Red (Manjiro "Mikey" Sano x O...

By CrimsonMerc

248K 8.8K 1K

Sano "Mikey" Manjiro was a boy who couldn't care less about girls or relationships. To him, all that mattered... More

...Happy Birthday Mikey...


5.2K 183 10
By CrimsonMerc

~ Christmas Conflict ~

In the morning, Draken woke Mikey, urgently telling him that they had to go. 

The sleepy blonde looked at Naoka's sleeping figure beside him and his eyes widened, cheeks turning pink as he recalled the events from last night. He couldn't stop the smile that tugged at his lips, and he couldn't help but brush a strand of hair from her face.

'She looks so beautiful, even when she sleeps.' He didn't want to leave her after what happened last night, fearing that she might think he's an asshole.

After they had fallen asleep last night, he woke up a little while later with her still fast asleep in his arms. He picked her up and carried her to his room, kicking everyone out and into the main house so that she could sleep peacefully. Once everyone left without a fuss and he lay her down, he climbed in next to her and ended up falling into dreamland once again.

"I don't want to leave her after last night Ken-chin." Mikey said so softly that Draken almost missed what he said.

"What happened last night-" Draken started, but suddenly flinched, catching Mikey's attention who turned to him confused.


"Wait, did you two-"

"What?" Mikey asked still confused until he realised what the tattooed male was implying, and his eyes went wide. "No, No! No way! O- of course not!" He whisper shouted so that he wouldn't wake his sleeping beauty.

"Then come on! Let's go!" Draken whispered back harshly as he dragged a flustered Mikey away "Just leave her a text saying you had to go, I'm sure she will understand."

'But I don't wanna go.'


Naoka woke up alone on a bed she knew was not her own. It wasn't until her gaze fell to the dorayaki patterned blanket that she realised it was Mikey's. She remembered having fallen asleep outside with him, so she imagined he or someone must've carried her here.

She felt lonely and wondered if he left because he couldn't face her after what happened last night.

'Does he regret it?' She wondered.

The dark haired girl pulled her knees up to her chest, hugging them as she felt like an idiot. She knew she shouldn't have expected something to come from kissing him, but she let herself think it would anyway.

After all, he was someone she believed to be worthy of so much more than little old her. He had a gang to command, things to do. Why would he want to waste time running around with some girl like her?

A small buzz sounded from her phone, and she picked it up to see a message from Mikey.

When she opened it, she felt a little stupid for the way she had just been overthinking and a smile tugged at her lips as she fell back holding a pillow over her face to hide the blush.

Mikey: Morning Red, sorry Ken-chin dragged me away for Toman business wish I could've stayed cuddling you! I'll talk to you later, bye bye xx

She felt really, really stupid. She wasn't the type to overthink things, yet here she was, and it was all because of a boy.

Her feelings were a lot stronger than she thought they originally were, and she was going to have to get herself under control.


A few days had passed and before they knew it, it was Christmas. Somehow, she managed to find herself getting mixed up in the Tokyo Manji Gangs conflict. It wasn't intentional, she just so happened to walk into it, literally.

She had been walking, thinking about Mikey and the other day when they kissed at Chifuyu's birthday. It had been a while since then and the two hadn't seen each other. Therefore, they hadn't talked about the kiss. He seemed to be dodging her and it was starting to hurt.

However, he wasn't dodging at all, in fact he wanted to spend so much time with her, but with everything going on in the gang, he hadn't had the time, not even just to flick her a text. Someone or something was always interrupting hum or pulling him away. He just hoped that Naoka understood.

As she walked along in the cool night, she heard the annoying voice of a boy that she hated. Looking around the corner, she saw Kisaki Tetta talking to a tall girl with long brown hair.

She seemed familiar, and it didn't take her long to realise she was Shiba Yuzuha. She had seen photos of her on Mitsuya's phone a few times. She hastily pulled out her phone to record.

This was the exact kind of evidence her and Takemichi needed.

Kisaki was handing her something, and upon focusing her hearing, she saw that he was giving her a knife to kill her brother. Naoka wasn't surprised with Kisaki's dirty tactics, but she knew that she had to put a stop to it.

