weiss: "Stop telling me what to do!!"

Ruby: "...Sorry..."

Beryl: "...Ookay that's not normal cranky panty Weiss huh."

The boar once again charges at Weiss, like a pokemon who knows only one fucking move, but she manages to dodge to the side and snatch her sword back. The Boarbatusk just bonks the front row desks, bounces off and immediately regains its bearings. This time though, instead of charging at Weiss the same way it has these past few times it jumps into the air and starts spinning on the ground like Sonic The Furry Fucking Hedgehog.

Beryl / Nora: "Rolling around at the speed of sound~ Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow~"

Uller: "...Pain."

Blake: "And a whole lot of it..."

Weiss, finally using the one lone brain cell dancing ballet in her head, decided to actually use her semblance, which was making Glyphs, WoW sO cOoL, to create a shield in front of her and have the Grimm bounce back. This strategy worked flawlessly, which is really odd considering she thought of it. Following the Grimm's subduing, Weiss jumped up high into the air, used her glyph to propel herself forward and with a single powerful thrust to the belly, the Boarbatusk was no more. What a great (read: fucking boring) fight that was!

Port: "And we have a winner!! It appears we are in the presence of a true Huntress-in-training! However students, I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!"

Beryl: "Ay bro you owe me fifty liens! PAY UP!"

Uller: "Fuck, this is your fault Ice Bitch! There goes my allowance for the next five seconds..."

Beryl: "Hehehe, MONEH! I can buy that all-flavoured lollipop from the cafeteria now!"

Uller: "This fight was fucking rigged! Rigged I tell you!"

Yang: "Uhm... shouldn't you be happy she's alive?"

Uller: "Yeah yeah sure, she won't be for long if I keep losing money because of her."

And with those words everyone packed up and left, Weiss turned her gaze towards her team leader, and with a glare filled with anger, left the class before any of her teammates could even talk to her. And Beryl just fucked off at the speed of light to go buy himself an all-flavoured lollipop which costs 50 fucking lien for some reason, with Uller's money, which he will get back someday and somehow, legal or not.

Jaune: "Sheesh... what's up with her..."

Nora: -Samsung sound-


As every student left the classroom to go wherever they wished, with Team RWBY going off in separate directions, Ruby following Weiss as she stormed off the scene like a fucking diva and Yang and Blake went into their dorm room to attempt to finish the given homework. Meanwhile, our two idiots, Beryl and Uller were walking back to their dorm room to engage in the sacred ritual of sleep, with the white-haired guy having a multi-coloured lollipop in his mouth that was about the size of his fist. Uller had a raised eyebrow as he watched the quickly changing expressions on Beryl's face, from a look that screamed "THIS SHIT SOUR!" to "MHMMMM, SWEEEEEEET..." to "BLEGH, BITTER!" and somehow, "FUCKING SPICY?!?!".

Uller: "...The fuck is wrong with you?"

Beryl: "You know -LICK- I was expecting there to only be the good flavours."

Uller: "And?"

Beryl: "Who thought bacon was a good flavour for a lollipop? Oh, there's eggs, blegh. OOOH, BLUEBERRIES!"

Uller: "...What fucking BeanBoozled bullshit is that lollipop... This is the shit you blew MY money on? Mother would be ashamed."

Beryl: "Silence Jimbo! I am a working adult and I choose what I use my money on!"

Uller: "One: That's MY money! Two: You aren't even an adult yet! And three: You don't do shit, not even housework!"

Beryl: "Why would I do that?"

Uller: "...I will hurt you."

Beryl: "If you can catch me."

Uller: "...This feels familiar."

The two continued to bicker and argue until a group of familiar faces appeared before them. It was team JNPR! What an unexpected surprise! It's almost like these fuckers haven't appeared at all during this chapter! WOOHOO! Shut up, please. Make me!

Jaune: "Oh hey guys!"

Beryl: "WASSUP!"


Uller: "Why."

Ren: "I ask myself that question every day."

Pyrrha: "Hello again!"

Jaune: "Since when are you guys getting along so well?"

Beryl / Nora: "Since forever!"

Uller / Ren: "sigh... there's two of them now..."

Jaune: "Great! That wasn't an answer."

Pyrrha: "So, how has your day been?"

Beryl: "I'm rich! Also, these all-flavoured lollipops are a scam!"

Nora: "I know right! They don't even have pancake flavoured ones!"

Ren: "For the last time Nora, pancake flavoured lollipops don't exist."

Nora: "They should!"

Beryl: "Yeah!"

Uller: "Pancake? You know what... I'm not going to even ask, I'm betting it's something crazy..."

Ren: "Yes."

Uller: "Who would have fucking thought... How do you survive?"

Ren: "Coffee."

Uller: "Mhm, makes sense. Know any good flavours?"

