The Kidnapping Of Kallie Jone...

By Franta_21

157K 2.6K 750

Kallie Emma Jones is 14-year-old daughter of 'The Savior' Emma Swan and Killian 'Hook' Jones. With Henry all... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (Part 1)
Chapter Seventeen (Part 2)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty (Epiloge)

Chatper Twenty-Seven

1K 19 4
By Franta_21

A/N: I apologize in advance. This chapter is dark as hell, and it contains a very dark side of Felix. You've been warned.

As soon as we discovered Felix's plan for Pandora's box, we raced through the forest towards the echo caves- hoping we weren't too late to save Tinkerbell. We ran out of the bushes and spotted Felix walking towards the entrance. Regina quickly formed a fireball in her palm, then hurled it toward him. It exploded against the side of the cave's opening, stopping him in his tracks. He stood there for a moment before turning around, facing us. Pandora's Box was still in his hand.

We were just in time.

Felix glared at us, then darted his eyes towards Chase. His eyebrow raised, "Playing hero now? Traitor."

"I'm trying to do the right thing," Chase replied. Felix chuckled, shaking his head. "Pan's gone now." He continued. "You don't have to follow his orders anymore."

"It's over, Felix." My mom spoke up, stepping forward. "Give us Pandora's Box, and we can all go separate ways." Felix tilted his head like he was considering it, but a smirk quickly appeared on his face.

"No," He answered. "I'm loyal to Pan in life and death." He paused for a brief moment. "And I'm not the only one." We all exchanged looks of confusion. Our eyes turned to Felix as he whistled through his fingers.

Within seconds, we were surrounded by lost boys. Most of them I didn't recognize, but everyone else certainly did.

"The original lost boys." My dad said.

Original lost boys?

My head turned to Henry as he stared at one of the lost boys. The boy had dark brown hair, freckles, and a dark green and blue handkerchief around his neck. He also had a long scar right in the middle of his cheek.

From the way he was looking at my brother, he wasn't too happy to see him.

"Winners get the box," Felix announced with a shrug. It didn't take long for my parents and Henry to pull out their swords. Regina rubbed her palms with her fingers as they geared up for a fight.

Next thing I knew, swords and wooden sticks collided in the air. Fireballs were being thrown by Regina and dodged by the lost boys. Frozen in place, I stood there watching the scene in front of me. I knew I should help, but I didn't know how. I didn't have my sword or anything around me to use as one. I had no control over my magic either. I was not about to risk accidentally opening a portal again with my family so close to the lost boys.

I couldn't fight, but maybe I could get Pandora's box from Felix.

My eyes scanned the battlefield looking for Felix and spotted him running into the forest. I growled under my breath, then spotted Henry's sword he had dropped. I ran and grabbed it, rushing after Felix, not letting him get away.

"Kallie!" My mom called out after me. I raced after Felix until we were in an open area again. He was about to run off into the woods again. I stopped in my tracks and hurled Henry's sword as hard as I could toward Felix. It flew passed his head and hit the tree in front of him. He stopped, staring at it stuck in the tree. A chuckle escaped his lips; then, he looked over his shoulder at me.

"You have really bad aim," He said, then turned back. He yanked the sword out to the tree and whipped his body around, fully facing me.

"I don't want to hurt you," I replied. "I just want the box back."

"Well." He smiled. "You're gonna have to fight me for it." A sinister smirk appeared on his face. My eyes darted to the ground for a second. "What's wrong, Kallie? Afraid of me?" He teased, raising an eyebrow. I flickered my eyes up to him, then remembered all of this was his fault. He was the reason I was in Neverland in the first place.

Yes, Peter Pan was the one who told him to bring me here, but Felix was the one who took me from Storybrooke. He was the one stalking me at school. After everything he had done, I wasn't afraid of him. I was angry with him. I felt my hand ball into fists. My eyes flickered up at him. I opened my palms, and tried to create a fireball like Regina did.

A faint flame appeared, but quickly vanished from my palm. I tired again, and again, but nothing. My brows narrowed as I stared at my hand. Why wasn't my magic working? How was I able to create a portal a hour ago, but not a simple fireball in my hand now?