She wasn't so stupid as to confront him and Hanma, so she would just have to try and convince the girl.

Once they left, she went after Yuzuha.

"Stop." Naoka called which caused the long haired girl to freeze, turning over her shoulder to stop her.

"Who are you?" The girl asked and the lilac eyed girl could sense the hostility from a mile away.

"Uh, I guess you could say we have mutual friends? But look, the point is, you can't listen to what that guy said, he's bad news." Naoka warned the girl who continued to be on guard.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know you, and this isn't any of your business." She spoke coldly.

"I know, but please, just think about what you're going to do. Don't be reckless-"

Naoka's face was met with a fist, and her head snapped to the side as she clutched her cheek. She couldn't lie, she was a little surprised at the girl's sudden outburst.

"I told you this isn't your business, so get out of my way." She seethed before walking past, shoving Naoka's shoulder as she did.

"Wait!-" She went to chase after her but felt a tug on her wrist. Her blood went cold when she recognised the tattoo on the hand that had grabbed her and turned to see Hanma Shuji smirking down at her.

"Well, well, well? What's this? We've caught ourselves a little kitten, Kisaki."

'How the fuck do I get out of this?' She thought as she roughly pulled her arm from Hanma's grip. She tried to leave, but once again felt a hand on her shoulder stopping her.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Let me go, Hanma." She said struggling against him, she could see Kisaki behind him smirking. Those cold grey eyes sending a chill down her spine.

"Sorry Naoka. You know that you're a liability now, don't you? If you breathe a word of this to anyone, we're screwed out of Toman." He told her, and she knew that things weren't looking good, she had to act fast, or else she knew they wouldn't hesitate to kill her where she stood.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" She tried to lie, but Hanma cut her off with a laugh.

"Don't play coy with us darling, we aren't as stupid as you may think." He said using his other hand to twirl her long dark hair between his fingertips and she flinched away from him which he found amusing.

"Mikey's pretty little thing goes and gets herself caught. Now that is just too sad, isn't it? That boys sure been through a lot, imagine what he's going to feel like when he hears his precious little- OOF!"

She brought her leg up, connecting with Hanma's balls which caused him to stumble back and hunch over. He had been distracted, and she took this as her opportunity to run.

"Anyone ever told you, you talk too much?" She muttered under her breath as she pushed her body to move faster and further away from them.

She knew he was coming after her, his loud footsteps pounding against the pavement as he closed in on her. His legs were a lot longer than her shorter ones, so she just had to fight harder.

Her lungs burned and her legs felt heavy as she pushed herself to her limit, knowing she had to if she was going to have a chance at outrunning a tall freak like him.

Hanma lunged for her, but she shifted just in time, smashing into the wall which resulted in her knocking her head hard. Hanma wasn't without injury either as he fell flat on his face, not having expected her to dodge him.

He had underestimated her.

She took the opportunity to step on his back causing him to grunt as she ran to get in front once again.

'Oh, how I wish I could've stepped on him in stilettos.'

She ended up running out onto the road where a bike just so happened to be speeding down it at the same time. The driver and passenger of the bike's eyes widened when they nearly crashed right into her, managing to manoeuvre out of the way and skidding to a halt. She stumbled backwards hitting the pavement hard.

Through her hazy vision she looked up to see two familiar blondes and she breathed a sigh of relief.

'Safe' she thought.

Mikey quickly hopped off his bike, leaving it to Draken as he ran over to the girl he had missed so much who was laying on the ground.

"Fuck!" Hanma cursed as he slipped back into the shadows of the alley. He knew Kisaki was going to be pissed about this.

She had gotten away.

Kisaki realised in that moment that every time he would plan something, Naoka always managed to get in his way. With Draken, Baji, and now this. She was keeping Mikey in the light, and he needed to get rid of her once and for all.

"Naoka!" Mikey called her name as he ran in her direction. She continued to breathe in relief seeing them, and she ran into Mikey's outstretched arms. Her whole body was shaking, and he knew it wasn't from the cold.

"What's going on?" Draken worried as he propped the bike up before coming over to the two.