Ren: "Yep, here are my personal favourites."

Pyrrha: "So would you all like to hang out sometime?"

Beryl: "Like now?"

Nora: "Now is good!"

Jaune: "Well I'm free to hang out!"

Ren: "That would be enjoyable."

Uller: "Can I be excused from the gathering of mentally challenged individuals?"

Beryl: "No."

Uller: "Ah for fucks sake..."

Beryl: "Let's go right now! Come hang out in our totally awesome room!"

Uller: "...You did hide your mags though, right?"

Beryl: "What mags? Everything's digital. The future is now old man!"

Uller: "The underside of your bed tells a different story."

Beryl: "That's backup in case a worldwide EMP goes off or the apocalypse happens."

Uller: "But it's still mags under your bed, mate."

Jaune: "Why do you have gun magazines under your bed?"

Uller: "...You are either incredibly stupid or naive... and I cannot tell which one I hate more..."

Ren: "They mean different kinds of mags."

Nora: "...Fashion magazines?"

Ren: "Yes Nora, those magazines."

Nora: "OOooooooooh, I don't think they are working so well for you Beryl."

Uller: "Oh shit!... I suddenly don't hate you anymore."

Beryl: "You just went from my BFF to my prime enemy."

Nora: "But at least you try, unlike Uller."

Uller: "Being lazy is a style, little one. And I'm fucking rocking it."

Pyrrha: "Let's calm down. I think everyone looks good!"

Uller: "Oh great, the opinion of a saint."

Beryl: "Yes I know I'm gorgeous."

Jaune: "So with that out of the way, let's get a move one!"

And so the group of six perfectly mentally capable students quickly made their way into team BEUL's room. Upon reaching the dorm room and opening the door, Nora immediately rummaged through the room faster than a fucking bullet before any of the two brothers could stop her. Luckily, Beryl's stash remained hidden. Before Nora could turn the entire room upside down, quite literally, she was stopped by a swift right cross by Uller, sending her into the same wall in which Beryl was sent yesterday.

Beryl: "That poor wall isn't going to last the semester..."

Uller: "Doesn't affect my mornings, the school pays for it."

Jaune: "Let's not break the wall, please?"

Uller: "I make no promises."

Beryl: "Nah."

Pyrrha: "Don't you think you were a bit too violent with Nora, Uller?"

Uller: "Nope."

Ren: "Nope."

Nora: "Nope!"

As the entire crew got inside the room, they looked around in sheer confusion at the... "decorations" which adorned the idiot's room. But before they could ask any questions, Beryl was the one to bring out the dreaded, the most fun, the most entertaining, friendship-ending game of all time. A game that defies logic and common sense. A game that no mortal can understand. Only those with a degree in 3rd-grade mathematics can play it properly. It. Is... UNO.

Ren: "Take a +2."

Jaune: "I'll stack."


Uller: "...This is a declaration of war."

Beryl: "This is UNO after all."




With the sun setting under the horizon and midnight rising, the intensely fatal game of UNO ended a while ago, with some of the cards burned, they were playing with Uller after all, and the two teams of JNPR and BEUL opted to instead converse with each other while enjoying some snacks and drinks that Uller and Beryl reluctantly shared, in either annoyance or in fear of Nora, rather than continue with another round. Not sure if the others could survive another game with Nora's and Beryl's bullshittery on the loose.

Casting the card game aside, the crew all sat in around team BEUL's room, with Uller laying on his own bed because fuck you, it's his room, Beryl and Pyrrha sitting on Beryl's bed, Jaune sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, Ren sitting on the ground leaning against Uller's bed with Nora next to him. The talks ranged from internet memes and recent events with colourful commentary, different brands of coffee and ice cream, a strength tier list between different teams, favourite manga/anime discussions (which was the most heated debate by far), the best restaurants and fast food places around Vale and of course, one last mental battle of attrition, a horrific scarring event, Spin the bottle. Which created such wonderful memories and tales such as Beryl being punched into the wall, again, for asking Uller a rather embarrassing question. Jaune laying on his back passed out shitfaced drunk and Uller still drinking next to him completely unaffected by such weak alcohol after Nora dared them to have a drinking competition. Ren sitting on Nora's lap due to Beryl's dare, which neither one seemed embarrassed about, and Pyrrha accidentally spearing some unfortunate fellow into a tree from the collar of his shirt by the courtesy of Uller, who was on the floor laughing his soul out while Pyrrha had to retrieve her spear and apologize. As the day concludes, with team JNPR going back into their dorm, who can truly predict what these two idiots can get themselves into.




"I just really needed, like test subjects for videos and now I have like what, six, seven, eight of those fuckers? Do you know how many people I could taze?!"


Braggski: mems. Lots and lots of memes in this and future chapters, prepare your vote button and enjoy!

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