"Having magic trouble?" He teased, chuckling. My head popped up to him. My heart skipped a beat as a devilish smirk appeared on his face. "Maybe you shouldn't have save Henry." He strolled towards me, swinging the sword side to side. I stumbled backwards, backing away from him. "Because now you can't save yourself." I felt my back hit against the hollow tree. Before I could move, Felix pushed me more into the tree, standing inches away. His sword held her my chin, close to my throat. A chuckle escaped his lips as his eyes looked me up and down.

"Just as I thought." He whispered, his eyes locking on mine. "You've been pretending to be brave and fearless...? But deep down, you're nothing, but a scared little girl." I knew exactly what he was trying to do. Playing mind games.

Just like Pan would.

"The only person I feared on this island is gone." I replied, then leaned my head forward. "I'm not afraid of you, Felix."

He smirked. "You should be." His hand gripped onto my shoulder, trying to hold me still as the other with the sword raised up behind him. I had survive Neverland this far, and there was no way I was going down without a fight now. So I did what any girl would do and kicked him between the legs, hard. He yelped dropping the sword and hunched over, pain shooting through his body. I took my chance and whacked his other hand off my shoulder before diving for my brother's sword. He growled under his breath, then spun around as I stood up and held the sword out. His face was inches away from the tip.

"Am I still a scared little girl to you?" I asked rhetorically, creaking a smirk. His eyes glared at me. He creaked a smirk and slowly stood up straight. Since I was short the sword was level with his abdomen. His eyes glanced at the sword, then looked at me.

"You're not gonna hurt me." He said shaking his head. "Not because you don't want it. Because you don't have it in you." He added, egging me on. My brows rasied, questioningly. Did he want me to kill him? What would happen to him if I did? What would happen to me if I did? "Proof to me you're not a scared little girl." He teased.

"I'm not." I stated, then lowered the sword to by side. "But I'm also not gonna hurt you." I said shaking my head. Felix tilted his head interested by the next thing I said. "I'm not gonna become what Pan wanted for himself. I choose light over the darkness." My eyes flickered away as my head turned to the side. Something square caught my eye on the ground and immediately I knew it was Pandora's Box. Felix must have dropped it when he shoveled me against the tree. My lips pierced into a grin, I glanced over at Felix, who had followed my gaze and saw it too.

"Don't be stupid, Kallie." He warned me, but I didn't listen.

Tink was our only way home.

I spun on my heels as I dropped the sword, racing towards the box. Felix sighed and chased after me. He tackled me to the ground just before I could grab it. He pulled me toward him, flipping me on my back. I tried to fight him off, but he overpowered me. He sat on top of me, focusing my hands above my head with one hand.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance." He whispered, then reached into his boot and pulled out a small dagger. "This is for Pan." He raised the dagger up like he had done with the sword. This time I closed my eyes and waited for death. A few seconds passed, but nothing ever came. Instead, there was hear-shattering screaming, then a thud. I didn't want to open my eyes, but when I did, Felix was face down next to me. I quickly scrambled away from him, then looked up. Regina stood behind his body, dropping ashes onto the ground.

She had killed him the same way Pan killed Henry.

I grabbed Pandora's box and stood up. My body was shaking like crazy. My mind was racing, try to sort out everything that happened between Felix and I. Felix wanted to turn my heart black, fill it with darkness just like Pan's, but when that didn't work, he was determined to get revenge for his death.

"Kal? Kal?" A touch against my skin made me jump out of my skin, yanking me back into reality. I looked up and saw my mom. "Kallie, it's okay. You're safe now." She cooed, trying to comfort me.

"I- I just wanted to help." I whispered. She nodded, understanding. I glanced behind her, only seeing Regina. "Where's dad and Henry?"

"Watching the lost boys." She answered. I tensed up a little at her mention of them. Would they want revenge on Pan's death too? "All they want is a place to call home, and Storybrooke can offer that to them." A grin pierced through my lips. "Not all of them are like Pan and Felix." I nodded, then hugged my mom. We walked towards Regina, my mom's arm wrapped around my shoulder. I handed Regina Pandora's box and she smiled, looking at it. My mom looked at Regina and said with a smile.

"Now, we can go home."

* * * * * *

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