"Naoka, please look at me." His voice held so much concern as his shaky hands cupped her face. She tore her gaze from the alleyway, her frazzled lilac eyes finally meeting his dark ones. "What the hell happened? You're shaking..."

He noticed her forehead was scraped, his eyes widening as his hand moved over it in worry. "Who the fuck did this?" His words were so cold she felt a chill, not sure if it was from the weather or him.

"I-" She didn't know where to start, and Mikey could tell there was something bigger going on right now, he had felt it all night.

There was only one word she was able to mutter out and Mikey understood.


They made their way there as quickly as they could. Luckily her bike wasn't far from where they were so Mikey told Draken to look after her and meet at the church while he went ahead.

"Don't you dare let any harm come to her Ken-chin or I'll kick your ass into next week." He whispered to the taller blonde so the dark haired girl wouldn't hear. There was a serious undertone in his words that Draken knew not to mess with.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." He sighed and Mikey narrowed his eyes causing Draken to roll his. "You know you can count on me, idiot."

Of course, Mikey did.

He hurried into the church while Draken and Naoka hung around outside. It had almost been like people were waiting for Mikey to leave because once he did, members of Black Dragon started emerging from the shadows.

At first it was just a few, but before they knew it, there were dozens and dozens of them. Naoka looked to Draken who didn't appear to be worried at all, but she swallowed nervously wondering if he could really take them all on.

"I can help." She said confidently but Draken shook his head.

"Nope, Mikey would kick my ass if I let anything happen to you. Go wait up by the entrance." Draken said placing a hand on her back as he escorted her somewhere safer, and she pouted.

"But I can help!" She whined like a child and Draken cracked a smile finding it rather cute.

"Just because you ride a motorcycle doesn't make you a badass."

"Mhmm it does, actually." She sassed and he shook his head in disbelief.

'Jeez, those two are more similar than they even realise.'

Their argument was cut short when the Black Dragon members started closing in on them, and before they even knew it, Draken had started taking them down one by one.

The tattooed male was managing them, however, there were just too many and they soon started to go after Naoka, figuring it would distract him.

"Naoka! Look out!" Draken panicked, not realising she actually knew how to fight, but was very impressed when she hooked one right in the face causing him to tumble down the stairs.

Her fight style was eerily similar to her brother's, which made sense, and a lot of the black dragons noticed this as Wakasa was once a part of them.

The piercing lilac eyes stood out to some of them, and it made them question on whether or not they should really be fighting back against her.

After all, everything pointed to the fact that she was Wakasa's little sister, and they all held a great respect for him.

Draken and Naoka managed to handle them all, and some even fled, afraid that if the White Leopard ever found out, they would be murdered.

Once they took care of everything, the two patiently waited outside sitting on the steps until Mikey and the others came out.

"Oh, are things done in there already?" Draken asked.

"Hehe yep." Mikey gave them a closed eye smile as he slowly walked toward Naoka. "It was a piece of -" He froze when he spotted the smallest smidge of blood on the dark haired girls cheek and his eyes widen as he looked to Draken with a pissed off look.


"Relax! she's fine Mikey, it's not even her blood." Draken said as he walked over to her, using his thumb to wipe it off. "She can handle herself you know." He added, but Mikey wasn't impressed. The two began bickering and she started laughing which made the others burst out into fits of laughter, still running off adrenaline from the win.

She got up and hugged Mikey which he immediately responded to, holding her tightly. His eyes closed as he relished in the fact that she was now safe in his arms. He had been waiting for this for so long. He had been wanting to talk to her for what felt like forever, to be with her again, and here she was in his arms again.

He had missed her so much.

The look he saw in her eyes earlier had instilled a fear in him he didn't know was possible. She was fearing for her life, and he knew it. That was something else he desperately wanted to talk about.

However, it was going to have to wait. For tonight, they were going to enjoy the rest of their Christmas.

"What happened, are you okay?" She asked noticing his injuries and he carefully brushed her hands away as he told her it was nothing but a scratch.


The others all ended up taking a Christmas ride and found themselves stopping in a familiar park.

Yuzuha ended up approaching Naoka, thanking her for putting doubts in her head because if she hadn't, she might've really killed her brother. They hugged it out, falling into easy conversation and soon enough, they become friends. In fact, they become very close to the point that Mikey began to get angry that she was taking so much time from him.

Mikey didn't warm to the brown haired girl at all as she had hurt Naoka earlier. That wasn't something he was just going to let go.

Eventually Naoka took Mikey away from the group because there was something she wanted to give to him.

"Merry Christmas, Mikey." She said as she pulled a small box from her pocket. His eyes widened as he looked at it, then back to her. She rolled her eyes because he was taking too long and grabbed his hand, stuffing the box into it. "Keep in mind that I made it myself."

He opened it carefully and smiled softly when he saw what was inside. It was a red and black woven bracelet. It was like she was giving him a piece of herself, and he felt so honoured to have received a gift from her that she made herself that he almost felt tears prick his eyes. No one had ever given him something like this before.

'I'm never going to take this off'.

"Thank you," He whispered as he let her put it on his wrist, her cold fingers tickling his warm skin "I feel bad, I didn't get you anything."

"That's okay, I didn't expect you to or anything." She said playfully as they listened to the others behind them, Takemichi still crying even though he and Hinata had made up and were back together.

Looking at each other knowingly, they peaked around behind them before sneaking off to go down under the bridge by the riverbank. It was a lot chillier down there, but it was quieter.

He noticed her small shakes and pulled her to face him. She looked up into those pools that reminded her of the night sky while his own watched his actions. He took his jacket off without hesitation, wrapping it around her shoulders and pulled it tight to make sure she was snug. She blushed lightly at the action, her eyes still not leaving his.

"Thanks Mikey." She said quietly, but he heard her. A small smile tugging at his lips as his hand brushed against her jaw.

"It's just a jacket." He hummed.

"That's not the only thing I mean." She said and he knew what she meant. With his mind acting on it's own he leaned his head forward to rest against her own and her breathing hitched. He closed his eyes, and they just stayed like that for a moment, enjoying each other's warmth in the cold night. Mikey's scent reached her nose and she found herself falling deeper into him, helplessly.

"I'll always keep you safe, and warm." He promised. Her eyes fluttered close, his voice lulling her into pure bliss as her heart skipped a beat.

"I know what I can give you~" He whispered so low she almost couldn't hear him.

"What is it?"

He tilted her chin up slowly, looking into her beautiful lilac eyes before they shifted to her soft plump lips. Ever so delicately, he brought his lips to meet hers in a sweet, gentle kiss. The wind picked up, but they didn't feel it. Instead, they were both lost in the blissful, addicting feeling of each other's lips.

They were interrupted when they heard the others shouting looking for them and he sighed, irritated that they were interrupted while she giggled playfully at his frustration.

He pulled away to look at her, but still close enough to keep her warm as his hands still held onto her small waist.

"I guess they're missing us, hm?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, we better go."


He later dropped her home after speaking to Takemichi. He even walked her right up to her door, hand in hand as they did. Once they arrived at her doorstep, they both felt their moods drop.

'I'm not ready for this night to be over.'

'I'm not ready to let her hand go just yet.'

She turned to look up at him, while his dark eyes were already looking into her lilac ones. Taking him by surprise, she tiptoed to place a lingering kiss on his cheek and his eyes widened momentarily before a pink hue coated his pale cheeks with warmth.

"What was that for?" he asked clearing his throat, an action she found adorable due to his pink cheeks which she wasn't sure was from her kiss or the cold.

"You know what that was for," She teased as she opened the door, sadly letting go of his hand. "Good night, blondie. Thanks for saving me."

He watched as she closed the door, unable to speak a word as he felt as giddy as the teenage kid he was.

He touched it fondly, unable to stop the stupid smile that took over his face, he was grinning like a kid on Christmas morning, which wasn't far off and remained like that until he made it back to his bed, dreaming of her.


Hey guys! 

Longer update than usual. Hope you enjoyed! Updates will become slower as my life is now becoming busier. 

Don't worry, I wont be abandoning the story, just more likely to only be able to update once a week.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Every one is appreciated!

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